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Posts posted by Wales2004

  1. I was going to say with my rather limited knowledge on the topic that it seems awfully wrong to paint all Arabs with a singe extremist brush considering that they are not all muslims. Not all muslims are extremists so it would be equally unfair to make it all a religious deal as well.

    All the muslim extremists are not Arab either.

  2. That sentiment I can understand. Local governments I think are just busybody people who need to pass things so they can look in the mirror and see how much influence they have. I guess the ban on plastic bags is supposed to be eco-friendly, but I don't understand the charge for paper baga.

    I don't know what they do with the paper bag fee. I will probably never ever pay for a paper bag unless it's a hidden charge. Maybe they're trying to make up for money they are losing from the mismanaged state budget.

  3. Here's an excerpt of life in the golden state:

    So I live in an unincorporated city in Los Angeles county and any time a measure is placed on the ballot to incorporate it I vote no because another layer of government means more waste, inefficiency and more taxes to pay for that waste and inefficiency. Anyway a ban on plastic bags was passed the year before last I think and went into effect last year or maybe I've lost track of time and it was this year. The bottom line is that I can go to certain grocery stores and be charged 10 cents for a paper bag if I don't have my own bag. I can go in the bag it yourself Superior market where they still supply plastic bags despite the ban. My local Vons charges for paper bags but if I drive about 14 miles to the /Vons in the incorporated city which is still in the same county, I get my groceries in free plastic bags. If I go to Walmart down the road, free plastic bags and the same at any Target in the county.

    I am sure you understand why I would never want to vote for another layer of government.

  4. Oh dear.....

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry, so I'll just cry from laughing so hard.

    That is too stupid for words. I can't imagine anyone seriously believes that!

    Sadly they do.

    On another note, how about that Congress? They seem to work way too hard.

  5. If this song had been released today instead of in 1979 the artists would have to spend a whole lot of time explaining that the lyrics are not a reflection of their views but those of some of the bigoted members of our society:

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cGm3wGXiMFM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4CK-f-Hhij4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  6. I'm not playing this game with you, Wales. Obama has a miserable foreign policy record and no amount of baiting one-liners can alter the fact. The man who claimed there would be peace in the mideast as a result of his election has anything BUT peace. In fact, we're hated more now than before he took office.

    Don't take my word for it... refer to the brutal rape, torture and murder of our ambassador to Libya. Our closest ally in the Middle East in Israel and the President will not meet with its leader. It is inexcusable and that you have no issue with that boggles my mind.

    I had actually given you more credit than this before... but I see now that you are nothing more than your average partisan shill. Wow, I'm dissappointed.

    Baiting is your thing not mine. Twist it however it suits you.

    I acknowledged before how futile it was to "debate" anyone who wants proof from everyone else but offers little to none, picks and chooses to what to respond, and I should add engages in some form of bullying.

    When that fails then pull out the partisan tag. Seriously, if you read whatever I've posted and whatever you've posted then you'll, if honest, see that you're the extreme partisan. You might say that Mitt Romney is not your preferred Republican candidate but you're more likely to find truth in whatever he says even if it is bald faced lies while you find ways to blame or insinuate that Barack Obama is responsible for every little problem that has occurred since he took office.

    I am no fan of either but I do believe that Barack Obama is more considerate of the population on a whole and he is not going to set out to harm the poor in order to enrich himself and his other wealthy benefactors. I think the wealthy people that support Barack Obama tend to be compassionate towards the less fortunate and don't see them as a plague on society. That's the plus side of the liberals--compassion.

    While I am certain that Barack Obama can improve in numerous areas including foreign policy, I took exception to your blaming him for whatever is going on just because of your repeated claim that not meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu apparently once has some great significance. You ignore that Ehud Barak believes this President has been good with Israel because that goes against your point.


    Again with the one-liners... you guys are offering no substance, just attacks.


    It seems to me that you are better at offering no substance than others seem to me. Except once when I recall your accepting what someone said while ignoring the overall point, you are generally dismissive of whatever is presented that supports a person's statement but seemingly want others to accept whatever you state with or without substantiation. Of course your word matters to you as it should but that doesn't mean others should discount their beliefs or opinions in favor of yours just because you know you are right. in that respect, they are just as right as you are.

