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Posts posted by LisaQ

  1. Morning all.

    Constance Towers was on Stardish last night and she mentioned JE and TG. Someone had asked her about coming back to GH and she said she's love to, also saying she'd love to work with JE and TG again. Said JE was such a character. Also mentioned something like they wanted to do a Thelma and Louise type thing with her and JE. Wouldn't that have been fun!

    I was lucky enough to get thru and talk to her! I didn't ask about JE or TG - asked about other stuff and besides, I was too nervous and couldn't think straight...lol.

    Anyway, I'd love it if Connie came back to GH as Helena and mixed it up with Luke and Tracy again.

  2. Quickly stopping in before I explode from eating way too much food... :P

    Welcome Bluerose to the board

    Ms Q - your video rocks!

    remos - you're a fic goddess!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!! I'm retiring to the couch for a much needed snooze....

  3. I had a lot of time on my hands this weekend so I put it to some use. While watching the news all day Saturday I made a vid, it isn't really what I had in mind but none the less, here it is!


    What a great vid! Thank you!

    BTW--Soap gossip today...which was confired...Deidre Hall got the ax today on DOOL. She and Drake H. (he got it too) are going to be written off in January. Days got picked up til 2010 but needed massive budget cuts. Unreal!

    What? No!!!!

  4. No, don't skip your sleep. Highlights:

    Sonny is an a$shole

    Liz thought Jason would truly bend to her will and become her domestic partner - got pissed when reality came in the form of mob work.

    Kelly's was torched :angry: , and Mike beaten.

    LuSam ILYx2

    Kate dumped Sonny after finding out he went to Carly for help and not her - again

    Sonny is an a$shole

    Sleep well.

    Hmmm....and just how do you feel about Sonny? ;)

  5. Lisa, loved the video! Especially the refrain part with the fast switching clips. Looks like you don't use Windows Movie Maker... Do you use Sony Vegas? That apparently awesome program I'm too cheap to buy, LOL.

    I got sick of Movie Maker - kept freezing up. I downloaded a trial version of Sony Vegas, played with it for a while, then bit the bullet and bought it. Its a rockin' program and has lots of features I still don't understand how to use! lol

    Glad you all like the vid! It was a fun one to make.

  6. I liked todays show! I think Laura got taken down a peg or two in those scenes with Tracy. And I was shocked when Laura said she'd win if she and Tracy went to the mat...I was yelling, "I don't think so missy!!!'

    Oh...and I called the comment like and raved about Jane!!!

    New LuNacy vid coming......hopefully will get it up tonight...

  7. And Laura..... man did Tracy read her. Because I'm typing during the show I don't get to see all of the nuances, but did you see her eyes and mouth? There was NO WAY Laura's words matched her attitude. She was so condescending to Tracy, and Tracy just called her on it. Perfection!

    I just watched the last scene (and now I'm going to rewind and watch it all.....I had to see the end first..lol). My first thought was that Laura was a bit snarky. Now I know I wasn't the only one who thought so.

  8. Kind of OT, but if anyone hasn't checked it out yet, smirks' latest thread on SOC is hilarious! :lol:

    SOC 2050: Arguments and discussions we'll STILL be having...

    Lisa, loved the newest video on YouTube! :)

    I saw that thread and laughed my butt off.....that was way too funny!

    Thanks for the vid comment! :D


    so here's the newest picture. I'm sure you are all getting sick of seeing my stuff, but it is what it is, so there you go. It's not the full picture, of course, it got seriously cropped in the scanner but all the important stuff is there

    You're very talented!!

  9. Lainey and Ms.Q, I understand where you are coming from - and after being on SOC where the LnLers are trying to pick through everything with a fine tooth comb, I've seen all the arguments.

    Things that emerge for me, however...

    1. Luke didn't try to touch, hug, pat, stroke or cuddle Laura at any point during her obvious upset with the exception of that one last kiss. There was no effort to comfort her with anything.
    2. Luke at no point said Tracy wasn't important to him, didn't say the marriage was over now that Laura was awake, didn't say Laura was second to no one. All he said is Laura had a special place in his heart - as she should after 30 years and being the mother of his children.
    3. Luke told her the truth, softly but fully. They didn't fall in love right away, it did surprise both of them, he does have strong feelings for Tracy - we know it's love, Luke knows it's love, even Laura knows it's love. She told Luke right at the start she didn't want to hear about his relationship to Tracy, so that's what he respected in his discourse.
    4. When Laura said Luke chased her, he made very quick statement that no, he was chasing Scott who was driving like a madman. If it was going to be a reunion we would have heard something obnoxious about 'I'll chase you forever' or some such drivel - we heard nothing even remotely like that.
    5. So far we have had one week of LuNacy getting back home and finding out the situation with Lulu/Laura. This second week we've had Luke telling Laura the truth and the two of them accept that their marriage is over. No one expects the love to be gone. Coming Monday is week three where Luke returns to Tracy (and I really pray they do as much with that reunion as they did with LnL's ending) and then Tracy/Laura tangle. We aren't even half way through this story yet. Even after Laura leaves the story continues to unfold.
    6. We've got articles where TG talks about his motivation. We've got articles where GF and KS talk about how much they and their characters mean to each other. We've got a promo where Luke stands next to Tracy when Tracy and Laura come face to face. We've got Lulu pimping the hell out of LuNacy now (come on, that has to have taken all of us by surprise).
    7. Luke doesn't choose Laura - or else he would have done it this week and it would all be over.
    Ending LnL doesn't mean they have to crush LnL.

    Very well said! Thank you!

  10. I just watched today and I thought it was pretty good. Loved Tracy's CIA line and I actually liked Lulu standing up for Tracy to Lucky. I really wanted to smack Lucky! And I never have the urge to harm Greg Vaughn!!!

    Oh and I took a quick peek at the pix....would it have been too difficult to get a shot of Tracy from the front??? URGH!

  11. I am looking forward to seeing Tracy interact with the kids on Monday... Will be funny to see how in the world they end up running into each other in LA 'cause didn't Tracy leave already???

    Maybe they hook up at the airport when the kids land and Tracy is getting ready to take off?

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