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July 19, 2006



-The crowd waits to hear what Sami has to say as Wendell urges her on to explain what she found.

Wendell: Oh come on, Sami. You are never one to remain silent about something that could destroy people's lives. Come on, just tell us about the file you are hiding.

Sami: Just shutup alright. It's nothing.

Roman: Well, Sami, it has to be something since you said earlier that you wanted to talk to me.

John: Yes and you wanted to tell me something earlier to. In fact, you have been acting strange since I found you in the cave. You have actually been cooperative and pleasant to me.

Kate: That's a change (rolls eyes)

Wendell: Come on Sami, spill it!!

Stefano (looking at Sami): Perhaps you shouldn't do something you will regret Samantha...

Wendell: Don't let him intimidate you Sami.

Stefano : I am not trying to intimidate her. I am merely trying to get her to reconsider telling everyone something that is most likely not true.

Wendell: Oh, come on Stefano. You and I both know that the files Andre and I tranferred to this island all contain secret information that is the honest to God truth.

Sami: Oh my God. Are you saying that everything in that room is true? For sure?

Wendell: Yes, of course. We got them from a secret safe in one of Stefano's lairs in Switzerland. As I said, Andre and I moved them here for safekeeping and to make them accessible to us in case we need them.

Sami: Oh my God it's true.

Greta (to herself): That must mean the file I found is true too. He must really be my father.

Roman: Sami, what is true?

John: Sami just tell us.

Lucas: Come on Sami. If it isn't true, then it isn't true. Let us decide for ourselves.

Sami: Ok, alright. I wanted to tell you anyway but not like this. This file I found was in a secret room in the catacombs and I also have a disk in which I downloaded all the information regarding the Dimera secret files onto it. This file I just had to take to show you right away what I discovered. There is also a DVD inside too but I have not seen that yet.

Stefano: Samantha, don't do this...

Wendell: What's the matter Stefano? I would think you would like this since it is going to cause chaos in the lives of many of your enemies.

Stefano: Shutup you fool.

Roman: Sami, just give it to me.

John: Come on Sami. Hand over everything you found so we can look at it.

Sami takes out the file and disk and hesitates while looking at a glaring stare from Stefano. She is worried but decides that everyone has a right to know. She hands everything over to John and Roman. Shane, Abe, Bo, and Hope come over to look at the information too.

Roman: What is all this?

John: This can't be...

Bo: What John?

John: The missing information I thought was destroyed years ago. There was a file on the Pawn plot but it was destroyed. It was the last piece of information about my past that I knew of but this could be it.

Hope: Oh my God. Did you guys see this?

Roman: Oh my...

John: This means...

Sami (teary eyed watching them look over the file): I know what you are thinking and your right. I didn't want to beleive it was true but looking at Stefano right now and the look on his face and seeing as these files were kept so secretive it has to be right.

Roman: It can't be.

Sami: (looking at Roman while in tears): Dadd...dad...I am so sorry but this file seems to say that you may not be my father.

Stefano: Of course not, HE NEVER WAS!! There are you happy Wendell. It is out now!! You ruined everything so I may as well not deny it. But, maybe this is a good now. I can salvage this as this bombshell will cause misery for many of my enemies.

Sami: So you are saying this is true?

Stefano: You have the file. You tell me...

Sami: Just tell me!!!!

Stefano: Very well. Yes, it's true. Everything from the file is true. The man you all think is Roman is not and John Black is. Happy? Now let the mayhem begin.

Sami looks at John.

Sami: Oh my God!!!

Eric: How can this be?

Roman: I can't beleive this. Then who the hell am I?

John: I'm Roman Brady...

Caroline: Oh dear God, what is going on?

Shawn Sr: The Dimera's are wreaking havoc on our lives again!!!

Everyone in the crowd reacts. Bo looks at Hope, Abe, and Shane stunned. Kate is stunned. Eric is upset and gets another headache as Nicole comforts him and remains worried about him. Marlena looks surprised and seems a bit affected but quickly covers her emotions up as a nonreactive look graces her face once again. Stefano looks on pleased, wondering if this was a good idea after all.

