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Announcer: On Days Of Night, Max and Morgan Share nights of First (Max carrying Morgan on the coastline) Max: Help Someone Announcer: Finally Seek shelter in a Cave Morgan: What Happened Max: Don't worry, we are find Now Announcer: This is one Night Max or Morgan will never forget Morgan: I love you so Much Max: I love you to Pretty girl (Max and Morgan begin to make Love) Announcer: You won't want to miss this, Days Of Night, only on SONBC
NOVEMBER 10,2007 EPISODE 4: MAX AND MORGAN HOVER NEAR DEATH At the Sorority house, Jeremy continues to pound on the sorority door convincing Steph, he was only helping Ashley because someone attacked her but its no use, Stephanie can't hear Jeremy because she is knocked out cold and the rapist is having sex with her. Up in Stephanie's room, the rapist continues to go at it. The rapist says, " you will be #10 of my victims." Outside, Jeremy still worrying about Stephanie but then Cordi comes up and wants to know what Jeremy is doing. Cordi: Who are you, why are you bagging on my door Jeremy: My name is Jeremy and I am Stephanie's boyfriend Cordi: so your the bastard who dumped her Jeremy: I didn't want to but I had to because i wanted to protect her Cordi: From what Jeremy: The truth is, i really got into trouble with the law and i didn't want to get her into it Cordi: Oh, that makes sense Inside up in Stephanie's room, Stephanie begins to wake up and notices someone on top of her. She trys to push them off but it doesn't work. Stephanie says, " get off me." Stalker says, " no use to struggle, you want me and you know it." Stephanie Screams, "HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP." Jeremy hears her scream and runs toward the door and busts it down. Jeremy then heads up stairs and into Stephanie's room, he is shocked to see what he finds. Jeremy finds the rapist on top of Stephanie, he gets furious and screams "what the hell are you doing on top my girlfriend." The rapist says, " Who are you." (Jeremy grabs the rapist off of Stephanie) Jeremy says, " I'm here boyfriend bitch." Jeremy punches the rapist and he goes flying onto a table. Jeremy rips off his mask and Stephanie/Cordi are both shocked to see it is Ford Decker. Then while Stephanie lays on the bed, she begins seeing flashbacks of her at a Bar talking to Ford, then making out with him and then has a flashback of her in bed and Ford being rough with her. Then out of nowhere, Stephanie screams to Ford, " you bastard...you raped me." Jeremy gets me furious and when he walks toward's Ford, Ford whips out a knife and slashes Jeremy on the arm and takes off running with Jeremy following behind but it know use, Jeremy loses him when he gets outside of the sorority house. At the Brady Pub Hope and Belle are seating down to a nice lunch discussing Life, work, School and Shawn. Hope brings up the night Belle slept with Philip behind Shawn's back but Belle quickly shuts her down and doesn't want to discuss it but Hope doesn't give up that easy. Hope: No Honey, We need to get this out in the open or many lives with be worried including yours Belle: I love Shawn and that is all that matters Hope: Did you love him when you had sex with Philip Belle: That night, philip forced me... Hope: you mean, he raped you Belle: No, we were talking and we both felled into temptation Hope: yea that does happen but you could have made yourself stop Belle: I know and it was very immature of me Hope: So what are you going to do Belle: Do What... Hope: Ummm, tell Shawn Belle: I was hoping we could keep that a secret and keep it in the past Hope: Belle, you know Secrets don't stay hidden forever. A good Strong marriage rely on honesty, Love and commitment and if you can't be honest to Shawn about what you did with Philip then I don't want you to marry my son and hurt him. Belle Looks at Hope with a evil serious look, then a loud explosion comes from the back of the kitchen. Shawn comes out with a wield look, puts his hands up in the air and says, " lady and gentlemen, everything is going to be fine. The stove just attacked me and i stopped it." Belle runs over to Shawn and gives him a hug and kiss, knowing he is alright. Shawn is happy to see Belle to but they Belle gives Shawn a lecture. " This is the reason why i don't want you to go into the police force against stuff that you could hurt you, I don't know what i would do if I ever lost the love of my life." (Shawn just looks on and is thinking Ok) Belle and Shawn share a hug and Belle looks onto Hope who is giving Belle a look. At The Salem Rec Center At the Rec Center, Chloe and Shawn are hanging out playing some basketball or just plan old working out together. They are having fun but then Shawn and Chloe gets close while Shawn puts his arms around her to try and get the ball. Chloe looks over her shoulder and drops the ball. Chloe picks the ball up and says, " I am so sorry." Shawn justs look at her and smiles. Chloe looks back and starts running towards him and screaming. Chloe gets up to his face and says, " why did you have to do that." Shawn again just looks at her funny. Chloe: Why are you just looking at me, aren't you going to say something (Shawn Continues to look at her) Chloe: Helloooooo, can you here me Shawn: I don't know what i did wrong Chloe: you know dam well, what you did (Shawn shakes his head) Chloe: you put your arms around me Shawn: thats it, we were playing basketball