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July 14, 2006



-The crowd at the pub awaits what Mimi is about to say about Claire. Meanwhile, Philip watches on a monitor everything that is going on as a gleeful Ernesto prepares to tape his reaction to show to Victor.

-Everyone in the crowd wonders what is going on. Victor and Kate know and Philip sees them huddled in the corner talking and wonders if they may know what this is about.

Belle: What could you possibly tell us about Claire? You haven't even seen her since Shawn and you have been stuck on this island with everyone else. Mimi, what is going on?!!

Shawn: Babe, what is wrong? You look pale and worried about something. Just tell us what you want to say.

Mimi: Well, I have been trying to but I always seem to get interupted. I have known this for awhile-since a few weeks before our wedding. It was around the time of my mother's "heart attack."

Bonnie:...which was a fake.

Shawn: What?

Caroline: Now Bonnie I was there. Your heart attack seemed very real.

Bonnie: Well, it wasn't. The secret Mimi wants to confess to you all I learned first from someone else. I knew she wanted to tell you Shawn and I didn't want my daughter to lose you. She had already lost Rex because I pushed her to have an abortion and I have always pushed my children to go after the brass ring. I just wanted better for them and marrying you would get us Lockharts into the Horton/Brady/Kiriakis fold. After my accident earlier with the force field, I realized that pushing my children to do things for wealth and power is wrong. I have steered them down the wrong path, the same path I am on and have been on. I just hope to change that now for my kids and me-that is why Mimi is going to tell you the truth now. She should have always told the truth but I am to blame. I am to blame for the abortion and and all the lies she committed so if you want to blame someone please don't take all this out on my little girl once she tells you everything. Please!!

Shawn: So, you faked a heart attack knowing we would push up our wedding and this would make sure Mimi and I got married before this secret you learned and told Mimi to keep came out?

Bonnie: Yes-that is what happened.

Shawn: What could possibly be so big that it would cause you to worry about me leaving Mimi so much that you faked a heart attack to push the wedding along?

Bonnie: Honey, I think you should tell him.

Mimi: Shawn. Belle. Do you remember that night you were in a car accident during a snowstorm?

Belle: Yeah, Shawn rescued me but we were both wet from the river so he took me to a barn and we used our body heat to stay warm and to survive. We were both delerious from hypothermia.

Shawn: Right. What about it?

Mimi: Well, something else happened that neither of you remember. The EMT's found you naked and in each other's arms. Don't you both remember how you both said when you woke up at the hospital that you had a dream about making love?

Belle: Yeah...

Shawn: Mimi, where is this going?

Mimi: It wasn't a dream.

Shawn: What?

Belle: Where are you getting th...

Mimi: Trust me it wasn't a dream and Claire is proof of that. She is your daughter Shawn, not Philip's.

-Everyone in the room is stunned. Philip looks on in shock and remembers that night and says to himself how it makes so much sense now. He knew something more happened that night.

-Victor tells Kate that they need to confess their role in this too. Kate doesn't want Philip to know they were involved in covering it up. Victor says Mimi and Bonnie can't take all the blame-they both knew and hid the truth and now they need to deal with the consequences of their actions.

Belle: Mimi how do you know this?

Shawn: I want to know that myself. I mean, how are you positive that Claire is my daughter?

Mimi looks at Kate. Victor nods his head and Mimi reads his lips, which she takes as approval to rat out Kate. Kate looks on in horror.

Mimi: Kate found out when Claire was brought into the hospital on Thanksgiving night. She saw some test results and went to the records room and learned the truth.

Victor: I caught Kate myself in the records room trying to change the records to protect Philip. Luckily, I was able to change them back before they cost Claire or Shawn their lives. I apologize for my role in this. Kate convinced me that it was right to withold the truth as too many, including Philip who loves that little girl, would have been hurt. Belle, Philip, Mimi, and Shawn have been through so much-I guess I just was weak and let her convince me so I apologize. (Victor looks at Caroline) I did the same thing I was outraged at you for-I kept Claire's real father away from her, I suppose now I understand somewhat why you did what you did with Bo.

