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Posts posted by JtSmarts

  1. GL: Some of my earliest tv memories was revolved around Reva Shayne, and the scene where Reva drove into the ocean always stuck with me. My mom and grandmother watched GL and once Reva returned in the mid 90s, preteen me was hooked and I stuck with it until the bitter end.

    Dool: I really started paying attention to Dool around 96' at age 10, I watched it every day with my grandmother. The Marlena/John/Kristen and Carrie/Austin/Sami sagas pulled me in.

    B&B: I'd always had a background knowledge of B&B, but as GL ended and Dool really began to turn me off, B&B sucked me in. I became a huge Steffy fan and the early Steffy/Liam/Hope triangle had me hooked.

    OLTL: I got into OLTL in the mid 2000s, I can't remember the exact hook, but I quickly became immersed in Todd/Blair and their history.

  2. Why did Sami and Chelsea hate each other? Skip to 7:48. Thats quite the heated exchange. Did Sami also hate Billie bc she calls her a whore in this clip. Its weird bc Sami asked Chelsea to be at her wedding and is quite cordial with her in the next clip. What happened between those episodes to get them to be so vile to one another? Or was this a different wedding? I cant keep track with Sami. Chelsea even insults her by saying "how many wedding dresses do you own by now?"

    The first wedding was the 2005 "Stan" wedding and was written by Riley who just wrote Sami as hateful all the time. The second clip was right before the Sami/Lucas 2007 wedding and was during the whole Sami redemption arc therefore a kindler gentler Sami.

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