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Episode 7 The Show opens up with the outside of a club. We can hear the bass of the music from the inside. The camera panes down from the sign of the club that says, Hypnotic, and shows the girls, Amanda, Cassie and Maddie. They are shown talking. Maddie: I wish this line was moving faster so we could just get in and dance and forget about the stupid men in our lives! Amanda: Your preaching to the choir. Cassie: This is ridiculous. Oh finally the line is moving. The girls move up and are next in line. They show the bouncer their id’s and he tells them they can get in but they can’t drink. They all say they understand and go in. They walk down the hall and come out into and open area. They see hundreds of dancing bodies everywhere. The three girls look at each other and make a vow to stay together tonight no matter what! ---------- The Guys, Seth, Shawn, Matt and Jason, are shown in the same club as the girls! They are by the bar area and are checking out the women. Matt points at one: Hey how about that one? Shawn: Dude she is way out of your league! Jason laughs: And she looks like she is 30! Matt: Hey the women here aren’t that hot anyway. Seth: I don’t care if they’re hot or not, I just want to forget about everything tonight. Seth turns around and asks the bar tender for a shot of vodka. He shows the bartender an id. He gets his shot and downs it. Shawn is worried about his brother. Shawn: Are you sure you want to do that? Seth: Little brother you worry to much. Jason is driving and he already told me he is more than fine with not drinking tonight. So I plan on drinking! Matt is still checking out the women when he stops dead in his tracks: Hey guys umm…you will never guess who is here! Jason looks where Matt is looking: Unbelievable! Seth and Shawn look up and see Amanda, Cassie and Maddie looking back at them! ---------- Ms. Jacobs is in her office finishing up on some paper work when there is a knock on her door. She looks up to see Brody Patrick. He walks in and closes the door. Ms. Jacobs: I was wondering what was taking you so long! Brody: I had some stuff to finish up first. Ms. Jacobs: Well I’ve been waiting all night! Brody walks over to Ms. Jacobs and starts to kiss her. They become more heated and start to make love. Brody lays her on her desk. He unbuttons her blouse and removes it leaving her only in a bra. She pulls off his uniform shirt and he is left in a beater. She grips his belt and rips that off as well they get off the desk and move to the wall. They start having hot sex against the wall!! ---------- Steve and Keri Michaels are shown standing outside of Club Hypnotic. Steve: Are you sure this is where they are going tonight? Keri: Yeah I heard Amanda and Cassie talking about it earlier tonight. Steve: How do you know the guys will be here too? Keri: Lets just say that I have a strong believe in fate and it bringing people together! Keri laughs and Steve wonders if Keri had anything to do with this. After about twenty minutes they make it to the front of the line. They get in the club and immediately begin looking for Jason. Steve spots and also sees that he and the other guys are staring at the girls. He tells Keri that this may work out better than expected! ---------- Jason, Matt, Shawn and Seth are staring at Amanda, Cassie and Maddie who are staring back. The bartender is calling to Seth to get his drink. Seth turns around, downs the shot and walks towards the girls. Seth: Um…hey what are you doing here? Amanda: Listen I really don’t feel like talking to you right now, so why don’t you and your little posse stay away from us and everything will be fine! Seth: Why do you have to be like that? Amanda responds in a mocking tone: I don’t know, I just don’t know what I should be like! With that Amanda and the girls walk away. Seth goes back to the guys. Shawn: What happened? Seth: Basically they want nothing to do with us tonight. That means we can all go and find a lady to make out with! With that Seth gets another shot, downs it and goes out and starts dancing with the first girl her sees! ---------- Ms. Jacobs and Brody are getting dressed. Brody: Well our little affair is benefiting me very well. Lets just say with every time it gets better! Ms. Jacobs: Shut up Brody! This can’t keep going on. If anyone found out, I could be out of a job! Brody: I promise no one will find out! Just then there is a knock on the door. Brody hides underneath the desk. Ms. Jacobs: Come in. Johnny Riggs walks in. Ms Jacobs: What can I do for you Mr. Riggs? Johnny: I need to punch out but I’m late so I need you to sign off… Johnny trails off because he sees Brody’s name tag on Ms. Jacobs’ messy desk. Ms. Jacobs picks up on it. Ms. Jacobs: Johnny, you need what? Johnny is still staring at the name tag: I need you to sign off on my late punch. Ms. Jacobs signs the piece of paper and Johnny gives the name tag one last look when he leaves the room. Brody comes out from under the desk. Brody: That was close! Ms. Jacobs: You idiot he saw your name tag you left on the desk! Brody: Don’t worry, he’s a nice kid but he’s not that bright! Brody grabs his stuff and leaves the office. As he walks down the stairs, Johnny is shown hiding behind a door. He just saw Brody walk out of Ms. Jacobs’ office! ---------- Shawn and Matt are shown standing in a group when Steve comes over and surprised them. Steve: Hey! What are you guys doing here? Shawn: Hey! Umm…we could ask you the same thing. Steve: Oh I’m here with some friends from school. Matt: Were here with some people from work. Steve: Yeah I saw the girls before. You haven’t seen Jason around have you? Shawn: No why? Steve: I just wanted to apologize to him for my sister. Matt: If we see him we will let him know. Steve: Thanks guys! Steve walks away and says to himself: Oh believe me Jason will know soon enough and he will wish he didn’t! ---------- Seth is shown dancing on the dance floor with a group of girls. They are all rubbing up against his crotch and doing other raunchy actions. Amanda, Cassie and Maddie are shown watching. Cassie: That is just nasty. As a woman I find what they are doing totally wrong. Amanda: Yeah tell me about it. All they are doing is making themselves look like sluts! Maddie: I can honestly tell you I would never dance like that! Seth and one girl are now dancing really raunchy together. She grabs his face and starts kissing him! He is totally into it. Cassie: Oh Amanda, don’t watch that! Amanda: Wow I didn’t realize he wanted to hurt me that much! Amanda runs away from them. She runs right into Jason. Jason: Are you alright? Amanda: No I just want to get out of here! Jason: Well you shouldn’t be anywhere alone around here. Let me go outside with you? Amanda: Whatever, just don’t mention that sick bastard on the floor making out with the whore! Jason: Fine. ---------- Jenny Anderson is sitting at home, looking over some papers from work. There is a knock on her door. She goes over to answer it and sees that no one is there. She looks down and sees that there is a note there. She picks it up and starts to read it. Note: “I hope you are happy for now, because that happiness won’t last!” Jenny looks around to see if anyone is out there. She is a little freaked out now, so she goes inside and locks the door. She sits back down and tries to continue working. The camera flashes to a different perspective. We still see Jenny, but we are seeing in her through the window and the blinds, in the eyes of the person that just left the note! ---------- Jason and Amanda are now outside. Jason: I know you asked me not to talk about Seth, but what’s going on? Amanda: Like you can’t figure it out. He just broke up with me, less than a week ago and now he is out there making out with some whore he barely knows! Jason: It looks really bad, but he is hurt by all of this just as much as you are! Amanda: Yeah well he has a funny way of showing it. Jason grabs her face: Listen to me! You both are in pain right now and aren’t sure about what you want. You both love each other, but at the same time you need to be apart. I think that eventually you will find your way back to each other but until then, you have to go out and experience other people. Amanda is staring at Jason who has her face in his hands. Without even thinking she leans in and kisses him! We now see that Keri is watching this. Keri: Well, well, well, It seems like I didn’t have to do anything! Jason will pay for that and I will make sure of it! On the Next Episode… Amanda and Jason fight about their kiss! Jenny is still unsettled by the note! Johnny confronts Brody about what he saw! Seth nurses a hang over and deals with the wrath of the girls! Maddie and Matt are their for each other when Cassie and Shawn go out on their date!
