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July 18, 2006



1st Scene: Crowd of Islanders remains in the large room on the west side of the Melaswen control center. Crowd is still reacting to seeing two Stefanos-one that looks like the old and one that looks like the man once thought of as Alex North.

John: I can't beleive this.

Hope: Yeah. One Stefano was a nightmare but two is like something taken out of a horrow movie.

Stefano (Joe Mascolo): There is no more then one Stefano Dimera...and that is who I am. This man is nothing more then a former lieutenant of mine named Wendell. Admit it your backstabbing son of a bitch!!!!

Stefano (Wayne Northrup): Fine. I can't deny it now with you right here anyhow. My name is Wendell and I once worked for Stefano before I betrayed him.

Stefano : Now that we have that settled, you all were gathered here to be told the secrets behind the two Melaswen plots that have been a source of great tension in your lives. Wendell, acting as me, was going to describe in great detail the goings on that led to the pinpoint planning of these two schemes so I now feel as though I should be the one to complete this task as I was the one who collaborated on the plan with Ernesto here. You should all consider yourself lucky that I returned on the nick of time. This way you will all know the truth-something my dear friend Wendell here is known to have trouble with.

John: Oh, and you don't?

Stefano: John, and this goes for everyone else too, please no interuptions as I tell the in-depth truth behind my connection with Ernesto, how these island plots came to be, Wendell, the Tony and Andre switch, and where I have been. I don't usually dish out Dimera family secrets but since my identity was stolen from me I am in a giving mood and feel as though I should return my name and my family's name to its former glory after all that was done by Wendell and my crazed nephew here to destroy it.

Andre: Oh, now I am crazy. You used to like me.

Stefano: No interuptions please. Now here it goes ladies and gentlemen. The truth you all seek will now be exposed to you step by step.

The crowd all looks at each other. Marlena, Andre, Patrick, Tek, Lexie, Bart, and Ernesto wonder what is about to happen. Stefano looks on at the crowd in anticipation at what he is about to do as the screen fades away to the Days of our Lives Theme.

Second Scene: Same room with the crowd, waiting in anticpation for Stefano to begin.

Stefano: I suppose I should begin with how I met Ernesto. It was well before coming to Salem. I was at a business party when our paths crossed. Victor, you should remember this as you were at the same party. It took place in Rome at Rosario Benevienti's hotel suite.

Victor: I vaguely remember that. yes. Come to think of it, I remember you and Ernesto were in a corner and having quite the discussion.

Stefano: Yes, that is where we got acquainted. Afterwards, we made business deals here and there but were never close until I arrived in Salem. Eventually, Ernesto became a vital necessity to my organization. He provided me with many of my secret lairs and also with supplies and technology that has helped me over the years in my many escapes and "deaths."

John: Now that explains alot. Ernesto was always a man of illusion and you, Stefano, were always one to use illusion to add to your mystique in your many "deaths" and rises.

Stefano: Yes, John. Ernesto has been of great benefit to me. It should also be noted that Ernesto's organization was what helped me to acquire the brain chip technology I used on Hope and you. The dear,s esteemed Dr. Rolf, that some of you know and some may not know, was actually someone hired by Ernesto to help to develop the technology that Ernesto used for his many illusions and for the brain chip technology. He later came to work with me after Ernesto was no longer in need of his services and became a valued employee until he went MIA, Rolf was of great use to me as he used all the technology and advancements that he created with Ernesto for me.

Hope: I can't beleive all this and Ernesto being behind the brain chip-it's unbelievable.

Ernesto: Yes. I worked with some scientists and various technicians who were developing this risky at the time technology. Once it seemed ready and perfected, I was able to get my hands on it first and, since Stefano and I were business associates, him and I made a deal involving the technology once he acknowledged his interest in it. I never found out who he used it on until years later, well after mine and Hope's presumed demises.

John: I can't beleive this.

Stefano: Well, beleive it John. I implanted the chip in you shortly after I first acquired the technology from Ernesto, which was around after I kidnapped you after falling over the...

John: Falling over what...cliff? Wait, that was around the time Roman fell to his supposed death.

Bo: Yeah, John. I remember when we were looking in Gina's past with you it linked your time with her back to 1985-the year after I thought my brother had died after falling over the cliff fighting with Stefano.

John: Why would you say that Dimera? Why are you connecting Roman's "death" with my getting implanted with the brain chip?

