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Week of January 8 Spoilers

Alexandra calls the Spaulding Enterprise meeting to order! Harley has questions regarding Vera and begins to look for answers. Tammy, Lizzie, Marina and Shayne make plans for the future. Alan-Michael and Lucy settle into life in Springfield all over again! HIGHLIGHT: A very special "IN the LIGHT" Remembering Maureen



Episode 034: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 034 Friday, January 05, 2007 Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins THE LIGHT Opening Danny meets Cassie at Company for a quick business meeting regarding the Towers renovations. The two-talk business and Cassie shamefully flirts with and it seems to be going unnoticed. Cassie asks him what is going with him, with them and explains that they had something going…romantically and she wants to know what happened. Michelle secretly goes to a doctor’s appointment with a



Episode 033: THE LIGHT

The Light: Episode 033 Thursday, January 04 2007 Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins THE LIGHT Opening With the day off from the hospital Ed begins to take down the Christmas decorations from the house. After awhile Mel comes out and begins to help him. Ed takes the opportunity to share with his daughter-in-law a conversation he recently had with Rick… Beth puts the finishing touches to her makeup and dresses in her new white gown! She checks herself in the mirror and suddenly hears



Episode 032: THE LIGHT

The Light: Episode 032 Wednesday, January 03, 2007 Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins THE LIGHT Opening As a new morning dawns over Springfield, Blake returns home from dropping the kids off at school. Once back home she prepares to crawl back into bed and stay there all day. She picks her cell phone up and sees Ross called earlier that morning. She listens to his heartfelt and loving message as tears swell in her eyes! Ross arrives at Spaulding Enterprise at the request of Alexan



THE LIGHT Promo: 01/01

This week on THE LIGHT... ANNOUNCER: What happens in Vegas... Beth: Phillip marry me! We'll go to Vegas... ANNOUNCER: Doesn't always stay in Vegas... Beth: This is a fresh start Phillip, for us! No secrets, promise me... ANNOUNCER: It could be a whole new beginning, if he tells her EVERYTHING... Phillip: I promise Beth...no secrets! ~AND~ ANNOUNCER: One woman heads towards Springfield... Flight Attendant: Enjoy your flight ma'am! Sandra: Thank you, thank you ver



Episode 031: THE LIGHT

The Light: Episode 031 Monday, January 01, 2007 Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins THE LIGHT Opening Beth repeats herself to Phillip and reassures him that she wants to marry him again and not wait anymore! Phillip remains stunned by what she has told him and questions why the rush. Beth explains her nightmare again and asks Phillip to marry her in Las Vegas…Phillip agrees to marry Beth and heads off to the mansion to pack! Alan and Olivia arrive at Towers for a late night dinner…



"IN the LIGHT" With Dan Gobble

"THE LIGHT" Executive Producer, Josh Hawkins announced last week that Dan Gobble, longtime "Guiding Light" fan would be joining the SONBC blog effective immediately. Recently an interviewer with SONBC sat down with Gobble for his first interview in the position. SONBC: Congratulations on joining "THE LIGHT". DG: Thank you. It is a pleasure to work with Josh to bring the SON viewers an alternative to the tepid daytime world of today. SONBC: Tell "LIGHT" readers why you have decided to join



Breaking News: Co-Head Writer HIRED!

Breaking News: Co-Head Writer HIRED! A new era of storytelling is about to begin as THE LIGHT” prepares to usher in a brand new year. Last week the executive producer of “TL” Josh Hawkins hinted that there were some backstage changes occurring at the blog. Now the EP/HW is ready to confirm that longtime GL viewer and personal SON friend, Dan Gobble is joining the blog team as co-head writer. “Dan is just the shot in the arm “THE LIGHT” needs to broaden and grow throughout 2007.” Said Hawki



"THE LIGHT" Set To Retun

Look for new episode of "THE LIGHT" to return to SONBC as soon as later today! Plus we are undergoing a major backstage shake-up that I can hopefully get into later as well!



Executive Producer: "IN the LIGHT"

Josh Hawkins "IN the LIGHT" SONBC: So tell us a little about what is going on with you personally and about the winter hiatus? JH: Sure! I just purchased my first home so that is taking up a majority of my time over the Christmas break. As such, "THE LIGHT" will be dark for a few days. SONBC: We won't be seeing Christmas in Springfield then? JH: Christmas we'll be seen, granted it maybe a little after the actual holiday, but I have some stuff happening for Christmas, so yes it will be seen for




SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Over the Christmas break from school I am working on moving from my apartment into my very first house! Yes one that I own! I am very exicted and it is a lot of hard work, so that means I won't be here at the blogs as much as I would like during the next week or so. DSL should be up and working at my new house next Thursday, until then I will be on a dial-up and working hard to get my house into a home! So thank you for patience and catch up on reading the "THE LIGHT." As



Episode 030: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 030 Friday, December 15, 2006 THE LIGHT Opening Beth jolts from her slumber and finds herself in another room that is not at the Spaulding mansion in the same nightgown and Phillip standing before her! Phillip is standing at the foot of her bed and Beth questions what is going on and says that she does not understand… With a confused look on his face, Phillip questions what in the world Beth is talking about and she responds with, “You’re really alive?” Phillip a



"THE LIGHT" Opening Credits

After extensive trial and errors, "THE LIGHT" has produced its very first opening credits which is set to the current GL theme song. The opening will precede each episode of "TL" below is two screencaps of the current opening theme. "THE LIGHT Opening Theme



