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Posts posted by Lye-C

  1. 7 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I have no problem agreeing to disagree. 

    You brought it up lol 

    6 minutes ago, John said:

    soaps used to do this all the time


    For example in 1986-87 Actor Jeffery Byron played both Richard Abbott on OLTL & Jeff Martin on AMC. Actors hop from soap to soap all the time. It’s not new. In fact Characters crossing over from soap to soap is more of a new thing

    Who said anything about “new”? 

  2. 1 minute ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Gee, they shouldn't have a chance at jobs they're good for?!! 

    They should have been brought on as their previous ABC character. There’s no reason why Martin can’t be Tad or why this character can’t be Maria. It’s a waste of an opportunity to bring back classic ABC characters. If they won’t do that, they need to stop casting ex-ABC soap stars. 

  3. Seems like at least of the soaps used the 90-day post-strike window to get rid of members of their writing staff. I wonder what kind of politicking is going on BTS.

    Just now, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I even specifically asked if she'd been spotted at the studio. (No.) Of course, that isn't definitive. She wouldn't have to be there to write. I've wanted her to be there. Do you really know she is, or are you just putting analytical hopefulness into high gear? I'm not looking for spec. Is what you're saying all your spec? 

    Sheri is absolutely one of the scabs, confirmed by Lysie from Daytime Royalty. She further clarified that Sheri was not the head writer. She went fi-core for the chance to write Days again.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Maybe to clarify ...

    Albert Alarr did what some EPs do some of the time & that was to abuse their power & become de facto HWs. His doing so had zero to do with the strike. He was already doing it before the strike. Since he wasn't a writer he did not go out on strike & going by things where it's known if he did them, we know that he kept on doing so at least some during the strike.

    But, also, scab writers definitely wrote the show during the strike. No one knows who. I tried, again, to find out just last week. No luck. We are still watching scab-written DAYS episodes. 

    Sheri Anderson is one of the scabs. I don’t know her position either but it wasn’t head writer. So she was either a breakdown writer or script writer. Some of the other scabs are also former Days writers. We can only speculate based on who’s fi-core.

    1 hour ago, LeClerc said:

    Lynn Martin is no longer at Y&R. In the interview linked below from a few days ago she says a bunch of writers came back from the strike and were then fired when their contracts came up and replaced with people who wrote during the strike (I don't know if she is referring just to Y&R or other shows as well).

    It seemed sketchy to me that Fi-Core James Harmon Brown replaced Brent Boyd shortly after the strike. And Lindsay Harrison probably wrote during the strike. 

    Makes me wonder if Janice Ferri Esser really left of her own choice.

    Lynn also says that on a show she worked at recently (i.e. Y&R), the writers were given a note to not be funny or clever, and she talks about the elimination of the breakdown writers, the lack of writers of colour..

    I know Lynn Martin's scripts are not generally well-regarded, but I was impressed with her in this interview.



    Do they think the audience is stupid? They just want bland scripts with no personality? Sounds about right for Griffith, a writer who thought the 50th anniversary of Days of our Lives should be about tragic deaths and murders. Btw, Griffith re-used his own stupid idea of a bicentennial for Days’ 50th when he wrote Y&R’s 50th. The funny part? Salem had already celebrated its bicentennial a dozen years before the 50th 🤣

  5. 4 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Counter example: Shapiro's Folly which each HW hated! I love Linda Dano. She'd have been better served parking her on ONE show!!! 

    I followed her from show to show so it did what it was supposed to do. Liked her best on OLTL but I thought PC would’ve benefited the most from having Linda Dano, especially with Skye on GH). I liked Skye best on GH but I really thoroughly enjoyed her on OLTL.

    I didn’t mention Delia because I don’t like Ava! 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Yes, I hated Marty's last time at OLTL but I'm not interested in GH having to be responsible for fixing things from Llanview. I'm leery of all OLTL and AMC involvement on GH. Just a healthy cynical view, which if some story were good enough, could be won over. For example Cassie De Paiva looked fantastic & did a great job of trying to rile up Marty but I'd have preferred the energy from that visit be spent on someone in & of Port Charles! I'm sort of surprised you didn't list Delia Ryan. And the highjinks with Jackson Montgomery, I was not at all *whelmed! 

    Well I disagree with you there. GH is the last ABC soap and I’d love for it to feature even more characters from OLTL, AMC, LOVING/THE CITY, and RYAN’S HOPE. ABC has always been great with crossovers and integrating characters (prime example: Skye on OLTL and GH). 

