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Posts posted by MissPhoenixGirl92

  1. 1 hour ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Speaking of which, what do we know with Ron, our returning fearless leader?

    Rape means never having to say you're sorry. 

    He never met a serial killer he didn't want to redeem. 

    Leo Stark has an actual key to the city.

    Mission Impossible style latex masks are forever! 

    When it comes to humor, his taste is all in his mouth. 

    Is eternally passionate about General Hospital, NOT Days of our Lives.

    Who wants in? 

    If his writing is as bad as it was before the strike, it's probably only a matter of time before many people start tuning out again. I really don't see myself sticking around for long. I think I'm pretty much done with this show. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, j swift said:

    I feel dumb for admitting this, but I just realized that Kristen is not EJ's aunt.  I was wondering why he doesn't refer to her as Aunt Kristen, because Susan is his mother (whom he did not call on Mother's Day, or tell that his baby is alive).  But, then I remembered Susan is just Kristen's doppelgänger, they're not related.  Which I guess makes Kristen his half sister?

    From the silly question file, did Lucas fly to Montana in his monk robe, or did he pack it just in case he needed a disguise?

    Finally, why does it feel like there's no exit story in mind for Theresa?  I thought she was temporary, but it feels like even when the fraud is uncovered, she's got a viable reason to stay in Salem with Tate. 

    I mean, Harris's exit story seems to be heavily foreshadowed, meanwhile Theresa and her wig feel like they'll be around all summer.

    Well, it's still pretty early, but I have a feeling that as the summer progresses, we'll get a better idea of what her exit story is ultimately going to be. And I still think that Tate is going to be extremely upset with Theresa and he's going to decide to cut all ties with her altogether along with Brady, Alex, Maggie, and possibly the large majority of the cast. But if for some inexplicable reason Theresa does end up sticking around beyond the summer, she might end up staying near the DiMera orbit especially if she remains a villain for the foreseeable future, (probably forever). She's going to need some allies especially if she's going to possibly lose Brady and Tate forever anyway. On the other hand, I hope the rest of the good people of Salem are on to whatever future schemes she has and they don't somehow get dumbed out just to give her an unfair advantage, but you never know with Ron though... 

  3. I definitely think that it's possible that Patrick Mulcahey was spearheading the whole Drew going into politics thing but I also think that Elizabeth Korte was also mainly driving the whole Drew/Nina affair because she seems like the type of person that would relish at the chance to humiliate and belittle Nina whenever possible. For Nina to just immediately jump into bed with Drew when she was so desperate to try to save her marriage to Sonny never really made sense to me; I think it would've been a lot better if Nina had actually walked in on Ava and Sonny kissing or otherwise being in a compromising position and she was so shocked and taken aback by the horrific betrayal that she decided to go running to Drew for comfort and that's when they ended up having sex. It was basically missing one or two steps. Then later Nina could confront her suspicions to Ava about her true relationship with Sonny and then that's when they would have that big blowout fight that ends their friendship. 

    If Patrick really was intending to write an actual romance for Drew/Nina somewhere down the line, I would really like it if at some point Drew actually took the time to apologize to Nina for what he said about wanting to beat the living daylights out of her if she were a man and acknowledged that he basically went too far. That would go a very long way for me to eventually get around to accepting the relationship as legitimate, (begrudgingly). 

    However, with Patrick now being gone, I suspect that now Elizabeth Korte is going to deviate back to her original storyline of Drew pursuing a sexual affair with Nina as part of an elaborate revenge scheme in order to bring her down once and for all, which would eventually lead to Nina's official departure from the show. And if my theory about what that Casey person on Twitter was alluding to is actually correct, then I'll bet my money that Nina is going to be gone by the very end of the summer and perhaps Willow might also play a role in her mother's eventual and final downfall. Just my two cents. 

  4. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I am bummed Maggie wasn't playing him too.  I was much more convinced Maggie was onto him, but I guess it was John/Marlena who were all along.

    Anyhow, the DH/SR feud and it spilling over on screen is more entertaining than the entire Konstantin story.  At least it seems like it will be ending soon.  I wonder if Theresa will get exposed as well.  I feel like you can milk the Alex/Theresa/Brady side of the story for a bit longer.

