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Blog Entries posted by Tishy

  1. Tishy
    Brenda breaks away from Sonny’s side to go help Robin in the kitchen. Robin is taking food out of the refrigerator and almost drops a tray which Brenda laughingly catches. “Oh thank you Bren.”

    “No problem Robin.” Brenda sets the tray of sandwiches on the table, “How’s it going? I would say your party is quite the success, minus Carly.”

    Robin kicked the refrigerator closed. “Sorry about Carly, I couldn’t exactly kick her out when she showed up with Bobbie. Things are going great. How are things with you? How was yesterday? I never had a chance to ask you.”

    Brenda sighed. “It was difficult. Ned and I are barely talking and it was so hard. I miss our friendship.”

    “I know Bren. But you have to get the DNA established and then you and Ned can work out an agreement. It’s as simple as that. I know you two can do it.”

    “I wish it was that simple.” Brenda poured herself a glass a wine. “But Ned’s sticking point is that I stay away from Sonny and I refuse to do that. Would you give up Patrick over this?”

    Robin glanced over at Brenda, “Come on Brenda, you and Sonny and me and Patrick are different scenarios. They do not compare.”

    Brenda said stubbornly, “I just wish I could have my son with Ned and my life with Sonny and everything would be fine. Why does so much drama have to be involved?”

    Robin laughed, “Because you are Brenda Barrett.”

    “Damn right about that!” The two laughed. Neither one noticed that Carly was lurking at the door.

    Elizabeth was sitting on an armchair when Nikolas came up behind her with a plate of food from her. “Here you go Liz. You need to eat.”

    Elizabeth smiled softly, “Thanks Nikolas. I am hungry and the food is so good. It is so good to be talking to everyone. I love this house.” Elizabeth babbled, embarrassed by the kiss that they had yet to discuss.

    “What’s wrong Elizabeth?” Nikolas asked softly.

    Elizabeth shook her head, her wavy hair falling over her shoulders. “Come on Liz, this is me you are talking to. You can tell me anything.” Nikolas said.

    “I am, well, I am going to file for divorce.” Elizabeth looked up at her brother in law. “Lucky has proven to me that he will not forgive me. I can’t go on like this.”

    Nikolas leaned back and gazed at Elizabeth, “Do you think you should think more about this? You and Lucky have been together for so long.”

    “What about you and Emily? Are you two going to get back together?” Elizabeth retorted.

    Nikolas hung his head, “That’s a lost cause Elizabeth and I think you know it.”

    “Do I?” Elizabeth’s eyes widened.

    “Yeah, I think you do.” Nikolas said. With that, he searched her eyes and smiled. He definitely liked what he saw in there.

    Robert grabs a beer and makes his way through his daughter’s house. Up ahead in the foyer was Tracy, sipping a glass of wine and looking bored out of her mind. Sensing an opportunity, he strode up to her, “Tracy. How are you this lovely afternoon?”

    Tracy looked at him scornfully, “Oh it’s you.” She sipped her wine and looked him up and down. “What the hell do you want?”

    “What I want, well lady I don’t think you are woman enough to give me.” Robert flirted.

    “Excuse me?” Tracy’s voice could have frozen blood.

    “You heard me Tracy.” Robert leaned against the wall. He dipped his head towards her and whispered. “I think underneath that cold façade is a warm woman dying to get out. When was the last time that Tracy Quartermaine came out to play?”

    Tracy pushed him back, “God Scorpio can’t you come up with something better?” She said drolly.

    “I think you want to get out of here as much as I do. I love my daughter, but this is her party and I feel very old. Let’s blow this place and go get us some drinks. You on?” Robert smirked.

    Tracy took a minute to think about it. She put down her glass and said, “Let’s go.” She regally walked past him towards the door.

    “Ned!” Carly called out to him, “I need to talk to you.” Carly found him on the back deck by himself.

    Ned turned around, a beer in his hand. “What do you want Carly?”

    Carly grabbed a beer and popped the top off. She took a healthy sip from it before speaking. “I was just wondering how James was. You know, your son.”

    Ned was about to drink from his beer when his hand froze, “What did you say Carly?”

