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'Love of Life'

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SOD Synopses - March 11, 1980

Betsy tells Tom she overheard her doctors discussing that she can't have any more children and begs him to let her know if it's true. Since Betsy's weak and emotionally drained, Tom refuses to discuss it with her. When Joel urges Amy to enlighten Bruce about being his illegitimate daughter, Amy reveals that Bruce abandoned her mother when she was pregnant because he wanted to pursue his law career. "I'm going to make him pay for what he did," she vows. ...During a break in the office routine



SOD Synopses - February 19, 1980

Ben, hoping to set things right between him and Betsy, begs her not to run off to England. "What happened to us?" he asks. "Why did we let so many unimportant things come between us? Betsy, I love you and I want us to be together always..." Betsy points out she's five months pregnant with Elliot's child, and that's hardly unimportant. She emphasizes that Ben can't love her and hate the baby she's carrying. Ben swears he doesn't hate the baby and is willing to accept Betsy's decision not to



SOD Synopses - January 29, 1980

Dr. Jessup, an eminent surgeon at Rosehill Hospital, suspects Liane was trying to buck the system by operating on Meg without authorization and wants to see her punished for it. He urges Dr. Marriott to have the surgical board thoroughly investigate Liane.... When Tom learns that Dr. Marriott took away Liane's surgical duties because she performed surgery without permission, Tom accuses him of using her as a scapegoat and looking for an excuse to oust her from the hospital staff. Dr. Marriott



SOD Synopses - January 8, 1980

Bambi, unable to bear the thought of Kim living in a tiny, seedy hotel room, invites her to share her apartment indefinitely. She also asks Paul to help Kim get a job nursing at Rosehill Hospital. Kim's landlady informs Tony that Kim moved out of her hotel room after Bambi visited her and left no forwarding address. Tony wrongly concludes Bambi must have said something to drive Kim away and angrily confronts her about it. Before Bambi has a chance to explain Kim is living with her, Tony bera




<object width="352" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="352" height="240"></embed></object> Pilot Morning Alongside State Highway 32 “Damn,” Joy Donovan muttered angrily as she leaned under the hood of her rental car, a waft of smoke drifting up towards her face. She reached down into the engine and began to wiggle a few fires.



SOD Synopses - March 1978

Arlene insists on taking the witness stand! She confesses that she did indeed have a gun with her when she lured Ian to the penthouse, and that she fully intended to shoot him! But as the jury recoils in horror, Arlene continues to unfold her story, and it is not the lurid, sordid picture which prosecutor Earl Merrick painted. Instead, it's a story of a love-starved and basically moral woman who was trying to force herself to kill Ian -- the man who had tried to hire Ray to kill her mother!



SOD Synopses - January 1978

Tom comes home from work one day to find that Arlene has collapsed. When he revives her, she is in a state of hysteria. She claims that Ian was in the closet and tried to pull her in with him! Poor Arlene is so emotionally distraught, Tom feels it’s best she be hospitalized. As Tom tries to calm her down, Slater walks in. Ray is also very concerned about Arlene’s state, and on instructions from Tom calls an ambulance. As the two men await medical help, Tom tenderly holds Arlene in his arms



SOD Synopses - February 1977

the 'Love of Life' theme For the first time in years, Felicia finds herself laughing and almost carefree, but she is unable to maintain her mood. The past comes back to haunt her. Eddie sees her turmoil and tries to understand, to help, but she shies away from his queries about the past. Gradually he convinces her to confide in him and she does, to a limited extent. She alludes to a nervous breakdown, but shows by her demeanor that it is something she is deeply ashamed of. When she lets



SOD Synopses - October 1976

the 'Love of Life' theme Charles is more than happy to accept Felicia's protestations that she is fine. He even cancels the nurse Sara had forced him to call. As he remarks on Felicia's "endless strength," his devoted, driven wife falls, unconscious, to the floor while helping him back into bed. He has no choice now, but manages to crawl to the phone to get help. Joe diagnoses viral pneumonia. Felicia must have full bed rest for several weeks in order to recover fully. Charles is not v



SOD Synopses - September 1976

the 'Love of Life' theme Lynn Henderson, the teenage runaway alcoholic is, like a lemming, rushing to destroy herself. She is desperate to be home with her mother, but her mother can offer only good schools -- not a home. In the girl's pain and confusion of being rejected, she absconds with $40 of the clinic's money. With money she can completely ignore Joe's warning that the deterioration of a teen-ager from alcoholism is much faster and more drastic than for someone of greater maturity.



SOD Synopses - August 1976

the 'Love of Life' theme When Ben and Arlene are formally charged, they are at odds and so are their mothers; but the shock is too much for Carrie, she collapses and is rushed to the hospital. Arlene is understandably bitter when Ben is released on bail (Meg and her money come in handy) but Ray Slater comes forward, promising Arlene he will do all that he can to help her. Meg hits upon the perfect defense strategy for Ben. She has managed to retain Mark Belder, the famous lawyer, to defen



SOD Synopses - July 1976

the 'Love of Life' theme On this day in Rosehill, two doors slam: Ben slams Arlene's car door saying he can't run away with her, he loves his wife; Arlene slams the Hart's front door lashing out at Betsy: "Ben is my husband, not yours. We've been married for three years; you never were his wife." Betsy looks at Arlene in amazement and shouts: "You're lying. You're crazy, that can't be true." "It's true, sweetie," Arlene continues bitterly, "And it's about time you knew." Betsy's sear



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