    I'm pretty sure that Theresa is going to get exposed very soon. I don't know why she isn't getting exposed at the same time as Konstantin though, (does Days really think that viewers are invested in that dumb and boring love triangle with Theresa/Alex/Kristen? Also Brady really doesn't seem interested in either Kristen or Theresa anyway, so I don't really see what is there to milk or exploit. 

    At any rate, I'm looking forward to seeing her entire life come crashing down and for her to lose everything forever and for her entire life to be permanently in shambles as she disappears into prison, never to be seen or heard from ever again. 

  5. So this is like what, the second or third time Nina's dad has been mentioned in the last couple of weeks when he hasn't been mentioned in well over a decade! And he has a name, (it's Dan; I know, pretty lame). So is there a particular reason for this or is this leading into any kind of story for Nina or what? 

  6. 15 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    As opposed to lying to everybody about Sonny still being alive and all the other crazy stuff Nina has done since she arrived with both actors? If my option is the Nina we had before who was a jittery, crying mess obsessed with Sonny, or the one we have now that has so much more going on…I will take the current version. This one is at least fun to watch. And she made CM’s Drew tolerable to watch!

    Nina was pretty awful when she was with Sonny but she really isn't that much better in Drew's orbit. I feel like the writers are only using her as a prop for Drew. And we all know that her latest plot to win back Willow is going to ultimately fail anyway, as always, because Willow will never love Nina the way Nina wants her to. 

  7. Wait, so Nina basically acting very promiscuous with Drew when she's never really acted that way before and exchanging sexual favors in a desperate attempt to rebuild any semblance of a relationship with her daughter is actually considered to be character-driven? Okay then... 

  8. 3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    There was way too much Konstantin in this episode.  Is he really surprised Maggie wants a pre-nup?  Lol.  

    I don't think this bothers anyone except me, but I can't stand EOB's wig.  I can understand it at first, but she's been in the role awhile.  Just ditch it and have someone comment that Theresa changed her hair.  NuTate has dark hair anyway, so it really doesn't matter.  It just looks so fake and cheap and EOB looks better with dark hair anyway.

    Sorry, Alex and Kristen were gross lol.

    When Paul Telfer was first cast a lot of people mentioned he should have been Alex Kiriakis instead.  In some ways it's weird, but in some ways it actually seems like a normal real life occurrence and Alexander is a pretty common name.

    I think the reason why Emily O'Brien hasn't gotten rid of the wig at this point is because Theresa is more than likely not going to stick around and she's only meant to be on the show on a short term basis. All the writing so far seems to point in that direction anyway and the writers don't even seem invested in her relationship with Tate anyway and Tate appears to have a lot more scenes with Brady anyway. 

    Hopefully once Theresa is gone for good Alex can finally move on with Kristen and they can be a happy couple. Which is fine by me because they actually have some chemistry. 

  9. Yeah, some lame revenge plot that was. Nina only lost her job for like what, a couple of weeks at most and then she came right back like it never even happened. Personally, I think it would be a lot more interesting if Drew actually develops feelings for Willow while he is having a fling with Nina and then he decides that he likes Willow better because he sees her as a much sexier and more attractive and younger version of her mom and Nina goes ballistic as she eventually develops a dangerous and twisted obsession with Drew that eventually ends in a major showdown with Nina and Willow over Drew that eventually results in Nina dying altogether. 

    I need this so-called romance between Drew and Nina to be the catalyst that results in Nina leaving the show for good somehow; I don't care how. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I see some softening, especially when he went out of his way to tell Willow that Nina was thinking of her and her kids yesterday. He didn’t have to do that. 

    I'm not entirely convinced. For all I know he could be pretending to want to help Nina mend fences with her daughter while plotting to sabotage any effort to reconcile as part of a twisted revenge scheme for being sent to prison for the SEC thing. I won't be surprised if he continues to tell her how awful and horrible she is in bed after their next roll in the hay and he also proceeds to criticize her skills as an employee. But that's just me. 

    Also I really don't want Willow and Nina to ever reconcile as mother and daughter since that ship has long sailed at this point. I need Willow to hate and despise her mother forever. Not all mother-daughter pairs on soaps need to like each other, you know. 