and i was trying to get the ball from you, whats the big deal Chloe: Maybe because the truth is, i have deep feelings about you Shawn and i think you have the same for me (Shawn in a state of shock just looks on) Chloe: Thats why i got so, fuzzy inside when you had your arms around me Shawn: really, you have feelings for me Chloe: yea, i always had feelings for you Shawn Shawn gets closer to Chloe and kisses her on the lips. Chloe just looks into Shawn's eyes and smiles, she then leans back in and kisses him. OutSide Of Salem Outside of Salem, Max continues to drive down the highway leaving Salem with Morgan scared out of her mind right in the next seat. Max still keeps looking in his rear view mirror to make sure noone isn't following them. Morgan reaches in her pocket and pulls her Cell out and begins to call her parents but Max sees Morgan begin to do so and quickly snatches her cell from her and closes it. (Morgan looks on with her mouth open) Morgan: Why did you do that Max: Baby, I am sorry I did that but if you call anyone in Salem. Then it can lead to us getting caught to whoever is after us Morgan: But, I was going to call my parents Max: Doesn't matter, they probably have all the phones tapped like from my parent to yours Morgan: but who is after us (Max flashes back to the apartment gun shootout back at the apartment) Max: My Father Morgan: Who Max: My deadbeat of a Dad, he use to beat me when i was a child Morgan: awww, i am so sorry Max: Thats ok, I am a better man then he is Morgan: I know you are and I am sure you will get us out of this Max: you got it, i will never let them harm you (Morgan smiles at Max) Morgan: But why is he after you (Max flashes back to the apartment scene again) Max: So I can take over the Family Business Morgan: Which is Max: The Mob (Morgan looks on) Max and Morgan continues to cruise down the highway in the mustang but then Morgan notices 3 black cars coming from the rear. Morgan gets nervous and starts to freak out. Morgan: Max, I think we have a problem Max: What, What kind of Problem Morgan: They found us Max: What, How could they Morgan: I don't know but they are about to fire guns at us Max trys to dodge the bullet but a couple hits the car. Max tells morgan if see can handle a gun but she just looks on confused. Max: Well can you Morgan: I suppose but i never shot a gun Max: Its easy just aim and shoot Morgan: Easy for you to say (Max looks on smiling) Morgan shoots off acouple of rounds but then Jason Zacchara pulls up with a bandage around his wounded leg. Jason: for the last time pull over Morgan: No, please just leave us alone Jason: not until you guys come back with us Morgan: but why Jason: Max's father wants to see him Max screams: You got a better chance of getting sex from Morgan (Morgan looks on and slaps him) Jason gets pissed off and says, " find if you don't want to come back, then I have orders to kill both of you." Jason sees a smart turn coming up ahead leading down to the ocean. Jason sticks his gun out of the window and shoots one of Max's tires. Max loses control while Jason and his men slows down. Max tries to put the breaks on but its no use before Max and Morgan could jump out of the car, its goes over the railing, over the edge and into the ocean. Next time on Days Of Night Max carries an unconscious morgan along the coast line -Max: Help, someone Bo and John investigates the explosion at Max's apartment -Bo: Who did this -John: The DiMeras -Bo: This isn't the DiMeras playing field. (Ej walks up) -EJ: I know who did this Nick arrives at the factory -Nick: Chelsea, where are you -Rebert: Don't Move Fallon or your girlfriend will be eaten alive (Chelsea is over a tank of Sharks) -Nick: Let her Go
According the Executive Producer Terry, there will be several cuts so we can lower the roster and give the viewers a more balance show. Terry confirms Several will be involved in the mob Story and that 3 deaths will come really shocking but will give Days Of Night some great episode. He also confirms that 1 supercouple will be heading out of Salem and its not Bo and Hope. Terry says, for all the bo and hope fans worried that they will be going soon, don't worry They are safe and will be involved in the mob story and coming in december will get there very own story. EP Terry also confirms that they are working to try and get Ellen Davidson back as Kristen DiMera for a huge story involving John and the mob. When we asked Ellen about this, she denies ever being approached by Days Of Night but if they ever call me, i would love to come back as Kristen if given the right story, I have always love playing Kristen. Going Nathan Towry will be out as Dr. Alan Rebert when his kidnapping of Chelsea comes to an end at the end of this month. LeAnn Hunley will be out as Anna DiMera come late December Francis Reid will be leaving as Alice Horton when she decided to retire from her role on Days. Coming Steve Burton will be coming to Days of Night as a Serect Assasin hired by Trent Becker. Steve's character is unknown right now but rumor his character will be a love interest for Billie. Airdate is unknown for the time being. Julie Berman plays Rachel Stockton whom she comes to Salem calming Steve is her father. Bradford Anderson plays a computer nerd hired by Trent Becker, first airtime is November 28 Sebastian Roché comes in as Lawrence Alamain but with plastic surgery, his first airdate is December 20