Episode 6 Steve Michaels is walking around the store, doing returns when he sees his sister, Keri. Steve: Hey! Keri Surprised to see her brother: What are you doing here, and why are you working? Steve: Oh its nice to see you too. Keri: Seriously, what’s going on? Steve: Mom and Dad thought I needed to get a job, so I applied and they hired me. Keri: Why didn’t you tell me? Steve: Because I figured this would be more fun! Keri: Well I don’t want you to work here! Steve: Listen to me sister, I’m here whether you want me to be or not and you better watch your step because I have no problem letting Mom and Dad know how you’ve been acting lately! Keri: If you tell dad that I got Jason suspended for harassment, your dead! Steve: Holy crap, I had no idea you did that, I was just talking about your attitude, but thanks for the ammo! With that Steve walks away from his sister leaving her dumbfounded. ---------- Seth Anderson is showing his little brother the ropes of the Dairy Department. Seth: This is where we keep the milk, the eggs are in the back corner and the orange juice is on the opposite wall. Those are the three big things you have to worry about. Over here is all the stuff that is on sale… A few minutes later, Seth was helping Shawn load the milk. Shawn: Hey bro, can I ask you a question? Seth: Yeah I guess. What’s up? Shawn: You know Cassie Roberts right? Seth: Yeah she’s the chick that works with Amanda in the Bakery? Shawn: Yeah, that’s her, well lately I’ve started to like her, but Matt likes her too! And then her friend Maddie Wilson, likes me, but I don’t like her as much as I like Cassie! Seth: Little brother, I don’t know how you do this, but you have managed, in only three weeks, to get yourself in one very twisted web! Shawn: I know, I was hoping you could help me. Seth: I’m not exactly the one to be giving advice on relationships. In case you haven’t noticed Amanda won’t even talk to me. Shawn: Yeah what happened there? Seth: She over heard Jason and I talking about my relationship with her and she heard me say I wasn’t sure about it. Shawn: Ohh, that sucks. Seth: Yeah and now, she won’t talk to me! Shawn: I looks like we both suck when it comes to relationships! Shawn and Seth laugh and continue to work. ---------- Cassie and Maddie are working close to each other. Amanda walks up. Amanda: Hey see ya later ladies! Cassie: Your out of here? Amanda: Finally! Maddie: Hey so would you be up to the three of us hanging out later, ya know a girls night out? Amanda: That sounds like it would be fun! Cassie: Ok see ya later then! Amanda: Bye guys. Amanda walks away leaving Maddie and Cassie. Cassie: Hey Maddie, I want to ask you something and I want you to tell me how you feel about it. Maddie hesitantly: Ok… Cassie: Well the other night when I locked myself out of my car, Shawn gave me a ride home. Maddie becomes uneasy: Yeah what happened between you too? Cassie: Oh nothing happened, well that’s not true! He told me he had feelings for me! Maddie is shocked: Wow I don’t know what to say. Cassie: Here’s the thing I sort of have feelings for him too! Maddie: He seems to be a popular guy when it comes to people liking him. Cassie: I know and I wanted to talk to you first, because I have a feeling he is going to ask me out sometime. Maddie: And you want my blessing? Is that it? Cassie: Maddie, you’re my best friend and I would never do anything that would hurt you, and I know this is a delicate situation. Maddie: Cass, I know he doesn’t like me and I can’t make him like me, so if he asks you out, go a head and go out with him! Cassie: Are you sure? Maddie: Yes! Cassie goes over and hugs Maddie. Cassie goes onto the floor to help a customer. Maddie is left looking really upset and disappointed! ---------- Keri hears her name paged over the intercom. She is asked to go up to the managers office! When Keri gets up there Jason is up there as well waiting to go in the office. Ms. Jacobs comes out and asks them both to come in and sit down. Keri sees a TV and a VCR set up in the corner. She gets nervous. Jacobs: Well I have asked you both to come here today, because I have come to a decision about your situation. Keri: I thought we already dealt with that? Jacobs: We had but, it was brought to my attention that someone may have been lying! At the suggestion of an employee I went back and watched the security tapes and this is what I saw. Ms. Jacobs plays the tape, showing Keri going over to Jason, antagonizing him, trying to bait him into an argument. The tape ends and Ms. Jacobs turns it off. She turns back to Keri and Jason and has a disappointed look on her face. Jacobs: Now I am beyond angry, I am furious! With you Keri!! Keri: But… Jacobs: I’m not finished. You have not only lied to me about something that is very serious, you essentially tortured this young man! I can’t understand why you would do something like this. As of now, you are suspended with termination pending! Keri begins to cry: But Ms. Jacobs, you don’t understand when Jason broke up with me it tore me apart. Jason speaking up for the first time: So you go out and ruin my name, saying that I harassed you? Keri: I had no other way to get back at you!! Ms. Jacobs: Ms. Michaels, I am going to make a suggestion to you. I think you really need to find yourself a therapist and work out your issues, because if we do not terminate you, there is no way we are taking you back with out you entering therapy! You can go now! Keri gets up and leaves the office. Jason gets up and shakes Ms. Jacobs’s hand. Jason: I just wanted to let you know that I am grateful that you did this. Jacobs: After your friend came up here and told me about the situation and made the suggestion of watching the tapes, I realized that she was lying. I am very sorry that you had to go through all of this. Jason: I am just happy that it is all behind us! ---------- Jenny Anderson is pulling into her drive way, when she sees someone waiting on the front porch. She cautiously gets out of her car. Jenny: Hello? Robbie Mitchells walks out and is happy to see her. Robbie: Hi!! Jenny: What are you doing here Rob? Robbie: I couldn’t wait until next week to see you, so I decided to stop by real quick and say hi! Jenny: How did you know where I lived? Robbie: You have to promise not to get mad or think I’m a stalker, but I looked in your sons’ files and got the address there. Jenny laughing: I have to tell you that is a little creepy! Robbie blushes and laughs: I know but I wanted to just say hi. Jenny: Believe me I’m happy to see you! Robbie: That’s good to hear, but I really have to be going now! It would be a little awkward if one of your sons came home and saw me here. Jenny: Yes it would be a little strange, but I am excited for next week! Robbie: Me too! Robbie leans in and kisses Jenny on the cheek. He then goes to his car and as he is leaving he waves. Jenny watches him leave and thinks to herself that she may have found the perfect man! ---------- Seth and Shawn Anderson, Matt Thompson and Jason Charleston are walking towards the Bakery Department to see if the girls want to hang out when they come across Brody Patrick and Johnny Riggs. Brody: Well, well, well, look who it is! The Dairy Fairies and the Grocery Queers! Jason: Wow ya know Brody, every time I come across you, you always are more stupid than the last time I saw you. Brody turns to Johnny: You better be careful, this one is known for harassing people. Seth: Maybe you should pass attention ass hole, Jason didn’t harass anyone, Keri was lying. Brody: I’m sure, what did you do Jason, sleep with Ms. Jacobs to get out of the suspension? Jason goes to lunge for Brody, but is held back by Shawn and Seth: You better get the hell out of here before I tear you apart. Matt: Brody, shut the hell up and just walk away. Brody: Oh great now we have the brave and tough Matt Thompson jumping in. I thought you only sprang into action when someone had a gun! Shawn: Dude, what’s your problem? Brody in a mocking tone: Dude, you pieces of crap! Ya know what I’m not gonna waste my time on these punk asses anymore. Lets go Johnny. Brody and Johnny turn and walk away. Matt: That kid is such an ass. Jason: I don’t understand why he hasn’t bee fired yet. Shawn: Who was the kid he had with him? I’ve never seen him before and he had a Market shirt on. Seth: Maybe he’s new or something. Jason: Great someone else they can poison against the Grocery Department. Shawn: Why is there so many issues between the two departments? Matt: No one knows but they’re the ones that perpetuate it. We couldn’t give a damn about it, but they are always giving us crap. Seth: What ever guys, lets just get out of this place! The four guys walk over to the Bakery Department. The girls are gone, so they say screw it and go out the four of them! ---------- Keri Michaels is sitting outside crying. Her brother comes out and sees her. Steve: Hey what’s wrong? Keri: I got suspended for lying about Jason harassing me. Steve: So what you will be back at work in a few days. Keri: No I won’t I’m suspended pending termination… Steve: They’re going to fire you?! Keri: Yeah, the worst part is, all I wanted was for Jason to feel like crap for one second, but I always end up feeling like this! Its not fair. Steve: I will tell you what, the two of us will find a way to make that ass hole pay for what he has done! Keri hugs Steve. Both of them are shown with smirks on their faces!! On the next episode… The guy and girls have separate nights out. Keri and Steve set their plan in motion. Johnny and Shawn have a conversation. Seth tries to talk to Amanda. Matt and Maddie are there for each other when they find out that Shawn asked Cassie out on a date.
