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July 26, 2006



-Bo, Hope, Chelsea, Billie, Patrick, Abe, Lexie, Celeste, Roman, and Shane are with John as he tries to wake up Marlena. Lexie tells John to remember her warning about Marlena. Marlena comes to and throws John off of her. She pulls out a gun and tells them all to back off. John professes his love and devotion for Marlena and says he knows the woman he loves is still there. Roman tries to get through to her as well. Marlena clutches her head and tries to fight the voices in her head that she is sure are her own. She says she doesn't need him or anyone-she wants to destroy them all. She opens fire on them all as they all duck out of the way. Marlena runs off. John decides to go after her. Lexie reminds him of what she said earlier and that John may have to make a choice since Marlena is a danger to everyone. John understands. Shane wants to go with him but John orders him to lead the rescue and not worry about him. He has a job to do but he doesn't want it at the expense of others. He tells Shane to not wait for him if everyone is on the boats and ready. He runs off to search for Marlena. Shane and the others note how unstable the island is getting and hear the volcano rumbling. They decide to find any stragglers and get a move on.

-Mimi is still devestated over Bonnie's death. Rex is there for her. Cassie warns Rex not to get involved with Mimi again. She sees the look in Rex's eyes and thinks he is still in love with Mimi. They reach the rescue boats. Kate gets on board with a badly burned Philip, Belle and Sami do not want to leave as they have loved ones still in the island. Shawn urges them to get on board. Belle and Sami both refuse and then run off to find the others. Shawn, Austin, and Lucas go after them. Austin tells Rex, Cassie, and Mimi to go with Kate and Philip and leave the island as Philip needs medical attention. Mimi wants to wait for Shawn and Kate, Cassie, and Rex want to wait behind for the others. Austin tells them they need to go now as Philip will need people by his side and he needs treatment. They will all be behind them in the other boats. Austin tells Rex to take care of all on the boat. The boat takes off with Kate, Mimi, Philip, Rex, and Cassie on board. Austin and Lucas are still worried about Carrie and wonder where she is. They, along with Shawn, try to find Belle and Sami who have gone off to try to find the others.

-Maggie, Mickey, Caroline, Victor, Jennifer, Jack, Abby, Max, Frankie, and Kayla are heading for the boats. Mickey tells Maggie he hopes they make it off the island. He wants to take her on a romantic getaway on someplace other then an island since they have a bad history with them. She tells Mickey she is so happy she hasn't lost him and he dittos that sentiment. He comments on how he knows how she felt being sent to an island and thought dead. The profess their undying love for each other and are happy that it looks like they will get another chance since they are escaping the island.

-Victor tries to convince Caroline not to shut him out. Caroline tells him they will discuss it when they reach Salem. Kayla sees this and warns Victor to back off or either her brothers or her will be forced to make him.

-Jennifer tells Jack and Frankie that she has made a choice and will tell both men when they get home. She says Kayla helped her see the obvious and that her heart knew the answer all along. Abby hopes her mom chooses her father. Max reminds her not to let her mother's decision affect their friendship and to not get involved as it isn't her life.

-The island is becoming unstabile. The volcano is close to eruption, the ground is shaking and opening up at will, trees are falling, there are explosions all across the island, rock slides, etc. Shane's crew meets up with Kayla. He urges them all that they need to get to the boats now. They all begin a big rush to the shoreline when they hear a loud rumbling from underneath the ground. Victor hears it and feels a shaking right under him, Maggie, and Mickey. He tells Maggie and everyone else to move as there is going to be an explosion. Maggie trips and falls. Mickey tries to get her up along with Victor, who urges everyone to get out of the way. Caroline screams for Victor. Victor gets Maggie up but Mickey stumbles yet again as the ground is unstabile and it is hard to maintain balance. He tells Victor to get Maggie to safety. Maggie turns around and screams for Mickey but the shaking gets louder and then...BOOM!!!! The area explodes sending Victor and Maggie to the ground as Caroline and the others take cover. When the smoke clears, there is nothing but a crater. Maggie screams for Mickey but he is nowhere to be found. Shane, Bo, Hope, Billie (who is guarding a captive Patrick), Lexie, Celeste, Chelsea, Abby, Max, Jennifer, Jack, Frankie, Kayla, Roman, and Caroline all search. Shawn, Belle, Sami, Austin, and Lucas join in the search but there is nothing. Shane informs Maggie that Mickey is gone as there is no way he got out of the way and that explosion still would have taken him out even if he was running from it. Maggie breaks down in Victor arms and gets hysterical. Caroline sees Victor comforting Maggie and seems unnerved. Lexie tries to convince Maggie to calm down but she won't listen. Jennifer and Hope comfort her. Shawn, Austin, Lucas, Bo, Roman, Frankie, Jack, and Shane give Maggie their condolences as Mickey was a good man and valued alot in their lives. Celeste tells Maggie that Mickey is at peace. Celeste then turns away and feels that more pain is on the way. Maggie is inconsolable. Victor embraces her and then, out of the corner of her eye, she sees Mickey looking at her. She lets go of Victor and walks over as everyone watches her. Mickey winks at her and tells her he loves her and calls her "Red" one last time. He reaches out for her hand and she reaches for it but her hand goes right through his. He says goodbye to her and begins to fade away. Maggie then heard Tom Horton calling for his son. Mickey says he has to go as "Dad is calling for him." Maggie is in tears and waves goodbye to the love of her life. Mickey disappears and Maggie breaks down as Victor catches her and holds her in his arms telling her it will be ok and she will get through this. Caroline and the others watch as Victor comforts the distraught Maggie. Shane says they need to get off the island before the lose anyone else. Shawn tells Shane about Bonnie too. Patrick is stunned and can't beleive it. Shawn reminds Patrick of his role in all this and sarcastically asks Patrick if he is proud of himself. Shane says they all need to go now. Everyone prepares to leave but Maggie refuses. She says Mickey is gone because of her. She should have went to the rescue boats and then he would've too but she insisted on staying. _Plus, she stumbled and Mickey was trying to save her. She should've stayed with him and never let Victor pull her away from him. Caroline says that she and others did the same. No one had any idea this would happen and it was an accident. Maggie blames herself and says she wants to die right along with Mickey. She is staying behind and isn't going anywhere. Everyone is stunned as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.


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