Episode 3: 11/8/07 Max and Morgan go on the run
StephanieLover17 posted a blog entry in Days of Night
NOVEMBER 8, 2007- EPISODE 3: MAX AND MORGAN GO ON THE RUN At the Docks When EJ was thrown over board, Rex Brady who is on EJ pay role sees EJ getting tossed in the water. Rex waits for Becker's mob to leave the scene and head down and save EJ. When they leave, Rex just sneaks down to the docks and jumps right in the water. He swims down to the very bottom to untie EJ from the cement blocks. Rex does untie Ej and help him to the top but he is unconscious, Rex gets him on shore and does CPR on EJ, it works. Rex saves EJ's life and swears that they are going to take down the other mob. EJ: Thanks Rex, you been a great Help Rex: Your my boss and I am loyal to you EJ: Well, I appreciate it Rex: What are you going to do now EJ: What I do best, Kick some ass and prove Trent Becker that you don't mess with me or the DiMeras Rex(smiles): Dam Right Rex helps EJ off the ground and heads away from the docks to seek revenge on Trent Becker. Rex gives EJ a gun, EJ cocks the gun back and heads off. Road to Max's House Max is driving Morgan to his apartment, hoping that they will be safe and his place. Morgan is just scared and Max can see it in her eyes that she just wants to go home. Max takes his hand and gently strokes it on Morgan's cheek and says, " everything will be ok." Morgan shakes her head and says, " I know, everything is ok When i am with you." Max smiles at her and Morgan smiles back. Max arrives at his small apartment and says, " there she is, its nothing facy but probably will keep us safe on who ever is after else." I don't mind, says Morgan. Morgan and Max gets inside of his place, Max offers Morgan a beer. They both chat on the couch and make out for alittle bit. Morgan is still upset and wants to know who is after them. Morgan: Who was that guy Max: I don't know, but who ever he was. I am going to kill him Morgan: Yea but it just happened out of nowhere (Max thinks about it and says, " you know what, that guy kinda look like a mobster.") Morgan looks at Max with a shock look on her face and says, " What." Morgan starts to freak out and says, " what does the mob want with me and you, we never done anything to them"(Morgan starts to cry.) Max comforts Morgan by giving her a hug, they share yet another close moment with a kiss but as soon as they kiss. They here gunfire coming from the front of the house and it is Trent's goons. Jason Zacchara says, " Max Brady come out or we won't hurt you." Max quickly goes into his room and pulls out a 45 handgun and breaks a window and fires at them. Jason Zacchara says, " i warned you Maxwell, we just want to talk to you Max screems, " about what" Jason Zacchara says, " your father wants to see you" (Max freezes and gets more angry because he hates his father with a passion) Max says, " I don't want to here or see from my father again." Max fires his gun again and shoots Jason Zacchara in the leg, Jason goes down but not before he orders everyone to torch the apartment with cocktails. Max sees the cocktails are about to be lite, he grabs Morgan and they both head toward the back window. Morgan is afraid to jump but Max convinces her its ether a very bad painful sprain or being roasted and he says, " he prefer a sprain ankle." Max and Morgan are about to jump from the 2nd floor onto a car roof. Max says, " I love you Morgan says, " I love you too." Just as Morgan and Max jump from the apartment, it explodes and pushes Max and Morgan away from the explosion. Max gets up and runs over to Morgan to see if she is ok. Max screems, " what do these people want from us." Morgan says, " I heard someone say something about your father." Max says, " well, i didn't for all I am concerned. I don't have a father." Just want Morgan was going to comfort Max, a police car pulls up and says from intercom, "Morgan Hollingsworth/Max Brady, you two are under arrest for car theft." Max and Morgan gets scared and Max sees his neighbors mustang and says, " its our only hope because if we go with the cops, then those people will get us for sure." Morgan agrees to get into the mustang, when they get in. Max says, " I am sorry about this and runs the cop down." Morgan with a shock look on her face says, " Max what did you do." Max: It was nothing, he got back up anyways Morgan: Thank goodness Max: I know, we were lucky but i got bad news Morgan: What Max: We have to leave Salem for awhile Morgan: you mean go on the run Max: yea just for a little while Morgan: Ok, i will go with you Max: Thats my girl, I will protect you Morgan: I know you will Max drives the mustang out of Salem in hoping that Trent Becker's goons do not find him. At Trent Becker's Mansion Ej arrives at Becker's Mansion soak and wet but alone. Ej with a furious look on his face takes out too guards with a stealth kill. EJ rings the intercom at the frontdoor, Becker answers," Hello." EJ: Hello, I am still here, you thought you thought you could kill me Trent: EJ, what a wonderful surprise, seeing you here. Too bad you survived the little cement block stunt EJ: You know me, I never back down from a challenge Trent: I am confused, who challenged you EJ: I think you know who challenged me, it was you and Johnny Brasco Trent: Too bad, he couldn't finish you off when he had the chance, i guess I will have to talk to him EJ: it wasn't him, don't you know that i am hard to kill Trent: Well Ej, i guess I will have to try a