-John begins to question the validity of the file. Bo and Hope think that the best thing is to examine the disk and file once they leave the island and also do a DNA test too. John agrees, as does Roman, Roman is clearly flustered. Bo and Caroline ask if he is ok. Roman says he just wants to get off the island and find out the truth once in for all. If this info is true, he doesn't have an indentity. Shane tells the Brady's and everyone else to calm down before getting worked up over nothing. They have believed for years that this man is Roman and that this man is John. They can't get worked up over some file. Sami says she beleives it's true, despite not wanting John to be her father. Shane again reminds Sami to calm down until they know for sure.

-Wendell is dismayed by the fact that Stefano is happy about this secret coming out. He thought he would be upset. Stefano explains that there is a silver lining and that this reveal will cause nothing but pain and misery. Wendell says that is if they all get off the island. Stefano says he wants them all off the island as they will suffer even more in Salem then if they died or were kept locked up. Ernesto agrees with Stefano but wants to get revenge on his enemies too. Stefano promises Ernesto he will get that. Andre wonders what will happen to him now as Stefano hates him even more now. He blames Wendell for what has happened and his plans being a mess. Wendell and Stefano both joke about how Andre will never be a true Dimera and will never even have a piece of the empire. Stefano tells Andre he will pay for all the crimes he commited against the Dimera name. Wendell sees an opportunity to further anger Stefano against Andre and to get back at Andre for all the problems he has given him in the past so he tells Stefano that knows of something Andre did to Tony that is horrible. Stefano wants to know where Tony is but Wendell doesn't know and Andre refuses to tell. Stefano asks Wendell what Andre did. Wendell gets the crowd's attention, interupting all the reaction to the John/Roman news, and says he has an announcement to make that will also effect the Brady's.

Caroline: What now?

Shawn Sr: How much can my family take?

Wendell: You all know about Rex and Cassie-the twins Stefano genetically engineered?

Rex: What about us?

Stefano: Yes, Wendell. They all know about them. They all know that I tried to perfect them genetically to make them the perfect Dimera's, capable of doing almost anything they needed to to succeed and sustain the empire.

Cassie: So that is why you did it but why? We weren't even Dimera's and you had to know that since you arranged somehow artificially for Kate and Roman to be are parents.

Stefano: I never did that. Tony and Marlena are your parents.

Wendell: Exactly. Andre arranged it for Rex to be tricked into beleiving that Tony and Marlena were not his parents and that Roman and Kate were. It was all part of destroying Tony's life and breaking his heart and, of course, this was all planned prior to the Tony/Andre switch.

Kate: Oh my God.

Roman: All these lies. I don't know what is true anymore.

Rex: This means we are still Dimera's.

Cassie: Are you sure?

Wendell: Yes. You are Tony and Marlena's children, just like you thought originally.

Stefano: For once, I agree with Wendell.

Ernesto: They are both right. I was never made aware of this scheme but I am sure you are both Dimera's as Stefano has said.

Andre(looking at Wendell): You bastard. How could you do this to me?

Wendell: Well, you have ruined my plans at times and I am just looking for you to pay as badly as I am when Stefano gets a hold of me. May as well bring you down with me.

Stefano promises that they are both going down for their betrayals. Kate can't beleive Rex and Cassie are not her children. Mimi, Belle, and Shawn are stunned. The Brady's are stunned. Roman says they will need a DNA test to confirm this once they get off the island. Rex and Cassie seem happy but are very close to the Brady's. They wonder how this will affect the two families if true. Shawn Sr is getting very upset by all these unconfirmed revelations. Caroline, Bo, John, Roman, and Hope beg him to calm down. Ernesto watches as Victor comforts Caroline and Shawn Sr seems upset about that. Ernesto sees an opportunity here to hurt Victor's family even more. He remembers that Wendell had a tape that had something to do with some secret Caroline and Victor were keeping that could destroy the Brady's. Figuring this could add turmoil to Victor's life, Ernesto asks one of the guards where the video is. The guard says it is near the monitor. Ernesto puts it in and tells the crowd that the fun is not done yet.

Ernesto: I have more good stuff for you. God knows I can't let the Dimera's have all the fun while revealing all these secrets. Stefano, you don't mind me taking the floor and getting a little revenge do you?

Stefano: Of course not, old friend. I think I have an idea what you have in mind hearing the little bits of info I have on the island since my arrival here.

Ernesto: Yes, I think you may enjoy this as well. I encourage all of you, especially the Brady's, to brace yourselves for a true shock.