Stefano looks on nervously, as does Smi. Wendell sees how nervous Sami is and sees her clutching the file she found under her jacket. He then gets an evil smirk on his face.

Wendell (to himself-voiceover): Well, if Stefano is going to blow me out of the water and ruin my plans perhaps I should ruin his too and expose some of his secrets. He may kill me for betraying him yet again but he will probably kill me anyway so may as well go down fighting and knowing I destroyed his plans like he destroyed mine.

Wendell looks at Stefano and then at Sami as the screen fades out.

3rd Scene: Everyone waits for Stefano to answer John.

Stefano: Well, while waiting in the shadows with Greta earlier to make my grand entrance into this gahtering I overheard Ernesto refer to how hard it was to call you John instead of Roman for him. I guess that just got the idea of Roman into my mind.

Roman: Really? why do I get the feeling there is more to it then that lame excuse.

John: Yeah, Dimera. All that time off has made you lose your touch.

Stefano: Beleive what you will. We must move on. Shortly after providing me with that technology, Ernesto and I did not make contact for awhile. He never contacted me again until he reached his island after the Loretta ship sank in 1990. This was, of course, one of the many times Salem thought I was dead. Ernesto was with Isabella, the woman he beleived to be his daughter, and told me he was going to finally have his revenge. He told me of his plot to kill his own daughter via poison-almost like a punishment to Loretta for betraying him with Victor. He asked me for a favor since he was afraid of the possibility of being outnumbered by the Loretta castaways if they survived the ship sinking. He asked me to have some of my men come to the island to assist him in his plans to ensure success. I happened to be close by on one of my many private islands and went with the men to see if I may of service to my close business associate. He had done so much for me I was prepared to return the favor. I arrived with my men but when I arrived I saw Ernesto in a cage with Hope Brady. I then saw the cage explode but I noticed that both Hope and Ernesto escaped via a secret exit near the back of the cage. Of course, everyone knows Greta von Amburg was Hope's double in the cage and was substituted for her and ended up burned and scarred for years as a result.

Close up of Greta remembering that and gently touching her face.

Stefano: You all already learned that I found Hope and took care of her at Maison Blanche for years but I did the very same for Ernesto. I found him and too care of his recovery, which was difficult. While Hope recovered fast, Ernesto was in a coma for years and never came out of it. I made arrangments for him in a private, secluded 24 hour care facility where no one would know he was still alive or where he was. At this time, I was dealing with my own health concerns and again, as you all know, I returned to Salem to see my daughter Kristen and to recover from my illness. The times that I was presumed dead after that point, I would take those opportunities to check on Ernesto. By 1996, he had come out of the coma but he was consumed with hatred for what happened to him. He hated his previous enemies more and now had reason to hate others that he felt played a part in his accident.

Ernesto: Stefano's right. I woke up paralysed due to nerve damage. It wasn't until 1998 that I started to walk again and then I suffered a stroke as a result of complications from a surgery I had after the explosion. I never fully recovered from that until 2001. I was and still am consumed with hate for my enemies. Victor, I have and always will despise you. Bo Brady, you double crossed me on the Loretta and you!! Hope!!! You came out of that explosion and wre just fine in a matter of months. You were up and doing Stefano's bidding as Gina while I was held up in a hospital bed in a coma for years. If it was never for you and Julie over there being nosy, I would have never had the idea to put you in the cage and would never have been in that explosion.

Hope: You can't seriously blame me for something you did.

Ernesto: I can and will no matter what you think. Oh, and Jack and Jennifer. Salem's very own ace reporters. You two busybodies got involved in my business and caused chaos aboard the Loretta. I still have a vendetta with you too. Oh, and Ro..I mean John. You messed with my plans too and aided in turning Isabella against me.

John: You did that yourself by turning you back on her and trying to kill her.

Ernesto: NO!!! I loved her and still loved her as my daughter. You had already poisoned her mind against me. She was lost. She had become Victor's daughter and I would not accept that so I had to rid myself of her. Had she never been so close to you, she still would've loved me like her father. You poisoned her mind against me just like Victor poisoned Loretta's mind. All of you!! All of you that have destroyed my life will feel my wrath. Your precious loved ones will feel my wrath. I will get my revenge.

The crowd looks on and are horrified at Ernesto, who has a sinister and crazed look on his face as the screen fades out.

