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Sin and scandal plague the beautiful suburb of Aurora Shores. Get caught under...

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Episode 2

Same day, evening Nick watched with amusement as Julian hurriedly threw dirty clothes into a hamper and made up his bed. “Hey Jules, it’s your sister that’s coming over, not the President. You lived with her for eight years, I’m sure she knows what a slob you are.” Julian looked up and glared at him. “You have some nerve to be lecturing me on cleanliness when you hardly pick up after yourself.” “I would, but it’s hard to vacuum over a certain redhead, if you catch my drift.” Nick wink



Episode 1

The first episode of Riptide is here! It's a short one, however, the first few episodes will introduce the main players. The stories will really kick into high gear soon, and you won't be disappointed! January 26 – Late morning The taxi is heading down Sundown Lane. Melanie Edwards takes a deep breath and looks outside the backseat window. She hasn’t been on this street in twenty years and as the cab advances towards her childhood home, her stomach flips and flops like a roller coaster.



Now online!

Riptide will debut on Friday, January 26th, sometime in the evening. The soap centers around the fictional Los Angeles surburb of Aurora Shores, and the lives of several key citizens. Former champion surfer Kyle Mackenzie was devastated when his thirteen year-old daughter Melanie decided to leave Aurora Shores to live with his sister. Melanie promised she would return---but only if her dad divorced her mom Lynda, a lush and an adulteress who bore another child with up-and-coming politician Al



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