little harder EJ: You try that but now its your turn Trent: Oh really, if you kill me then you will never know where Samantha is EJ: What are you talking about Trent: I kidnapped her EJ: You SOB (A shooter hired by Trent lines up his scope with EJ, as a tv monitor lowers. The shooter gets ready to shoot, a message comes across the screen, I got some tricks up my sleeves. A animated video of EJ getting shot appears and a gun fires taking EJ down) Trent Becker sits in his chair in the mansion laughing, see ya EJ. At the Sorority House Jeremy returns to Salem and stops by the sorority house to see Stephanie. When he goes up to the front door, he knocks on the door but noone answers. Jeremy says, " come on Steph, i know you home." Jeremy begins walking away from the door and then he notices something in the bushes. He slowly walks over near the bushes and notices Ashley in the bush half naked and beaten pretty badly. Jeremy quickly helps her up and sits her on a bench and trys to get an answer out of her. Ashley is scared of Jeremy because she has not ment him. Jeremy says, " he is Stephanie's ex boyfriend." Ashley says, " I feel better that you are here now." Jeremy says," who did this too you." (Ashley Flashes back to her date with Ford at Radius but says she doesn't know and that she can't remember) Jeremy says, " we need to get you to the hospital" Ashley jumps and says, " no please, i don't want people to know I was Raped." Jeremy says, " its for your own good, who ever did this to you, could do it again." Ashley says, " They won't if you are there with me." Jeremy says, " just let me call my dad, he is a doctor." Ashley Agrees to have Jeremy call his Dad Mike but when he flips his Cell on, Ashley lands a kiss on Jeremy. While Ashley and Jeremy are sharing a kiss, Stephanie walks upon them Shocked and says, " Jeremy." Jeremy trys to explain everything but she runs into the house crying, slamming the door in his face. Jeremy looks at Ashley and just Sighs. Inside of the sorority house, Stephanie goes to her room crying saying, " why do all men leave me." Then Stephanie has another flashback of a guy hitting her across the face and once again choking her. Stephanie starts to cry more on her bed but unknowing someone is hiding in her closet waiting for a perfect time to get to her. Stephanie then heads into the bathroom to find something to stop these flashbacks. She goes into the medicine cabinet and takes what is left of sleeping pills. She staggers over to her bed but passes out before she can get to her bed and lay down. Then the rapist comes out of the closet and picks Stephanie up, puts her on her bed and starts taking her clothes off. Over at Bo and Hope's House Nick comes running to Bo's door knocking like there is no tomorrow. Bo opens the door and Nick rushes in saying that Chelsea has been kidnapped. Hope hears and comes in saying, " who was kidnapped." Nick: Chelsea was, someone abducted her outside of the campus Bo: Who would kidnapped her Nick: She called me or her kidnapper did and Chelsea at the end said REBERT really fast Hope: Whoa, who is Rebert? Nick: He is my ex boss that almost raped Chelsea back in February Bo: and he is back why Nick: we got him fired because we turned him in for what he did Hope: We have to do something to find Chelsea Nick: I know but what Bo: I am going to put together a search team to search Salem every inch Nick: i thought you had to have a 24 hr period Bo: you do but it helps that I am on the Salem PD and plus Chelsea is my daughter, i am not going to rest until she is found. Outside of the Brady home Johnny Brasco stands outside looking in at Bo and Hope. He is ordered to kidnap Ciara ordered by Trent Becker. Back inside the Brady pub, Hope begins to feed Ciara and trying to find a way to find Chelsea. Then Nick gets a call on his cell and its from Dr Rebert. Rebert: Nick, long time Nick: where is Chelsea Rebert: see i can't tell you, because if i need, the game wouldn't be that much fun Nick: you are sick you know that Rebert: watch what you say or i will kill your beautiful girlfriend. (Rebert puts Chelsea on the line and she is crying with tape over her mouth) Nick: Chelsea, where are you Rebert: That was chelsea, now u do what i say and she lives Nick: What do you want me to do Rebert: Meet me at an old factory on the street of 554 watermouth street salem USA and Chelsea will be there but come alone Nick: why alone Rebert: just because and if you bring cops well she will be dead Nick: you kill her and you will be the one is will be begging for me to stop hurting you Rebert: oh wrong answer (Rebert fires a gun and Nick goes berzerk screaming Chelsea, No and he hangs the phone up. Rebert talks to Chelsea he really thought i killed you) Nick goes running out of the house to the factory, Bo follows. Which leads Hope and Ciara all alone with Johnny Brasco. Johnny looks in the window and says, " here play time." Next time on Days Of Night Ford and Jeremy gets into a Fight -Jeremy: What the hell are you doing on top of my girlfriend -Ford: Who are you -Jeremy: I am her boyfriend bitch (Jeremy punches Ford) Chloe and Shawn get Close -Chloe: The truth is, I have always loved you Shawn -Shawn: Really Chloe: Yea (Shawn and Chloe Kiss) Max and Morgan goes off a Cliff -Morgan: Max -Max: What -Morgan: They found us -Max: What but How (Johnny Brasco shoots Max's tire and Max slides and the car goes off a cliff) -
Welcome to the Insider!