    “I asked you how your son was. I know that James is your son.” Carly smiled beguilingly. “Don’t even try to deny it. I heard Brenda talking about the DNA test with Robin. I just never thought that you were the mystery father. I credited you with better taste.”

    “What do you want Carly?” Ned demanded impatiently.

    Carly walked slowly around him, making sure that she wasn’t heard. “I am going to assume that we want the same things. You probably don’t want your son to be raised around Sonny as much as I want my sons to be anywhere near that tramp. I propose that we work together to reach our goals.”

    “Go on.” Ned said neutrally.

    “I will use everything in my power to break them up. If anyone can do it, I can. I will just need your help from time to time.” Carly said confidently. “I will get back to you on details. I know your DNA test is coming back soon. Are you sure that Sonny won’t interfere with the results? I can ensure that he won’t.”

    Ned looked around uncomfortably. He didn’t want to make a deal with the devil but when it came to his son, he saw no other choice. “Not a word to anyone Carly. I will call you.”

    Sarah left AJ talking with Edward and slowly made a beeline towards Robin. Catching her alone, she asked if she could talk to her. Robin agreed, and the two went to the kitchen. Once there, Robin turned to her with a welcoming smile, “Is something wrong Sarah?”

    “Well Robin, I have a problem that has been bothering me and I was hoping you would be able to help me.” Sarah twirled a piece of her hair around her finger and smiled. “AJ told me you were an honest person and I could count on you for giving me good advice.”

    “I think AJ is giving me too much credit.” Robin laughed, “but I would be happy to listen. Or would Elizabeth be a better person for you.”

    Sarah shook her head, “No, I need to talk to you. I want to tell you about this relationship I was in before I met AJ. I was involved with a doctor. I was in love with him and I thought he was in love with me. He was so handsome, tall and dark with an arrogant edge to him. I thought I could cure him of that.”

    “We had been living together in Santa Barbara for several months when he told me about a medical conference that he had to go to. Here in Port Charles. I kissed him goodbye and expected to see him in a week. Except he never came back. He left me alone, with all the bills, everything.”

    Realization began to dawn on Robin, “Sarah, I don’t…”

    Sarah kept going as if Robin hadn’t spoken, “And then I turned up pregnant. Pregnant and alone. I had to have an abortion and now I can’t have kids Robin. What do I do? How do I tell AJ?”

    Robin swallowed and started to say, “Sarah are you talking about…”

    “Yes Robin, she is talking about me.” Patrick said, anger pouring out of him as he stared down Sarah. “What the hell are you doing Sarah?”

    Sarah smiled, “Game, set, match lover….” Robin fled from the room, Patrick racing after her.

  2. Tishy
    Sarah Joy Brown plays the conniving, loyal, vulnerable, cunning and multifaceted character of Carly. She is the mother of Michael and Morgan, daughter of the deceased John Durant and Bobbie Jones. The current wife of Jasper Jax, she has children with AJ Quartermaine (Michael) and Sonny Corinithos (Morgan).

    Carly was introduced onto the GH canvas as a young woman looking for her mother. She soon learned it was Bobbie and she was bent on revenge. She slept with her mother's husband, Tony and later married him. She later became involved with Sonny, her longest romantic involvement and is now married to Jax. Through her entire time in Port Charles, she has maintained a long enduring friendship with Jason.

    Carly is not known for friendships with women. In fact, she can't tolerate Elizabeth, Robin and Brenda. The only woman that she could call a friend is the deceased Courtney and sometimes Sam, who has now returned but is under the influence of Helena. Carly is so jealous that Brenda and Sonny are back together she will work with Ned to keep them apart.

    What's in store for Carly in the future? Look for her to get entangled in the Cassadine saga. She will be drawn in through Jason and search for Sam. She will prove again that she is a Spencer through and through. What will happen with Jax? There are no plans to bring him back onto the canvas at this time. Expect Carly to do everything that she can to break up Brenda and Sonny. If she can't have Sonny, no one can....
  3. Tishy
    We can now report that Ingo Rademacher will be returning as Jasper Jax for two episodes in the coming weeks. He returns when Brenda summons him to Port Charles. This will not bode well for Carly.