  11. If Drew and Nina are really going to become a thing, which seems very likely at this point, then Drew's attitude really needs to change at some point because otherwise I'm not going to buy whatever "romance" these writers are trying to peddle between these two. Drew needs to have a legitimate reason to even like Nina as a person, let alone love her, because all I'm getting from him right now is nothing but utter contempt and disgust. 

  12. 39 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Who's to say this - meaning, the recent romp w/ Nina after months of enmity between them, the possible hooking up with Willow down the road, etc. - isn't all part of Drew's master plan (conceived while imprisoned, perhaps?) to get even with Nina for turning him and Carly into the SEC?

    That would be really great if that ends up being the case. And the best part would be that by the time he is done, Nina's life will completely be in tatters and her mind and spirit will be so broken and destroyed that she will be shipped off to a mental institution for the rest of her days and she can languish there until the very day she dies, ignored and forgotten forever. 

  13. This Ava/Nina confrontation scene was a long time coming and Ava told a lot of hard truths to Nina. I wish that Ava wasn't simply motivated by possible growing romantic feelings for Sonny and that she was also actually motivated by a desire for revenge against Nina for what happened with Avery by pretending to be her friend and basically playing the long game, but it is what it is. That's how I would've done it; it would've been a lot more compelling in my opinion. I'm also kind of surprised that Nina actually signed the divorce papers but that also needed to happen.

    Now that Sona is hopefully over and done with for good, Nina can finally move on with her life and put both Sonny and Ava in her rear view mirror as she tries to rebuild her life. Hopefully it won't be long before Nina's tryst with Drew is revealed, as it really won't make a difference anyway on whether or not Nina was really going to win Sonny back in the long run. 

    Also this is going to be kind of a hot take but I don't really want Nina/Drew to turn out to be a legitimate romance and if she's stuck with Drew for the foreseeable future anyway, I wouldn't mind if it eventually turns into a domestic abuse story where Drew regularly inflicts physical, verbal, emotional and maybe even sexual abuse on Nina and Nina tries her best to survive this toxic relationship. And also if Drew is going to turn completely dark anyway, it would also be a lot more interesting if he ends up having an affair with Willow and he and Willow conspired to make Nina's life an utter living hell. 

  14. 4 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Tripp and Wendy are in the same boat as Johnny and Chanel. They need something better to do. Something that doesn’t involve Ava so much.

    Hopefully, Days continues to push Harris vs. The Dimeras though. His scenes with EJ were actually pretty good today. It could be a good mess, especially if Kristen and Stefan and their storyline are weaved into it.

    And, it’s too bad about Bella but Alex was pretty dumb for thinking he could relaunch a magazine in today’s market 😂😂 

    I’m glad the show remembered the dynamic that Maggie has with Alex and with Theresa. Those relationships and their storylines should be playing out onscreen more. 

    I'm not surprised that Bella has gone under now. I mean, it's not like Theresa's really going to stick around for much longer anyway. Also I hope that Maggie hates Theresa's guts forever and wants nothing to do with her once she finds out about what she's been doing with Konstantin and how she was so willing to put her in harm's way all in the name of money. Then again I hope the entire town hates her guts forever. She deserves to be despised and hated forever with absolutely no forgiveness or absolution. 

  15. I'm kind of surprised that Valentin is all in on Pikeman but I guess I'm not all that surprised since he is a Cassadine after all. Also I'm probably a minority here but I don't really understand why people are so hung up on his origins to begin with and Valentin has always been a very fascinating, interesting and complex character, no matter if he's good or bad. And that's a pretty good quality to have in a soap character. Plus he has the charisma to pull it off. So personally I'm not as bothered by it as some other people might be. 

    So if Valentin has been somehow manipulating Sonny's bipolar meds for quite a while now, I guess that could explain much of Sonny's odd and bizarre behavior over the last several months. But I'm not too convinced that Sonny was actually going to forgive Nina over the SEC situation if he wasn't getting screwed over somehow. He was always going to be pissed at her regardless, maybe not nearly as pissed as he otherwise would've been, but he still would've been really upset with her for not trusting him enough to say anything. It's just not in Sonny's character to let bygones be bygones. Also I really hope this is not a setup for Sonny and Nina to reunite because those two should NEVER, NEVER, EVER get back together under any circumstance. 

    I also won't hate it if Ava ended up getting Nina killed somehow and we won't have to deal with her anymore. 

