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Episode #158 Wednesday, July 19:



Episode #158 Wednesday, July 19:

- Billie runs an errand on the outside of town to pick up Marlena and Carrie's baby shower gifts.

- Patch lays lifeless in his car on the side of the road.

- Marlena and Carrie arrive to their baby shower at the Penthouse Grill and are amazed to see the beautiful set up - the decor is white, candles everywhere, a gigantic screen against the wall that is hooked up to a cam corder so that guests are able to send the mothers and the babies messages. John explains that everything is going to be filmed for prosperity but this way, the mothers-to-be are able to see the messages live, as well.

- Belle is barely hanging on enough to get herself and Claire ready for the shower, and everyone can realize it.

- Billie stumbles upon Steve's car and sees his lifeless body in the car. Steve teeters in and out of consciousness and sees a bright-lighted figure.

- Everyone takes turns delivering messages of joy and well-wishing to the mothers-to-be.

- Kate and Vivian put together the first issue of Alamain International's magazine - "Sophistique" - the french word for Sophisticated.

- Victor and Caroline begin to think that the new magazine and publishing company might be an outside attack from a new company.

- Celeste predicts that Greta will find love with someone in Salem....but it's not Eric!

- Billie manages to get Steve out of the car and safely to her car on the road. Steve sees the bright light figure's face. He sees Kayla's face. Steve awakens.

- Lexie and Abe go head to head for custody of Theo.

- Greta tells Celeste that she thought she had feelings for Austin and Jack at one time, but those two are behind her as well. She realizes they will never love anyone besides Carrie and Jennifer, respectively. Celeste tells Greta that the man she is meant to find love with is none of these men. Greta is shocked...and intrigued.

- Caroline tells Victor that she's so lonely since Shawn Sr. passed and has so much time on his hands. Victor informs Caroline that his secretary, Marie's responsibilities at Titan have recently increased so she may need an assistant who would act as an assistant to Marie and Victor. Victor offers Caroline the job and she takes it.

- Will tells Cassie and Georgia that he is going to tell his parents about his being gay after the party is over.

- Shawn and Jan's plane gets delayed.

- Victor gets a call from Marie informing him that Billie, Austin, and Lucas have all resigned from Titan. Victor is outraged but realizes that the Reed's/Robert's are loyal, and it is natural that they would stick together.

- Abe is awarded custody of Theo! Lexie has a breakdown in the courtroom and screams for Theo while Abe exits the courtroom and takes Theo in his room from the social worker. Lexie's screams echo throughout the courtroom.

- Billie tells Steve that she needs to get him to the hospital immediately. But Steve says he can't because he has no medical insurance. He swears to Billie that he will be OK. Not knowing any better, Steve tells Billie that his name is Patch. Billie says to herself..."Patch?" "What? What is it?"...Patch asks. "Nothing."...Billie says while deep in thought. "It's just that sounds familiar. In fact, you look very familiar, actually. Are you from Salem?"....she asks. Patch's face perks up and looks at Billie intently.


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