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Posts posted by Remington

  1. Is Peter Reckell actually back filming or are they just using his latest Peacock promotion to get viewers to subscribe?  If he isn't back on set filming, then when did he record this I wonder?  He says he'll be 'watching' on Peacock.

    Forgive my cynicism but Days has made a habit of using these vets to get eyeballs on the show for previous Sweeps periods or other nonsense and none of it actually meets expectations. 




  2. I've already cut down on my streaming subscriptions so Peacock is probably going to have to wait until at least March 2023 to get one from me, if they're even going to at all.  I doubt I'll miss much from Sep-Feb, given how Ron's writing has been.  

    I'm curious to see how the show continuing to air in other markets on 'free' television will impact Days' Peacock performance though.  Will episodes or clips be posted  on YT and other places by fans in Canada?  



  3. Based on what I've read of Ken Corday's latest Peacock related interview, it sounds like he couldn't give a rat's behind about a certain segment of the Days audience. 

    Anyone that is concerned, labelling this a soft cancellation by NBC, etc. is considered a "bottom feeder" in Ken's eyes lol.  He also seems to be fine with it not being "my mother's" Days of Our Lives anymore.  



  4. I remember what Ken Corday said about Guiding Light shortly after its cancellation was announced-

    "Not to name names, but in desperate times, desperate measures are sometimes the worst things to resort to and it's clear now in hindsight and it was clear to the viewers as it was going on what [GL became] was not soap opera," Corday remarked. "It smacked of ESPN or the evening news and done without any homage to the creator of the show."


    I do wonder if this move to Peacock is the desperate measures stage for Days.  I can think of a few things that Days storylines have smacked of over the last year and none of them are good.  I do agree it might be difficult to convince some to pay to watch Ron's current nonsense.

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