    "I wanted to have Ingo for more than two episodes, but two episodes were all we could get." Executive Producer/Head Writer Tishy states. "He is very busy right now which is great for him. his return will help push story along and create further dissension between Carly and Brenda."

    What this translates too, is hold on to your horses, it will be a bumpy ride!
  4. Tishy
    Cameron races down the stairs of Jason's penthouse ahead of Elizabeth and Ava. “Hey buddy! How are you Cam?”

    “I’m good Jason. Hungry.” Cameron answered.

    “Well, we have a snack all ready for you. Go see the cook in the kitchen and she will give you a treat.” Jason told him as Cameron ran off in the direction of the kitchen. “Ava have a good nap? Can I feed Ava?”

    Elizabeth handed over Ava and her bottle to Jason. “I did, thanks. I appreciate you letting us stay here. I am starting to look for apartments that we can move into once Sam is found. I don’t want us to overstay our welcome.”

    Jason looked so happy holding his daughter and feeding her. “Elizabeth, I am so happy getting to know Ava. Don’t worry about it. We can work something out.”

    “Thanks.” Elizabeth said. Silence filled the room before she asked, “What are you doing this afternoon? I thought you would have left by now.”

    “Going down to the police station soon to see what I can do in finding Sam. I guess there are several leads, especially since Luke and Lucky spoke to her.” Jason looked up from Ava. “How are the divorce proceedings going?”

    Elizabeth sighed, “I don’t think that there will be a problem. Emily.” Elizabeth stressed her name, “told me yesterday that she slept with Lucky so I guess that means he and I are even.” Elizabeth said sarcastically. “I don’t think that there will be a problem with the divorce. I spoke to Ric and he doesn’t see any problems.”

    Jason remained unfazed at Elizabeth’s revelation. “What about your feelings for Nikolas?”

    “What are you talking about?”

    “Elizabeth, I know you have feelings for him. What is going on?”

    Elizabeth tickled Ava’s foot and smiled at her daughter, “We like each other. We are friends. He has stuck by me through everything that has happened in the past several months. That’s about it.”

    “If you say so Liz.”

    “I say so.” Elizabeth stood up. “It’s a nice afternoon, want to come with us? Cameron wants to go to the park and since I only have one week left before my maternity leave ends, I thought it would be a nice day for an afternoon at the park.”

    Jason also stood up. “I really need to go to the police station. Next time though, ok?”

    Elizabeth took Ava out of his arms, “Ok Jason. Good luck with the investigation.”

    AJ and Sarah walked into Metro Court for dinner, hands entwined. They were in love and all smiles. AJ felt that he would have a place in Michael’s life soon and Sarah felt she had solidified her place in the Quartermaine family. AJ held her chair out for her, “Thanks sweetie.” Sarah gushed.

    “You’re welcome.” AJ said as he sat down across from her. They ordered their drinks and he commented, “You look stunning as usual.”

    Sarah smiled through her lashes. “Thank you babe. I am just so happy that I was able to get the evening off so I could spend it with you. I do hope you will have Michael back soon.”

    “Seeing the look on Sonny’s face made my day.” AJ sipped his water. “He has always held it over my head that he beat me and I have always hated him for that. Plus the way he has hurt Brenda in the past is just inexcusable.”

    Sarah forced a smile to her face. “I just want you to be happy.”

    “Since you came into my life, my life turned around. Even Grandfather likes you, which is saying a lot.” AJ squeezed her hand.

    “Well, well. Look at the alcoholic and the slut.” Patrick stood over their table. “Having a nice dinner I presume?”

    AJ tensed. “Patrick, please leave us alone.”

    “Why, what are you going to do to me? Sic your wife on me? She has already done everything she could to ruin my life.” He looked scornfully at Sarah. “I couldn’t help but overhear that you want Michael back. Well, if it wasn’t for Robin, you wouldn’t even know he was your son.”

    “Patrick, leave AJ out of our past.” Sarah said forcefully.

    Patrick laughed angrily, “Why? You couldn’t leave Robin out of it? Or did you lie about the fact that you had an abortion.”