4th Scene -Same room as the crowd wonders what they will be told next.

Stefano: Is your tirade over so we can continue?

Ernesto: No.

Stefano: Well, it will have to be. Continuing on...when I left town in 2001 after being ran out of Salem by the police, I reconnected with Ernesto and saw he was fully recovered. He told me of his plan for revenge and that is what the Melaswen plot orginated. It was Ernesto's way of getting revenge and he thought it was ironic to use an island as that is where the most suffering in his life began with the explosion. He told me of his grand scheme to lure his enemies there and even make it appear as though they were dead. He would use drugs developed by Dr. Rolf and his secret organization and put them in the water supply. He would also have his employees plant suggestions in the minds of Salemites so they would have nightmares or beleive they were seeing the ghost of their loved ones. He also used holograms to make the ghostly visions of loved ones appear just like he made visions of himself appear on the island after the Loretta sank. The drugs in the water supply would even helped to make the "deaths" appear worse then they are and they really helped enhance the effects of the makeup. He told me of all this and that he needed my help and manpower. I agreed as long as some of my enemies could be added to his target list and that is when I provided an island for him to build into a replica Salem. I also requested that we use Marlena as a serial killer and then bring her the island herself. This way I could have her in my posession after destroying my enemies. I told Ernesto that we could program her to do our bidding. Ernesto was all for the idea since she was John's wife and he wanted revenge on him and knew this would tear him apart. From this point on, this is where the great Melaswen plot began to become a reality.

The screen then fades out. Days of our Lives halfway theme plays.

5th Scene -Same room. Stefano contines to explain the past.

Marlena: Wow Steffy I am impressed with all the planning. Not surprised you screwed around with me and my head again though.

Stefano: Oh, Marlena. I wasn't the one that did and I will explain that right now. Now this is where the great traitor known as Wendell comes into play. After visiting with Ernesto and going though all the Melaswen plans, I knew I wanted to lay low as the ISA had people looking for me. My men, including Wendell who was one of my top lietenants, and I traveled the world to stay in hiding. I had trusted Wendell a great deal in the past. Shortly after leaving Ernesto, I developed a serious fever and hid my condition from everyone. Turns out I had contracted some sort of infection from one of the exotic locations we visited. WE continued to travel the world and my condition grew worse. I started to become delusional and began to ramble on about my life and everything I had done a great deal. At this point, Wendell got this brilliant idea in mind and began to take notes and memorized everything about my life he could and researched what he didn't learn. After 3 months of my rambling on combined with his research, Wendell feelt he was ready to take over my life and be one of the richest and most powerful men in the world. He realized, of course, the risk involved and knew he could be as good as dead if found out. One evening, I asked him to play chess (we now see a flashback to this) since it was a nightly ritual of theirs before retiring for the evening. Wendell was the only man other then John that I felt could challenge me in chess. I asked him to bring out my favorite wine. At the time, I had no clue he was slowly poisoning me via the wine, food, etc. This concoction was something he stole from Dr. Rolf and was slowly eating away at my brain. One night, Wendell came to check on me and beleived that I had died from the poison. Wendell now felt he could become me and could now do things that even I had not done. He even though he could destroy all my enemies. He had plastic surgery to give him the look he has now, the look you all thought to be that of Alex North's until a few weeks ago. He was concerned about people like Ernesto, Bart, and other close associates of mine knowing somehow he was not me so he decided that he should get rid of them. He targeted Ernesto first knowing he knew me so well that he may think something was up . He made an attempt on Ernesto's life but he survived. When Wendell tried to escape via a private plane, he felt as thought he was being followed and was right. Ernesto had several men chasing after him since he now knew that he was an imposter. Ernesto was out for his blood. When Wendell got in the plane, he instructed the pilot to take off and it did before Ernesto and his men got a hold of him.

Stefano flashes back to that night while recounting the details.

Pilot: Your destination, sir?

Wendell: Europe. We're not too far from there. I'll make you a very wealthy man if you can get us there.

Pilot: Thank you very much sir.

Wendell: No thanks are necessary. How long have you been a pilot?

Pilot: Most of my adult life, sir. My father insisted that I learn several things that may aid me in the future. He said you never know when you might have to flee the country.

Wendell: (Laughing) That’s for sure. Your father sounded like a very wise man.

Pilot: He was. He was one of the finest men I’ve ever known. He taught me every single thing that I know.