    31 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Yes, I hated Marty's last time at OLTL but I'm not interested in GH having to be responsible for fixing things from Llanview. I'm leery of all OLTL and AMC involvement on GH. Just a healthy cynical view, which if some story were good enough, could be won over. For example Cassie De Paiva looked fantastic & did a great job of trying to rile up Marty but I'd have preferred the energy from that visit be spent on someone in & of Port Charles! I'm sort of surprised you didn't list Delia Ryan. And the highjinks with Jackson Montgomery, I was not at all *whelmed! 

    Well I disagree with you there. GH is the last ABC soap and I’d love for it to feature even more characters from OLTL, AMC, LOVING/THE CITY, and RYAN’S HOPE. ABC has always been great with crossovers and integrating characters (prime example: Skye on OLTL and GH).

    Maybe ABC should cut GH to a half hour and pair it with a “super soap” featuring characters from previous soaps (including PORT CHARLES). 


  7. 26 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Those mystery from the past storylines (a music box, piece of jewelry) etc that supposedly lead to some major story seldom ever amount to anything.

    I liked the mystery hunt that Katherine sent Jill on after her death over at Y&R.

    The Horton mystery started by MarDar was a victim of BTS interference.

    Gina’s puzzle box was the best “mystery of the past” story I’ve seen, followed by the mystery of TC’s shed on Passions. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I deleted everyone I'm not interested in. Katherine Bell was so unpopular!

    Because of the GH60 interviews I found out how SN got hired as Stefan & it makes me laugh. He went to a fan event with MBE & Wendy Riche came down to meet him & talk & what she wanted to talk about was this character Stefan Cassadine!! Days later, formally, he was hired.

    I just wish we knew what they decided to do about the Cassadine problem. I like Adam Huss more & more. I feel sure Spencer is only temporarily dead. I want to know who owns Spoon Island! 

    And I'd like it if they brought Lucas back but only if they would write for him. 

    And they're messing up with Kristina & Blaze by not having them on often enough. 

    Ehh, she doesn’t have to play Katherine. Just get her off Days! 😉

    You don’t want them to fix the egregious Rick Webber mistake?

    As much as I like Ron at Days, I hate what he did to Marty on OLTL and what he did to her son and granddaughter on GH. Please show, address it! At least there was a line of dialogue in 2019 from Nora Buchanan that established that Marty was normal again. 

  9. I’m curious if they’ll bring anyone back. My first choice is Julie Marie Berman as Lulu. Next would be Jacob Young or another recast as Lucky. David Tom would be excellent.

    As hinted in the 50th anniversary episodes, Rick may be alive so I want him back to reunite with Lesley while also undoing that godawful 2002 story.

    Of course I want Vanessa Marcil back in any capacity.

    Matt Ashford as Tom Hardy.

    Carly Schroeder as Serena. Or at least an aged-up Christina.

    Amber Tamblyn as Emily.

    A Susan Haskell appearance as Marty to establish Cole and Hope are alive and well while also retconning PC’s Ian and Granya. Never felt right to me that Patrick married a woman who looked identical to his dead sister.

    Dillon recast.

    Tonja Walker as Olivia Jerome, with the pubic reveal that she is also Alex Olanov.

    A brief Luke return to establish he’s still alive and have a one-night stand with Laura (sorry, Kevin).

    This would be hard to pull off but I want Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans back as Stefan and Katherine.

  10. The Horton house burning down could be going somewhere.

    Next week, a vintage box is accidentally discovered at the burned Horton house. Sounds like a mystery is beginning! Maybe they’ll finally explain the secret Alice had on Stefano as well as the mysterious payments going to an account in Africa. Remember that story?

    3 minutes ago, j swift said:

    To me, the problem with Clyde is that he's not very scary.  Joe Mascolo was somehow still menacing well into old age, so when Stefano made a threat, it felt as if something big was going to happen.  Clyde just seems smarmy and scummy.  So, it is hard to believe that the combination of Chad, Stefan, and Ava couldn't take care of him with one phone call.

    How do you feel about Orpheus? I find he’s more in the Clyde range than Stefano range.

  11. 7 hours ago, j swift said:

    I think Clyde has to die.  I mean, he's already in prison, so that's hardly justice if he is sentenced to more time.

     And considering Sloan is going broke babysitting for Nicole while she's in Europe (jk), we need to see some justice equally applied to the men of Salem.

