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The Market

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An Original Soap Opera based upon to ongoings of a Supermarket.

Entries in this blog

Episode #7

Episode 7 The Show opens up with the outside of a club. We can hear the bass of the music from the inside. The camera panes down from the sign of the club that says, Hypnotic, and shows the girls, Amanda, Cassie and Maddie. They are shown talking. Maddie: I wish this line was moving faster so we could just get in and dance and forget about the stupid men in our lives! Amanda: Your preaching to the choir. Cassie: This is ridiculous. Oh finally the line is moving. The girls move up and ar



Episode #6

Episode 6 Steve Michaels is walking around the store, doing returns when he sees his sister, Keri. Steve: Hey! Keri Surprised to see her brother: What are you doing here, and why are you working? Steve: Oh its nice to see you too. Keri: Seriously, what’s going on? Steve: Mom and Dad thought I needed to get a job, so I applied and they hired me. Keri: Why didn’t you tell me? Steve: Because I figured this would be more fun! Keri: Well I don’t want you to work here! Steve: Listen to me



Multiple Characters coming!!

Ricky Ullman has been cast in the role of Jonathan Riggs, Johnny for short. He will be a member of the Produce Department, which for some unexplained reason has an issue with the Grocery Department. He is the nice guy of the Produce Department who tries to forge a friendship with the guys of the Grocery Department, but because of the animosity between to two departments, he is prohibited from doing so. Greg Rikaart has been cast in the role of Brody Patrick. He is another member of the



Episode #5

Episode 5 Cassie is stunned to hear that Shawn likes her not Maddie. Cassie: What?! Shawn: I like you Cassie! Cassie: Wow, I had a feeling you didn’t like Maddie, but I never thought the reason was because you liked me. Shawn: I hope you don’t feel awkward or anything. Cassie: Its not awkward, I’m just really surprised, really really surprised! Shawn: Ok… Cassie: No! Don’t take it that way! I was just really surprised! Shawn begins to laugh: Yeah you said that already. Cassie laughs as well.



Episode #4

Episode 4 Matt is still blown away. Shawn asks him if he is alright. Matt tells Shawn he is fine. Shawn can tell something is really wrong but lets it go. Matt contemplates again whether or not he should tell Shawn that he likes Cassie. They both sit down at a table in the break room. They’re talking when they hear voices coming up the stairs. Matt and Shawn realize that Cassie and Maddie are the voices. Matt looks at Shawn and suggests the go into the men’s locker room, so they don’t have to



Episode #3

Shawn is still standing in the doorway taken aback. Cassie goes over to Shawn and tries to smooth over the situation. Cassie tells Shawn that he miss heard they’re conversation. Shawn tries to play it off and tells Cassie that he didn’t hear a thing and that he walked in and Maddie was giving him a weird look. Maddie tells Shawn to stop lying and just admit what he heard. Shawn tells her that he has no idea what she is talking about, but that if he had heard whatever they were talking about he p



Episode #2

Its two in the morning but, Shawn Anderson is still awake in his room. He’s sitting in front of his computer staring at the screen. Its revealed that Shawn is checking his email, but has stopped to read one. He is scanning the email and at the end of the email it says “Love Dad”. Shawn gets up from the chair and walks over to the window. He looks out the window and sees the empty rural street. There are almost no lights on in the houses. He sees a dog walking across the road, he walks away from



Episode #1

Shawn Anderson comes bursting into his brother’s, Seth Anderson, room and tells him to getting going or they will be late for their first day of work. Seth lifts his head from his pillow and tells his brother to leave him alone or he will make sure he never makes it to work. Twenty minutes later they both are outside of The Market, the local supermarket. Seth and Shawn walk to the back of the store where the Grocery Department is. They walk through the doors and approach the first guy they see.



Blog Moved!

http://www.freewebs.com/ghbaby1001/ This blog has been moved to the website listed above. Soon character bios, pics and possibly an opening will be up. The first episode was taken from this site and moved to the new site. Go there are check it out.