    Sarah’s face went white as AJ looked at her. “Wait a minute, you never told me you had an abortion. What is Patrick talking about?”

    “Patrick doesn’t know what he is talking about.” Sarah insisted.

    “Oh really? AJ, why don’t you call Robin right now. She’s told you the truth before, what makes you think she won’t again?” Patrick asked as he dialed Robin’s number and handed the phone to AJ.

    “No Stop!” Sarah yelled as she grabbed the phone.

    Sonny and Brenda are in the foyer, away from eyesight of everyone in the restaurant. He kisses her briefly and cradles her face. “I know we can do this Bren. Just think of how much fun it will be, ok?”

    Brenda nodded and kissed him back. Then she walked quickly into the restaurant where she pauses and looks around. She catches sight of Patrick arguing with Sarah and AJ and Brenda marches up to Patrick. “Where is Robin? I need to talk to her. Where is she staying?”

    Patrick looks confused as he looks down at the angry Brenda, “She hasn’t called you.”

    Impatiently, Brenda taps her foot, “No she hasn’t. Not since your party which this b!tch here ruined. Really AJ, I thought you had better taste but then again, you did sleep with Carly.”

    AJ stands up. “Whoa Brenda, what is going on?”

    “You know exactly what is going on AJ.” Brenda accused.

    Sonny walked over to them. “Brenda, let’s go. I don’t want to see him!” He pointed his finger at AJ. “We need to get out of here. You are causing a scene.”

    “Brenda I want my son back and I want you to be safe. What is wrong with that?” AJ demanded.

    “I never thought you would use me to do it. Does Carly know what Sarah did?” Brenda half shouted. “Or is she working with you to get to Sonny. We all know she doesn’t want Sonny to be happy.”

    Carly came flying across the room. “What is going on here?” She hissed.

    Brenda faced her, hands on her hips. “I am talking about your little conversation with Sarah the other day. Did you realize she taped it?”

    Carly looked from one face to another in confusion. “What?”

    “I never thought you would do this to me Carly. Use our sons to get even with me for getting back together with Brenda.” Sonny said angrily. “Long ago, you choose Jax, or have you forgotten that?”

    “That’s what I would like to know.” A familiar voice said.

  5. Tishy
    “Oh my God, Jax!” Carly runs across the room to her husband and embraces him. She is ecstatic to see him. “What are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming.” She kisses him. "I am so happy that you are here!"

    Jax disentangles himself from her. “I had a feeling I was needed here. Turns out I was right.” He says stoically.

    Confused, Carly asks, “What are you talking about Jax?”

    “Carly, I thought you had changed. I thought you really had changed. That you had grown to be a better person. I guess I was wrong.” Jax sighed, “Are you ever going to learn?”

    Carly immediately went on the defensive. “I don’t even know what you are talking about Jax. What are you accussing me of this time?”

    “Don’t take me for a fool Carly. I heard everything. You are trying to ruin Brenda’s life.” Jax walked around, frustrated. “Tell me Carly, were you ever over Sonny, cause it sure doesn’t sound like it.”

    “What? Of course I am. I chose you Jax.” Carly approaches him and tries to kiss him. Jax pushes her away. “Not going to work this time Carly. I can’t believe you deliberately tried to destroy them by using a child. Do you have any decency?”

    Carly stood her ground and shot back, “It’s always about Brenda isn’t it Jax. Maybe you aren’t the one that is over her. Ever think of that? You know in the entire time you have been back, all ten minutes of it, you haven’t even said that you missed me. All you have talked about is Brenda.”

    “Carly, I haven't been in love with Brenda for years, but I can still love her. But that is besides the point. You aren’t the person I fell in love with. I can’t believe I was actually considering having a baby together.” Jax sighed. “But we are through Carly.”

    Carly wipes her eyes as tears threatened. “Don’t do this Jax.”

    “You should have thought about us before you went and potentially destroyed other peoples lives. You were the one that spilled the secrets of Brenda and Sonny to that Sarah Quartermaine. What were you thinking?” Jax demanded.