Caroline: Victor, I think we can all understand your reasons for doing this. They weren't right but they are understandable and I am no one to judge given my past but Kate-you took things way too far. Altering hospital records-someone could have died because of that.

Kate: I did what I had to do to protect my son.

Austin: Mom you went too far this time.

Lucas: And as usual you ended up hurting more people in the end and Philip will be hurt most of all.

Billie: Yes and Philip would've been hurt a lot less had he been told sooner. Now he has bonded with a child that is not his and he will now have to let her go. Are you proud of yourself?

Kate: Why is everyone blaming this on me? Victor, Bonnie, and Mimi all knew the truth too and withheld it.

Roman: We know that Kate but you broke the law and just got lucky Victor covered for you. Had you not changed those records back, I would have to bring charges up.

Hope: You should. This woman messed with my family when she hired Franco years ago to break Bo and I up and now she has again by keeping my son away from his daughter. You bitch!!

Hope slaps Kate.

Kate: Your a mother, Hope, You would have done the same.

Hope: When are you going to get it Kate? You take a mother's love way too far. You try to make their lives for them rather then let them live their own lives and let things fall into place. You almost play god with their lives.

Kate: I won't sit here and take all this blame when Bonnie and Mimi are standing right over there and are just as responsible.

Bonnie: Kate's right. However, Kate and I pushed Mimi and manipulated her into telling the truth.

Kate: Ugh-oh so we are going to let the same woman who aborted my grandchild off the hook? Oh real nice that sounds fair.

Sami: Shutup Kate!! You helped organized a whole freakin massacre at Greta's coronation with Vincent Moroni so you aren't one to talk.

Kate: Either are you Sami-woman of a thousand weddings.

Mimi: Shawn, I just want you to know that I am sorry. I wanted to tell you so many ti...

Shawn: Then why didn't you? All those times you wanted to tell me something...all those times you got emotional...it was all about this wasn't it?

Mimi: Yes.

Shawn: The letter...oh my God the letter. The one you wanted me to read but changed your mind and read to me instead. The truth was in the letter wasn't it? And Fr. Jansen-that is what he was talking about me knowing wasn't it? What did you do lie to him and make him think you told me the truth? Did you lie to a priest?

Mimi: (crying) Yes. I am sorry Shawn-so sorry!!

Bonnie: Shawn blame me. Kate and me did manipulate her and then I kept pushing her to keep the secret, just like I did with the abortion (looks at Rex). Please Shawn-don't leave my baby because of this.

Shawn: She still didn't have to listen to you or Kate. You have always been like that-giving in to peer pressure. Ever since high school-you know something is wrong yet you always do it and never own up to it until the going gets tough or you are worried about the consequences.

Mimi: I know. I am sorry Shawn. Between my mother, Kate, already losing so much in my life...I...and then there was Philip. Chloe already hurt him and he lost his leg and I just didn't want him to lose Claire and Belle too.

Belle: Oh, yes noble Mimi. You know you only did this for yourself and chose to do it on your own. Bonnie and Kate didn't need to convince you because you still would've done the same thing on your own.

Bonnie: Belle that isn't tru..

Belle: Bonnie do not try to protect her. She knows I am right. Once you had Shawn, you were willing to do anything to keep him and here we are.

Mimi: Well, your the one who gave me a reason to do this. After all, you still wanted Shawn. You wanted Shawn while Philip was overseas, you wanted Shawn while Philip was suffering after losing his leg, you wanted Shawn when we first became a couple, and you even wanted Shawn the night before my wedding when you tried to convince him not to marry you. You broke his heart Belle and the minute he is moving on and has finally dedicated himself to making a new life for himself you just come swooping back in. The problem is you wanted Shawn but felt sorry for Philip and then you fell for him over time. Only problem is you loved Shawn more and still do and you did everything you could to stop him from marrying me. If it weren't for Kate manipulating you, you would have stopped my wedding.

The crowd looks at Kate.

Kate: Yeah, I know. You all want to tar and feather me in a public square. Ugh..

