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Pre-emption & Casting News

Because work has gotten the better of me in the last few weeks, my episode lead time has decreased significantly. Therefore, in order to get myself caught back up to a decent backlog of episodes, the series will be pre-empted this week (5/21-5/25) at the very least. I'm hoping to get things back up to speed and back to normal by next Monday. In casting news, in light of Leann Hunley returning to Days, I'll be recasting Betsy Crawford Harper in the coming weeks. I have a few strong contende



Episode #20

Episode #20 Friday, 5/18/07 Same Day, Afternoon Tom’s Apartment Dr. Tom Crawford sat in silence, alone in the darkened room with only his thoughts. He’d pulled the shades tight and hadn’t even ventured to step outside. Reporters seemed to be everywhere and his phone had rung off the hook so much that he’d pulled the cord out of the wall in frustration. He sat on the sofa and sipped on a gin and tonic – he’s second of the day and it wasn’t much past noon. It was all starting



Episode #19

Episode #19 Thursday, 5/17/07 Same Day, Late Morning John & Suzanne’s Home, Living Room “You are such a precious little angel,” Vanessa Sterling cooed as she cradled her great-grandniece Tess Prentiss in her arms. “Yes, you are.” She turned to pick up a bottle for the baby when, out of the corner of her eye, she swore she thought she saw someone lurking outside the living room window in the bushes. Van gently placed the baby back into the bassinet and quietly walked over



Episode #18

Episode #18 Wednesday, 5/16/07 A Few Days Later, Morning Alison’s Apartment, Living Room Alison Marriott sat on the sofa, still in her robe, drinking a cup of coffee – her second cup of the morning. Unfortunately, the double dose of caffeine wasn’t doing much good. She’d barely slept all night. In fact, she’d barely slept for the last few nights – she’d had far too much on her mind. Paulson had completely pulled out of the Beaver Ridge project thanks to his discovery of the



Episode #17

Episode #17 Tuesday, 5/15/07 Same Day, Early Evening The Harper Home, Living Room “Yes?” Ben Harper said into the telephone as he cradled it next to his ear. “Oh, yes, Lt. Alphonso. News?” He paused and listened intently. “W-what? But… that doesn’t make any sense. Why would…?” He paused again as his brow began to furrow at the information he was being given. “No, I… I suppose there isn’t any other explanation. I… Thank you, Lieutenant, for keeping me informed.” As he



Episode #16

Episode #16 Monday, 5/14/07 Same Day, Late Afternoon Rosehill Police Department, Interrogation Room “Do you recognize this gun, Dr. Crawford?” Lt. Alphonso asked as he opened a manila envelope and pulled out the plastic baggie that contained the gun. Tom felt a large knot form in his throat. He most definitely did recognize it. “I… I’m not sure,” Tom Crawford muttered. “We’ve had the lab going over this gun with a fine tooth comb, Dr. Crawford.” Lt. Alphonso pushed it



Episode #15

Episode #15 Friday, 5/11/07 Same Day, Afternoon Beaver Ridge Complex, Lobby “But, Mr. Paulson, I assure you…” Andy Marriott found himself cut off mid-sentence by his angry business associate on the other end of the telephone line. “Yes, sir, I know how it looks, but I promise you those numbers and those plans that I showed you personally are correct.” During another long pause, Andy discovered that the only thing he could do was stand in silence as Mr. Paulson ranted at him.



Episode #14

Episode #14 Thursday, 5/10/07 A Few Days Later, Late Morning Rita’s Diner “Just a regular coffee,” Megan Harper said, not even looking at her waitress, Tracy Dixon. She was too busy thumbing through her wallet, making a careful inventory of her finances. Damn her parents for acting all high and mighty. She really wanted a double latté, but if she really was cut off, and it strongly appeared as if she were, she was smart enough to realize that she would need to ration her mon



Episode #13

Episode #13 Wednesday, 5/9/07 Same Day, Early Evening The Sterling Home, Living Room “Well, I don’t need you to pay my own way.” Megan Harper shot her father a defiant stare. “Granny just left my a big ol’ trust fund in her will.” “Apparently, you weren’t listening very well.” Ben Harper’s tone was stern and serious. “You don’t get all of that money until you’re thirty or until you get married and have a family. Until then, I administer the money. You don’t get a dime un



Episode #12

Episode #12 Tuesday, 5/8/07 Same Day, Late Afternoon Tom’s Apartment, Living Room Dr. Tom Crawford rushed through the front door, his mind racing with thoughts. As if Meg Marriott leaving him an endowment to maintain funding of his research grant – after pulling her funding only days before her death – weren’t enough to try to deal with and understand, the sight of the gun the police had found was. True, he’d only gotten a quick glimpse of it and, yes, the view had been parti



Episode #11

Episode #11 Monday, 5/7/07 Same Day, Afternoon Meg’s House, Living Room “Mr. Harper, I have some news,” Lt. Alphonso spoke up. “I believe we’ve found the gun.” “W-what?” Ben Harper quickly rose from his seat and went to the lieutenant. “Where? How?” “That’s not important right now, Mr. Harper. This is still on ongoing investigation.” He pulled out a plastic baggie that contained the gun in question and preceded to hand it to Officer Granger, but not so swift as to pre



