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Posts posted by FancyShoes

  1. 7 hours ago, Tonksadora said:



    Thank you for posting this! 

    6 hours ago, Vee said:

    LMAO at MBE: "If you've been on this show, you've been in a coma." And Dee dryly saying 'hard to believe, I know' as to Marlena not(?) being buried alive.

    Now there is a shots game lol

    6 hours ago, Bright Eyes said:

    The moment where they all immediately drink after the back from the dead question. Hilarious video.

    I will not say how many times I hit the rewind button on this part but I enjoy every bit of this moment. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Tuesdays episode uploaded.

    Soo far it looks like all of the conspiracy theories about the orchid SL is right. Originally a J&M SL, the devil being involved, the connection to Beyond Salem and welcome back of Bope. The thing missing that I have seen is that the ladies might be clones. I wanna be in intrigued but Ron is notorious for an embarrassing let down. On a different note, I avoided the devil SL like the plague. One because I knew no one had the creativity to make the SL beyond basic but also because I didn’t want to sit there watching tacky yellow contacts on everyone. Although Bill Hayes did give me life when he put them on. 

  3. 2 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    This really ties into what we were discussing about pacing. I really think Kate should have gotten a few more goodbye scenes. At least with Will and Allie.

    I agree. That woman died in two episodes, one day actually and then the next scene she is in an urn. But next week ALL of Marlena’s family is there including Will and Allie praying for her to get better. I also agree it’s very obvious this was a John and Marlena storyline. Kayla’s and Kate’s deaths took two days. Marlena’s is two weeks lol. I think I have said this before but I wish the show put as much thought to the other characters on the show as they do Kristen, Brady, Gabi, whatever character BB or RSW is playing, Gwen, Leo, and Allie. You know the same characters that are on four or five days a week for a month straight it seems.

  4. On 1/13/2023 at 3:31 AM, Antoyne said:

    If Kate/Lauren Koslow is really done and that was her send off, I probably will be done with the show. I took months off after Abby was needlessly murdered “permanently” just because the two actresses didn’t want to commit long term to Days, because I thought it was so stupid and actually enjoyed the character. Kate Roberts has been my favorite character since I got into the show in the early 2000’s and to kill her off and cremate her without having a scene with Lucas/BD would just be criminal and I think I’d be fine not watching anymore.


    On 1/13/2023 at 6:38 AM, teplin said:

    Well, we know we see her again, thanks to the winter preview. 


    On 1/13/2023 at 3:14 PM, DaytimeFan said:

    Agreed. If they wrote out Kate/Lauren like that, after 27 years, I would find it in unspeakable bad taste and disrespect. 

    She is my favorite as well and I would find it very disrespectful and sad to see her end like this. Watching Josh mumble through those scenes was rough. I REALLY wish they wrote a true old school soap scene and had Lucas and Phillip fighting guards and busting down doors to try and come see their mom before she died. And would it have hurt to have Will and Allie show their grandma Kate a little more compassion on her death bed. Rex my dear Rex should have shown his Roberts blood and tried harder than just calling her death after two tries, I mean did Lucas not teach you nothing when he tried to donate her heart two years ago lol. I am interested to see the ladies reunite in the afterlife. I am not ready to say goodbye to Salem’s fashion queen.

  5. Can someone remind me how did they explain how the ashes that Anna was carry around were not Tony and how they brought him back? Also was that done under Ron’s writing? This falls into the question I posted about speculation being posted on the board. Now that we are seeing this part of the orchid SL. A part of me is wondering if they might have killed off Kate and something is going on BTS. The scenes that just aired were filmed back in June and that is the last time Lauren posted anything days related (except JA passing) on her Instagram or Twitter. She is the only one who didn’t post about Days moving to peacock. She missed day of days which is a first time for her. MBE and SN are back to filming this week. We all know Deidre isn’t going anywhere so that brings Marlena and Kayla are back. It’s days so anything and everything is possible but this will definitely be interesting to see how this plays out. 

  6. 28 minutes ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    Those pairings became extremely demeaning for Kate.  Shockingly, Kate/Rafe was a really fun interlude following her longer pairing with Stefano (I always thought this was terrible considering they established that he took advantage of her). But Ian, Clyde, Deimos, Andre, Jack, Jake… who else am I forgetting??  Lol.  That was a horrible stretch for her.

    I think Roman & Kate would be more effective if they were written as a contrasting counterpoint to John & Marlena, like they used to be.  But I love them, but like I said up thread, I think of them more as an endgame for when the show finally concludes.

    Ted and Eduardo lol. I agree too like an endgame. I did enjoy them and their friendship and interaction with John and Marlena and Bo and Hope. Probably of all her relationships since Roman was Stefano because to me EVERYTHING matched. Character wise and Actor Wise. 