Mimi: Shawn..I know I was wrong but Belle gave me reason to worry. I mean, the minute you and me started dating she just wouldn't leave you alone. She couldn't stand anyone else-let alone her so-called best friend-being with you but her. Are you happy Belle? How does it make you feel to have strung a great guy like Philip along? To have gone overseas and fight a war and lose his leg all while you are playing house with Shawn just waiting to jump his bones..

Belle: You bitch! (Belle slaps her)

Mimi: No you bitch. You always have to have what you want. Princess Belle can never be wrong. You took advantage of Philip. You hurt both of them. Your lack of belief in Shawn started all this. You never believed he loved you and that is why you broke up and then you constantly choose Philip over him and then come running back to him when he is with me. What I did was wrong but what you did was sick. Post Partum Depression-what a joke. You were just depressed because Shawn was with me and you were tied down with Philip thinking you had a child with him.

Belle: How dare you try to turn this on me..

Kate: Well, she is right Belle. I mean, how many times did I catch you with Shawn while Philip was fighting overseas? How many times were you prepared to choose Shawn over Philip?

Belle: You kept pushing me. You made me feel guilty about leaving Philip. You manipulated the situation.

Mimi: The same thing she did to me.

Bonnie: That's right.

Philip looks on from the monitor. Tears streaming down his face, he begins to shake with anger and lash out about how his mother, father, wife, and best friends could do this to him. Ernesto watches Philip very pleased.

Marlena watches the goings on in the pub from outside. She doesn't react to any of it but is very happy about all the suffering. "Nothing like a little pain and torture before dying," she says.

Sami watches all this and it further convinces her to tell everyone about what she found. She decides to wait until things calm down.

Kate: Oh please can we stop blaming me for manipulating people.

Sami: We will when you stop.

Kate:Oh really-so when are you going to stop?

Sami: Haha-bitch.

Belle: I can't beleive you would do this to Claire, Shawn, Philip, and me. I was your best friend. You said you loved Shawn and Philip was your friend. We have always been close-all four of us. Claire is your goddaughter!!! (Belle begins to cry as John and Sami come over to comfort her)

Mimi: I care about all four of you. People make mistakes. You made one when you caused the truth about my abortion to come out.

Belle: Mimi-that was your fault. You should have told Rex well before and trusted in his love.

Rex: I agree.

Cassie: So do I.

Mimi: I know that was my fault but...why don't you admit responsibility for what you did to Philip and to Shawn?

Belle: I know I was wrong for not trusting in Shawn's love and marrying Philip. I know I was wrong to lead him on and do so much behind his back but what you did to me...to all of us is unforgivable.

Mimi: You know what...I don't care what you think right now. I only care about Shawn. Shawn..honey...talk to me. Please.

Shawn: It was all a lie-our whole marriage was based on a lie. I thought you learned from your mistakes. You were there for me when no one else was after I lost Belle. I was in love with you. I can't look at you now and not hate you. Hate for what you did to me, to Belle, to Philip. You kept me from my child. Many mistakes were made by others here but you had a choice. You chose wrong.

Shawn begins to leave. Mimi grabs a hold of him.


Bonnie: Please Shawn. Don't do this. Please. It was my fault. Don't blame my little girl.

Shawn: Give it up Bonnie. I have heard enough.

Shawn pushes Mimi away and leaves the pub. Bo and Hope, Caroline, Shawn Sr, and Victor go outside to comfort him. Victor reminds Kate on his way out that he warned her this would happen. If Philip ever finds out, they may lose their son. Kate blames Victor for spilling everything she did. Victor tells her that her actions have consequences and to deal with it. Billie, Austin, and Lucas all look at her. So does Sami. John comes over to her and says that he has lost all respect for her and will never forgive her for manipulating his daughter's life. Roman also reminds Kate that he warned her to leave her kids alone and now she will have to pay the piper.

John comforts Belle. Belle wonders what will happen if they find Phillip and he learns all this. John says he will be hurt, especially given all he has been through. She tells her father she has loved Shawn and always will and feels bad for the mistakes she made in the past regarding the men in her life. John says she will need to earn forgiveness and is sure she will. He and everyone else knows she is a good person and never meant to hurt anyone-she will find a way to make up for what she did. Belle promises to do so.