  16. 8 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Just a good brother, looking out for his sister but also calling her out on her BS. 

    Eric and Sami were like that back in the day. 

    I don’t expect improvement 😉😂

    Today just seemed more laughable than normal 

    Can’t forget the biased prop writing either 😂

    Except that I don't recall Sami ever doing anything to jeopardize her brother's profession and livelihood. Andrew should be pissed at Theresa for a very long time; he would be very stupid and foolish to keep on supporting her especially since Theresa has proven time and again that she will never change and she's completely and utterly incapable of changing. 

  17. 18 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I completely agree that Andrew has a lot more story opportunities then Theresa. There's actually still a lot that we don't know about him. 

    Theresa relapsing and overdosing in the aftermath of the reveal could be a good storyline. Andrew could come back as a result and be like the only person in Salem who stands by her. That would be good to see. And it could all play into Tate's storyline as well.

    I think that would all be a lot better than just having Theresa slink out of town like a coward.

    I really don't see Andrew being that supportive of her; as a matter of fact, I won't be surprised if he ends up becoming really pissed at her for making him cover up an actual crime, especially if it results in him losing his ISA job. He might even end up cutting her out of his life for good. The only person that might still be supportive of Theresa is her dad, only because he probably still feels guilty for not being in her life much as a kid. 

    Theresa basically deserves to be completely isolated and shunned by society with no one willing to associate or deal with her. Of course I'm still hoping that she gets shipped off to prison for the next 10 years and she gets the same treatment there that Gabi did and she also eventually dies in prison, never to be seen or heard from ever again. 

  18. 19 hours ago, j swift said:

    Yeah, I keep thinking that eventually they'll have to switch EOB back to playing Gwen (I can only imagine how annoying it must be to wear that wig everyday on set).

    Did the switch happen in October?  So, it's been 5 months.  And I would imagine that they are waiting for Ron to return for the reveal.  Then, I agree, Theresa will be written off to La La Land.  But, I hope it is not as sad as her abandoning her sobriety.

    I hate to say it, but I really don't see Theresa having much of a happy ending after this storyline ends. When she does eventually get exposed, her entire family is going to turn their back on her with certain family members like Andrew, Tate and Brady declaring that they are done with her and want nothing to do with her ever again. I won't be surprised if Theresa ends up relapsing as a result with absolutely no one in her corner and she ends up having a massive overdose and falls into a coma.

    Her parents then send her off to a high end care facility to California where she would remain for the foreseeable future. I have to think that since the writers have been making such a big deal out of Theresa's sobriety lately and they've gone through all this trouble to retcon her as a hardcore drug addict like Brady that her past history of substance abuse is going to play some kind of role in her story at some point in the end. 

    And with Theresa gone, Emily O'Brien is free to play a character that she's actually comfortable playing again and she can finally get rid of that dumb wig. A win-win. Besides, a large majority of fans don't even like Theresa anyway and I've actually seen a lot of people in many online forums wishing that Gwen would just come back and some people have even gone as far to say that Gwen is actually a much more complex and interesting character than Theresa. 

    6 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    With the way Ron tossed Gwen aside, Idk.

    There's not really that much story for Gwen anymore either... except for her to finally get back at Leo for his betrayal. 

    Theresa has a lot more story opportunities, imo.

    The black and green together didn't look that good lol

    I'm not so sure that Theresa has that many story opportunities. All that she's done during this whole stint is being a pathetic and worthless gold-digger and drug addict panting after Alex's money and playing a part-time role of a mom to a teenage son. Besides, the show seems to be a lot more invested in Tate having a relationship with his father Brady anyway, as evidenced by the various interviews given over the last several months. 

    And once she does get exposed, who's going to want anything to do with her when all is said and done? Certainly not Brady, Tate or even Andrew or anyone else in her family. She's just going to relapse back on drugs because that's what she does because she's that weak and pathetic of a person and then she might eventually overdose or even die. I actually think Andrew has a lot more story potential than Theresa and he's ten times more popular and likable than her anyway. If I were the TPTB at Days, I would write out Theresa ASAP and swap her with Andrew. This show really doesn't need her at all. 