    I would love for Jack to return and kill Clyde as revenge for murdering his baby girl.

  12. 23 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I do hope Mulcahey will introduce new characters carefully and judiciously (or even better yet, reintroduce beloved, legacy characters from the past). God knows, I'd loathe seeing a Buzz Cooper 2.0 coming aboard and eating the show. Some folks may have loved Justin Deas' loud-mouthed and belligerent hamminess in the role, but many did not. UGH.

    Now, people do have the right to champion hammy theatrics if it's their preference, and yes, Howarth's nostril flaring was appealing to both of his fans (LOL! I jest, I jest! Sort of. 🫢). I know people who reveled in glee watching Divine with doggy doo in Pink Flamingos (seriously; they were wildly entertained at the outrageousness and wanted to see more pushing of the envelope like it.) I would counter that such material can be sought out in John Waters-type films. Soaps, a medium that has gifted us with performances by the likes of Beverlee McKinsey, Susan Flannery, Maureen Garrett, Charita Bauer, Judith Light, Jane Elliot, Frances Reid, Judith Light, Kate Mulgrew, etc, have long proven that stellar performers are celebrated within the genre.

    Not everyone is happy to settle for the work of Ronn Moss and his ilk. There are those of us who clamor to see superb thespian work on display, and we have been fortunate in that regard on many daytime dramas over the decades.

    Long live the Meryl Streeps of daytime! I'll take Beverlee McKinsey, Susan Flannery and actresses of their caliber over Brenda Dickson (God love her) or Charity Rahmer any day.😁

    No one is “settling” for Ronn Moss and his “ilk”. We embrace him.

    These kinds of performances belong on daytime so don’t tell us to watch John Waters movies instead. You can always record and fast forward through what you don’t like. 

    Twenty years later, people still hate on Charity Rahmer but she was still a much better Belle than Martha Dumptruck.

    3 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I do think that natural, layered and complex performances are just not everyone's cup of tea. There are those who would dismiss To Kill a Mockingbird in favor of Howard the Duck, or The Grapes of Wrath in favor of Chainsaw Cannibal Hookers.

    Differences are the spice of life.

    The condescension and moral superiority is unnecessary and in fact is downright rude. 

  13. What’s your favorite catfight? 

    -Marlena vs Kristen in the secret room was fabulous 

    -Lauren and Sheila in the hotel room

    -Jill versus Katherine in the attic 

    I didn’t watch the new Dynasty all that much but the Crystal vs Alexis catfight in the season one finale was terrific 

  14. 4 hours ago, asafi said:

    powerful scene



    Is there any chance you could post the scene of Stefano reading Sami’s diary and finding out Belle was John’s?

    God I looooooooved Sami vs Marlena! The slaps Marlena gave Sami were epic. Deidre’s gasp and wind-up were always *chef’s kiss*

    On 2/10/2024 at 10:16 AM, carolineg said:

    It's funny no matter how many times that question about JER and the murders is asked no one has ever had a definitive answer on what his original story was.  He really must have kept it secret.  You'd think by now all these years later someone, somewhere would know the answer lol.

    In addition to that, I’ve always wanted to read JER’s original bible for Passions. I believe JER had a sister and she probably has all these documents. 

  15. 9 hours ago, Spoon said:

    Paul Holtoyd was so stiff and wooden, no passion.  The best soap acting is passionate, over-the-top and often scenery chewing.


    I agree with you about soap acting. The acting style of someone like Meryl Streep has no place on a soap opera.

    I like the acting style of Susan Seaforth-Hayes, Brenda Dickson, Deidre Hall, Lindsay Korman, Robin Strasser, Judith Chapman, Ronn Moss, Eric Braeden, etc. 

    Ham it up, ladies and gents! I demand to be entertained!

  16. 1 hour ago, Legacy said:

    I cant lie at first i didnt want diane to die the way she did, but when they brang her back with the story not making sense she could have stayed dead.

    It amazes me they can bring diane back but not find a way to bring back characters like Drucilla or Hilary or keeping brad.

    Griffith did this on Days too. Brought characters back from the dead without any attempt to properly explain it.

    18 hours ago, Paul Raven said:


    Phillip Chancellor 

    Diane Jenkins

    I don’t think Phillip should’ve been killed off in the first place so I was glad he returned. Foolishly I thought Daniel Goddard was going to leave the show when Phillip returned but it was the other way around. 

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