Episode 029: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 029 "IN the LIGHT" with Beth Raines Winslow Thursday, December 14, 2006 Three Days After Phillip’s Tragic Murder… Afternoon of Phillip's Funeral... The entire town of Springfield is at a stand still. Company is closed because of a death in the family as Harley, Gus, Buzz, Frank and Marina arrive at the church for Phillip’s service. The Beacon Hotel is being cared for by hourly associates as Cassie, Reva, Josh, Billy and Tammy arrive. Cassie enters the church and has a fl



Episode 028: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 028 "IN the LIGHT" with Beth Raines Winslow Thursday, December 14, 2006 Three Days After Phillip’s Tragic Murder… Lizzie is in her room preparing for the funeral when Shayne calls her cell phone. He asks how she is doing and she tells him that she’ll be all right. Shayne assures Lizzie that Marina, Tammy and he will be there to support Lizzie through the day…Lizzie thanks him and notices James at her door, she hangs up the phone and tells James to come on in… Lucy and Al



Episode 027: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 027 "IN the LIGHT" with Beth Raines Winslow Wednesday, December 13, 2006 Two Days After Phillip’s Tragic Murder… At Alan’s request Lillian and Beth have moved into the Spaulding Mansion as the arrangements for Phillip’s funeral are being planned. Alexandra asks Lillian if she would ride to the airport with her and Lillian agrees to go with her. As a limo carrying both women pull out of the gate, another one arrives with Olivia who is returning home from a business trip in Sa



"THE LIGHT" Returns to Production

"THE LIGHT" returns to full production after a brief hiatus on the SONBC blog! The last episode published was EPISODE 26 an "IN the LIGHT" with Beth Raines Winslow. Look for her "ITL" to continue as we continue the storyline. Episodes will be published later tonight...Thursday and Friday. If time allows we will be doing a special Saturday episode to catch up with publication! Also some BEHIND THE SCENES production has been going on...stay tuned for that information later tonight!!



Episode Delay

Hello Guys!! I posted earlier that the Episode 027 and on would be posted last night and tonight...however I have been reduced to a dial up connection so I'm going to wait and post the rest of BETH'S "IN the LIGHT" on Saturday night and more stuff coming Sunday!!! - Mindy Returns Home for the funeral. - Olivia and Beth go head to head!! - Lillian has tough words for her a daughter!! - Plus a SHOCK!!!



"JERICHO" Stars Signs On

CBS Primetime Star Sees "THE LIGHT" STILLWATER, OK - As previously mentioned earlier this week (See Story) a rumor began making the rounds that an actress from a hit new fall CBS primetime show would be joining "THE LIGHT" cast in a short-term role. Casting director of the SONBC blog and series head writer, Josh Hawkins is confirming that indeed the actress is on her way. From the hit series, "JERICHO" cast and crew welcomes... Pamela Reed to the series. Reed who currently



Episode 026: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 026 "IN the LIGHT" with Beth Raines Winslow Wednesday, December 06, 2006 A calm and beautiful sunny morning continues in Springfield, but today is the day that everything begins to change… Beth is overcome with grief as Lillian turns the television off and her daughter demands that she be told exactly what is going or she is going to leave and find out on here own… Word begins to spread across Springfield of the tragic and untimely death of Phillip spreads…Alan and Alex



Casting Roundup *SPOILER HEAVY*

CASTING ROUNDUP STILLWATER, OK - "LIGHT" fans will want to read the latest episode (025) of the blog before reading the casting news in this report... In a stunning, unforseen move... GRANT ALEKSANDER has been released from his contract and duties at the blog, effective immediately. During the latest episode an "IN the LIGHT" with Beth Chamberlin as Phillip's true love and ex-wife, readers learned that Phillip was killed, "how is still a mystery." Says blog head writer Josh Hawk



Episode 025: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 025 In "THE LIGHT" with Beth Raines Winslow Tuesday, December 05, 2006 A calm and beautiful sunny morning begins in Springfield, but today is the day that everything begins to change… After an uneasy and uncomfortable night of sleep Beth begins to wake as she hears voices coming from the down stairs. As Beth begins to make her way there she feels a sudden sharp pain in her chest…but progresses on… Downstairs…Lillian is putting luggage bags by the door…she tells Ed that



THE LIGHT Promo: 12/04

This week on THE LIGHT... ANNOUNCER: Olivia confronted Beth with the truth... Olivia: When are you going to wake up from this dream... ANNOUNCER: But Beth is keeping something from everyone... Beth: I think you should go Olivia... ANNOUNCER: Everything changes for Beth...in the blink of an eye... Beth: PHILLIP!!! Only on SONBC Daytime!



Episode 024: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 024 Sunday, December 03, 2006 Nighttime falls over Springfield as lives begin to change forever… Phillip leaves Blake at Outskirts unsure of what she is avoiding…but not one hundred percent caring, until he gets his car. However he quickly has a change of heart and goes back into the bar…Phillip questions what is going on with her… Danny attempts to reason with Marah about why he didn’t press charges against Roxie…she tells him that what her aunt did was wrong, but s



Mindy Comes Home

Lewis Daughter Guest Stars STILLWATER, OK - Inside sources are reporting that Krista Tesreau is slated to make some appearanceover the course of the next few weeks. Tesreau who is on a special recurring contract status with "THE LIGHT" is schedule to appear in Episode 025 and perhaps 026. Tesreau will be sarhing scenes with Beth Chamberlin [beth]. Tesreau last appeared during the Spaulding Enterprise "First Wives Club" and in addition to the above episodes look for Tesreau to appear duri



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