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July 17, 2006



-Caroline thinks about the secret her and Victor are keeping. Victor comes over to her to ask if she is alright. She reminds Victor of the pain their secret would cause and it must be kept a secret-no one can ever find out they made love in the castle while imprisoned by Tony. If they do, it could destroy their families and could even kill Shawn Sr. Victor says he vowed to keep her secret and will but, if there is anything to be learned from the secret of Claire's paternity, these things always come out. Shawn Sr sees Victor and Caroline together and reminds himself to stay calm since they are only friends.

-Abby asks Jack if her mother has really chosen him over Frankie. Jack decides to be honest with her and says that Jennifer has not made a choice yet. An upset Abby lashes out at her mother and Frankie saying her father belongs with her mother. Max gets involved and reminds Abby not to get involved. Abby tells Max to stay out of it, which causes some tension between them. Chelsea sees this and is happy. Max takes Abby aside and begs her to let Frankie, Jennifer, and Jack figure this out. Max does not want this to affect his friendship with Abby. Abby agrees and apologizes. Chelsea is jealous when she sees Abby and Max embrace. Alice, Mickey, Doug, Julie, and Maggie see this and wonder how Jennifer will ever choose since choosing Frankie could push her daughter away and choosing Jack will hurt Frankie deeply and either way could cause a rift between Abby and Max's friendship. Julie says she feels like more is developing between Abby and Max. Maggie agrees-they remind her of Jennifer and Frankie when they were younger. Chelsea overhears and is not pleased.

-Roman is worried about Carrie, as are Austin and Lucas. Abe says with the force field down the can search for her but they need to plan an escape first and take out whoever is in charge of all this. Shane, Bo, Hope, Billie, and John agree. Celeste feels that not everyone will make it off the island alive and, those that do, will have their lives changed forever. This worries everyone.

-Nicole remembers Celeste's premonition concerning Eric and she decides to tell him about. Eric shrugs it off but Nicole reminds him that Celeste has always been right. Eric says that she can be wrong too and walks away. Sami overhears and wonders if Celeste's prediction about Eric somehow ties in with what she learned in the file room. Nicole tells sami she is worried about Eric. Sami feels the same but says she has other things to be worried about.

-Mimi asks Rex if there is still a chance for them. Rex says they can't discuss that matter here. There is alot to be resolved. He leaves to talk to Cassie. Cassie begs Rex to stay away from Mimi and not fall for her tricks again. Rex tells Cassie to back off-he is a big boy and knows what he is going. Mimi tells Bonnie if she loses Shawn she is hopeful that Rex and her will work things out. Bonnie is happy for her and they embrace. Cassie asks Kate what she would do if Rex reunited with Mimi. Kate says she wouldn't do anything because she feels Mimi is similar to her-that is a minor reason why she helped her keep Shawn although making Philip happy was the major reason. Kate tells Cassie to stay out of it-that is one couple she would not tamper with if they reunite unless she hurt him again. Cassie privately says that she will take a page out of her mother's book and break them up herself if they get together and Kate holds to what she said.

-Belle asks Shawn if they will get back together now given what has happened. Shawn says it is the wrong place to talk about this as he needs to talk everything out with Mimi too. Belle is shocked that he would think about forgiving Mimi. Shawn says he won't forgive her but they do need to talk and he needs to think-as does she. They have alot to deal with before even considering a reunion, including Philip. He tells Belle there is no gurantee that they will reunite. Belle is stunned as Shawn says they will talk once things calm down-hopefully when they are off the island. Belle still hopes to be back with Shawn but is surprised at his hesitation. She thinks about Philip and how he will react to everything. She wonders where he is.