    So I'm nothing more than your average partisan shill and you're disappointed because you thought I was better than that. As BK said, "Have it your way."

    It's been interesting.

    I wish to end our interaction with this:

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/P5vz6iwV38U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  7. Who said this? I have said it is irresponsible not to meet with the man and, instead, go on Letterman. I never said the terrorist attack in Libya - that the administration still won't call a terrorist attack - wouldn't have happened if Obama and Netanyahu had a beer together... Was there someone in the media that said that?

    You said the President's botched foreign policy resulted in the mess we have over there now but you were probably just talking about some other mess.

  8. On the whole topic of how the attacks in Libya would not have taken place if Barack Obama had a better relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu, what should Barack Obama do differently back the desire to go to war with Iran?

    Does NATO support this and does it matter whether they do?

    Which is preferable when attainable, war or a peaceful resolution?

    Are China and Russia blocking an embargo in their support of Iran?

    Is the U.S. indebted to China in such a way as to make their lack of cooperation regarding an embargo a problem?

  9. Frankly I don't know what he was trying to say other than pander to the elitists and millionaires he was speaking to. And he did go back and sort of quantify what he meant by the tax statement. It doesn't mean he explained it well or what he said made sense or was even correct. This is a guy who's stuck his foot in his mouth multiple times. I guess I've just become immune to his hiccups because he's done it so much it's just almost in one ear out the other.

    The best part I've heard so far is when he tells his benefactors that he received a call from a former Secretary of State who he didn't want to name and that individual told him there was prospect for peace between the Israels and the Palestinians and he said "really" and left it at that explaining that he didn't delve into it. I don't think his mouth is in his foot on this one. I think he believes just about everything he said with the exception of possibly embellishing family stories.

    Now there's concern that a French cartoonists depiction of a naked Mohammed might cause some demonstrations targeted at France.

  10. In all fairness to Romney, his comments were geared to the audience he was addressing and who knew they'd get out. And I do think some of its taken out of context. On the flip side, in today's world with social media and such, nothing is a secret or kept mum so you need to be careful what you say to anyone. Those numbers don't include payroll taxes and if you listen to Romney, his opinion is that social security and Medicare are not taxes as Americans receive both contributions back in later years as retirement benefits

    It would be different if he said things that have been totally misconstrued. I think he meant what he said and he said what he meant. I don't know how you take out of context someone saying that he doesn't need to do anything if elected president because the economy will essentially fix itself at that point. Or some of the other things he said. He cannot have "misspoken" throughout that entire video ore else he's just plain dumb and shouldn't be in charge of much of anything.

  11. I think the statement depends on what people see as federal taxes which apparently don't refer to personal payroll taxes. If personal payroll taxes are considered then that number is reduced. The bottom line though is that he inaccurately refers to them as those who would vote for Barack Obama when they in fact include people who are likely to vote for him.

    What matters is that he is dismissing a segment of the population as people he will never reach when they include people that are likely to support him and whose support he needs. That's not a very smart move on his part. Some of these may even be independents.

    But this almost seems like nothing compared to the rest of the stupid things he said on that video.

  12. I came across a Gilbert O'Sullivan cd in my collection with that song a few weeks ago.

    This I love for the lyrics: "Darling I know I'm just another head on your pillow...." and "You say comfort me to anyone who approaches....but we've both lived long enough to know that we'd trade it all right now for just one minute of real love.."

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-XDZjLAV66A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    It reminds me of this:

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4Zz8mbqtgO8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    which naturally leads me to this:

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fEXWECGhVoA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  13. The dude can't meet with the Israeli Prime Minister at a time when Israel is considering a strike on Iran? You don't see that as turning his back on the man? Honestly, Wales... Then again, Obama IS confused about who our allies are...

    Who said that? It was Obama, himself, who claimed he would do it! Another broken promise, Wales? You give him a pass on yet another broken promise? When do you hold him accountable for all the things he said in 2008 to get elected... all the things he promised from that podium between huge Greek columns and an unbelievably huge crowd... Remember all that?

    When did he say that? Excerpt this for me so I can read it... and in context, not the typical liberal "piecemeal-twist-to-mean-what-you-want-it-to-mean" routine...