  7. 7 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I will never be Team Roman and Kate. He’s just so….bland and not for her. Kate needs someone exciting, not mush mouth.

    I am going to try and not sound like a broken record by mentioning the writing lol. But I completely understand what you mean. Although I was a fan of Kaman at the beginning, I do feel like this is a settle. That being said, I much rather her with Roman than the repeat SL of her being with some random guy and it’s written as sex only in the beginning and then feelings are introduced then Kate is left looking broken and crazy again. It’s exhausting to watch and I am sure to keep playing from the actors standpoint. 

  8. 11 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I liked yesterday's episode.  There just wasn't a lot to comment on.  Even if Rafe isn't wrong.  I can't stand him.  I want him to shut up.

    Probably.  Rachel has really good handwriting for a kid lol.  And it makes sense she's sort of evil.  With her upbringing it was always likely.

    Honestly, Kate would be someone who would want to have sex on her deathbed lol.  I think it fits the character tbh. 

    Personally that is one of my favorite characteristics I like about Kate. That she has never been shy about saying what she wants and how she wants it.

    On 10/14/2022 at 8:46 PM, carolineg said:

    For sure.  I am sure we have discussed because I have always thought that.  John doesn't really have much of an identity outside of Marlena and he can obviously do more.

    Agreed about Steve too.  But I think you and I think more of Steve Burton's acting abilities than most. 🤣  I know he can be actually decent/good.

    I think John isn’t the only one. Like I look at Gabi, I was not a fan of her but she was okay. But all she does now and run up behind the DiMera twins as a whiny shallow b*tch. Gabi had soo much going for her before Ron got his hands on her. She was model and had her OWN company and plan to establish generational wealth for Ariana. The girl was smart.

    I liked John when he had Basic Black. Marlena went to work and John went to work and then they would come back together at the end of the work day. It seemed so normal and much more for him to do.

    It seems like the show doesn’t know how to write people separate. Couples are very well capable of existing without writing EVERYTHING together. 

  9. Okay so here is the thing while I have not liked some of the choices she has chosen in men, especially in the last five years, I LOVED how Kate went from well enough to talk to Chad, to almost dying, then feeling better and kicking Chad and Rex out so she and Roman can celebrate their wedding night. Yep I’m watching a soap because never in the real world would someone be on deaths door step to making a full recovery and wanna get down and dirty in like 5 minutes flat. That being said I am glad this SL is over because it was rough from the jump. I am also intrigued to see what they have in store for Kaman. I am happy they are back together for I feel they shouldn’t have been broken up in the first place. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    It's almost like he doesn't know how to write for them. It's a tough job, and any of them breaking up doesn't seem believable anymore, but I would like to see the writers do something for the vet couples other than them being in some kind of danger

    Exactly. One of my favorite shows that just ended was Grace and Frankie on Netflix. The four stars of the show are in their 80s. I LOVED how the show brought a modern twist on age and relationships and family. There was episodes where yes it was about age but for the most part it was about friendship and family. They need a co writer that can bring that type of writing to the veteran group. 

  11. Can we please recast Rex?! I wasn’t happy when I heard the news KL was taking over the role and I wasn’t happy when he first aired in the role. I don’t really remember much of Brady when he was in the role mainly because I was really over the whole Broe coupling but I swear KL put way more personality into Brady than he has ever put into Rex. 

    Friday is probably the fourth time the medical SL with the ladies has aired over three weeks I think and it’s already flat. The fact that there has been no build up for it and we already know what the cure is, what is the point of the SL?! Since DOOL has been given the keys to vault to expand their budget. I want to see them take some real risks. Hire a team of writers. When it comes to the younger crowd or the LGTBQ+ community it’s obvious that’s where Ron feels comfortable being creative or shows any amount of interest in which is perfectly fine with me. But I have noticed when it comes to the veteran crowd the writing tends to be very stereotypical age related SLs or its rehashing old SLs. Hiring someone who knows how to come up with fresh material for the veteran characters would be ideal. 

    And Kristen needs a vacation and I mean a decade long vacation. They have bled this character dry and blood bank is closed PERMANENTLY. 


  12. 1 hour ago, Tonksadora said:

    So, you're on a break NOW? I'm mostly, only recently back from a break. Specifically I came back the day of the exorcism when Tripp took the devil into him & went out the 3rd or 4th floor window.

