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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. Anna and Luke ?!?!??!! whaaaaaaaaa

    When I first read this, I thought you were kidding.

    Back when you guys were gossiping that Tracy would marry Anthony I thought that was a joke, too.........


    It's all gross. Good thing I don't watch anymore.... but if Tracy and Luke REALLY get back together, somebody ping me, pls... I might consider watching again. No Lunacy = No Lainey.

    ta ta todos,


  2. also jane/tony got stand out scene in SID for him giving her a pony

    a what? ridiculous.

    He just needs to ride her already (or vice versa).

    So sick of the silliness.

    don't waaaaatccccch.

    wish i could, cause I LOVED LuNacy, but LuNacy is dead. GH killed it.

  3. Finally, I miss Tracy and Lulu. I was just thinking of Tracy and Lulu's scene in September when they were talking about Dante and Luke and love. I really loved this exchange:

    Tracy: People who are madly in love sometimes fight about silly things; things that are about unresolved issues.

    Lulu: Like honesty?

    Tracy: No. Like self-worth and fear of abandonment. You fight until it's over and then you go on.

    Lulu: Or you leave because it's too broken to be fixed.

    Tracy: Here's the bottom line--to be in a rich, rewarding relationship means being willing to put in the work. It means trying when you don't want to try, forgiving when it's the last thing in the world you want to do.

    Lulu: Then what if I can't do that?

    Tracy: Okay. Then you end up alone. I've done alone. I've carved a nice life for myself. I don't ever have to put up with being hurt by another person. I don't have to deal with the flaws of another person. I don't go through the rollercoaster ride of emotions that comes with a committed relationship. You make your life about work and money and stuff, and you need more and more as the hole gets deeper and deeper. What happens if someday...the forces conspire against you, and all this stuff goes away? You know what you have? Nothing.

    Ah... this reads nicely. Never saw it. Was too busy fuming/hating the show.

    oh.. that's right. I still am!

    GH, you *$&(#*$& suck.

    Re: Jane's hair in the article: FLOVE it!!! FLOVE it a lot!!

  4. If they are bringing back the ice princess crap, they're going to resurrect the whole Luke/Laura fable. Ice Princess and Luke/Laura sort of go hand-in-hand.

    F@*k you, GH. I hate you more than ever, which is a shame because I really liked RC's tenure at OLTL.

    RC did a great job writing strong women on OLTL. GREAT JOB.

    Problem for us LuNacy FANATICS is that he also did a GREAT job with OLTL's history. He honored it, and wove it through all the story lines. He'll surely do it again at GH, which means Luke and Laura. Bad news for those of us who love Luke and Tracy.

    It's dead, folks.

    Which is why I don't watch anymore.

  5. lainey is your email the same? Did you ever get my email I sent you with pics from the habitat thing. I had a few stories for ya BTW lunacy are actually in a bed today eating breakfast! Figures! The one time they are in a bed it is on Tracy's wedding morning after with aZ!

    yeah. that email works, but i rarely check it. will check.

    bed, eh?

    I'm REPULSED by this storyline... as in LIVID angry. I only check in here so often these days to see if this stupid storyline is OVER, cause I can't even bear to turn the show on. It's all so sad. I've been an on and off dedicated viewer for more than 30 years, and now when i think of the show all i get is angry. It used to call it my 'mind candy.' Turns out what my mother told me is true: 'Candy is bad stuff, and it's bad for you.'

  6. Kimberly is doing a series of exit interviews cause she is leving with cast and crew

    She just posted on with Jane

    So sweet, they were both tearing up

    Kimberly asks her about Tony too...very sweet

    lovely. really nice. Thanks for sharing. It's so rare to see Jane real and open like this. Love it.

    Where is Kim going? What's she gonna do?

    Somebody tell Kim (the aspiring director) if she is going to do more of these, to grab a darn tripod. The shakiness was driving me nuts. There must be tripods all over that building. Or turnover a fullsize garbage can, and level the camera on that.

    Also, if she knows she is going to edit these things, shoot a couple of cutaways to cover the edits or use an effect to cover the jumpshot. geez.

    Sorry. I'm in a snarky mood. I'm going to miss 'Robin' like mad... but I just can't say anything nice about anything connected to this show, because I've been on withdrawal for months now. Can't watch while they have Luke and Tracy apart. And this whole Anthony marriage is ridiculous and has me SO MAD.

  7. Not only did they end the perfection that was LuNacy, now they're shitting on it?!?!

    I wouldn't know. I don't watch it anymore.

    And as of Friday there is absolutely no reason in the world to have my tv tuned anywhere near abc in the afternoon.

    oh f-em.

    Hillary B. Smith is Nora, and she is WONDERFUL. A lot of good it did her. Her show is DEAD.

    And GH, well, it's DEAD TO ME!

  8. It never fails to amaze me how soap writers/producers do the same things over and over again and expect it will work out differently. That's the definition of STUPIDITY.

    Now we see that Blair, Starr and Todd Manning and John McBain in full character are moving to GH. The same stunt was pulled with AW went off the air and stars from that show went to ATWT (only the character of Jake lasted past the first year). What was realized at the time - and still holds true - is that soap characters are part of a fabric and you can't just pull out your favourite colours to put into a new tapestry and expect it to work. GH has its own rich heritage and those actors never seem to get the attention they need as other newbies take the stage. If this current executive team has the task of burying GH once and for all, they certainly know how to do that much.

    There are some AMAZING characters on OLTL. [Love! Nora, Viki and Dorian.] GH can't get any worse.

  9. refusing to watch. Not even gonna LOOK at the tracy az pic. My last note still stands re: GH. somebody email me when luke and tracy have hot makeup sex... before that. I don't give a flying *&(!^&% about that stupid, horrible, messed-up show.

    Hey -- has anyone seen OLTL the last few weeks? WOWZA! If you're gonna go out, go out with a bang! Loving this! NOW this is good tv! Dead people coming back to life, angels and grim reapers and people you'd never thought you'd see again coming in and out of scenes. AND we're getting to see all the 'end-game' couples. VIVA VIKI & CLINT (they BOTH almost died today, but were brought back from the brink!!) Fun, fun, great stuff..


  10. <p>Ya know <strong>Lain</strong>, even if you haven't much to say just dropping by to share your banner is a wonderful thing</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

    the banner is obsolete

    GH killed it. (cause it was good, so they killed it dead. just like they kill everything else that's good)

  11. So i haven't watched GH in forever, figured I'd pop in here and see what's up with my favorite couple.


    They're divorced??

    AZ proposed?!?!

    You're kidding, right?

    You're not kidding!?!?! I seriously thought you were kidding.

    GH I eff'n hate you and I'm going back to ignoring you again. Someone email me when LuNacy get back together and have really hot makeup sex. You say that's not gonna happen? Well, I guess I'm never watching again.



    (p.s. did Lulu really get married? Is Lucky really gone?)

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