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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. Woah! I did not know about the enchilada offering until this weekend, when I skimmed the board. Nice! Loved the "I can't afford to make any more mistakes" line.

    Loved when he "clarified" the definition of the "whole enchilada." ADORED Tracy's facial expressions while she listed to the clarifications, and responded (our JE can act!)

    What I didn't like was the lack of any sort of love scene. The spicy reference was cute, but not good enough. I need more lip lock and at least a tumble toward the bed. Geez, does TG's contract say 'no love scenes?' Grrrrr.

  2. Woah! I did not know about the enchilada offering until this weekend, when I skimmed the board. Nice! Loved the "I can't afford to make any more mistakes" line.

    Loved when he "clarified" the definition of the "whole enchilada." ADORED Tracy's facial expressions while she listed to the clarifications, and responded (our JE can act!)

    What I didn't like was the lack of any sort of love scene. The spicy reference was cute, but not good enough. I need more lip lock and at least a tumble toward the bed. Geez, does TG's contract say 'no love scenes?' Grrrrr.

  3. Tracy is Luke's counterpart. That's why they are so good together.


    I have always said Luke and Laura worked back in the day because she "balanced" him. She was the angel to his devil.

    Tracy doesn't balance him, she matches him. They are both the same mix of angel and devil. The same exact mix. In other words, they are soul mates!!!

  4. WOAH! I just watched the ILU on you tube, and I cried! If I get no more (and I believe I will), I will be happy! That was amazing. "... You deserve the whole meal and I'm going to give it to you, if that's what you still want." Squuuuueeeeeee! Swwwwwwooowwwn! I could not have done any better if I wrote it myself (well.. Um... That's not true. I would have had him saying, "I am your soulmate," instead of, "I think I am your soulmate." However, on a scale of 1 to 10, this was an 8.99 declaration of love. Woah!

    I'm betting on a love scene for reconciliation.... Because I'm optimistic that way!!

    RC, give me a lunacy love scene, and I'm back!! That's the deal.

  5. Oh my freaking god! TG tells TV guide that Luke wants to give Tracy the ''whole enchilada." He comes out as anti LnL reunion... AND NOW SOD is saying Luke and Tracy 'begin a new chapter in their lives?!?!?' I am dying here people! Dying! Could this actually be happening?! I haven't watched in forever.. I no longer recognize all the characters... But if GH does this... I will come back. Really, I will! Come on RC go there...... Please! I dare you.

  6. I have heard there is some amazing luke/tracy stuff coming (material)

    Amazing as in 'raw, heart-wrenching declarations of deep undying love?'

    I just watched the last three days of LuNacy on Youtube.. and I gotta tell you it's hard to watch the two of them interact and not believe there is love there. Both actors are playing it as if they're madly in love with one another (JE's 'i love you, Luke' facial expressions are back in full force). They just insert the word 'friend.' It actually doesn't work.

  7. Youtube it, Luv. It's raw JE power, and TG doesn't even try to be anything more than her prop.

    I Youtubed it.

    Clearly this is the beginning of the road back for LuNacy. Clearly. She laid it on the line. Said basically, 'this is what I need from you if you want me back.'

    If they weren't setting up a story where Luke tries to prove himself, then they would have used different language.

    In fact, they wouldn't have needed the "break-up" scene at all... because LuNacy have been broken for awhile (Since I stopped watching).

    And I apologize to the old timers here who don't agree... but when we started going nutso on this board (and made it the number one board on this site) it was because we were all going NUTSO wub.pngwub.pngwub.png over the LuNacy pairing (2005.. 2006.. something like that). Sorry, but this board was born in LuNacy's infancy, soared in LuNacy's heyday... and the bulk of us have been angsting over their breakup. This board wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't for LA LUNACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

    So, as far as I'm concerned, if you like Tracy you're welcome. But if you like Tracy, AND you hate LuNacy... then you either need to keep it to yourself or go elsewhere, please. You have plenty of places on the web to tout your love for TG's lesser pairing. We have THIS space.