    “I was lonely and I missed you. I needed a friend and she asked the questions.” Carly’s face dawned with realization. “What a minute, how did you know what was on the tape?”

    Jax answered, “Brenda called me and played it to me. Like I said, we are through.” Jax walked away, leaving a slumped Carly in tears.

    AJ throws some bills on the table and hisses to Sarah, “Let’s go.” Quietly they got up and walked out of the restaurant. Once outside, AJ turned on Sarah. “What did Patrick mean in there? You had an abortion?”

    Sarah burst into tears. “AJ, I didn’t want to tell you because I thought you would think less of me. Patrick left me and I found out I was pregnant. I had no money and yes, I had an abortion.”

    “Why didn’t you tell me? I am your husband for God’s sake!” AJ said angrily. “I would think you can tell me anything. That’s what husbands and wives do Sarah. We don't keep secrets from one another.”

    “I’m sorry AJ. Isn’t it enough punishment that I can’t have children? I should have told you, yes. But I wanted Patrick to feel the same pain I did.” Sarah begged. “That’s why I told Robin. Can’t you understand that? Haven't you ever wanted revenge on someone?”

    AJ walked away for a minute and came back, his face full of emotions. “I don’t agree with what you did to Robin. Patrick I don’t care about. He hurt you and it makes me want to hurt him. Just Sarah, tell me everything ok?”

    Sarah sighed with relief. “No secrets.” She hugged her husband and kissed him. “No secrets.” Sarah looked over his shoulder and narrowed her eyes.

    Robin opens the door to the Brownstone to find Patrick standing there. “Patrick, what do you want?”

    Patrick leans down and kisses her deeply. “I have been wanting to do that all day.”

    “Patrick, nothing has changed. I am still angry.” Robin insisted.

    “And I still love you. I can’t help it if Sarah wants to ruin my life. We just can’t let her ruin ours.” Patrick said passionately.

    Robin leaned up against the doorframe and crossed her arms. “Patrick, I have been hurt so many times in the past. I am afraid you will do to me what you did to Sarah.”

    “I didn’t know she was pregnant! If she had told me, I wouldn’t have left.” Patrick insisted, grabbing Robin’s hand. “Honestly, I don’t know if she is telling the truth about it at all. She has obviously lied about a lot of things. She taped a conversation of her and Carly’s to be used in Brenda’s custody fight. If you don’t believe me, ask Brenda.”

    Robin snatched her hand away. “Patrick, right now I don’t know what to believe.”

    “Believe this.” Patrick pulled her in his arms and kissed her again.

    Brenda and Sonny, hands entwined are walking out of Metro Court. Jax came back, and Carly was exposed. Brenda couldn’t be happier.

    Carly appeared out of nowhere, eyes red rimmed and tear stains down her cheeks. “Jax is gone. Thanks to you.”

    “You brought this on yourself Carly. You went after me and my son and I fought back.” Brenda replied.

    Carly got in real close to Brenda’s face, “You will regret that you ever messed with me Brenda.”

  6. Tishy
    Lucky walked into the Scorpio House where his parents and Lulu were staying. The Spencer House was being fixed from the explosion. He needed to talk to his mother about his impending divorce. Although his mother was the new mayor, she had yet to go to work yet as she hadn't fully recovered yet.

    Laura made her way into the living room. "Hello Lucky." She said warmly. "How are you?" She gave him a hug.

    "I'm doing ok." Lucky shrugged off his jacket. "Lulu told me you heard about Emily and me."

    "I have heard, yes.." Laura sat down across from her son. "I really have to hope you know what you are doing."

    Lucky buried his head in his hands. "That's the thing Mom. I don't know what I want. I mean, I know it is over with me and Elizabeth. That is obvious. I just want to get everything over with as fast as possible."

    Laura looked sympathetically at Lucky. She hated to see her son in pain. "Lucky, are you saying that you don't want a divorce?" She questioned.

    Lucky shook his head. "No Mom. I want this divorce. What I don't want is my ex wife and my brother together."

    "Well, it goes two ways. You can't expect that and then go off with Emily." Laura counseled.