Ricky Ullman has been cast in the role of Jonathan Riggs, Johnny for short. He will be a member of the Produce Department, which for some unexplained reason has an issue with the Grocery Department. He is the nice guy of the Produce Department who tries to forge a friendship with the guys of the Grocery Department, but because of the animosity between to two departments, he is prohibited from doing so. Greg Rikaart has been cast in the role of Brody Patrick. He is another member of the Produce Department. He is sort of the ring leader of the Department. He's the one that gives Seth Anderson the most problems. He is one of the people that keeps Johnny from befriending the Grocery/Dairy Department.
Episode 5 Cassie is stunned to hear that Shawn likes her not Maddie. Cassie: What?! Shawn: I like you Cassie! Cassie: Wow, I had a feeling you didn’t like Maddie, but I never thought the reason was because you liked me. Shawn: I hope you don’t feel awkward or anything. Cassie: Its not awkward, I’m just really surprised, really really surprised! Shawn: Ok… Cassie: No! Don’t take it that way! I was just really surprised! Shawn begins to laugh: Yeah you said that already. Cassie laughs as well. They continue to drive with Cassie giving him directions to her house. When they pull into the drive way, Cassie goes to get out but Shawn stops her. Shawn: Cassie, wait a minute! Cassie: What’s up? Shawn: I want you to know that I told you I liked you because I couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. I don’t want you thinking I expect something from you, ok? Cassie: Thanks for saying that Shawn, you really are a great guy. Cassie leans in and kisses him on the cheek. Cassie: Thanks for the ride! She gets out of the car and goes up to her front door, she looks back and waves goodnight. Shawn waves back --------- Jason is at home, he’s shooting some hops in his driveway when Seth drives up. Seth: Hey man what’s going on? Jason: Well nothing at all seeing how I’m stuck at home. Seth: Yeah the boss told us that you go suspended for harassing Keri Michaels Jason: I didn’t harass her. Seth: I know you didn’t. I remember all the times that she has walked by us, she’s the one that makes the comments. Jason: Yeah I know, I wish someone would tell Ms. Jacobs that. Seth: Well I’m on my way to work now and I’m gonna go and tell her the truth. Jason: Your really gonna go out on a line for me? Seth: Dude, your like my best friend around here, of course I would do anything I could to help you. Jason: Thanks man. Hey how are things with you and Amanda? Seth: Man I was so harsh the other day. When I told her that I wasn’t sure I wanted to be with her, she was so upset. Jason: I’m sure, but you can’t pretend to be in love with her if your not. Seth: Yeah I know I just don’t want her to be hurt. Jason: She seems like a strong girl, I think she will get over it. Seth: I hope so, but hey I’m gonna be late if I don’t get going. You still game for hanging out later? Jason: Yeah sure, let me know when you get out. Seth: Will do, later man. Seth gets in his car and leaves. ---------- Amanda is working in the Bake Shop. Cassie walks in and sees that Amanda is a little upset. She goes over and starts helping Amanda. Cassie: Hey are you alright? Amanda: I’ve been better. Cassie: You mind if I ask you what’s wrong? Amanda: You know Seth Anderson right? Cassie: Yeah he’s Shawn’s older brother right? Amanda: Yeah. Well back home him and I were dating. I thought we were in love, but the other day I heard him talking with Jason Charleston and he was telling him that he wasn’t sure about our relationship anymore. Cassie: Oh that’s horrible, I’m so sorry! Amanda: Yeah well I don’t know what to do anymore. I mean I uprooted my life to be with him and now he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. I can’t go back home because my parents told me if I left I wasn’t welcome at home. I lost everything for him and now he doesn’t want me! Cassie: You were following your heart. Amanda: Yeah try telling my parents that. Cassie: What are you going to do? Amanda: The only thing I can do. I guess I’m gonna stay in the motel down the road and work here until I can save up some money. Cassie: That sucks. I’m so sorry. Amanda: Thanks for the concern. Cassie looks up and sees Matt walking by. She has a sad look on her face. Amanda takes notice. Amanda: What’s with the look? Cassie: Well the other night I found out that Shawn likes me. Amanda: So that’s good isn’t it? Cassie: Not really because Maddie likes Shawn, and I kinda like Matt, the other kid in Grocery, and I think he likes me too. Amanda: Wow that’s one messed up love square! Cassie: Your telling me. I like Matt, but every time I’m around Shawn I feel something. Amanda: Well if you feel something for him, why don’t you go on a date with him and see how things go? Cassie: That’s a good idea, but what about Matt? Amanda: Has he told you he likes you? Cassie: No. Amanda: Then claim you didn’t know. Cassie: That’s not a bad idea. Thanks for the advice. Cassie and Amanda continue working. ---------- Keri Michaels is working in the Florist department when Seth Anderson walks up to her. Keri: What do you want? Seth: I thought you would want to know that I’m going to Ms. Jacobs and I’m going to vouch for Jason and tell her that you’re the one that says stuff to him. Keri: You go and do that because who do you think she is going to believe, the one that claims to being harassed or a guy that is a friend of the guy that’s been harassing me. Jason: Well we will find out won’t we! With that, Seth walks away. Miranda James walks over Miranda: Oh Keri you didn’t get Jason suspended did you? Keri: I had to, he kept saying stuff to me. Miranda: Keri I know you and I know how you are. Keri: What does that mean, you don’t believe me? Miranda: I’m sorry Keri but I’ve seen you around Jason and I know your not always the nicest to him either. Keri: I thought you were my friend Miranda! Miranda: I am but your playing with fire, and your going to get burned if your not careful. Keri: Some friend you are. Keri storms off leaving Miranda hurt. ---------- Ms. Jacobs is in her office, when Seth knocks on her door. She beckons him in. Ms. Jacobs: How can I help you Seth? Seth: Well I’m here about Keri and Jason. Jacobs: I’m sorry but I can’t talk about that with you. Seth: No I’m here to tell you that Keri is lying. Jacobs: That’s a serious charge. Seth: I’ve seen her first hand, baiting Jason, trying to make him say nasty things to her. Jacobs: That may be true, but when it comes down to it, you’re his friend and how am I suppose to believe that your not trying to just get him unsuspended? Seth: Because I’m known for being honest. I have never lied to anyone here. Listen if you check the security tapes you will see that Keri was constantly baiting Jason. Jacobs: I will tell you what, I will check it out and make a decision. Seth: Thank you. Seth gets up and leaves the office. Ms. Jacobs is left trying to figure out what she should do about this situation. ---------- Jenny Anderson is in her office at work, when her phone rings. She picks it up to here that Robbie Mitchells is on the line. Jenny: Well hello. Robbie: How are you? Jenny: I’m good, how about yourself? Robbie: Not to bad. Jenny: Is that all you were calling for? Robbie: No actually, I was wondering if you would like to go out again sometime? Jenny: I would love to. When? Robbie: Well as soon as possible! Jenny: How about tomorrow night? Robbie: Its perfect! I will see you then? Jenny: Definitely! Take care. Robbie: You too! Jenny hangs up her phone and lets out a sigh. Her assistant comes in and asks her if she is alright. Jenny tells her she is just fine, actually she is better than fine! ---------- Maddie Wilson is putting some product out in the Bakery