  19. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I've been thinking back to that scene the other day where Theresa explained to Tate how she actually ended up getting custody of him and I actually won't be surprised if after she eventually gets exposed that Theresa just decides to leave Tate with Brady indefinitely and just give up all of her parental rights before either heading back to California or going to prison, (or maybe she actually gets shipped off to prison in California for a very long stint).

    On the very unlikely chance that she somehow sticks around after this storyline with Konstantin and Alex, I'm expecting for Theresa to just slip back into drugs and she just starts using again and gets high all the time while everybody pretty much ignores and shuns her because they're all pissed at her for the whole Alex/Xander situation until the writers either figure out what they want to do next or they just decide to kill her off permanently by having her die of a massive overdose. 

  20. 4 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Nina has always been apeshit crazy, especially in the Stafford years. She has always been a privileged, unhinged socialite and Watros has never taken her too seriously onscreen IMO, just like Annie. There is always an edge of camp hysteria to the character. (Her performance as Kelly the AA member on Y&R was visceral and wrenching but more grounded IMO, so she is capable of modulating when she wants to and a character warrants it - Nina doesn't.) So yes, what needs to happen is what's needed to happen for years: Let Nina be Nina and go apeshit, stop trying to make her into a heroine or a doormat and let Watros do what she does best before exiting.

    With that mind, what was even the whole point of Nina's arc anyway? I mean for years she's always wanted to find her child and reunite with him/her and yeah, she did eventually find her kid, (or kids, if you want to get technical), but she's never managed to build on a lasting relationship with her.

    If Nina was supposed to be apeshit crazy, then she should've been a short term character and not last as long as she did. If she was supposed to be a long term character, then she should have at least shown some character growth and actually learned to mature and be a better person, and that really hasn't happened, especially after Nixon Falls. 

    It just feels like a whole massive waste of time to me. It probably would've been better if Nelle was just Nina's kid and she had absolutely nothing to do with Willow. And now I think is a good time for the writers to cut their losses with Nina and have her shipped off to a mental institution for the rest of her life and have nobody mention her ever again. 

  21. 15 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    I think it's high time that Nina went off the deep end. And, if not now, then, when? What IS the hold-up? We're paying her good money & if we don't get Crazy Nina then we've been had! I have no doubt that CW is ready, willing, able, ... And, she like Maura always looks good in whatever Wardrobe dresses her in. (Just to show fan priorities in terms of clothes & hair are intact!)

    I agree; just have her go crazy, kidnap either Sonny or a member of his family and haul her off to a mental institution indefinitely never to be seen ever again. This needs to happen over at least a 6-9 month period. And at least with Nina gone for good, everyone can finally move on with their lives, including Willow. Let's face it - Nina's story was never going to have a happy ending... it was always going to end in tragedy and heartbreak. Them's the breaks. 

  22. I'm not so sure about Theresa sticking around on a permanent basis. I still think that she's going to be gone by the end of the summer and we're not going to see her for a very long time, if ever. Let's face it; she's probably going to wind up in prison when all is said and done anyway and if she is going to stick around, she's more than likely going to slide back to drugs and just spend her days doing drugs at the Salem Inn while the entire town turns their back on her and just lets her slowly destroy herself. If Tate doesn't hate her already, he almost certainly will once he finds out what Theresa has been really up to and he's going to turn to Brady for solace and guidance because he obviously cannot trust his mother. 

    You want Theresa to be redeemed? Then let her go to prison for the next 10 years, have her lose Alex, Brady, Tate and basically her entire family and also  have her get fired from Bella. It's not enough for her to be simply exposed and humiliated in public. Then when she leaves prison, have her go to therapy and have her confront her demons so that she can finally move on with her life. If I thought that she had any potential as a long term character, recast her with a new face that hasn't been on Days before and that can actually play Theresa as she's supposed to be. Otherwise, just have her recur for family scenes one or two episodes once a year with Jen Lilley in the role and that's it. Nothing else. She's not even popular enough to be a long term character anyway. 

  23. How exactly is Theresa reverting back to being a scheming and manipulative gold-digger and a drug addict equals getting decent material for her? All that's proving is that Theresa is a pathetic and worthless character that cannot stand on her own and is better off as a short-term character. If this is all the writers are capable of giving Theresa in terms of story, then she shouldn't be on this show long term anyway. Even the El Fideo story is starting to look good in comparison. 

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