    Lucky laughed dryly. "Emily and I were a one time thing. Nothing will come of it. Now, I can't say the same about Nikolas and Elizabeth. It seems like he really wants to be with her. I don't think I can handle it."

    "Have you talked to your brother?"

    Again Lucky laughed, this time with sarcasm. "Hardly. Nikolas and I don't really talk anymore Mom. Unless it is about you or Lulu."

    Laura got up to sit next to Lucky. She wrapped her arm around him. "Do you want me to say something to Nikolas. You know he will listen to me."

    "No Mom. Don't." Laura looked away from her depressed son. Regardless of what Lucky last said, she would talk to Nikolas.

    It was Elizabeth's first day back from work after giving birth. She was nervous, but Ava was with Jason today so she felt slightly better. Elizabeth was at the Nurse's Station when Emily approached. "Elizabeth, has Mr. Donovan's blood work come back yet?"

    Elizabeth looked up from the chart she was updating. "No Emily, it hasn't. I can page you when it comes back if you wish."

    "That isn't necessary." Emily stared at Elizabeth and crossed her arms. "So. I understand you have attached yourself to my brother again. Have you no shame Elizabeth?"

    "Emily." Elizabeth sighed and put her pen down. "Can we please not do this here?"

    Emily smiled, a fake smile. "Oh come on Elizabeth. You are just upset that I have figured out your little game. Plus, it is obvious that Lucky now prefers me to you."

    Elizabeth cut Emily off. "Is that what you wanted Emily? To prove that Lucky "preferred" you? Aren't you over that crush you had on him when you were like 12?"

    "Shut up Elizabeth. You have no idea what you are talking about." Emily said angrily.

    Robin was walking down the hall when she saw the interaction between the two former friends. She started walking faster. "Hey you two. Stop it. This is a professional enviornment. Leave your personal problems out of the Hospital and out of earshot from the patients. Do you understand me?" Robin looked from one to the other, "I don't want to have to bring this up to your supervisors. Don't put me in that position, ok?"

    "Yes." Emily stalked away and Elizabeth handed over a chart to Robin.

    Brenda was playing with James on the floor of her living room. This was her favorite time, playing with her son. He was the ultimate joy in her life. She looked up when there was a knock on her door.

    Brenda wasn't expecting anyone as Sonny had a business meeting and Robin was working. She pulled open the door and somehow wasn't surprised to see who was on the other side of the threshold. "Oh no you don't. Go away Carly."

    Carly pushed past her into the house. "What gives you the right to ruin my life Brenda? Who the hell do you think you are?"

    "Carly, get out." Brenda stayed at the open door. "My son is right here and I don't want you near him."

    "Leticia! Come get Brenda's bastard son!" Carly shouted. Leticia ran into the room and asked Brenda if she should call Sonny. Brenda responded that she could handle Carly.

    When Leticia and James had left the room, Brenda faced Carly. "I didn't ruin your marriage Carly. You did it to yourself. I merely placed a phone call. You have no one to blame but yourself."

    "Oh don't give me that self righteous act. You and Sonny set me up and you know it." Carly walked closer to Brenda. She pointed a finger at her. "You told Jax everything. Jax would have never have known about that tape if it wasn't for you."

    "What possessed you to go and tell everything to Sarah Quartermaine? Things that Sonny told you when he stupidly thought he was in love with you." Brenda said, exasperated. "Are you insane? Should we put you back in Rosehill?"

    "Pot. Kettle. Black honey. That's all I have to say." Carly shot back.

    Brenda angrily came right back, "You are coming into my house and insulting me? Blaming me for your mistakes. When are you going to get it into your head Carly, that your relationship with Sonny is over and now your relationship with Jax is done. Take a look in the mirror and there is the person to blame."

    "Why couldn't you have stayed in Paris? You have been nothing but trouble since you have been back." Carly shouted. "Nobody wants you here, understand me? Go back to where you came from."

    Brenda laughed. "Funny, because Sonny sure wanted me last night and the night before and the night before that."

    "You b!tch!" Carly leaned back and slapped her hard across the face. She was breathing hard as Brenda grabbed her cheek. "Get out Carly, before I call the police." Brenda said quietly.