    Thank you very much. Bye-bye. raspberry.gif

  8. Whatever I am not gonna get into a debate with you ladies about tired lacy. Whatever will happen will happen. Im here to give the great JE some praise not get caught up in some stupid fanbase war with you. Is this the lacy thread and somebody forgot to put the right title on? LOL, please!

    Um.. Yes.. This is a lacy thread and someone forgot to put the right title on.

    I'm so pro lacy that I stopped watching back around the time of Luke's intervention...because gh dared to break up the soap couple with the most chemistry in the history of soaps.

    I check in here from time to time to see if tiic have reunited lunacy, meaning I'm cleared to return. No lacy (I use lunacy)... No Lainey.

    Sounds like we may be getting closer to my return. Someone be sure to email me, when they are well on their way.

    Meanwhile, I haven't seen this great Tracy scene. I think I might wait until they are back together, and I'm watching again.

  9. They have made Tracy/Monica into the "vicki/dorian" of GH

    Yes! This! LOVE IT.

    They have repaired the luke/tracy relationship in my opinion after the stupid way it ended for really no apparent reason

    Um.. No. I don't agree with this one. They need to repair it. They haven't yet. I won't be happy until they are remarried. Sorry, but true. They should have NEVER allowed them to be divorced. NEVER.

  10. Guys, has anyone heard from BSG or Lainey Bev? I just realized we haven't heard anything in ages, and not since Sandy. TL is on FB, so I know she's good. Anything?

    aww. shucks. you thought of me. awwwww. thanks.

    All is good. my neighborhood is perfectly fine. We were spared from the craziness. Thankfully.

    Somebody tell me what's going on with AJ & Monica?!! She KNEW he was alive? I saw a little bit today, but Sandy messed up afternoon TV all last week, and I have no idea what she knew and how AJ's presence is being explained. Somebody fill me in.

    and WHY is Tracy going to jail!?!?!

  11. So will there be one more Joe/Tracy scene before Joe goes bye-bye (thank Gawd!)?

    I'd like him to tell her that he has genuine feelings for her, and that when he gave her the antidote he thought he was choosing her life over his (at the time he was). I'd like her to know that before he kicks. I want nothing else from him. Nothing.

    Gotta tell you-- I'm not loving the Luke/Tracy friendship. Sure I love seeing JE and TG acting together. They so clearly love it. That's the thing. I see sparks flying like CRAZY.

    When I see them on screen I see this great, crazy love affair that doesn't seem like it would work, but it DOES! They should not be friends. It seems ridiculous. A huge waste of a GREAT pairing. They should me married!!

    This split makes NO SENSE to me.

    NO SENSE. I actually get angry when I think about it too long.

    Anna and Luke have NO CHEMISTRY (Anna and Duke have even less, but that's another story and none of my concern).

    On another topic, are they REALLY going to kill Jason before he and Sam have makeup sex?!?! It seems so cruel.

    WHAT is wrong with this show?

  12. From sz: breakdown spoliers for next week-- nothing new but they put their own wording to it

    Tracy becomes uncharacteristically vulnerable, and shows her broken side to Luke, who’s compassionate.

    • Joe Jr.’s been way too quiet and way too incognito.
    • Luke and Tracy swap sob stories.
    • Tracy opens Luke’s eyes when she says she once took up with Duke Lavery.
    • As soon as Duke hits town, for Anna, it’s bad news for Luke.
    • Luke returns from Switzerland, telling Lulu all about it.
    • Luke manages to locate Robert Scorpio for Anna.
    • Luke heads over to Anna’s to report on this find.
    • Anna opens the door to her suite, astounded to find Duke waiting.
    • Anna comes face to face with the great love of her life, Duke Lavery, the real Duke Lavery.
    • Duke announces his momentous intentions. It involves Anna and Robin. Big duh.
    • Luke squares off with Duke, for Anna’s fair hand.
    • Luke has no intention of giving Anna up. But Duke’s on a mission, and you know what this gentleman is like when he’s on a mission.
    • Luke believes Duke’s the same secretive, destructive fartknocker he’s always been.
    • Anna loses her cool when Duke can’t be found again.
    • Too bad for Luke, but Anna and Duke lock lips.

