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Posts posted by tsauer19

  1. This might be unpopular, but I always felt Bianca on AMC completely took over the show. She was in literally every episode for almost 3 years (early 2000's) and it seemed like they would purposefully try to force her into scenes just so she could appear in every episode. I liked the character and ER is a great actress, but it was overkill.

    I quit watching the show because Ryan Lavery took over and we had to watch CM yell, oof, I mean attempt to act. I have nothing against CM, he seems like a very nice person, but I am convinced the only reason Ryan lasted as long as he did was because CM was easy to get along with backstage. 

  2. General Hospital (which has basically been cancelled and replaced with a crappy rendition of "All Sonny's Children")

    -While TG is a great actor, Luke Spencer was a completely overrated character and only lasted as long as he did because of Laura, Lucky and his family- not because of anything the character added to the show.

    -AJ should have been the heart of the Q's and should have never been sacrificed for Jason and the mob antics. The character could have had years of story line and had much more potential than Jason killing people every other episode.


    All My Children

    -Susan Lucci, while I have respect for her for her contribution to Daytime, is completely overrated along with the character of Erica Kane. The scene where she is mourning over her mom's coffin at Mona's funeral is cringe worthy. She never should have been nominated for as many times as she was, and took the nominations away of many more deserving actresses (Genie Francis, Victoria Wyndham are a few that come to mind). Brooke should have been the matriarch of the show instead.

    -What made AMC great was not its storytelling, but the show's respect for its veteran actors. While the show had good stories in its peak, the show was absolutely God awful in its later years and had some of the worst story lines in soap opera history (if you don't count all the crap we have seen in the past 10 years lol). But the vets made the show the success that it was and AMC deserves credit for honoring its vets and keeping them even when it was hard for many of them to still act in their later years.

    Another World

    -The show was completely underappreciated in terms of acting and had some of the best actors daytime ever produced. The reason why it is looked down upon was that it was a NBC soap and P&G, along with NBC, actively tried to ruin it to get it cancelled.

    -Jake worked better on ATWT with Molly than he did on AW. Especially since AW refused to reunite him with Paulina in order to keep her with sleezy Joe.

    -John and Sharlene were boring 90% of the time and while I did not like the Felicia/John pairing, it at least gave the actors something to do to shine their talents.

    -Ryan's death in the long term was more damaging than Frankie's.

    -Michael Hudson was completely useless as a character 95% of the time.


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