-The guard looks at Ernesto, who shakes his head no in response to Philip's request for the guard to kill him. The guard then says no and says that the boss wants him alive. Philip hears Shawn and Belle talk about him and also hears Shawn say there is no gurantee of a reunion for them. This gives Philip hope as he sees how concerned about him Belle seems. Philip reminds himself that Belle is his wife and that he has the control here to stop Shawn from taking her from him. He plans to fight Shawn for Belle and to get revenge for the betrayal of his family and friends who kept secrets from him. Ernesto hates this as Philip has calmed down. He stops taping and tells the guard to have someone edit the tape and to only show Philip's intial reaction to the truth about Belle and Claire at the gathering later. Ernesto then gets a call from Stefano. Stefano tells him to meet him and Andre in the large room on the west side of the island control center. That is where they will have their "grand finale gala." Ernesto says he will be right there. He tells the guard to bring the tape and a monitor to the room so Victor can see how hurt Philip was.

-Mimi asks Shawn if they can talk. Shawn tells Mimi that he won't be talking about anything concerning the situation they are in until things calm down and they are off the island. Mimi agrees and hopes she can still have Shawn but now wonders if maybe she is meant to be with Rex and he was brought back now to be there for her and get back together with her.

-Belle enters the room and overhears John telling everyone that they also need to find Marlena. Belle tells her father that she was with Marlena and that she nearly killed her. John is stunned but Rex bakcs up Belle and says that he came just in time to fluster Marlena enough to make her stop and run away. John wonders if the Marlena he knows and loves is gone.

-Marlena overhears this and laughs that the "old" Marlena is gone and that the "new" Marlena will no longer let anyone or anything control her. She is very pleased with all the chaos from the reveal of Claire's paternity and everything else. "I love taking pleasure in their pain...in their deserving, well-overdue pain," she says as she laughs with approval. Marlena then sees guards coming and takes off.

-The guards then bust in to the faux Brady Pub and order everyone to come with them. John asks what is going on. One of the guards says that they are going to a party. Maggie asks that Alice be left behind. The guard says a vehicle will take the elderly up to where they need to be. Alice, Maggie, Mickey, Caroline, Shawn Sr, Doug, and Julie all go with the guards onto a golf-cart like vehicle and they leave. The others are told to walk so they follow the guards out. Marlena sees this and decides to use this opportunity to make her presence known to everyone on the island, including Stefano. She will use this party as the beginning of her revenge plot. She follows the crowd and the guards.

-All the islanders arrive in a large room that resembles a ball room, only it is very dark and dimly lit. The guard tells them all to move around the room, sit, etc just don't make any trouble. Two guards stay behind while the others leave. John discoversthey are locked in the room. The guards have guns ready just in case of trouble. John wonders why they were all asked to be there. The door opens up and Patrick and Tek enter, followed by Bart and more guards. The corwd is stunned and horrified that Patrick and Tek are working for the enemy. Tek confesses that all the information Shane discovered on him is true-that is what Stefano has on him. Patrick says he started working for Stefano because of his past but he can't go into detail. Shane says they will still find out the truth. Patrick says that he may be dad by then so it won't matter-he just doesn't want anyone to learn the truth about him now and hate him. He has grown to care for too many (he then looks at Jennifer, Hope, Billie, Bonnie, and Mimi). Bart tells Patrick and Tek to shut up and sit down.

-The crowd is stunned when Lexie comes in. Lexie runs over to Tek and slaps him. She can't beleive he was working for her father. He tells Lexie that he was hired to break Abe and her up. Abe asks what is going on but before they can get into it, Stefano enters. Everyone is stunned but not surprised he is alive and behind it all.

Stefano: Oh, come now. Surely you don't believe I pulled this off on my own.

John: Well, we know Patrick and Tek work for you and you have Bart.

Stefano: Oh, John. You know that imbilsils like that don't count. Let me introduce you to one of my co-conspirators. Come on in my dear nephew.

Andre then walks into the room as everyone believes he is Tony.

Stefano: Naturally, you all beleive that this is my son, Tony. However, I must inform you that this man is not Tony. In fact, you have not been in the presence of the real Count Tony Dimera since the day of the Basic Black fashion show. Yep, you guessed it my friends. When Tony's comotose body mysteriously disappeared, we pulled off a switch. The real Tony is hidden somewhere being treated for his blood disease, which has returned. I do wonder what happened to him-haven't heard from him in awhile. Perhaps he succumbed to that menacing disease. No matter-you now know one part of the big puzzle but we don't want to reveal it all quite yet do we? No-we want to have everyone in attendance first.