Wendell: Oh. Like what?

Pilot: Well, one thing for sure. Never let anyone thing that you don’t know what’s going on. Even people that you take into your closest confidence. They’ll use it against you when they feel the time is right.

Wendell: True. And another?

Pilot: Well, for second, always let one of your most trusted people think that you have died of some brain ailment after you had a severe fever. That way he will feel that he has taken over your life, and will try to steal everything that rightfully belongs to you.

Stefano (voice over): Wendell just looked at me in horror realizing his plot had failed and that I, Stefano Dimera, had once again rose from the ashes.

Pilot: And third........when the pilot of your plane is going to bail out on you, make sure there’s only one parachute.

Wendell: Oh. My. God.

Stefano DiMera: Close enough. (While holding a gun on him) Now, did you really think I would allow a lackey like you to kill The Phoenix? Ask the people of Salem, my boy. Nothing........NOTHING.......can destroy me. Now, I hate to cut this short, but I have a chess game waiting for me. Enjoy your trip.......(He opens the door and steps out onto the ledge)..........TO HELL!!!!!!

Stefano: I then jumped out of the plane and opened my parachute, and safely floated down to the ocean. My people were following me in my private yacht. As I climbed on board, I thanked my other lieutenant, Yuri, and everyone else.

Stefano: You all will have hefty, hefty bonuses in your checks. As for Wendell..........as the young folks say today........

Those are the breaks! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Flashback ends.

Stefano: So Wendell's plane crashed and I beleived him to be dead. Little did I know that he would survive and come into contact with my nephew Andre. I always beleived Andre to be dead since he was in Tony's place when he "died" in Aremid but Andre used another former employee of mine to help him fake his death and get away. He promised the employee a share of his power once he took over the Dimera empire. He was angry with me for putting him in that situation to take Tony's place. He hated it and knew I was setting himself up for a fall. He knew I hated him so he wanted revenge and my empire. After Wendell's presumed demise, he partnered with Wendell to get rid of me and take over all the operations of the empire on thier own. I was on my way to meet with Tony, having heard he was in remission from his blood disease. We were going to discuss the Melaswen plans. Wendell and Andre tampered with my car causing it to crash. Tony found me and thought I had died in his arms. Little did he know that the EMT"s that arrived shortly after I stopped breathing were in Andre and Wendell's employ. They fooled Tony and he went back to Salem thinking I died in his arms. Andre and Wendell took care of everything to make sure everyone beleived I was dead and that Andre was dead in Aremid. I was shipped off to a secret lair and had fallen into a coma. Rather then kill me, they both wanted to torture me by keeping me captive like I have kept so many others. When I awoke out of a coma, I spent months in captivity and finally broke out and made my way here to the island. I remained in the shadows and was shocked to hear what I missed in my absence.

The screen then fades to black.

6th Scene -Stefano continues.