Department, when a guy walks up to her. Maddie: Hi! Guy: Hi can you help me? Maddie: Sure. Guy: I’m looking for who ever is in charge of the front end. Maddie: Yeah they will be over there at that podium. Guy: Oh thanks, I’m just starting today so I don’t know to much about this place. Maddie: Well then, I am Maddie Wilson! Guy: I’m Steve Michaels, you may not my sister, Keri. Maddie: Wait your Keri’s brother? Steve: Yeah. Maddie: Oh ok, well have a good first day! Steve: Thanks. Steve walks away. Maddie goes to the Bakery Backroom and goes over to Amanda and Cassie. Maddie: Guess what? Amanda: What? Maddie: I just met Keri Michael’s brother, Steve! Cassie: What was he like? I bet he’s just as crazy as his sister! Maddie: He seems normal, he was actually kind of cute. Amanda: There she goes, going after another new guy! Maddie: I am not! Amanda: I’m just joking Maddie! Maddie: Oh ok, I just hope he’s nothing like his sister! On the next episode… The verdict is in whether Jason comes back or not Steve learns about his sister’s antics. Cassie, Shawn, Maddie and Matt all face each other. Amanda and Seth talk about them. Jenny and Robbie go out on a date. The Produce Department interacts with the Grocery Department.
Episode 4 Matt is still blown away. Shawn asks him if he is alright. Matt tells Shawn he is fine. Shawn can tell something is really wrong but lets it go. Matt contemplates again whether or not he should tell Shawn that he likes Cassie. They both sit down at a table in the break room. They’re talking when they hear voices coming up the stairs. Matt and Shawn realize that Cassie and Maddie are the voices. Matt looks at Shawn and suggests the go into the men’s locker room, so they don’t have to face the girls. Shawn agrees and the two hid behind the door, trying to listen to what the girls are saying. Cassie is apologizing to Maddie again for Shawn hearing that she likes him. Maddie tells him it no big deal because he obviously didn’t hear it, or he would have said something. Matt looks at Shawn and lets out a laugh. Shawn punches Matt in the shoulder and Matt lets out a grunt of pain. Cassie asks what that noise was. Maddie says she didn’t hear anything. Cassie brushes it off and continues eating. Maddie suddenly turns to Cassie and asks her if she could ask her something personal. Cassie says sure and is a little curious as to what she would ask. Maddie tells Cassie that she doesn’t have to answer this question if she doesn’t want to. Cassie laughs and just tells him to her to ask what ever it is. Maddie takes a deep breath and asks Cassie if she likes Shawn. Cassie is slightly surprised by this question, but not totally thrown. She tells Maddie that she isn’t sure. She tells Maddie that she is torn, because she does have feelings for Shawn but also for someone else. Maddie asks who the other person is. Cassie tells her that ever since the other day she is attracted to Matt! Shawn looks at Matt who is looking back at him. Seth is running after Amanda trying to get her to stop. Amanda turns around and tells Seth that if he really feels that way about her, then she will go back home. Seth lets out a sigh and tells her that he isn’t sure how he feels. Amanda snorts and then says that the other night he seemed sure about what he wanted. Seth tells her that he is sorry, but that he was just so over whelmed to see her that he had so many emotions going. Amanda tells Seth that when he figures out what is going on in his head, then to call her. She begins to walk away, but Seth calls out to her. Amanda hopefully turns around. Seth asks her where she is going to live now? Amanda can’t get any words out. She begins to cry. She tells him that for a minute there, she thought he was going to say that he loved her and wanted to be with her. Seth tells Amanda he is sorry, but that he can’t do that right now. Amanda nods her head and tells him not to worry about her anymore because she is through with him. Seth is about to say something but his name is paged over the intercom. He tells her he is sorry again and then walks away. Amanda is standing there heart broken. She walks through the doors to the floor and goes back to the bakery department. Ashley Jacobs is sitting at her desk, when there is a knock on her door. She tells whoever it is to come in. Keri Michaels walks through the door. Ms. Jacobs asks Keri what she could help her with. Keri has a disturbed look on her face and she tells Ashley that this isn’t easy. Ashley tells Keri that what ever it is, she can talk to her. Keri shakes her head and then tells Ashley that she has been harassed lately by Jason Charleston of the Dairy Department. Ashley is surprised to hear what Keri said. Ashley asks Keri what Jason has been doing to her. Keri says that whenever she walks by Jason, he makes menacing comments and gives her dirty looks. Keri also tells her that Jason spreads rumors about her to other people. Ashley tells Keri that she was right in coming to her and that it will get taken care of. Keri then pretends to tear up. She tells Ashley that she didn’t want to get Jason in charge but that he crossed the line when he told people that he broke up with her because she didn’t want to have sex with him. Ashley tells Keri that it will get dealt with first thing tomorrow when Jason comes in. Keri nods and thanks Ashley. Ashley gets up to walk out Keri. She asks Keri to keep this all to herself until it is handled. Keri nods. Ashley opens up her office door and as they are both walking out, Jason walks up the stairs. Keri looks at him with a smirk. Ashley then asks to speak to him in her office. Jason nods and walks towards her office. As he walks past Keri, she tells him its been nice knowing him. Jason is confused. When the office door closes, Keri begins to laugh! Matt and Shawn are now walking towards the Grocery back room. They are going to punch out. The Grocery Manager is back there and he is getting off the phone. He looks at them and tells them that he has some bad news. He tells them that Jason is going to be suspended for two weeks and that the Dairy Department is going to need some help. Seth walks up behind them and asks them what is wrong with Jason. Mr. Jones explains everything to the three of them. Seth says that Keri must be lying. Every time she walks by Jason she is the one that makes the comments. Mr. Jones says that all they have is the word of two teenagers right now. He says that Seth should go and let Ms. Jacobs know. Seth leaves to go up front. Mr. Jones tells Shawn that he is going to learn the Dairy Department tomorrow so he can help out. Shawn nods and then he and Matt walk out of the backroom. As they go to walk out of the door. Cassie calls out to them. Cassie and Maddie walk over. Cassie asks the two guys if they want to hangout again. Matt looks at Shawn and then tells the girls that he is tired and thinks he should just go home. Cassie has a let down look on her face but nods. Shawn says he is tired too and that maybe they should do it some other time. Maddie looks at Shawn and says that they definitely will hangout some other time. Cassie, still let down, says goodnight and walks away. Shawn, Matt and Maddie all go their separate ways. Shawn is at his car he is about to get in when he sees Cassie trying to get into her car. He sees she is having a hard time and goes over and asks her what is wrong. She tells him she grabbed the wrong keys and that she is locked out. Shawn offers to take her to her house to get the spare. Cassie thanks him and then they go. As they are driving, Cassie suddenly asks Shawn if he does like Maddie. Shawn asks Cassie if she wants him to be honest with her. Cassie tells him she does want him to be honest. Shawn nods his head, takes a deep breath and tells Cassie that he doesn’t like Maddie like that because…he likes her!