Bonnie comforts Mimi. John, Bo, Hope, Caroline, Alice, Maggie, and Shawn Sr blast Mimi and Bonnie for their actions. They let them into their family and then they betray their trust. John, Bo, and Hope lash out at Mimi for messing with Claire, Belle, and Shawn's lives. Mimi runs away in tears with Bonnie behind her.

John goes out to Shawn and asks what he intends to do now. Shawn says he will be a good father to Claire and doesn't know other than that. Bo, Hope, Alice, Caroline, and Shawn comfort him. Victor apologizes to him. Shawn says he thinks he can forgive him but right now he is just so angry. Victor understands. Shawn and everyone else say they understand Victor did it for his son and that his heart was in the right place. Shawn Sr is jealous when Caroline embraces Victor. Bo and Hope are excited they are grandparents. Shawn vows to be a good father. Belle comes out and says she knows he will be. Everyone leaves them alone to talk.

Sami sees John walk in and wonders if now is the time to announce her findings. She then decides to wait a bit longer since everyone is still reeling from the Claire reveal.

Jennifer sees how torn between Philip and Shawn Belle was and wonders how she will ever choose between Jack and Frankie without hurting one of them and ruining their life. Jack and Frankie promise to make things easy for her. Abby sees Jennifer, Frankie, and Jack talking and wonders if her mother has not chosen her father for sure yet. She tells Max if her mother chooses Frankie she doesn't know how she will react. Max hopes it doesn't ruin their relationship. Chelsea overhears and wonders what relationship they are talking about.

Billie, Austin, and Lucas beg Kate to stay out of their lives from now on. Chelsea stuns them all when she stands up for Kate and defends her. She likes the fact that she has someone in her corner willing to do anything for her. Billie is disgusted and Kate is happy Chelsea is on her side. Billie warns Kate to stay out of Chelsea's life too. Chelsea tells Billie to let things be and let grandma Kate do what she wants.

Mimi is comforted by Bonnie. She thanks her mother for trying to take the fall. Bonnie says she was just doing what any mother would do. Mimi says that Bonnie finally showed her how much she loves and cares about her. Bonnie says it felt good to actually feel like a real mom for once by doing right by her daughter. Cassie gloats at seeing Mimi lose everything because of lies again. Mimi nearly attacks her. Rex tells Cassie to go away and leave Mimi alone. Rex asks Bonnie if he can have a minute with Mimi. Bonnie leaves her. Mimi looks at Rex. He hands her a wash cloth to dry her eyes and asks her why she didn't learn her lesson from what she did to their relationship. Mimi doesn't answer and finally tells Rex to back off if he is only going to lecture her. She knows he hates her so he should just leave her alone. Rex says he doesn't hate her and that he regrets leaving her back in Salem. He thinks if he stayed in Salem rather then leave, he may have forgiven her eventually. Mimi looks at Rex and asks if he still loves her and, if things are really over with Shawn, if there is still a chance for him and her?

Belle comforts Shawn and both are stunned by this news. Belle asks Shawn where they will go from here.

Shawn: I don't know.

Belle: Well, Phillip will learn the truth when and if he is found so once that happens, what happens to us?

Shawn looks at her and Belle looks at him.

Belle: Obviously, there is still something left between you and me.

Shawn: You know there is...and now we have a daughter.

Belle: So...you are saying that once things get settled you want us to be together?

Meanwhile, a vengeful Philip is watching all this as the monitor shows Belle and Shawn outside the faux pub. He is filled with rage and literally shaking all while his face is soaked with tears. A extremely happy Ernesto is watching and taping Philip.

Philip: My wife never loved me. She never wanted me. My own parents betrayed me. My two best friends betrayed me. First, Chloe, then my leg, now all this. Claire...my little girl...she isn't mine. God...oh God. I have nothing. Nothing.

Philip motions to the guard to come over to him.

Guard: What?

Philip: I need you to do something for me. I don't care what your orders are-I need you to put me out of my misery before I lose all my dignity. I need you to KILL ME...

The screen the fades out on Philip's face as the credits roll.


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