    There have been so many drops since Friday left and right that I think the only thing that is clear is nobody knows anything ! LOL

    I've just become a GIANT Duke/Anna Shipper (Cause if they're together that leaves Luke free.........)

  13. remember there was an old spoiler about tracy being the holder of secrets?

    we were speculating here that it meant she knew Jason had a twin.

    Maybe it's that she knows AJ is alive. Alan told her, sted Monica (which is actually out of character for Alan, but hey....)

  14. Usually having the fabulous je playing Tracy in tears would choke me up.

    I love je as an actress especially when she does "sad" or "destroyed."

    But today I felt nothing..... Actually, maybe a little relief.

    Whether he dies or not, joe scully will never be redeemed. He will never be mr. Quartermarine. Whew. Thank god.

    Bye bye hot fling. Hellllllo Luke.

    Me? I'm hoping for a quad w Luke Anna Duke.

    Can someone explain how and when Tracy and Duke would have gotten together? Is the timeline even possible? Maybe this happened in Europe when she lived there, after he "died." If not, how or when could it have occurred? I didnt watch much during the Duke years. Please, someone, explain any possible connections.

    And if Tracy is in some sort of a quad... That leaves Clint for..... Wait for it...

    Monica!!!! Squuueeeeeee! :)

  15. Why are they trying to make him as scuzzy as possible now? To prop Trey and Kristina?

    I don't mean to be disrespectful, but he rode in on the scuzzy horse. He was portrayed as a murderer and a rapist from day 1. You just wanted redemption for him because he treated our girl nicely, and there was definitely chemstry there.

    But, hey, JE can make chemistry with a tree. No worries. There will be more men for her... And maybe they won't be scuzzy

    (and if they're anybody but Luke I'm leaving.. but that's my problem, not yours ;) )

  16. I feel like I was played, and I don't like it. I got cable again for THIS? And please. If they are giving Tracy Clint as a consolation prize, I'll jab forks in my eyes.

    Well I feel like I'm being played because everyone knows LuNacy should be endgame (like Bo/Nora and Viki/Clint), but because RC is all soapy and all about DELAY, DELAY, DELAY... I am being TORTURED. I might even have to put up with a BORA return (well not really cause I've left before, I'm contemplating leaving again and i would DEFINITELY leave if she came back).

    If RC gives Tracy Clint, I'll start calling her Dorian and RC will become RERON.. and I will NEVER stop. Ridiculous!!!!!

    I actually like Clint, but give him to Monica. If she's coming back in a real way she needs some lovin'!

    Glad Joe is dying.

    Glad he saved our girl, gave her a hot fling and is now.. going away!!!!


    VIVA LA LUNACY!wub.pngwub.pngwub.png

  17. I will admit, I went a little "awwww" at the spoiler for Luke and Tracy also. I like their friend dynamic.

    umm.. why do you think it's a "friend" dynamic here? Maybe there are looking at each other and thinking, 'aw sh!t I messed up by stepping outside this relationship."

    Tracy must decide if she wants to help Joe before the police arrive.

    No, Tracy, DON'T DO IT!

    hooked, thanks for the spoilers. Is it true that Joe Jr. and Duke will be sharing scenes in the future? If so, sounds like TPTB may be keeping Joe Jr. around longer than expected...

    I read that RS hasn't filmed with JE recently though, so not sure what is the outcome of Tracy and Joe. They definitely did not look over in Thursday's episode, but it seemed like something was cut...

    NOOOOO Joe for longer time. Buh-bye!

    No RS and JE because JE is hooking up again with TG. You heard it here first folks.


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