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July 20, 2006



-The crowd continues to react to all the reveals and to Shawn Sr's death.

-Roman comforts Caroline as a helpless Victor looks on and blames himself. Maggie comforts him. Mickey asks Maggie how close Victor and her got while he was away. Maggie explains how Victor and her have saved each other's lives. Mickey understands and thanks Victor again for protecting his wife. Victor thanks Maggie for all she has done. He feels greatful they have become friends. He just wishes he could help Caroline but now her family is going to be put through the wringer. He just hopes he is blamed and not her-he doesn't want her to lose her family now that she lost her husband.

-Roman tells Caroline that he will not allow Victor anywhere near her. He will make him pay for his father's death. John makes mention of the fact that Roman might not be Roman. Roman says it makes no difference-Shawn is still his pop no matter what. Bo tells Roman to calm down and let Victor console Caroline. Roman tells Bo to stay out of it and to not show any bias. Hope tells Bo it will be better if he stays out of it since Victor is his father. Victor thanks Bo for his support.

-Hope comforts Bo. Bo wonders if this is the beginning of Hope coming back to him. Hope tells him not to push it. Billie consoles Bo and offers her condolences to Caroline and Roman. Kate does so as well. Cassie and Rex also issue their condolences as they will always think of Shawn as their grandfather after these past 3 years. Sami wonders where Carrie is since she should be here for this. Austin and Lucas are still worried and ask Stefano where she is. Stefano has no clue as does Wendell, Ernesto, and Andre.

-John comforts the Brady's and even hugs Sami. Sami backs away and reminds John that they don't know anything yet so he should not act like her father.

-Bonnie tries to calm Mimi down as she is unable to comfort neither Shawn or Rex because of Belle and Cassie. Bonnie just tells her to wait until things calm down. Shawn pushes Belle away and tells her they can't let themselves get caught up in mourning and make it an excuse to let their feelings for each other take over. Belle reluctantly agrees but is happy that Shawn still has feelings for her.

-Alice, Lexie, Celeste, Doug, and Julie also offer condolences to the Brady's. Abe comforts Roman and Bo. Celeste predicts more upheaval and tragedy for everyone. Jennifer, Jack, Abby, and Chelsea console Frankie and Max. Chelsea is jealous when Max accepts Abby's comfort rather then her's. Jack sees how close Jennifer and Frankie are as she consoles him and wonders if he will be the odd man out. Caroline embraces all her children. Stefano orders Bart to get a body bag. Even his enemies must rest in peace respectfully. Shawn's body is zipped into the bag by Lexie. Stefano orders it to be put on a boat to be sent back to Salem. He also offers to send Alice and two other people back with the body since the boat can fit four. John wants to know why Stefano is being so pleasant. Stefano says that this island plan was not his and is nothing more then a travesty. Yes, he still hates most of them but he has no problem with Alice Horton and despite hating Shawn he does think even an enemy deserves respect in death. Shane suggest Mickey and Maggie go but Maggie wants to stay behind to help. Mickey says he wants to as well and thinks it would be better of Doug and Julie go since they are capable of fighting back if this is a double cross by Stefano. Stefano insists it isn't but Shane says they better not take chances and Julie is still quite young so Doug and Julie should go. Alice, Doug, and Julie leave with the body and wish everyone well. Stefano even offers Shane a radio to call for help for more boats. Stefano says this is not how he wants to get revenge-this plan was never supposed to happen like this. Ernesto, Andre, and Wendell are furious. Marlena is as well. Stefano says that all aspects of this plan are a farce and have done more harm then good. Shane takes the radio and calls for help. Marlena says she wants her revenge and orders Stefano to put an end to this. Stefano reminds Marlena that everything promised her was under Wendell, not him. It pains him to see Marlena so deranged and lost. Marlena insists she is not crazy and then claims the voices she hears is the voices of herself finally making her own choices and not under anyone's control. Lexie explains that all the brainwashing and trauma over the years must have finally taken it's stride. Tek explains that Wendell made him commit a special act of brainwashing on Marlena on Morgan Island when everyone was looking for Stefano/Wendell. It is very extreme and it's purpose was to only make Marlena remember the bad things that have happened such as her many deaths, all the bad things her family and herself has gone through, etc. It was all that combined with Wendell brainwashing her for months as Alex that led to this. She has no other memories but the bad ones and blames all those she loves for the bad things that have happened. Lexie thinks all that Tek explained means that everything that has happened to Marlena may have caused a split personality of sorts only the "bad" Marlena is in control as the "good" Marlena can't be because she can't recall the good times in her life because of not having her full memory. The voices are probably the result's of Wendell and Tek's brainwashing just reminding her of all the bad things she has been through and of everything Wendell wanted her to do while he was acting as Stefano. Marlena insists she is not brainwashed and that she only did what Wendell/Stefano wanted because she had her own plans for revenge and liked the idea of helping to 'kill" some of them and putting them on the island. This wat it would get all those that hurt her together so she could destroy them all. That is what the explosion she set off on the island was for. Everyone is stunned she did that and caused the earthquake. Marlena insists that she won't stop until they all suffer. Stefano is outraged at Wendell and Tek over what has happened to Marlena. John tries to get through to Marlena but to no avail. She is uneffected by anything, including Shawn Sr's death and the possibility of John being Roman.