Breaking News

HUGE NEWS!!! After much debating, the cast of this soap will be cut down to help the premiere. The fact of the matter is that there were to many characters to start off with, so they have to be cut down so that theses characters can be accepted. There is no news on what characters will be safe, but its safe to say that the main character of the original plan will be safe.




Due to mistakes made on my part some of the characters have to be renamed. The character previously known as Jason Rigg will now be knwon as Jeremy Rhodes. Another mistake on my part was that I said that Steve Michaels was the twin of Stacy Michaels. Now there is now Stacy Michaels, but there is a Keri Michaels. Steve and Keri are twins. Sorry for the confusion and keep checking in for the premiere.



Store Managers

STORE MANAGERS Joshua Morrow has been cast as the Assistant Store Manager, Mr Mitchells. He is upper Management and second in command of the store. He will be liked by everyone, but also respected as a manager. Alan dale has been cast in the role of the Store Manager. Simply known as Mr. Jakks. He will have an unlikely connection to one of the younger members of The Market. Michelle Stafford has been cast in the role of Manager of the Departments, Ms. Jacobs. She is t



Cashiers/Front End

CASHIERS/FRONT END Victoria Rowell has been cast in the role of Amy Risko. Amy is a CDH or Cashier Department Head. She is incharge of the entire front end. She becomes good friends with Jennifer Anderson. Amy will clash with Jennifer's daughter Liz. Liz already acting rudely towards her mother will also try to exert her power over Amy as well, causing many issues with Amy. Andrew St. John has been cast in the role of Kyle Jonston. Kyle will just be the company jokester. He



The Florist Department

THE FLORIST DEPARTMENT Adrienne Leon has been cast in the role of Stacy Richards. Stacy will be the store flirt, with a major secret. She will be a smaller role, but will eventually involve the entire store. Look for this to be an umbrella story. Rebecca Herbst has been cast in the role of Miranda James. Miranda will be a sage like character. She will be a pilar of inspiration for Stacy, as well as the rest of the characters. She is always ready to listen and willing to give



The Bakery Department

THE BAKERY DEPARTMENT Alyson Mishkalaka has been cast as Amanda Smith. She is the long time girlfriend of Seth Anderson. She obviously loves Seth but there will be some attraction towards another guy. She will be at the center of a triangle that will begin to form. Julie Berman has been cast as Cassie Roberts. Cassie will become good friends with Shawn, but her potential relationship with any other guys will threaten Shawn. Shawn has feelings for Cassie, but the feelings are n



The Produce Department

THE PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Greg Rikaart has been cast in the role of Brody Patrick. Brody will be a major obstacle for Shawn and his potential love interest to over come. Brody and Shawn will have a lot in common and normally the two would make good friends, but due to their departments, they are ascribed enemies. Look for these two to clash, but eventually could they be the two to create a bond between the two departments? Ricky Ullman has been cast as Jason Rigg. Jason will be th



The Grocery Department

THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Drew Tyler Bell has been cast as Matthew Thompson. Matt will become good friends with Shawn. The two of them are there for each other during many hardtimes. Matt comes from a very different background than Shawn. Matt's parents are wealthier upper class snobs. Matt works at the Market because he refuses to be completely reliant on his parents money. Matt will take Shawn under his wing in the beginning and will teach Shawn the ins and outs of the Market.



The Anderson Family

The Anderson Family C.J. Thomason has been cast as Shawn Anderson. Thomason is widely known for his brief stint on the ABC soap General Hospital. Shawn Anderson is a Junior in High School with a hard life. He has earned everything he has, but now his mother has decided to move to a new town. With his parents being divorced, money in tight, therefore Shawn goes to The Market and applies for a job. He is hired as a Grocery Stock Boy. He quickly learns that the Market isn't what you wo



The Market

THE MARKET The premise of this soap the going ons of a Supermarket in New England. The soap takes place in the fictional Valley Falls. The main character is Shawn Anderson, a High School junior. He is new to the Market, but quickly finds that the Market is not what you would expect. He realizes that there is a lot of deception and lying going on. Shawn learns that hard way that you can't trust everyone around you, because many of the people are out for themselves. Even in the world of S



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