Shawn is still standing in the doorway taken aback. Cassie goes over to Shawn and tries to smooth over the situation. Cassie tells Shawn that he miss heard they’re conversation. Shawn tries to play it off and tells Cassie that he didn’t hear a thing and that he walked in and Maddie was giving him a weird look. Maddie tells Shawn to stop lying and just admit what he heard. Shawn tells her that he has no idea what she is talking about, but that if he had heard whatever they were talking about he probably wouldn’t know what to say. Maddie gives him a weak smile and then she turns and walks onto the floor. Shawn tells Cassie that he has to go and punch in. Cassie follows him to out of the Bakery back room and tells him she needs to talk to him. Still walking, Shawn asks her what she needs. Cassie asks him what he really heard. Shawn tells her that she can’t tell Maddie, but that he heard her admit she liked him. Cassie asks him why he lied then. He tells her he lied because he didn’t want her to feel more awkward. Cassie says she understands, but then she asks him if he likes her back. Shawn tells her that he just met her yesterday and that he doesn’t even know her. Cassie tells Shawn that it doesn’t matter how long you know someone, but rather how you feel about them when you first see them. Shawn asks her if she really feels that way. Cassie tells him she does. Shawn is surprised and then is about to tell her that he likes her but they’re interrupted when his name is heard over the intercom, he is being paged to the back room. He tells Cassie that he is sorry but that he has to go. He walks away and Cassie feels like something wasn’t said. Robbie Mitchells is sitting in his office when he hears a knock at the door. He tells whoever is there to come in. Jenny Anderson walks in. Robbie gets up and welcomes her in. He introduces himself and then apologizes and asks who she is. Jenny tells him that she is the mother of Seth and Shawn Anderson. Robbie tells her that she has two good kids. Jenny thanks him, but tells him that she has some concerns about them working here after the yesterday. Robbie tries to assure her that stuff like that rarely happens in the store. Jenny tells him that that may be true, but that she still has a level of uncertainty. Robbie tells her that they will be fine. He then tells her that since the incident, security has been upgraded and that more cameras will be installed in the store to monitor more suspicious customers. Jenny shakes her head and tells him she is happy to hear that and hopes that she can hear more about the new measures being taken. Robbie lifts his head up and looks at her, he discretely looks down at her left hand to look for a wedding ring, and when he doesn’t see one, he asks her if she would like to discuss this more over dinner. Jenny is slightly surprised and then tells him that she would like that. Robbie tells her, he will pick her up at 8. Jenny gives him a smile and then leaves. Robbie is smiling and then Ashley Jacobs, the Manager of The Departments, walks in and asks him why he is all smiles. He tells her that he has a date. She laughs and congratulates him. Seth is sitting in the Dairy office doing some work, when Jason walks up and sees him. He asks him what’s going on. Seth asks Jason if he really wants to hear what is going on. Jason tells him that in this store its important to have friends or it gets really boring. Jason tells Seth to feel free to tell him anything. Seth starts to tell him about Amanda and how she moved out to Valley Falls to be with him. Jason asks him what is wrong with that. Seth tells him that he isn’t sure how he feels about her. Jason sighs and tells him he understands. Seth tells him that there is more. He tells Jason that Amanda seems to care about him more than he cares about her. Seth tells Jason that he loves Amanda but that he is too young to get that involved with someone. Jason tells him that he needs to go out and experience life before he settles down. Seth tells Jason that he knows all of that, but that it doesn’t change how Amanda feels about him. Seth tells him that when he found out he was moving away he was devastated and thought that life would suck without Amanda, but now he realizes that there is more to life. Seth tells Jason that if they were apart for a little while, it would have been better for the relationship in the long run. Jason asks him if he wants to break up with her. Seth tells him that he’s not sure what he wants anymore. Its revealed that Amanda is walking up around the corner smiling, but she stops when she hears Jason and Seth talking. Her smile begins to fade away when she hears what Seth is saying. She drops what she is carrying which makes Seth and Jason jump they look around the corner and see Amanda standing there with a disturbed look on her face. She turns around and runs away. Seth says damn it and runs after her. Shawn is loading the soda shelves and Matt comes over to him. Matt asks him if he wants to take a break. Shawn responds with a sure. They both start to walk to the break room. As they’re walking Shawn tells Matt he has to tell him something. Matt asks what it is. Shawn asks if Matt will swear to keep this quiet. Matt says he will. Shawn tells Matt that he heard Maddie admit to liking him. Matt is surprised and asks him when this happened. Shawn tells him that it happened this morning when he came in. He tells Matt that he had walked over to the Bakery to see how Cassie was doing after yesterday. Matt asks him when he heard that Maddie likes him. Shawn tells him he was getting there. He tells Matt that when he walked into the back of the Bakery he heard Cassie and Maddie talking and then he tells Matt that Maddie screamed out that she liked him. Matt laughs at this story and then tells him that he now has an admirer. Shawn tells him its not funny. Matt secretly questions whether he should tell Shawn that he likes Cassie. Shawn notices the look on Matt’s face and asks what’s wrong. Matt tells him nothing. Shawn then tells Matt that Maddie liking him is weird. Matt asks why. Shawn says its weird because he kind of has a little crush on Cassie. Matt is thrown for a loop.