Stefano: I learned that Andre and Wendell had convinced Ernesto and everyone else that he was indeed Stefano. Thinking Andre was Tony since Andre had convinced Ernesto that an imposter Tony was sent to Salem to run things so he could help his father plot the Melaswen scheme. Ernesto bought this because he beleived Andre died in Aremid and, thinking Andre was Tony now, he didn't think Tony would lie about Wendell being me. Wendell explained his appearance as a way of wishing ill upon the man that betrayed him. Ernesto was skeptical but bought this since Tony supported him by saying that Stefano was merely hoping Wendell would see this from hell and be tortured seeing Stefano look like he did after his surgery. The three went ahead with the first Melaswen plot as planned. The drugs were put in the water supply and it was all the begin at the fashion show. Wendell and Andre knew that Tony would stop them and that he could catch them so, during that time Tony was missing at the hospital, Andre switched places with him and acted as Tony from that point on. Andre was also the person who attacked Bo and Hope. He wanted to make Rex do it to get back at Tony and knew Rex was having mysterious headaches and that he would convince himself that he attacked Bo and Hope so Andre made sure Rex had blood on him to make it look like he did it. It was all Ernesto's idea to attack Bo and Hope since he wanted his revenge on them. His plan was to drug them and "kill" them in the hospital to bring them to the island but they never could get in there since their injuries were so severe. Ernesto did not want them severely injured but Andre had gone too far. Ernesto backed off on Bo and Hope and he, Andre, and Wendell went after the rest of the list I had targeted. Abe was first and then they would just pick off whoever got close to the truth since they no longer wanted to abide by my list after that. Andre programmed Marlena with help from Ernesto and Andre was the one applying the makeup for the wounds. Tek and Patrick helped along the way too as they, having worked for me for years, were used by Andre and Wendell. Both of them never knew Ernesto was involved in the scheme going on in Salem. Victor being "killed" was Ernesto's idea. Ernesto discovered that there was a plot to kill Victor and took advantage of it to bring him to the island. Eventually, the island plot was destoyed when Jennifer, Hope, etc started making their way down to the island. Patrick and Tek growing to care for some of the Salemites ruined plans too as Patrick was the hero on the island and has been a hero quite a few times since then from what I hear. Anyway, Andre got on a power trip and now wanted to destroy the world. He was sick of being ordered around by Wendell and Ernesto so he locked both of them up and made them watch the chaos on Melaswen as their plot was being ruined. He came up with the idea of a fake Stefano skeleton to scare Wendell and the me, since both of us could see everything going on. This is when Andre ran the show and came up with the Stan scheme, trapping everyone in the castle and manipulating their lives as well as the lives of people in Salem, and the Philip scheme in Iraq. He just loved torturing Ernesto by showing him that he had Philip trapped knowing full well Ernesto would love to have Philip in captivity as a way of getting back at Victor. Andre loved being in control of the Dimera empire but Wendell and Ernesto got out eventually. Andre was afraid for his life so he made a deal with them to share the power of the empire with them. They then decided to plot another Melaswen plot since the first failed only Ernesto took full control of this one. Wendell went to Salem as Alex North and began brainwashing Marlena to use her to "kill" people again. The brainwashing, though, has now backfired and you see the result despite the fact that Marlena did serve the purpose intended by Wendell, Ernesto, and Andre.

Marlena: Yeah,well I am in control now and I' m not doing nothing for no one. I simply want my revenge.

Stefano: Please Marlena, et me finish. So that is how this second plot began as the drugs never stopped being dropped into the water supply as Andre always thought it would come in handy. They faked all these deaths yet again only this time they nearly "killed" everyone in Salem and they lured you all here and there you have it. The truth behind everything I am sure you all wanted to know.

Ernesto: Stefano explained it all just the way it happened. Too bad there had to be a double cross.

Wendell: Yeah, well I nearly got a way with it.

Andre: I knew you would never get away it. Me and the other hand...

Stefano: Neither of you were going to get away with it and you know that. Now you will face the consequences of your actions.

Wendell: Not before I make you pay for ruining all my plans.

Stefano looks on confused as the screen fades to black.

7th Scene: The crowd wonders what is in store for them now as things are getting tense between Wendell and Stefano.

Stefano: Just how do you plan to make me pay? You are nothing but a mere lackey. Always have been, always will be. You would not have made it this far without Andre and an unknowing Ernesto by your side.

Wendell: Oh, trust me. I know the perfect way to get back at you. See, Andre and I have all your secret files on this very island. We simply wanted them here so they were handy in case we needed them.

Stefano: As unnerving as that is, what are you getting at?

Wendell: (looking at Sami) Let's just say I know for a fact someone took a gander at your collection of secrets and now has proof of one of your many bombshells you have kept hidden. Care to elaborate Samantha?

Sami turns around and looks at Wendell as the whole crowd turns and looks at her.

Sami: I am not sure what you are talk...

Wendell: Oh come on. What do you have under your jacket? You have never been shy before so don't be now. Come on out with it.

John: Samantha, you said you had something to tell me earlier-is this it?

Roman: Yeah,she told me she wanted to talk too. What are you hiding underneath your jacket Sami? Is that wanted to talk to me about?

John: And me too. Something was bothering you earlier so what did you want to tell your dad and I? Did you find out something that could help us bring down the Dimera's? Is that what Wendell is talking about?

The crowd looks at Sami, as does Stefano, Wendell, Andre, Marlena, and Ernesto. Sami takes the file out.

Sami: I guess there is no way out. I didn't want to do it this way but...I guess I have to tell you...I have to tell you what I found.

The camera pans around to everyone in the crowd, including Roman and John. Stefano looks at Sami trying to intimidate her into staying quiet while Wendell stares at her trying to encourage her to spill everything. The screen fades out on a confused Sami as the credits roll.


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