-Ernesto gets fed up and says he is going to get revenge and no one, including Stefano, will stop him. He tries to find the tape he made of Philip reacting to the Claire news.

-John asks why she had to shoot Wendell along with Abe on Morgan Island. Marlena says it was part of the plan as everyone had to beleive Wendell/Stefano was dead so the plan could run smoothly. She only did his bidding because she wanted to take advantage of the setup on the island to get revenge. John tells Marlena that everyone loves her and there is no reason for revenge. Marlena tells John to back off. Stefano begs Marlena to come with him and he can help her. Marlena pulls out a gun and tells everyone to back away. She is sick and tired of all of them and admits she planned to double-cross Wendell/Stefano and Andre as soon as she was done using them to set everything up perfectly for her to get her revenge on the island. Even though their plans didn't work out, her's still can as she can still kill them all. She had hopes to torture them first but she will just have to settle for them all dying. She is mad that Alice, Doug, and Julie left so they can't be a part of it too but she says she will have revenge on them too as they will suffer knowing everyone else is dead. John tells Marlena that she loves them and everyone else and that she doesn't want to see anyone hurt. The Marlena he loves and that everyone loves is still there. Marlena clutches her head and tells John and everyone to back off. She escapes through a secret door, which locks behind her. John orders Stefano to let them out so he can get Marlena. Stefano says he has no idea how to get out as Wendell, Andre, and Ernesto know the controlls.

-At that moment, Ernesto puts a tape in and announces he wants everyone to watch it (thinking it's the tape of Philip), especially Victor. The tape pops on and shows Tek and Lexie having sex in her office. It them shows them talking about lying to Abe and then having sex in a car, in the park, and in a hospital exam romm. It even shows how Wendell/Stefano ordered Tek to brainwash Theo via his mini-stereo to mention to Abe that Alex was the one who had sex with Lexie and to make Abe think he was raping her, hence the reason why Abe was led into a trap on Morgan Island when he confronted Alex/Stefano/Wendell and was "killed" by Marlena and brought to the island. The mystery man that arranged to brainwash Theo and set that all up is revealed to be Tek. The tape also has Wendell at the end acting as Stefano saying, "Commander Carver, do you really want a wife like this that would rather spend her nights with a secret Dimera operative instead of you? Guess your wife really is a Dimera..." Abe is furious and lashes out at Lexie. Roman, John, Hope, and Bo stand up for Abe and can't beleive Lexie did this and can't beleive Tek did it either. Abe tells Lexie that she has betrayed him for the last time. Jonah, Brandon, and now this-he is going to make sure she loses everything. She is a true Dimera and he won't have his son raised by her and that family curse. Stefano tells Abe he has no say in that and that he will never let Abe have his grandson. Abe vows to go to war with Stefano to keep Theo away from him. Celeste reminds Lexie that she warned her about this. Lexie is devestated and can't stand the looks everyone is giving her and tells them to turn away. Tek tells Lexie he is sorry but Celeste and Lexie lay into him for using Theo in this whole plot and for working for her father to break up her family. Lexie slaps her father but Stefano insists that the last few years of Tek's activities were not of his doing. He has not ordered Tek to do anything for him since about 6 years ago since he has been ill and in captivity. This was all Wendell even though he wishes he did it himself and says he is happy tthis happened. Lexie ignores her father and tells him to stop badmouthing her marriage and family with Abe. She slaps Wendell and Tek. Tek pledges his love to her and says he wants to be with her. He really did fall in love with her. Lexie tells him she will never want him now. Stefano tells Tek he won't let him be with his daughter either and that he would be wise to listen to his instructions from now on. Tek and Patrick both say they are done working for Stefano and all of his companions. They try to escape but are held back by Roman and Shane. Stefano tells Shane to handle Patrick and Tek in his own way as they are no longer being protected by him anymore. Shane says he can just send Stefano to jail to but Stefano insists he has done nothing but that he will gladly answer to the charges brought on him in 2001 as he left Salem.