Episode #10

Episode #10 Friday, 5/4/07 Same Day, Afternoon Meg’s House, living room “Let’s just get this over with,” Ben Harper muttered, running his hands through his hair. “I’m a little uneasy about diving up Maggie’s personal effects like she never existed.” “Dad, that’s not what they’re doing,” Vanessa Harper said softly, putting her hand on her father’s shoulder. “Maggie’s gone, now. I know it’s devastating, but this is what she wanted done with her possessions. No one’s here to



Episode #9

Episode #9 Thursday, 5/3/07 A Few Days Later, Morning Beaver Ridge Complex, lobby “More problems with Paulson!” Alison Marriott said to her father Andy Marriott and John Prentiss as she stormed into the lobby waving a stack of faxes. “I swear, this entire project is going down the tubes. If one more thing goes wrong, we can kiss this entire place good-bye.” “Let me see those.” Andy walked over to her and took the faxes out of her hands. “Damn, what crap is he trying to pul



Episode #8

Episode #8 Wednesday, 5/2/07 Same Day, Late Afternoon Whispering Springs Sanitarium, Barbara Marriott’s room Barbara Marriott stared for a few minutes out the window, taking into the beauty of the lush flower gardens outside. However, it wasn’t long before a cloud seemed to cover her face and she reached down under the cushion of the armchair and pulled out a newspaper. The headline? “Rosehill Socialite Murdered”… <object width="352" height="240"><param name="m



Episode #7

Episode #7 Tuesday, 5/1/07 Same Day, Late Afternoon Whispering Springs Sanitarium, Dr. Kinmont’s office “Dr. Kinmont, how is she today?” Dr. Andrew Marriott asked as he stood in the doctor’s office. “It seems like she’s been doing better the past few weeks.” “I think she’s starting to show some real progress.” Dr. Kinmot flipped open his chart and carefully examined it. “Yes, she still has her moments, but those episodes are becoming further and further apart.” “Is she w



Episode #6

Episode #6 Monday, 4/30/07 Same Day, Afternoon Rosehill Church, Inside “Today I want to remember the good in my sister. No matter what mistakes she made, she brought into this world two fine children.” Vanessa Sterling looked towards her nephew Ben Harper and smiled. “And I know they had their differences over the years and I know her children had their own troubles, but they’ve both grown into such fine human beings.” Her voice caught in her throat. “I just wish… I wish th



Episode #5

<object width="352" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="352" height="240"></embed></object> Episode #5 Friday, 4/27/07 Same Day, Afternoon Rosehill Church, Outside “I hope we’re not too late,” Joy Donovan said as she hurried up the walk towards the front of the church, Chaz trailing along behind her. She paused long enough to p



Episode #4

<object width="352" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="352" height="240"></embed></object> Episode #4 Thursday, 4/26/07 Same Day, Afternoon Rosehill Church “Ben, how’re you holding up?” Dr. Andrew Marriott asked as he extended his hand. “I know how difficult this must be for you and your family.” “I think I’m still in shock,



Episode #3

<object width="352" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="352" height="240"></embed></object> Episode #3 Wednesday, 4/25/07 Same Day, Afternoon Rosehill Church, Outside “Andy, you’ve got to come up with some good news on this,” John Prentiss said into his phone as he paced around the garden outside the front doors of the church.



Episode #2

<object width="352" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="352" height="240"></embed></object> Episode #2 Tuesday, 4/24/07 Same Day, Early Afternoon Beaver Ridge Complex, Lobby “Dad, I’ve got those files you wanted,” Alison Marriott said as she rushed into the lobby and over to her father’s makeshift desk. “I’ve got to warn you, t



Episode #1

<object width="352" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="352" height="240"></embed></object> Episode #1 Monday, 4/23/07 Late Morning Rosehill Church Vanessa Sterling paused at the doors of the church, hoping for a moment to catch her breath. She wasn’t sure she had the strength to go through with it. It seemed like only yesterd



Series Premiere TOMORROW

Just a reminder that 'Love of Life - Return to Rosehill' premieres with daily episodes tomorrow! If you've forgotten the set up for the series from the pilot episode, please feel free to re-read it to refresh your memory.



SOD Synopses - April 22, 1980

FINAL EPISODES Arlene tells Ray she's going to shop and have lunch in Manhattan with her mother. Ray suspects she's really planning a secret rendezvous with Hal. When her mother cancels their lunch date, Arlene arranges to meet Hal. She tells him that she and Ray are having a baby. Hal informs Arlene that he's arranged to be transferred to New York City permanently. Meanwhile, Ray's jealousy grows after he calls Hal's office and learns he's out to lunch.... Back home with Ray, Arlene l



Series Premiere Date Set

After well over a month of planning (as well as writing so that I can have a sufficient backlog of episodes "in the can" for the planned daily posting schedule), I can finally announce that "Love of Life" will return to the "airwaves" on Monday, April 23, 2007. The story of Vanessa Sterling and all the other residents of Rosehill will once again continue just over 27 years since we last checked in on them. Please join me as we "Return to Rosehill" on April 23rd.



SOD Synopses - April 1, 1980

Feeling more like her old self again, Meg informs Tom that she's having her lawyer pursue the malpractice suit. Tom expresses his disappointment and asks Meg to reconsider pressing charges against Liane. He reiterates that he cares deeply for Meg and wants to remain her friend. Tom can't understand why Meg is determined to destroy the career of a person who saved her life... When Tony presses Bambi to reset their wedding date, she points out that it would be very cruel of him to pull away fr



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