John: You are sick.

Stefano: Oh, John. Let's try not to be negative since this is a party. Now, moving on, I would like to bring out my partner and primary co-conspriator for this grand scheme and the first island scheme you all experiened a few years ago. Yes, you heard me. Tony, oh so sorry, I mean Andre was not the mastermind of the first island plot. I was very much in control at that time but more on that later. Without further adieu, I would like to introduce you to...Ernesto Toscano!!!

The crowd is stunned. Victor looks Ernesto right in the eyes and the tension is clear. Shawn remembers him as the man who "killed" his mom. Julie, Jennifer, and Jack are stunned, as is John.

John: Well, isn't this a blast from the past.

Ernesto: Yes, John. You are truly a sight for sore eyes. Wow-very hard calling you John instead of Roman.

Stefano: Oh, don't worry, that problem will soon correct itself (Stefano looks at Sami, who is worried about what may be coming next).

Ernesto: Oh, and Victor. How good to see you? It is always nice to re-connect with old foes.

Victor: Ernesto. I can tell time has not helped you get over the past.

Ernesto: GET OVER THE PAST!!!! Forget what happened before the explosion but I was nearly killed.

Stefano: Now wait my friend. I hate to interrupt but we must wait to share stories. I want them to learn everything in sequence so they can see how we cleverly masterminded this plot right under all their noses, including the ISA's (looks at Shane and John).

-Ernesto: Why must we wait Stefano? We got so much to do and everyone is here. There is no one else we are waiting for.

Voice from a distance: Oh yes, you are.

Marlena then walks in stunning the crowd. John, Belle, and Sami try to run to her but she pulls out a gun and aims it at them and the crowd.

Marlena: You are waiting for me. Now, now Johnny and co-don't come any closer or I may have to blow you to kingdom come!!!

John: Doc...

Marlena: Sshhh!! Steffy was talking so let's give him the floor. Go ahead Steffy.

Stefano: Marlena, when did you get to the island?

Marlena: Oh I have been here since Patty-cakes and Tekky over there got here. Your little cameras missed me because I laid low and was busy stalking my prey. Namely, all your little captives here and their merry band of rescuers. Oh, and that little explosion-all me. Sorry for the damages but chances are you won't be using the land anyway.

Stefano: I can't beleive we did not detect you.

Ernesto: Well, now everyone is here now so can we move on so I can make sure all my enemies know the hell I have been through.

Marlena: Hey, you look familiar.

John: It's Ernesto Toscano, Doc. He was behind the Loretta ship sinking and the trick that presumably killed Hope years ago.

Marlena: Ah, I see. I have heard so much about you.

Ernesto: Likewise.

Marlena: So, Steffy. How did you get tangled with Ernie here? You don't mind me calling you Ernie do you?

Ernesto: Whatever...

Stefano: Well, I will inform you of all that in due time.

Ernesto: How about now? Everyone is here so let's get this show on the road.

Voice from a distance (laughing): Not everyone is here, my friend.

Greta then walks in held at gunpoint by a man that looks exactly like the way Stefano used to look (played by Joe Mascolo). The crowd is stunned.

John: What the hell?

Marlena: This is insane.

Lexie: Father, what is going on?

Ernesto: Seems like another double cross to me.

John: Greta...what is going ...

Greta: I was in the catacombs when I opened a secret door and out he came. He pulled a gun on me and told me to just come with him.

Man (Joe Mascolo): I couldn't just miss a party, especially one that requires my attendance at it to set the record straight...to tell everyone that I am the real STEFANO DIMERA and that this man you have been calling Stefano since it was revealed he was not Alex North is nothing more then a fraud.

The crowd is stunned as the two Stefanos face off as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.


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