StephanieLover17 commented on mySON TV Staff's blog entry in mySON TV Insider
this is a great idea, if u want to do anything about Days of Night. I will be up for it. -
NOVEMBER 8, 2007- EPISODE 2: EJ IS SET UP Salem General Hospital Stephanie is at the hospital waiting the test results to come back to see if she is pregnant or not. Then all of a sudden Stephanie begins getting the flashbacks again, this time the person puts his hands over Stephanie's throat and begins choking her, Stephanie snaps out of the flashback and begins to get scared. Doctor Mike Horton comes into her room with the test results and tells her that she is pregnant. Stephanie is stunned and happy to find out that she is going to be a mother. Mike: Now do you know what you have to do to have a healthy pregnancy Stephanie: Yea, my mom told me about this hundreds of times when i was a kid. Mike: Good Steph, you got a good Mom. I should know, i am good friends with her. Stephanie: yea, my Mom is the best. I am throwing a surprise birthday party for her, would you like to come. Mike: That would be nice thank you Stephanie: Dr Horton, can i ask you something Mike: Anything Steph Stephanie: do you know if Jeremy your son is the father of my baby Mike: What, my son is out of town Stephanie: Yea i know but I am his ex girlfriend and I still have feelings for him Mike: I am not sure if he is the father because a DNA test has to be done but i will get him back to town to do so Stephanie: Thank you, I love your son and i hope he gets back soon Mike: Me too, thanks for coming in to make sure you are pregnant Outside of Hospital, Stephanie says," I can't believe I am pregnant, I hope its Jeremy's so He can come back and be with me". Stephanie flashes back once again but this time, she gets more violated. The person rips off her clothes and underwear and bra and Stephanie is tied up and screaming, it flashes back to Stephanie. Stephanie starts to cry and says, " I was raped, I was raped but by who. Who Raped me, I want to know." An Emotional Stephanie goes and finds her parents. In the office, Dr. Mike Horton is still stunned that he is going to be a grandfather. He gets on the phone to his son Jeremy and says, " that his girlfriend Stephanie is pregnant and he could be the father." Jeremy is stunned over the phone but says he will be back to Salem soon. His father mike says, " not too soon." Mike hangs up the phone and leaves his office for his next patient. DiMera Headquarters EJ is looking out the window thinking about his wedding to Sami coming up at the end of the month. He walks over to get a glass of rum, he picks up a picture of Sami and says, " I can't wait till marry to baby, you are the love of my life." Dr Rolf comes into EJ's office Dr.Rolf:Elvis, your father had made amazing recovery after receiving the stem cells from your child. EJ: That is Fantastic news, how is he doing now Dr. Rolf: He is resting now but should be back to cause more trouble for Salem soon EJ: Good, tell him we are dealing with Trent Becker Dr. Rolf: Whos that EJ: Just say his name, he will know, now leave. I got lots of work to do Dr. Rolf: yes sure, call me if you need something As Dr. Rolf leaves EJ's office, the phone rings, EJ picks it up and its Sami. Ej is so happy to see her. EJ says," hey how are you today." but Sami quickly says, " EJ Help me please Help" EJ gets scared and says, " Samantha whats going on" Sami says again, " EJ please Help me, I'm In danger" EJ, " where are you, i can't help you if you don't tell me where you are" Sami replys back,"Docks, hurry please" (EJ drops the phone, picks up his gun and races off to the docks) Over at Radius Max and Morgan are dancing out on the dance floor having a good time. Max continues to worry about Ashley with Ford Decker but they leave. Morgan puts her head on Max's shoulder and says, " he is the best thing to ever happen to her." She looks back up and looks in Max's eyes. Max just looks at her and smiles and says, " hold on, i will be right back". He heads towards the DJ and request a song that he will call Morgan and his song. He runs back to Morgan and dances with her. Morgan: Where did you go Max: You see Morgan: Ok, is it something I will like Max: Yea, i hope so The next song starts and its I'll be by Edwin McCain. Max: Here it is. Morgan: Here's what Max: The song that currently is playing, i requested it just for us Morgan: Awww, you are so sweet. Thank you baby Max: I love you Morgan(smiles): I love you too Morgan leans in and gives him a kiss on the lips, Max kisses back and they share a nice kiss together. Meanwhile Jason Zacchara is sitting back watching them enjoying a beer. Well Max, " you look like your having fun but it will end soon, you must go and meet your father, just wait till this song is over." Back on the dance floor, the song ends and Max gives Morgan a big dip and admits to the whole club that he loves Morgan Hollingsworth and puts her hand in the air, Morgan Smiles and everyone cheers and awws. Jason Zacchara chugs his beer and cocks his gun and says, " show time." Jason Zacchara gets up and screams "Max Brady, we need to talk." With Jason holding a gun under his jacket. Max gets scared after seeing the gun under his jacket, he grabs Morgan and runs. Jason Zacchara pulls out his gun and screams, " oh