Its two in the morning but, Shawn Anderson is still awake in his room. He’s sitting in front of his computer staring at the screen. Its revealed that Shawn is checking his email, but has stopped to read one. He is scanning the email and at the end of the email it says “Love Dad”. Shawn gets up from the chair and walks over to the window. He looks out the window and sees the empty rural street. There are almost no lights on in the houses. He sees a dog walking across the road, he walks away from the window and goes and lays on his bed. He closes his eyes and he begins to recall the on goings of the previous day. He sees himself meeting his coworkers, he sees himself bumping into Maddie for the first time and he sees himself staring at the crazed man holding Cassie hostage. He then sees himself staring into Cassie’s eyes while he was checking to see if she was alright after she was thrown from the man. He then sees himself, Maddie, Matt and Cassie sitting in Mr. Mitchells office and he sees Robbie Mitchells talking to them all. He then sees the four of them walking out of the Store to go and eat. Suddenly he sits up realizing that his cell phone is ringing. He rolls over and sees that Cassie’s calling him. Shawn answers his phone and asks Cassie if she is alright. Cassie tells him she is but that she couldn’t sleep. She tells him that every time she closes her eyes she sees that man with the gun. Shawn tells her that he couldn’t sleep either and that he keeps thinking about what happened also. He then tells her that they can’t let this ruin their lives and that the chances of it happening again were slim to none. Cassie tells him she knows, but that it doesn’t change the fact that it happened. Shawn tells her that he knows and that if he could he would go back and change it all. Cassie thanks him and then she hesitates. Shawn asks her what is wrong. Cassie says that nothing is wrong, but then asks him if he would stay on the phone with her for the night. Shawn says that he will. Shawn lays down on the bed and Cassie does the same. They both are talk for awhile but then Cassie slowly begins to fall asleep. Shawn can hear Cassie breathing. He gives a small smile and then closes his eyes and goes to sleep. Seth Anderson is standing on the porch of his house with his girlfriend Amanda Smith, Seth is trying to unlock the door to his house, but a light comes on and the door is opened but his mother, Jennifer “Jenny” Anderson [Nancy Lee Grahn]. Jenny demands to know why he is just coming home now. Seth tells her that he was talking to Amanda. Jenny freezes and asks Amanda who. Seth tells his mother that Amanda Smith has come to town because she wants to be with him. Jenny is taken aback and then Amanda walks out from behind Seth. Seth asks his mother if she could just come in and spend the night. Jenny agrees but secretly she is furious. Amanda knows that Jenny doesn’t like her because of the time that Seth spends with her. Amanda thinks that Jenny is jealous that Seth is willing to spend time with her instead of his mother. Jenny tells them that Amanda can sleep the night in the living room on the couch. Seth asks why she can’t sleep in the spare room. Jenny tells him that there are boxes all over the place in there and that Amanda would be more comfortable in the living room. Amanda tells Seth that that is fine. Jenny gives her a sly smile and then says goodnight to her son. Seth says goodnight and Jenny goes up the stairs keeping her eyes on them until she can’t anymore. Seth apologizes for his mother, but Amanda tells him that it is fine and that his mother is just trying to protect him. Seth leans in and kisses her and then gets up and tells her, he will see her in the morning. He then goes up stairs and goes to bed. The next morning Matt is shown walking into The Market, and his name is called out by someone. He turns around and sees Maddie Wilson walking towards him. He says hi to her and then asks her what she needs. She is mildly insulted that he would assume she needed something, but then asks him how good of friends he is with Shawn. Matt tells her that they just met yesterday and that he thinks he’s a cool kid but he doesn’t really know to much about him. Matt asks why she asks. Maddie tells him that she was just interested in Shawn and wanted to get to know him a little more. Matt tells her that she should go and talk to him. Maddie said she would but that she thinks he is interested in Cassie. Matt is surprised and asks her why she would think that. Maddie says that she doesn’t know, she just figured because of the way he looked at her last night at dinner or when they were in Robbie’s office. Matt asks Maddie if he thinks Cassie likes Shawn back. Maddie tells him that she has known Cassie since they both started working here and that she would consider her, her best friend. Matt says that that doesn’t answer his question. Maddie tells Matt that he told him that to show him that she would know if Cassie likes Shawn if Cassie did in fact like him. Matt understands that Maddie is telling him that Cassie hasn’t said anything to Maddie. Matt thanks Maddie for the talk, but tells her he has to go and work now. Maddie thanks him also and then asks him if the four of them could hangout again tonight. Matt tells her that he will talk to Shawn and that they will see what happens. Keri Michaels is in the Florist Department making an arrangement for a customer that will be there soon to pick it up. Miranda James [Rebecca Herbst] walks behind the counter. Keri tells her that she is happy to see her. Miranda asks if they’ve been busy all day. Keri tells her that its been a steady flow but that she just has a lot of stuff on her mind. Miranda goes next to Keri and begins to help her make the orders, she then asks her if everything is alright. Keri tells her that she can’t stop thinking about Jason. Miranda tells her that they broke up over a month ago. Keri tells her that she knows but that he was her first and that that meant a lot to her. Miranda tells her that the first boy you ever have sex with will always be important to you, but that you can’t pine over someone that doesn’t want you. Keri tells her that she knows that but that she can’t get over it. Keri says that she feels like Jason had sex with her and then broke up with her. Miranda tells her that Jason is a nice guy and that there had to have been other reasons. Keri says agrees and says “If you say so.” Miranda smiles and gives Keri a hug and asks her if she wants a coffee from the Coffee Shop. Keri says that she would, Miranda goes to her purse and gets some money and then tells Keri she will be right back. Once Miranda is out of eye site, Keri goes and pulls out a sheet of paper, on which she was outlining a plan. At the top of the paper it says Revenge Plan. Keri looks up and says that she will get back at Jason at any cost. Jason is in the dairy back room loading up his U-boat, when Seth walks into the backroom. Jason looks up and says hey. Seth says hi back and then asks him what he needs help with. Jason tells him something to do, so Seth goes and does it. Jason continues to load up his boat. He brings it out to the floor and begins to load the orange juice to the empty case. A woman comes up and takes a box of juice from the box without even noticing Jason. Jason is annoyed by this but lets it go. Another person comes up and does the same thing, but again Jason lets it go. Keri can been seen standing at the end of the aisle talking to customer. She tells the customer to go up and push the U-boat into Jason. The customer asks what he would get out of it. Keri tells him that if he does this for her, she will do what ever he wants. He looks at Keri and tells her that he could think of a lot of things they could do. Keri cringes and tells him to just go and do it. The customer walks over to where Jason is and pushes the U-boat into Jason. Jason spins around and says excuse me. The customer tells Jason that he was trying to get that juice but the boat was in the way. Jason asks the man why he didn’t ask him to grab it for him. The man tells Jason that he doesn’t like his attitude and that he was going to talk to the manager. Jason tells him to go ahead and do what he has to do. The customer storms off and walks around the corner into Keri. Keri asks how it went. The customer says that he told Jason he was going to tell the manager but it didn’t phase him. Keri says “Damn it.” She then tells the customer to go away. He asks her what about the deal. She tells him that the plan didn’t work so he doesn’t get anything. The customer gives her a dirty look and walks off. Keri turns around and sees Jason standing there. She is surprised to see him. He tells her that the next time she tries to get him in trouble with a customer, to not stand right there as it happens. He gives her a smile and then goes back to loading the juice to the shelf. Cassie is shown walking into the Bakery backroom. Maddie comes running over to her and tells her that she has something to tell her. Cassie asks what. Maddie tells her that she thinks that Matt from Grocery has a thing for her. Cassie gets excited and asks how she knows. Maddie tells her about the conversation that she had with Matt earlier and how she told him she thought Shawn liked Cassie. Cassie stops Maddie and asks her to says that about Matt again. Maddie says that she thinks Shawn likes Cassie. Cassie tells Maddie that she is surprised but that. Maddie asks why? She tells her that Shawn is a great guy and that if he liked her she would be happy. Cassie looks at Maddie and smiles. Maddie asks why she is smiling. Cassie says that she just figured out why it matters so much to her [Maddie] who Shawn likes. Maddie asks her to just tell her. Cassie tells Maddie that she thinks Maddie likes Shawn. Maddie gets uncomfortable and then tells Cassie she has to go and print out some price tags for the cookies. Cassie follows her and is teasing her and trying to goad her into admitting it. Maddie finally admits it. I like Shawn! Cassie laughs but then she notices the look on Maddie’s face. Cassie turns around and sees Shawn standing in the door way with a surprised look on his face. Cassie turns around and looks at Maddie and gives her an I’m sorry look.