-Stefano privately thanks Wendell for the plot he created with Tek to break up Lexie and Abe. Stefano insists that he is still going to kill Wendell but does thank him. Wendell tells Stefano that it must kill him to know he did something that Stefano never could-break up his daughter's marriage. Stefano is angry and tells Wendell that he will now make sure he dies a slow and painful death. He wants revenge for Wendell's crimes against him and the same goes for Andre.

-Ernesto wonders where the tape he is looking for is. Stefano apologizes to Ernesto and says he switched the tapes and hands him the tape he wanted. Stefano knew what Wendell did to Lexie and Abe via Tek and wanted to make sure the tape got viewed so Lexie and Abe would be over once and for all. Now Lexie can be the best Dimera she can be and Theo can be raised as one as well. Ernesto understands and thanks Stefano. He insists that Stefano let him keep his enemies on the island so he can get revenge. Stefano tells him he can have Victor and that is it. Ernesto privately says that is not enough and that he won't let Stefano stop him from getting revenge as this island plot was mostly his idea from the get-go.

-Ernesto announces that he found the tape he wanted. He plays it. Belle, Shawn, Mimi, Kate, Victor, Billie, Rex, Cassie, Austin, and Lucas along with everyone else are horrified to see Philip's reaction to learning the trith about Claire and Belle, especially him asking the guard to kill him. Victor demands to know what happened to Philip, as pdes Kate and Belle. Shawn tells Mimi to look at what she did. Bonnie tells Shawn to back off and reminds everyone that this is why Mimi, her, and Kate did what they did. No one buys it. Victor demands to know where his son is and if he still lives.

-Meanwhile, on another part of the island, Alice, Doug, and Julie board the boat with Shawn Sr's body and hope for the best for their loved ones. At this same time, another boat arrives. It's Bo's "Fancy Face III" and Shane's stalker is driving it. The woman docks the boat and gets off and races off into the jungle.

-Victor approaches Ernesto and demands to know his son's whereabouts. The whole island is then rocked by an explosion and shaking. Alarms begin to go off saying, "Warning! Warning! Demolition Sequence Activated!! Countdown to Demolition Has Begun!!!" John asks what is going on. Bart says that his mimi-camera shows that Marlena broke into the island control center and activated the demolition sequence. It causes explosions and causes the inactive volcano on the island to fester and erupt. The island will basically self-destruct as the explosions that will be set off will set off earthquakes, a volcano eruptiuon, rockslides, and the island to tear itself apart. Everyone then hears Marlena's voice as she uses the PA system in the control room saying, "I still got my revenge....MAY YOU ALL BURN IN HELL!!!" Bart tells them all to run for it. Bart and Andre escape through a secret door. Ernesto manages to find a secret exit as well. Stefano follows him out it. Greta, knowing that Stefano confirmed what was in the file Sami found, goes after him. The door closes behind her. Greta yells out to Stefano and he stops. She says she knows he isn't very reliable but he did sort of confirm what was in the file Sami found. She tells him she found a file too and needs him to tell her what he knows. She needs to know the truth.

-John and Shane manage to bust through the door they were led through by the guards to get in the room and urge everyone to stick together as they leave. Everyone rushes out the door, led by Shane and John, but the ground under them is becoming unstable. The roof and walls begin to collapse as everything is in chaos as the Salemites try to stay together and shield themselves from the falling debris.

-Stefano and Greta are trying to shield themselves too.

Stefano: We need to get out of here. You can find out what you need on your own.

Greta: I just need an answer. I know you once cared about my mother before you put her through hell and she betrayed you. I also know that you always had a soft spot for me and, up until today, I beleived you were my father because that is what my mother told me on her deathbed. That is why I never told anyone else but I don't think my mother really knew who my father was. You do and it is all in this file. I need you to tell me. Please!! I will still get a test done back in Salem to confirm it, that is if I get back there. I still need to hear it from you though so please!!!

Stefano: Greta, this is not the best time. We need to get...

Greta: Just tell me Stefano!! Is this file right?!!! Is VICTOR KIRIAKIS my father?!!!

-Everything is collapsing around Greta and Stefano as Greta waits for an answer and the screen fades to black and the credits roll...



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