Michele Ceron’s book, Cape Heights.
If you enjoy soap operas and enjoyed the days of the afternoon cliffhangers, or the likes of the night soaps of Dynasty and Dallas, with a wide array of characters like Falon, and Bobby, Blake and Crystal, as well as the counterpoint characters such as Alexis and JR, and all the glamour that goes with it, you are going to love this book!! There is literally someone for everyone to love or hate. And Ms Ceron does not sidestep alternative relationships either as she is refreshingly inclusive but not obtrusively so. Modeled after soapie scripts, you’ll get an inside view of the way soap storylines are written, with all the complicated interwoven tangled relationships, and much of the fascination of the genre. Ms Ceron’s very believable characters and crisp dialog never have a dull moment as characters’ scenes breeze from one to the other erupting in collisions and showdowns, clashes and truces, loves and rejections, and a mysterious sinister plotline brewing in the background. Get a big bowl of popcorn and settle in to devour the entanglements. Nothing escaped Ms Ceron’s soap-romp through the complicated labyrinth of the relationships of the cleverly created characters that circulate in and out of various settings in her seaside town of Cape Heights.
Haven't tried Cape Heights yet? What are you waiting for?
Entry posted by Michele Soap Writer
Love the daytime tv soap style of storytelling? Then Cape Heights is for you! This soap follows the basic soap opera format but takes it an extra step further by avoiding most soap cliches and instead presenting more realistic but still juicy and controversial stories! Realistic, gritty dialog not inhibited by tv censorship.
Here are some reviews for Cape Heights Volume 1:
July 22, 2019
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
August 16, 2019
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
This was just like a soap opera, I couldn't put it down-I had to find out what was going to happen next. And fortunately, unlike a TV soap, I didn't have to wait until the next day to find out what happened, I just kept reading! So glad there is a volume 2 as I need to know what happens with some of the characters I really came to like!
October 3, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
To start, I've never read a book like this before. Going in, I wasnt sure what to expect but soon found myself flipping the pages...wanting more! What intrigued me most is that i could envision each part as if I was watching an actual soap opera on television. The author did a great job of bringing daytime television into literature format. I've already started Pt.2 and loving it!
September 18, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Gripping. Powerful. Heartfelt storytelling. Daytime dramas have been around for almost 90 years. However, for almost 15 of those years, the genre has gone downhill resorting to plots like doppelgängers, back-from-the-dead, and baby switches. When I opened up “Cape Heights” for the first time, I expected it to be a run-of-the-mill soap opera. HOWEVER, it is so much more! Michele put in work to create a world full of drama, strong family bonds (one of my favorite families is the Chinese Chow family), diversity in every sense of the word, and of course one filled with passion. If you liked the timely writing of Agnes Nixon, the daring writing of Bill Bell, or the family writing of Sally Sussman, YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!
Here is a sneak peek scene from Volume 4, which should be released in December!
Scene 2: La Mirage-Noelle’s Boutique
He has been with the baby all morning so that Noelle can get caught up at the boutique while Naomi works in her office. Things have been strained between Naomi and them. Darius and Noelle have been walking on eggshells with her over the last week. Naomi has purposely been trying to avoid them as much as she can by immersing herself into her job. Though she has been spending time with the baby, it has been at a minimal. Walking into the boutique with Trina strapped to his chest, he smiles at Noelle who is behind the counter. “Hey there, my gorgeous wife…..” He leans over the counter and gives her a kiss. “Trina, say hi to your mama…..” He takes one of her little hands and waves it at Noelle.
She smiles warmly at Darius when he comes in. “What a welcome surprise!” She says to him after he kisses her. “Hi my baby girl!” She says in a high pitched voice as she takes Trina’s hand around her finger. “You came at a good time. I just finished catching up on accounting and inventory.” She says with a slight sigh. She looks at Darius with a bit of sadness. “I am going to take it that you also came here to talk about Naomi? It is really starting to get frustrating, Darius! It has been a week and she still is acting distant…….I really am starting to think that she is contemplating leaving our marriage.”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Noelle. Why do you always have to see the worst side? Stop being pessimistic. Naomi is not going anywhere.”
“I am not being pessimistic, I am being realistic! That is the vibe I am getting. You just refuse to admit that is what you are sensing as well. You keep saying you know her better than me yet you keep living in denial. It isn’t going to just go away on its own, Darius. If that was the case, she would be back to her normal self by now! What is going on with the adoption, anyways? You haven’t mentioned that in a while.”
Taking in a deep breath “I am not living in denial. You are right, I thought she would be back to her old self by now…..I am getting more concerned.” He pauses for a moment when she asks about the adoption. He looks at her gravely “I guess I should tell you. But keep this between us for now…..the adoption is null and void. It is unlawful.”
“What? Why?”
“The state does not recognize a marriage with more than 2 people which means it also doesn’t recognize more than 2 parents for a child. You and I are not giving up our parental rights…..therefore Naomi cannot be an adoptive parent to Trinity. At least for now…..Marcus encouraged me to contact our state rep to get the law changed.” He says as he rolls his eyes.
Folding her arms across her chest and shaking her head “Our state re------“ She makes a tsk sound. “[!@#$%^&*], Darius.”
“Yea, you see now why I have been keeping quiet about it? I don’t know when will be a good time to tell Naomi about it, but I know that right now would be a terrible time.”
“Yea…..no [!@#$%^&*]…..” She looks like she is in deep thought. An idea comes to her mind. “Hey, maybe I can have my mom spend some one-on-one time with Naomi. She really likes and respects my mother. Maybe she will confide in her or listen to her advice. What do you think?”
Looking encouraged “I think…..that sounds like a decent idea. Naomi doesn’t have any close friends that she can really talk to outside of us.”
“Perfect! I will call my mother now to see if maybe she can invite Naomi out to lunch today….” She picks up her phone and starts to call her mother with a smile on her face.
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