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July 25, 2006



-Abe, Lexie, and Celeste join John and Shane. John orders the women to get to the rescue boats. Lexie thinks she should stay behind to help since she is a doctor. Shane agrees. John talks to Lexie about Marlena and asks what she thinks. Based on what she knows and has witnessed, Lexie beleives that Marlena is in her own world. All the brainwashing by Wendell as Alex and then Tek's last method of mind control he used on her put her over the edge. She only remembers the negative, the bad things in her life and that is why she thinks people are controlling her and is lashing out and wants revenge. Lexie beleives that Marlena was never supposed to end up like this but that the mind control and brainwashing was too much for her on top of everything she has been through in her life. If Tek, Wendell, and the others knew that they may have backed off a bit. She mentions how even Stefano was horrified at what she had become. Her not remembering anything but the bad makes things worse. John asks if there is anyway to bring the "old" Marlena they know and love. She tells John to remember how Marlena blew up the plane and and caused the quake on the island and now has caused it to go into self-destruct mode. She is a danger to herself and moreso to everyone around her. She has no love for anyone-the voices in her head are mere affects of all the attempts at mind control and brainwashing. The voices remind her and convince her of all the bad in her life past and present-it's almost like Tek, Wendell, etc are in her head constantly reminding her of the tragedy and pain in her life and trying to make her heartless and cold towards everyone. Johns asks what he can do. Lexie says if he should find Marlena it may be best to contain her and capture her. She may need to be in lockup. If she fights back and is putting lives in danger, John may have to make a agonizing choice and take her out. John asks if Lexie is asking him to kill Marlena if she is a threat to someone's life. Lexie says that he may not have no choice. John remembers Belle telling him that Marlena attacked her and was trying to kill her. He wonder if there is no hope and that his beloved "Doc" is gone. Lexie says the choice will ultimately be his if he is in that position.

-Jack and Abby talk about her relationship with Max. Abby says they are friends but Jack is thinking it is something more, as is Frankie. Max tells them both to leave them alone. Jack and Frankie like the idea of Max and Abby together but Jack says he hates seeing his daughter so grown up. He feels like he has missed so much in her life that Jennifer got to see always being there. Frankie says no matter what Jennifer decides that Jack will always be Abby's dad and he could never take that spot, nor would Abby let him. They both laugh. Jennifer tells Kayla she has no idea how she choose. Kayla again suggests maybe it is best if she doesn't. Jennifer says she needs to. Kayla reminds Jennifer that she has loved Jack for years and has a family and deep history with Jack. Frankie and her were high school sweethearts and loved each other for a bit but the connections and deep feelings she has with Jack aren't there with Frankie. However, she has alot of bad history with Jack and alot of baggage. Jennifer notes both sides of the situation and tells Kayla hearing everything so laid out makes it so simple and helps her to see that she already knows in her heart who to choose. Kayla asks her who. Jennifer says she doesn't want to tell anyone until or if they get home. Kayla tells her to whisper it in her ear if she wants no one to hear. She does and Kayla tells Jennifer she knew that would be the man she chose. Jennifer says hearing it all laid out made it clear and simple-she knows one of them will get hurt but there is no other way.

-Caroline notices the bond between Maggie and Victor as they head for the Fancy Face III with Jennifer, Jack, Frankie, Max, Abby, and Mickey. Mickey tells Caroline they are just friends and that saving each other's lives really sparked a friendship. Victor asks Caroline if she is ok. Caroline says she is fine but that he should stay away from her because of what has happened. Victor tells Caroline he will not let her go through everything alone. Caroline says her family is in shambles and she needs to repair the damage. His presence may make things worse. Caroline tells Victor they will talk about everything when they return home. Maggie comforts Victor, who feels helpless and like Caroline is beginning to shut him out.

-Bo, Hope, and Billie are still curious as to why Chelsea is so concerned over Hope. Chelsea again says it's nothing but her feeling like she owes Hope for saving her on the island. Patrick questions Chelsea in private. Chelsea tells him to back off. Patrick says that he knows that Hope is her mother. Chelsea asks how. Patrick reminds her that he works for the Dimera's. Chelsea begs Patrick not to say anything yet. She wants to know how to deal with everything first and have a test to confirm it true since Patrick and Stefano are not exactly the most reliable. Patrick says he will keep mum. He has no reason to say anything and he has always been fond of her, Billie, and Hope. He knows this affects all of them so he will stay quiet. Chelsea thanks him. Bo, Hope, Billie, Patrick, Chelsea, Abe, Celeste, Lexie, and John all hear a moaning nearbyas they continue to search for Philip and Marlena and to check around to make sure that everyone is leaving the island. John looks in the shrubbery and finds an unconscious Marlena. It appears she was on her way to escaping when she tripped and hit her head on a rock. John begs Marlena to wake up and he hears her keep murmuring that she will get revenge and that she will destroy them all as everyone looks on horrified.