    Probably? You say "probably"? You are doing what you've accused Romney of doing.

    Do you mean this tongue-in-cheek? Or are we getting a true glimpse into what Wales really thinks about America?

    As I said in my response to you before. We obviously see things differently and should just leave it at that. I don't find it beneficial to engage in discussions or debates where I have to substantiate all my claims and the other person can pick and choose when to give a response and what constitiutes sufficient validation. It's kind of like my saying that I.D. would not help in instances of voter fraud where people are voting multiple times or in other instances where identifying the voter is not the issue and not having that acknowledged as a valid point.

    Since you've already stated that Mitt Romney never brought up race or ethnicity then his standing before the NAACP specifically referring to free stuff would mean nothing to you anyway as he goes around telling other groups of people he addresses the same thing.

    For anyone else who may be interested, I don't believe if a person refuses to meet with another once that it then constitutes turning his back on that person.

    I don't think blowing up Iran or whatever the plan is to pertaining to Iran has any direct correlation to the unrest that this anti-Mohammed video is being used to stir up.

    Oh and I have no idea what Barack Obama promised on energy but I doubt that he claimed he was going to fix America's energy dependency issues in less than four or even four years. And if he did, then whoever was naiveenough to believe him now knows better.

    Ok I don't want to defend Romney but there was an article in the local paper this morning and it talked about Americans paying taxes. In 2009 and 2010, 47 and 46 percent of Americans did not pay federal income tax. Now that doesn't mean they didn't pay other taxes, they still payed into social security, payed sales taxes, state taxes, county taxes where applicable. All it says is in those years that a percentage of the population didn't have to pay federal income tax, whether it was due to income level or tax incentives. Now I have no idea, Romney might have been referring to that statistic in general I have no clue, and we really don't know what the entire context was of what he said.

    Wasn't he basically saying the people who don't pay taxes are the people who vote for Barack Obama? Even if he was referring to those statitstics, he still implied that all those people are moochers. He must not use tax loopholes or anything to attempt to pay as little in taxes as possible. He hides his money in other countries and he's attacking a percentage of the population for doing essentially the same thing he does, only in their case they have less income and those loopholes keep them from having to pay. Plus I am not sure that I believe that many people paid no federal taxes at all because even under a meager income there are automatic deductions made to a pay check and it would have to mean that all those people received 100% of whatever was deducted back and that seems a more likely scenarion under EIC than it does in general. They may not have owed any money but I can't believe that many people would have gotten all their federal deductions back.

  14. The policy of abandonment... turning his back on securing the middle east. Turning his back on Israel. Bowing, literally, before the Saudi king and allowing America to remain subserviant to their oil, rather than pushing for American energy independence - and I'm not talking his impractical electric cars or scandalous Solyndra crap...

    You can't be friends with people who want you dead, no matter what. Wales, if it was reported that murderer was lurking about your neighborhood at night, would you leave your door unlocked and leave your windows wide open? As well-intentioned as Obama might be, he's got it wrong on how to deal with Middle Eastern foes. It's obvious. It's clear. His foreign policy is a major failure.

    I don't see where Barack Obama is trying to be friends with terrorists, but we apparently see things a lot differently. I also don't see where he's turned his back on Israel and how bowing to Benjamin Netanyanhu would have changed any of what is currently going on. And now Barack Obama is the one who is responsible for making America dependent on foreign oil. So in under four years he was supposed to take office and change America's energy habits???

    We obviously see things differently and I will just leave it at that. Thanks for your response.

    Stick a fork in Romney, he's done.

    I don't know that this is true because there seem to be a fair share of delusional people in society.

    Mitt Romney's statements are in line with his position that black people want free stuff thus the dependency on the government. The problem is with his math because black voters don't make up that percentage of the population and he's not going to open his mouth and claim that any of these dependent people he's talking about are white because a percentage of the welfare recipients are probably some of those extreme patriots wedged into the Republican party.

    Then he tops it off by suggesting that Hispanic/Lationo voters would be squarely in his corner if his father had actually been a Mexican. America seriously needs a president who looks down on more than half the population. It's so truly American.

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