no" and fires the gun 5 times. Max and Morgan runs out of the back door with Jason Zacchara following them through the backdoor. Max and Morgan get away in a car they had to steal to flee the scene from Jason. Jason Zacchara fires some rounds at the car but he didn't have a chance. The bounces come and try and take him down but Jason Zacchara takes them all down by shooting them in the chest. Before Jason leaves, " he says I will find you Max and you will pay now." At an abandoned Warehouse Chelsea is tied up to a chair and in a cage in some warehouse. Chelsea gets scared and wants to know where she is. She sees that a tv set is in front of her. She watches a video of her and Nick making love and all their special moments. Chelsea says, " what the hell, who filmed me and Nick." Someone says out of nowhere, " i can tell you that." Chelsea: Who said that A voice out of nowhere: Its me coming from the intercom Chelsea: Yea that is really specific The voice: Now you will pay for what you did to me Chelsea: What did i do The Voice: You know dam well, what you did me Chelsea: please, i don't know. What do you want Then Chelsea sees someone coming out of the shadow. Chelsea is stunned to who it is that is in front of her, Chelsea says, " OMG its you, Dr Rebert." Dr. Rebert: Good Job, Chelsea. I would have never guessed that you would remember what i looked like since i was scared!!! Chelsea: OMG, that is disgusting. What happened Dr. Rebert: Well, since you and lover Stalker boy got me fired, i drank, got drunk and got into an accident Chelsea: How is that my fault Dr. Rebert: if you would have never gotten me fired, none of this would be happening Chelsea: you tried and rape me Dr. Rebert: Keep telling yourself that but anyways to the point. I am going to take you far away, so noone can find you. Chelsea: Please, don't Dr.Rebert: But i am going to play a game with Nick Fallon, if he can figure out all the clues to where you are. They he will find you and will find a nice bullet with his name on it. Chelsea: where are you going to take me Dr. Rebert: if i tell you, it won't be a serect. I will give Nick a clue, i will dial his cell number and you tell him everything but watch it, don't say my name or you will die. (Dr Rebert dials Nick's cell number and holds it up to Chelsea's ear. She says that someone kidnapped her and is taking her far away from Salem, she says how much she loves him and if she never shes him again, she was glad to have him in her life but then quickly she said DR REBERT. He quickly shuts the phone and slams it on the ground, he hits Chelsea across the face and carrys her out and puts her in a car.) At the Docks EJ arrives at the docks but no Sami in Sight. Ej starts to get suspicious of things, he continues to walk down the docks and he finds a tape recorder on the walk way, he picks it up and plays it. He hears that it is Sami, it was just a tape recording he heard on the phone. He realizes he was set up. He knows that Trent Becker's Goons are around somewhere, just as he was about to pull his gun out. A group of Becker's men comes flying out and putting guns all over EJ. Johnny Brasco, one of Becker's main guys comes out. Johnny Brasco:" hey mr wells, whats up. Becker wanted me to tell you, that he wants to stop you and that he will be taking over Salem once and for all." EJ: Like he will ever, we own this town and always will. We are the most powerful mob in Salem and we are not going to surrender." Johnny(laughs): Really, its your mistake that you ever came down here because it will be your last day in town. EJ: Your boss been telling me and my father that for year even my brother Johnny: Well this time, it will happen. One of EJ's solders and member of the mob sees EJ and is being held up by Becker's men. EJ sees Rex Brady on the hill and tells him to hold off with a sign from his head. Johnny Brasco goes into Ej's face and pulls the gun from his jeans and says, " you don't need that." Johnny tells one of Becker's guys to knock EJ out and through him in the room hands tied with Cement tied to him. They tie him up and through him in the river, Johnny Brasco says, " I guess We won, EJ Wells will soon be no more". Rex Brady wants for everyone to clear out before he jumps in the water. Next Time on Days Of Night Nick asks Bo for Help - Nick: Bo, its Chelsea. She is missing - Bo: What, where is she - My ex boss, he kidnapped her (Bo looks on with a shock look on his face) Max and Morgan goes on the run -Morgan: who was that guy -Max: I don't know, he looked mobster -Morgan: What!!! A mob war is upon us -EJ: You thought you would get rid of me -Trent: Awww, you survived. Too Bad -EJ: Its your turn now Max's grandfather looks on at EJ Wells with a rifle -Trent: I got some tricks up my belt (Gunfire)