Shawn Anderson comes bursting into his brother’s, Seth Anderson, room and tells him to getting going or they will be late for their first day of work. Seth lifts his head from his pillow and tells his brother to leave him alone or he will make sure he never makes it to work. Twenty minutes later they both are outside of The Market, the local supermarket. Seth and Shawn walk to the back of the store where the Grocery Department is. They walk through the doors and approach the first guy they see. They ask if he is Mr. Jones. The man tells them that he isn’t and introduces himself as Andrew Recks and tells them that he is the Dairy Manager. Seth and Shawn both introduce themselves. Andrew tells them that Jones is in the office over there. Seth and Shawn walk over to the office and Jones is walking out as the approach. He looks up and sees them and greets them. He tells them that Seth is going to go work in the Dairy department with Jason and he tells Shawn he will be working with Matt in the Grocery Department. Jones goes and pages each of the guys to the backroom. Jones goes on and tells them that the work is going to be tough at first and that they will probably be tired but that it will eventually become easier for them and that even the customers will seem to get better. Jason and Matt coming walking down the backroom. Jones says that they need to answer quicker next time. They both apologize and then tell him that a customer was being a complete ass because they didn’t have the bread they were looking for. Jones tells them to quit giving excuses. Jones tells them that he paged them because he needs them to show Shawn and Seth the ropes. Jones tells Matt that Shawn will be working with him and that Seth will be working with Jason. Matt says that that is cool and then tells Shawn to come with him. Jones tells Shawn to come and see him before he gets off of work. Shawn says he will and then begins to follow Matt. Jason walks away and then calls for Seth to follow. Jason stops and looks at Seth and tells him that the next time he works he may want to wear long sleeves and boots because they will be working in a 30 degree cooler. Matt and Shawn are walking down and aisle and Matt is explaining to Shawn what he has to do today. Just then a young woman calls out Matt’s name. She comes down the aisle and tells him that there is a woman at the end of the aisle looking for some oil stuff. Matt thanks her and then goes and tries to help the woman. The young woman looks at Shawn and says that she is Maddie and that she hasn’t seen him around before. Shawn tells her that he is knew here and that he is even knew in town. Maddie says that it must be hard to not know anyone around. Shawn tells her that it is and that he feels a little lost. Maddie tells him that he now has a friend in her and that she will help him if she could. Shawn thanks her but then tells her that he needs to get to work. Maddie agrees and remembers that she needs to get back to the Bakery. She tells him to stop by the Bakery on his break. He says maybe he will. Maddie walks down the aisle as Shawn watches her. Matt walks up behind Shawn and tells him that that was Maddie Wilson and that she is pretty cool girl. Shawn tells him that she seemed pretty chill and that she wants him to go and see her when he goes on break. Matt tells him that he should be careful about dating girls you work with. Shawn laughs and then they walk towards the back to get the stuff they need for the shelf. Seth is shown shivering in the dairy backroom. Jason looks over at him and laughs. Seth asks him if its always this cold in here. Jason tells him that it is but that you get pretty used to it after awhile. Seth asks Jason what he wants him to do right now. Jason tells him to come over to where he is and help him restack the skive, the pallet, that has fallen over. They are restacking when the hear a loud crash. They both run onto the floor and see a young blond on the ground. Seth has to take a double look because he can’t believe what he is seeing. He runs over to her and helps her up. She looks up at her helper and realizes that its her boyfriend that she hadn’t told she came to town and got a job. Seth is looking at her in disbelief. Jason comes over and asks if everything is alright. Seth tells him that this is Amanda Smith and that they have been dating forever back in Orange Mills, the place they lived before moving to Valley Falls. Amanda tells Seth that she was going to surprise him and tell him soon, but then she ran out of money and her parents wouldn’t give her any if she moved out here. Jason tells Amanda and Seth that there little love fest will have to wait until after work because they have stuff to do. Seth tells Amanda that they will talk when he gets out later. She walks away. Jason tells Seth that he has worked here for close to four years and has never seen anything like that. Maddie is back in the Bakery working on some cookies and making the price tags for them. Cassie Roberts, Maddie’s good friend, asks Maddie why she has such a big smile on her face. Maddie tells Cass about the guy that just started working in Grocery. She tells Cass that he is really hot and that he has a great personality. Cass tells Maddie that that is great, but then asks how she knows this about him if they just met like an hour ago. Maddie tells Cassie that she doesn’t know about his personality exactly but that she can sense he has a great one. Cassie laughs and tells her that maybe he should get to know him a little bit more before she starts to plan the wedding. Maddie tells her to shut up and then walks onto the floors to put the cookies out. Cassie follows but her out there but heads towards he bagel section and is straightening it out. A man walks up to her and asks her if she could help him. She tells him she can try and then she asks him what he needs. He tells her that he needs cigarettes but has no money for them. He asks her if she could give him a few bucks. She tells him that she can’t because smoking is bad for him and because she doesn’t know him. This causes the man to flip out. He pulls out a gun and points it at her. He tells her that he wasn’t asking for a lecture and then tells her that she is going to help him get them. He grabs her and yells for everyone to move out of the way. He then tells her to start walking over to the cigarette counter and tells her to move slowly. Maddie seeing this all runs into the Bakery back room and calls for the Store Manager and the Security. Very quickly the both come and see the situation. The man tells them that if they come any closer to him, he will shoot Cassie. He then tells everyone to leave the Cigarette Counter. They walk over to the counter and he tells The Store Manager to get the cigarettes. As the manager is walking over to the counter, Matt and Shawn are walking down the aisle behind the man that is holding Cassie hostage. Matt tells Shawn that they have to do something. Then without thinking Matt runs down the aisle and tackles the man. His gun goes flying and Cassie is thrown to the side. Security rushes the man and they cuff him. Shawn runs down the aisle and goes over to Cassie and asks her if she is okay. She looks up at him and looks him right in the eyes. She tells him she is fine, but then she asks him Matt is ok. Shawn goes over to Matt and sees that he is alittle shaken up but that he is physically ok. Robbie Mitchells, the Store Manager, comes over to Cassie and Matt and asks them if they are ok. They tell him they are. He then tells Cassie, Maddie, Matt and Shawn to go up to his office and wait for him. They do as they are told. Keri Michaels is walking towards the back of the store to go and throw away the trash from the Florist Department. She turns at the end of and aisle and sees Jason, her ex. She asks him if he could move so that she could get around him. He tells her that he would never move for her, not after the way she treated him in their relationship. Keri reminds him that he was the one that broke it off. He replies he broke up with her because