    "Gladly." Carly slammed the door behind her.
  7. Tishy
    Due to work constraints, The Citizens of Port Charles will be taking a 6 week hiatus. We will be wrapping some storylines up and creating some cliffhangers to leave certain stories open to new possibilities. The hiatus will begin in approximately two weeks time.

    Sophia Bush has been cast as Brook Lyn Ashton. She will be appearing on screen in the next couple episodes. This is a contract role.

    Former ATWT star and Broadway vet Larry Bryggman joins the cast in a recurring role. He has been cast as Judge William Lynch. He will be the Family Court judge for the custody case involving Ned and Brenda regarding who should get custody of James. Expect him for several episodes.
  8. Tishy
    sex scene in here, maybe a bit graphic
    Also, click on the link at the end

    Alexis saw Scott seated at the Metro Court Bar. She was meeting him for lunch, the first time they had had a chance to be alone in weeks. “Hello Scott.” Alexis said calmly.

    “Alexis.” Scott finished his drink and placed it on the bar. “Ready for lunch?”

    “Lunch would be nice. I would enjoy that.” Alexis and Scott hadn’t talked much since Ric had moved into her house. “Are we ok Scott?” Alexis asked hesitantly.

    Scott stood up and kissed her on the cheek. “Alexis, we are fine.” He grabbed her hand and walked towards the elevators. “Wait a minute Scott. Where are we going? I thought we were having lunch.” Alexis questioned.

    Scott looked back at her and grinned, “We are. Trust me.” They entered the elevator and silence descended between the two of them. He swept the hotel suite door open and looked at Alexis. “Your lunch awaits you.”

    Alexis moved into the room and Scott followed her in. Before her was a cart, with a lunch spread in front of them. There was a grilled chicken Caeser salad, warm bread and butter, and a light pasta dish. White wine accompanied the meal. “This is very nice Scott.” Alexis spoke, obviously touched.

    “I wanted to show you that I am not just a regular jerk, that I can be a nice guy.” Scott confessed.

    “Scott, I know you are a nice guy. It’s not you.”

    “It’s not you Scott, it’s me. Don’t give me that line Alexis, you are better than that.” Scott said sarcastically as he looked deep in her eyes. “Get over it Alexis. Face it, I am attracted to you. You challenge me in ways that no one else has in a while. You take my crap and throw it right back at me. That’s sexy Alexis. When are you going to wake up and realize I am not such a bad guy?” Scott expressed.

    Alexis looked down at the floor, shifting from one foot to the other. “Scott…” Alexis’ voice trailed off. “Oh what the hell.” Alexis threw herself at Scott, propelling him backward onto the bed. She followed him down, kissing him hungrily. Scott matched her kiss for kiss, their passion igniting. He quickly got rid of her suit jacket and was fumbling with the buttons on her blouse, all the while, kissing any part of skin his lips could find. "Here let me" Alexis breathed and grabbed the blouse, ripping it open and sending the buttons flying onto the floor. Scott stood up and quickly disrobed, the whole time never taking his eyes off the beautiful, now nude body of Alexis.

    Scott lowered himself down and started to caress every part of Alexis' body. He moved down her body, kissing and licking every inch of skin. A low moan escaped her throat as she bunched the sheets up. Her body arched in pleasure under his touch. He brought his mouth down on one of her breasts and started to devour it. Alexis groaned, and begged for him to make love to her.

    Scott complied. He eased into her and together they moved. Alexis' fingers dug into his buttocks, drawing him closer. She wrapped her legs around him so he could go deeper. "Please" She whimpered. He exploded in her and together they groaned in pleasure. After a beat of silence, Scott rolled off Alexis and drew her close.

    Scott looked deep in her eyes and smiled, pushing her hair out of her eyes. "You made me work up an appetite." He commented.

    "Yeah well, I am glad I shaved my legs this morning." Alexis said dryly.

    "Me too!" Scott said, kissing her again.

    “Nikolas!” Laura called out to her son as she entered Wyndemere. “Nikolas, I need to talk to you!”