NOVEMBER 7, 2007- EPISODE #1: MOB WARS BEGIN -At the Johnson's new Home, Stephanie is helping her parents Steve and Kayla move into their brand new penthouse that they bought. Stephanie wants to plan a Birthday surprise for her mother Kayla and asks her father Steve if he could have plan a surprise party for her. Steve gradually excepts the proposal but Steve tells Stephanie that he also will have a big surprise for her mother also but won't tell Stephanie. Steve kisses her on the cheek and heads back down to get more Stuff, as Steve leaves the penthouse. Stephanie goes into a corner and pulls a home pregnancy test out of her pants pocket, looks down at it and crys. -Over at the DiMera Headquarters. EJ sitting at his desk waiting for news from his father Stefano to attack the Kiriakis Empire and take it down forever. As EJ sits at his desk, a mysteries women comes up to him name Stacey Jenkins. EJ is suspicious of her of course but She insists that she is harmless and is just looking for some help. EJ says, " Sorry this isn't no trouble center for battered women. This is a very dangerous Organization." Stacey couldn't agree more but insist she need someone taken down so he would not hurt her anymore, EJ of course starts to feel sorry for her and asks for the persons name. Stacey says, " Trent Becker." EJ looks up in a state of shock and says, " what did you say." Stacey says his name again, " Trent Becker." He then stands up and look Stacey in the face with a evil look and says, " Trent Becker is my father Stefano enemy aside from the Bradys, how do you know him." Stacey starts to feel scared and is afraid if she tells EJ the wrong answer, she might die. Stacey answers his question," he is my husband." EJ was about to get his gun out but then sees a black and blue mark on her arm and realizes she isn't setting the DiMeras up. EJ says, " ok I will help you but only because i want to take Trent and his mob down once and for all." Stacey says, " Thanks." and runs over and kisses EJ on the cheek. Ej says, " get out of here before my father catches you." Stacey Heads out of the DiMera Headquarters but after she exit the building, she gets a call on her Cell from her boss Trent Becker. Trent says, " is it done." Stacey confirms," he's in." Trent says, " good, its time that the DiMeras learn" (As Stacey was about to hang up, trent yells wait) Stacey says," what, i can't have them catch me on the phone to you." Trent says, " i need you to do me a favor" Stacey says, " of what. " Trent says, " I need you to go and get my son." Stacey says, " What, you have a son." Trent says, " yea, Max Brady" Stacey says, " oook but why" Trent says, " Just do it" (Trent hangs up and Stacey goes on her way) -At a New hangout called Radius, Max and Morgan continue there night of having fun together. They sit down at a table from a waitress in bra and panties come over and takes there order. Max orders a Malibu rum and Morgan orders a strawberry marguirita. Max and Morgan joke around while they wait for there drinks. Max says, " He doesn't remember, when he had this much fun with a girl" Morgan says, " awwww so Sweet, I feel the same way" Max says, " i love this song"( Max bumps his head up and down) Morgan says, " you actually like rape music " Max says, " why not, it great for dancing" (Morgan looks at Max with a wield look in her eyes and says, " are you asking me to dance") Max says, " why not, we are dating and tonight is suppose to be fun right, so come on" Max grabs Morgan and pulls her out on the dance floor and both begin dancing, Morgan grinds on Max and Both are just having a blast until Morgan sees her sorority sister Ashley being with Ford Decker and he is being rough with her. Morgan tells Max to Stop and look over at Ford. Max: I am tired of this punk, disrespecting women. Morgan: What are you going to do about, because if your not going to do anything, I am. Max: I'll do something, like putting my fist down his throat. Morgan(Laughs): Thats my Boyfriend Max and Morgan walks over towards the bar and interrupts Ford and his rough housing with Ashley. Ford Screams, " Morgan, Maxwell, whats up". Max Looks at him angry and says, " don't whats up me, i seen you been rough with Ashley" (Ford looks at him and smiles, I was just playing around and plus she doesn't listen to me, you know women sometimes have to be put in there place) Morgan gets furious after that remark and takes her drink and throws it in Fords Face. Ford gets angry and says, " you will wish you haven't done that." Just When Ford was going to take a swing at Morgan, Max stops his fist and pushes Ford onto the ground. Max: if you ever take a swing at my girlfriend again, i will kill you Ford Stands back up and says, " well come on punch me." Max was about to but Morgan convinces Max Don't do it because he will get arrested and be sued alot of money. Max calms down and says, " ok, hes not worth it anyways, just a punk" Mogan: Just Come and Dance with me. Max: Ok Max and Morgan walks back out of the dance floor and share a slow dance together. Max looks over Morgan's shoulder and just stares at Ford and watches him make out with Ashley. Over at the entrance of the club someone walks in with a picture of Max and says, " where are you Maxwell, your father wants to see you." A bouncer comes looks at him and says name. The person says, my name...my name is Jason Zacchara and I'm on the list. The bouncer lets Jason go in and he starts looking for Max. He looks all over the club for Max and spots him dancing on the floor with Morgan. Jason: Well Well Max, its time to go meet your father, You will ether join him or die by him. Jason calls his boss Trent Becker. Jason: Found your son Trent: Good, where is he Jason: He is at a club name Radius Trent: Find him and bring him to me and if he doesn't do what you