-Philip is still imprisoned in a dark room in a compound on the other side of the island. He begins to smell smoke and realizes the compound is on fire.

-Some island guards are still left behind and see that a boulder crashed on top of a generator and the compound is on fire. They talk about going back and getting the "other" prisoner thinking the boss would want him for future plans. They go back in and open up a cell and drag a blindfolded man dressed in black out. He appears to be disheveled and disoriented, as well as very weak. They drag him out of the burning compound.

-Kate, Austin, Lucas, Sami, Belle, Shawn, Rex, Cassie, Mimi, Bonnie, Eric, Nicole, and Greta are searching for Philip when they see the burning compound. They hear a man screaming and recognize the voice as Philip. Belle is horrified and immediately runs into the burning compound. Shawn runs in after her. Austin, Lucas, and Rex run in to help. Kate is worried for all of them. Mimi sees an opportunity to redeem herself for everything she did and runs into the compound too. Bonnie screams for Mimi to come back and then follows her in. Nicole, Greta, Sami, and Cassie watch the fire and worry for everyone inside. Belle manages to find Philip but then sees a huge pile of burning debris fall on Philip. Shawn finds Belle, who is trying to get the debris off of Philip but it is on fire. Shawn manages to grab Philip's foot and drag him out from under the fiery debris. Belle and Shawn get a look at him and see that he is badly burned. The place begins to collapse. Shawn tells Belle to go on ahead as he carries Philip with him. Belle gets to the door of the room but debris is falling everywhere. Austin, Lucas, and Rex join her and see debris cave in on around Shawn and Philip. Belle screams for them. They manage to get out of the room and they all try to get to the exit. Mimi and Bonnie are looking for the others. Bonnie sees a part of the compound roof about to collapse on Mimi and pushes her out of the way. The debris falls on her and crushes her. Mimi tries to get it off her mother but she can't. Shawn and the others find her and try to help but are unable. Rex sees the injuries and says it doesn't look good as the debris crushed Bonnie's chest.

Mimi: Mom...

Bonnie: Honey, it's ok. I know what's happening. I am going to that big rodeo in the sky. At least I hope.

Mimi: Oh you are, mom. You redeemed yourself quite well. Too bad me trying to do the same did this to you.

Bonnie: I guess that is why that out of body experience happened earlier. I was able to do the right thing and do right by you for once. I just hate that it took me so long to realize what was right but better late then never.

Mimi: It's ok, mom. Maybe now you will get those angel wings you have been worried about.

Bonnie: Maybe but I still failed you. I screwed your whole life up. I screwed your relationships with Rex and Shawn up and look what I did to Patrick. He is a Dimera henchman. Thank God for Connor since I haven't totally messed up his life yet.

Mimi (crying): We know you loved us mom. You made mistakes but you tried, unlike dad. I didn't have to listen to you but I did. YOur only crime was that you cared too much. I need to tell you this since I never did enough. I love you mom and thank you so much for being my mother. You made me proud...you made all of us proud.

Bonnie (crying and gasping for air): Oh...yeah...I made you all proud...all my schemes and pushing you to strive for wealth...yeah I was great.

Mimi: Look what you did now mom. You pushed me to tell the truth about Claire and now you saved my life. You fixed it all in the end and that is what good mother's do.

Bonnie: Too bad I couldn't fix Patrick's issues. Tell him I love him and Connor too. Oh, and Max, how could I forget my lovable pup Max. Tell him I love him too. I am going to be looking down on you along with all those people up there...that is if I go there.

Mimi: Oh you will mom...you will. I love you too...so much.

Bonnie: I hope I get to sit right next to all the good ones...the Tom Horton's and the Shawn Brady's.

Shawn: I think you will Mrs. Lockhart.

Rex: Yeah...me too.

Bonnie: Thanks...hope....your....right. M..imi...I love you baby...and thank you.

Mimi: For what?

Bonnie: For...being you... (Bonnie's closes her eyes and her body becomes limp)

Mimi: No, mom, thank you for being you (cries)

-Rex picks Mimi up off the floor and comforts her as she thanks her mother for everything and says not to worry, she has the angel credentials. Austin and Lucas try to get the body out but Mimi says to leave it. Her mother always wanted to be cremated so let her have her wish. They all get out to Kate, Nicole, Sami, and Greta. Everyone is horrified to see how badly burned Philip is. Rex insists that they need to get Philip to the rescue boats right away so he can get some medical attention or he won't make it. Shawn lifts him and they all head for the boat as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.


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