    "Alfred just told me you were here." Nikolas met his mother in the hallway and hugged her. “Is everything all right? What is wrong? How are you feeling?”

    “I would be feeling a lot better if you tell me that you are not planning on dating your brother’s wife.” Laura spoke sternly to her eldest son. “Because I will be very disappointed in you Nikolas. You shouldn’t do this to Lucky. He is your brother.”

    Nikolas turned on his foot and walked towards the living room. He leaned against the desk. When his mother finally came in, he replied, “I appreciate what you are saying but please Laura, whatever happens between Elizabeth and Lucky is between them. And whatever happens between me and Elizabeth is between us.”

    “Nikolas, this is your brother’s wife! Yes they are having problems but you are adding to those problems! Don’t you care what your brother wants?” Laura demanded.

    “And what about me?” Nikolas shot back. “What about what I want? What if Elizabeth is what makes me happy? Have you thought about that Laura, because being with Elizabeth is making me happier than I have ever thought I would be.”

    “Oh my God.” Elizabeth gasped. Neither Laura nor Nikolas had noticed that Elizabeth had entered. “I’m sorry, I’ll go.” Elizabeth said, flustered. "Alfred told me to just come in."

    Nikolas stepped forward, “No, no Elizabeth. Stay. My mother was just leaving.”

    Knowing that she was being dismissed, Laura said to her son, “We aren’t through yet Nikolas. We will continue this conversation later. Elizabeth.” As she walked past Elizabeth, she nodded at her.

    Nikolas and Elizabeth watched as Laura walked out of the room. “I’m sorry Nikolas, I didn’t know Laura was going to be here. I needed to talk.”

    Nikolas sighed and hugged Elizabeth, “I didn’t know she was coming over either. I don’t know what you heard, but she isn’t exactly keen on our friendship. I think she believes you belong with Lucky.”

    “I’m sorry Nikolas. I don’t know what to say.” Elizabeth replied, dismayed. “I don’t want to cause trouble between you and your mother. I should just go.” Elizabeth broke free from his embrace.

    “You aren’t going anywhere.” Nikolas pulled her back in, giving her a scorching kiss.

    “Tracy! Where are you going?” Edward bellowed as Tracy tried to sneak out the door. “Alan is coming home today and I want you here. We need to support him as a family. This is a difficult time for him.”

    Tracy’s hand was on the doorknob. She had planned on meeting Robert for an hour, but now she was caught. “Father, I just have to run to the store. I will be back in an hour or so.”

    Ned strode into the foyer, “What’s going on here? Has Alan arrived yet?”

    “Your mother is sneaking out when she should be here for Alan’s coming home.” Edward fussed. “Although where she is going I have no idea.”

    Tracy drew herself up and stuck her chin out defiantly. “I don’t have to tell you where I am every second of the day. Alan will still be here when I get back.”

    “That is very callous of you Mother, even for you. He’s your brother. The least you can do is welcome him home before you run off to some appointment.” Ned commented. “Cook made all his favorite foods.”

    Edward clapped his hands. “Good, good. The only thing we are missing is our newest member of the family, but that will come in due time. Ned, I am confident you will win custody and James will be raised here as a proper Quartermaine. I hope you have looked into boarding schools. It’s never too early you know!”

    “Oh Father, shut up! I for one am glad James isn’t here. Children should be seen, not heard.” Tracy snapped.

    “And this is why Dillion and I are so well adjusted.” Ned said sarcastically.

    “I was the best mother to you!” Tracy said indignantly.

    AJ walked out of the living room, hands in his pockets, “Oh God, are we discussing parenting skills again? Or in the case of this family, lack there of?”

    Tracy shot her venom at AJ, “Like if Michael was raised here he would have turned out better than you or that gangster brother of yours? I don’t think so.” Tracy was interrupted by doorbell ringing. Tracy automatically reached out and opened the door.

    “Surprise Grandma!” Brook Lyn Ashton exclaimed sarcastically, “I know you must be happy to see me.” Brook Lyn stepped past her surprised grandmother and up to her father. “Daddy? That woman that you were once married to and I are so not getting along. Can I stay here please?”
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