say, hurt him bad Jason: I will do that but he is with a girlfriend Trent: Good, you know what to do if a loved one is involved Jason: I know Trent: Don't disappoint me (Trent hangs up and Jason begins walking toward Max and Morgan with a loaded gun) At Salem University Over at the Campus, Chelsea is getting tutored by her teacher Nick Fallon because her grades her really low. Chelsea is pretending not to pay attention and just wants to have some fun. When Chelsea leans in to kiss Nick, Nick pulls away and says Chelsea that is inappropriate to do. Chelsea: What, were dating right Nick: Well during when we are in school, I am your teacher and mean kissing a student of mine is unprofessional. Chelsea: Nick, we just got together and this stuff is boring. I want to have some fun Nick: We can do that after we study and get you good at this material Chelsea: you know what, its really late. Should we stop Nick: I guess, let me clean up and i will meet you at the car Chelsea: Ok, i'll warm the car up because its freezing, I love you (Chelsea leans in and gives Nick a Kiss on the lips and Nick kisses back, Chelsea then heads out of the classroom) Outside by Chelsea's car, someone waits for her in the bushes. The person then gets a call on his Cell from his boss Trent Becker. Becker: Mr. Brasco, you found Chelsea yet Johnny Brasco: Yea, she is at the university. I am just waiting for her to come out Becker: Good, as soon as you see her, Kidnap her Johnny Brasco: I know but can i ask why you want me to do this Becker: Don't ask questions just do it, its for my own personal use Johnny Brasco: Oh this has something to do with your son Becker: You can say that, my son and his adoptive family Johnny Brasco: Oh, i see Becker: Just make sure you don't fail (Trent Becker hangs up the phone and Brasco continues to wait for Chelsea) Chelsea walks out of the university and then she drops all her books on the stairs. As she starts to pick her books up, Johnny walks out of the bushes and starts walking towards her but out of Nowhere a mysteries black van pulls up and two masked men jumps Chelsea and takes her away. Johnny is stunned by the recent events and gets furious, pulls out his gun and fires a couple of rounds. Johnny says, " dam it, Mr. Becker isn't going to like this." Nick Hears the gunshots and runs out of the campus screaming Chelsea. Nick sees Johnny standing in the parking lot with his gun and says, " who are you". Johnny points his gun at Nick and Fires one time and runs away to his car and takes off. Next time on Days of Night Stephanie finds out she is indeed Pregnant - Dr Mike Horton: Ms. Johnson, some good News you Pregnant - Stephanie: Do you know if the baby is your son Jeremy's. - Dr Mike Horton: What!!! EJ gets a disturbing call from Sami - Sami: EJ help Please, hes crazy - EJ: Samantha, Samantha Where are you - Sami: Docks, hurry...please Chelsea finds herself in a abandoned Factory - Mysteries Person: Well Ms Brady, long time no see - Chelsea: Who are you - Mysteries Person: you don't remember (mysteries person steps into light) - Chelsea: OMG
November Sweeps!!! HW says good Stuff ahead for Salem
StephanieLover17 posted a blog entry in Days of Night
November Sweeps for Days of Night "Head Writer Terry, says good stuff is coming up with the Mob Wars and Shocking revelation will occur during November Sweeps" Stephanie/Ford/Jeremy: Jeremy returns to Salem after getting a call from his dad mike stating he could be the father of Stephanie's baby. The truth of what happened between Stephanie and ford is finally revealed and Stephanie isn't real happy. Ford and Jeremy gets into a nasty fight and one could lose their life. HW Terry says that people will love Jeremy after this story is over. Max/Morgan: This two will get into alot of trouble during this time because of Max's father Trent Becker. Max never wants to see his father ever but it spells trouble for the resident of Salem, until Max agrees to join sides with his father and become a member of Becker Headquarters, people will continue to get hurt especially the people Max loves like Morgan. Max and Morgan goes on the run. Good Times which will bring romance for Mormax says HW Terry EJ/Sami/DiMeras/Trent Becker: The big event will be involved in this story. Sami is in love with EJ and wants to marry him soon. EJ and Sami has a big wedding on a tropical island, all the Bradys and DiMeras are there. Promises will be held, Promises will be broke. Blood Shed will happen, romance will occur, a huge storm will hit the island and a chase to find the killer who is killing people one by one and with a shocking ending you will never see coming. Chelsea and Nick: Nick has to go on a huge adventure to find Chelsea and come to a face off with someone from Chelsea and Nick's past. HW Terry says, Nick and Chelsea will have a great action packed adventure this coming November more on Mob Wars: A mysteries handsome hunk comes into town and has his own agenda against the DiMera/Kiriakis/Trent Becker and the Bradys. He trys to bring down a hotel called Kiriakis Grand Canal. Everyone will attend a party which ends in tragic for many couples and familys. Remember the metro crisis on GH, it is alot like that but different says HW Terry Stay tune to Days of Night because lots of exciting things will go down