The tape plays and we see Caroline and Victor in the castle they were held in. The crowd sees the night that Andre had tried to recreate their past with fragrances and smells, as well as food, candles, etc. It was the same schemes he used on Roman and Marlena to push them closer. The crowd then sees Carolien and Victor get caught up in the moment and everything else and begin to kiss. They all watch as they fall onto the bed and make love. The crowd is horrified.

Roman: Ma!!

Bo: I don't...

Sami: Grandma...

Shawn Sr: How could you do this to me?!!! I am your husband. You told me your feelings for him were in the past. You told me you were just friends!!!

Caroline: Shawn, I am so sorry!!

Victor: Shawn, you have to understand...

Shawn: You shutup!!! This is one revelation tonight we know is true because the truth is right here and it written on your faces.

Caroline: Shawn, I love you. You know that. It was everything Andre did-the reminders of the past and...

Shawn: Don't make excuses!! You betrayed me again!! You told me...argh..oh....can't...

Caroline: Shawn. Oh my God. His heart. Victor-I knew this would happen when he found out. That is why I kept the truth hidden. Shawn...oh..somebody...Lexie...help

Lexie runs over.

Lexie: Shawn...stay calm...relax

Shawn: Roman....John...Rex....Cassie...My wif....Vic...too ...muc...

Bo: Pop, stay strong.

Roman: Come on Pop...

John: Shawn..you need to calm...

Shawn: My chest...GOD MY HEART!!!!

Shawn passes out in Caroline's arms. Lexie begins CPR as Caroline and everyone else hopes and prays.

Lexie (looking up in tears): I am sorry. We lost him. It all must have been too much.

Caroline: NO!!! (Breaks down in tears)

Bo: Pop...

Roman: Oh God no...not now..

Sami: Grandpa...Oh God...I never should have told him what I found....

Lucas: Sami, you had to. It was finding out everything together that was too much.

Celeste: All the pain and suffering I predicted...it has come true. There is even more to come. More revelations...more pain...death!!! Even those I love will be affected...DEAR GOD NO!!

Rex and Cassie comfort each other. Hope embraces Bo. Lucas and Austin try to console Sami. The crowd is upset and in tears. Victor tries to comfort Caroline but Roman stops him.

Roman: Stay the hell away from my mother. You have done enough...

Victor backs away. Maggie leaves Mickey's side.

Maggie: Victor...I know you want to comfort her but...

Victor: She has her family and she needs them and they her. They have rough times ahead.

Maggie: I know you never meant harm. You care for her so much...come here...

Maggie and Victor embrace as Mickey watches. Marlena sees her father in law on the floor and a single tear drops down her face.

Marlena: No!! The"old" Marlena cared but I don't. I must not let everything that is happening bother me. They controlled me and never cared for me. All they did was hurt me. I am happy about all this...I am happy about their pain.

John: No, your not and you know it.

Marlena backs away from John and, still holding the gun in her hand. orders him to back away which he does.

Belle comforts Shawn and a jealous Mimi sees it. Mimi goes over to Rex and tries to reach out and comfort him but is interupted by Cassie.

Cassie: Back off and let us mourn the man we once thought was our grandfather.

Mimi: Fine.

Mimi goes back to Bonnie.

Wendell, Andre, and Stefano stand there and watch all the mourning.

Stefano: I never thought I would see this day. The Brady family patriarch dead.

Wendell: You should be happy. Are you?

Stefano: No. Not really.

Ernesto: Well, Stefano. This turned out better then I thought. The Brady's...Victor's family...all in shambles. I never intended for a man to die but Caroline will hate Victor for destroying her family. Once again, Victor has destroyed a family and marriage, just like he did mine.

Stefano: Shawn and I were never friends but losing the leader of the enemy almost casts a pall over any excitement you should have over seeing a man you despise die. I guess it's the joy of the chase, or, in this case, the joy of having him alive to get revenge on or to torture. It's surreal...a world without Shawn Brady Sr. I never thought I would see this day.

The Brady's continue to mourn. Roman embraces his mom. Stefano watches and says...

Stefano: With everything the Brady's have learned and gone through tonight, a new era has begun. The war has entered another phase. A phase that is full of the unknown and the unpredictable. I guess you can say...let the games begin...

The screen then fades out and the credits roll.


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