she was always asking questions, about where he was, what he was doing, who he was with. Keri rolls her eyes and tells him she is sorry she cared about him and then pushes him out of the way. Seth walks up next to Jason and tells him that he was smooth and then asks him what happened. Jason tells Seth about how she was always insecure about their relationship and that he broke up with her because of it. He then tells Seth that she hasn’t gotten over it. Seth tells him that he better watch out then or she will go crazy and swim fan on him. They both laugh and then go back to loading the shelves. Cassie, Maddie, Matt and Shawn are in Robbie’s office. Robbie comes in and tells them that the man was arrested and taken to jail. He tells them all that he is sorry that this happened and that if they need some time off they can have it. He then tells them that he thinks their department managers will understand if they went home early to deal with everything. Robbie then looks at Matt and tells him that what he did today was very reckless and that he was putting Cassie’s life in a lot of danger when he tackled that man. Cassie tries to but in and tell Robbie that she is grateful for what he did. Robbie tells her to stop because he wasn’t done. He then tells Matt that never before has he seen anyone so willing to risk themselves to help out another person. Matt tells Robbie that he would have done it if he could of. Robbie tells him that he is not so sure. He then tells them all to go and talk to their managers and explain to them that he [Robbie] said it was ok for them to leave early. Twenty minutes later. Shawn is walking out of the Grocery backroom after talking to Jones. He hears his name being called. He looks up and sees Maddie walking towards him. She asks him if he would like to go grab something to eat. He tells him that Matt asked him to go out to eat but that he assumed it would be ok for her to join in. They walk down the aisle and are talking. At the end of the aisle is Matt and Cassie is with him. Matt says that Cassie is going to join them, and Shawn says that Maddie is gonna do the same. The four of them walk out of the store together. A couple of hours later. Seth and Jason are walking out of the store talking when Amanda calls out Seth’s name. Seth says later to Jason and he goes and talks to Amanda. He tells her that she shouldn’t have come out here to be with her. She tells him that she wants to be with him now and forever. Seth tells her that part of him moving out here was so that he could make sure he felt what he thought he felt for her. Amanda tells him that if he is not sure about his feelings then she will wait until he is. Seth gives her a smile and then asks her if she has a place to stay the night. She tells him that she is living with a relative for now, but that she really wants to find and apartment for herself. He tells her she should come back to his house with him and stay the night anyway. She smiles and they both walk to his car.
http://www.freewebs.com/ghbaby1001/ This blog has been moved to the website listed above. Soon character bios, pics and possibly an opening will be up. The first episode was taken from this site and moved to the new site. Go there are check it out.
HUGE NEWS!!! After much debating, the cast of this soap will be cut down to help the premiere. The fact of the matter is that there were to many characters to start off with, so they have to be cut down so that theses characters can be accepted. There is no news on what characters will be safe, but its safe to say that the main character of the original plan will be safe.
Due to mistakes made on my part some of the characters have to be renamed. The character previously known as Jason Rigg will now be knwon as Jeremy Rhodes. Another mistake on my part was that I said that Steve Michaels was the twin of Stacy Michaels. Now there is now Stacy Michaels, but there is a Keri Michaels. Steve and Keri are twins. Sorry for the confusion and keep checking in for the premiere.
STORE MANAGERS Joshua Morrow has been cast as the Assistant Store Manager, Mr Mitchells. He is upper Management and second in command of the store. He will be liked by everyone, but also respected as a manager. Alan dale has been cast in the role of the Store Manager. Simply known as Mr. Jakks. He will have an unlikely connection to one of the younger members of The Market. Michelle Stafford has been cast in the role of Manager of the Departments, Ms. Jacobs. She is the one that anyone with a problem comes to. She is third in command of the store, but still is on a mission to get respect of the entire store.
CASHIERS/FRONT END Victoria Rowell has been cast in the role of Amy Risko. Amy is a CDH or Cashier Department Head. She is incharge of the entire front end. She becomes good friends with Jennifer Anderson. Amy will clash with Jennifer's daughter Liz. Liz already acting rudely towards her mother will also try to exert her power over Amy as well, causing many issues with Amy. Andrew St. John has been cast in the role of Kyle Jonston. Kyle will just be the company jokester. He will be everyone's friends, but when playing with both sides he will get burned by one of them, which will result in some serious trouble, not only for him but for that side. Jensen Ackles has been cast in the role of Robbie Smith. Robbie is the older brother of Amanda Smith. He will be overprotective of her which causes some issues with Seth. Meanwhile, Robbie will be dealing with a major secret of his own. He will be on a journey to telling everyone what his secret is. Van Hansis has been cast in the role of Steve Michaels. Steve is the twin brother of Stacy Michaels. He will try and help her learn from her mistakes and turn over a new leaf, but he can only get so far when dealing with a stubborn girl like her. Steve will be juggling his own problems though when he finds himself attracted to a certain someone that seems to be a very attractive person. Martha Madison has been cast in the role of Leigh Palmer. Leigh is the new girl in the Market. She will be the conquest that Jason C will go after. Leigh will not fall into his traps of attraction. Leigh is wise to his moves and put up a big fight, but she will become friends with him and she will stand up for him when he is verbally attacked.
THE FLORIST DEPARTMENT Adrienne Leon has been cast in the role of Stacy Richards. Stacy will be the store flirt, with a major secret. She will be a smaller role, but will eventually involve the entire store. Look for this to be an umbrella story. Rebecca Herbst has been cast in the role of Miranda James. Miranda will be a sage like character. She will be a pilar of inspiration for Stacy, as well as the rest of the characters. She is always ready to listen and willing to give advice if possible. Miranda, although not old, has a lot of knowledge. Ashley Benson has been cast in the role of Keri Michaels. Keri is an ex of Jason C of the Grocery Department. She will be on a vengence to get him back for messing around with her. She feels like she was played and she will do everything to get him back. Look for Keri and Maddie of the Bakery to form an alliance to take him down.
THE BAKERY DEPARTMENT Alyson Mishkalaka has been cast as Amanda Smith. She is the long time girlfriend of Seth Anderson. She obviously loves Seth but there will be some attraction towards another guy. She will be at the center of a triangle that will begin to form. Julie Berman has been cast as Cassie Roberts. Cassie will become good friends with Shawn, but her potential relationship with any other guys will threaten Shawn. Shawn has feelings for Cassie, but the feelings are not reciprocated. Cassie has feelings for Shawn's good friend Matt. This will be the beginning of another triangle. Robyn Richards has been cast in the role of Maddie Wilson. Maddie is good friends with Cassie, but has feelings for Shawn. The real test of their friendship will be when she pursue's Shawn, against Cassie's wishes. Maddie is the bad girl of The Market, but really is a good girl at heart.