    I began watching DOOL in the first week of August 1966. Susan Seaforth-Hayes was not yet Julie #4. The storyline was Julie, her best friend Susan Hunter, her secret boyfriend David & Susan & David got drunk & had a one night stand so of course she got pregnant & this first day Julie is helping David to decide to marry Susan & given the baby a name & get a divorce in a year. Susan is played by another divine lady, Denise Alexander, and she is b*tchy all the time to David. They get married & then he goes with Susan to her parents' house & meets Susan's mother & has dinner with them. Julie is living at Tom & Alice's. A boy baby is born, named Dickie & while David is supposed to be watching him, falls off the swing set & is killed. Bill Bell wrote it. The beginning of that is all on YT, 8 consecutive days. The list of soaps I have never watched is shorter than the list I have watched, over the years. I agree that the Writing is DOOL's main weakness. I watch GH, too, and I think both shows are way out of balance in their use of cast & the way they do their storytelling. I don't know if DOOL is considering a change in the writing. I wish they would. I'd like to see Donna Swajeski be hired as their HW & to be given a mandate to give up a lot of the OTT story-telling in favor of traditional soap. I know some people say it's the brand now & we're stuck with it. And, then, there's the 7 month lag time problem. And, the way they rotate cast on, then off, then repeat. I hope that Peacock will be a better employer than NBC was. I've been through many show cancelations & I hope this doesn't turn into that. My all-time faves are, in order, AW, GL & SB.

    In spite of the fact that I don't like demonic possession storylines I admit that one of the shows they won the Writing Emmy & the WGA Award for, was a strong, well-written episode. It was the first real day of DevilDoc 2.0 where Doug was in Marlena's office being evaluated for Alzheimers & the devil came out in Doug. No idea what the second episode was. Nice to meet you, and welcome.

    Wow you have been watching for long time. I am back from a recent break as well. When I heard days was moving to Peacock, I was like oh I gotta see how this plays out. I stop watching December 2021 I think. I know I haven’t watch at all this year until the last two weeks and I haven’t watch the show as a whole. When I saw the fall promo, I figured why not. But I have only watched the Marlena, Kayla, and Kate SL and that has not been much. I do agree with you. Writing has been a weak point for all soaps. It’s a constant wave. I have watched Y&R, B&B and AMC.

  13. 5 hours ago, Noel said:

    Welcome to the SON board, @SoapAnon and @FancyShoes! I wanted to give a shoutout. 😃

    Dr Whoop GIF by UltraNyt

    Thanks. I look forward to chatting up days content with everyone. 

    6 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    This always happens. When a showdown occurs, there are people who would give ANYTHING for a new venue to be able to continue with their show & there are people who say they would prefer it if the show had just ended before things got any worse. And those two groups of people are at direct opposite points. The people who wish the show would just end have an option. They can walk away & not watch or follow the show anymore, effectively ending it for themselves. The people who would hang on no matter what have no option except to stick it out & hope for the best.

    I started watching days in 2000 so I have been through the JER years and among other writers. I have gone back and watched some earlier episodes some before I was even born and well idk something just feels different. I have watched days through some dumb storylines but this is the first time I had to take a break from watching because I felt like my brain cells were melting. The writing characters into corners and then having to redeem them like a month later. Creating new characters or old characters to keep certain actors. The same characters being written in circles. While other characters get no attention it seems like for months. Deep inside I hope days can make a turn around but it is going to take a real writing team and hopefully peacock provided some extra dough so that can happen. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    Younger viewers now scoff when I tell them that DAYS was once a mature, subtle, sophisticated and literate drama aimed at a thinking adults. They cannot wrap their heads around the fact that a formerly classy series could end up like...what it has collapsed into since the Reilly years. I find the show's shocking fall from grace hard to fathom as well, and I SAW it happen. In my most cynical moments, I snipe that DAYS is now written and produced for gum-chewing, 12-year-old high school drop-outs, who move their lips when they read, and still can't figure out the two syllable words.

    There is a market for easy-on-the-mind camp programming. If folks like that sort of entertainment, great. To each his own and it makes sense to offer material that targets all sorts of audience taste and demographics. If TPTB at NBC or Corday productions wanted to present a low-brow, camp-fest aimed at teens, why not start a new series from scratch and have it be as outlandish as they want from the get-go? Why bastardize and decimate a classic, respected daytime institution?

    ITA. Days is supposed to be going in an edgy modern way come 2023. Under Ron’s writing I feel it will be a one note orgy with Days character names. Nothing of the Days we all know and have supported for decades. 

  15. I personally wished they would have ended the show. Back when NBC was with Hulu then the show would had a better shot on a stronger platform. But on peacock I mean talk about a weak streaming service. With the budget, the writing and some lack of effort it seems like from some of the cast. I think the air was let off the show long before the move. It’s sad to see. The life is just gone. 

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