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Ryan Mason

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Posts posted by Ryan Mason

  1. 15 hours ago, DeliaIrisFan said:

    If there was any possibility of Maeve becoming a serial killer and dispatching with most/all of the Ryans—so the surviving, younger characters could be free to move downtown—I can't say I'm sorry we missed that.

    Years ago I put together some animated YouTube videos imagining what it would be like if Ryan's Hope was subject to the ABC soap regime of the late 2000s. Believe it or not, that was one of the ideas I thought they'd force on the show!


  2. 2 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Does RH set the record for having the most recasts of original characters in the shortest amount of time?

    B/W 75-80 there were 

    2 Delias

    3 Franks

    4 Marys

    3 Pats

    4 Faiths

    That's not counting the later multiple recasts of Siobhan.

    What's funny is in my head I always thought Santa Barbara was worse in terms of original character recasts, but not really when I actually lay it out. They had 5 CCs (4 that actually aired), 4 Santanas and Kellys, 3 Masons, Warrens, and Lakens, and 2 Joes, Sophias, Ginas, Minxes, and Teds over the course of their 8 1/2 years. But I think it's just a lot of theirs happened within the first year and a half (4 on-air CCs, 3 Santanas, and 2 Joes, Sophias, and Ginas). By that point RH had "only" had 3 Faiths and 2 Franks.

  3. 2 hours ago, Wendy said:

    Cool clip. Thanks! The fact this occurred on my 7th birthday just makes me feel very old, though. LOL!

    Oh wow! My 7th birthday was 6 days before yours! So no matter how old you feel, I'll always be six days older! 🙂

    But that said, I didn't watch Ryan's Hope back then. I started when SoapNet started the reruns from the beginning again in 2003. Which that, in and of itself, being 21 years ago now makes me feel old as well!

  4. 13 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Tom was just a terrible, bizarre character who never should have lasted as long as he did, although he was OK in his last few months. My main memory of him is when he was jogging in green short-shorts.

    I mainly remember the Apparition Lass gobbledygook...where his tumor made him hallucinate his ex (I think?) spouting endless variations of "She LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIED to ya, Thomas!"

  5. 15 hours ago, Chris 2 said:

    Nancy Barrett is so jarring as Faith. She’s too old for the role, for one thing. And then the whole sunny attitude - “Here am I, all better, and blonde and vivacious.” Weird.

    She also seemed to have a slight Southern accent to me, which also definitely didn't fit!

    15 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    And maybe that Latina nurse - or did she want to leave the show? She got more writeups in the soap magazines than in the episodes. 

    I don't think Faith ever worked. It's telling that even Catherine Hicks did not care for the writing, because that was the one time I think Faith connected - mainly because Labine and Mayer just wrote her to Hicks' spunky strengths and threw away any of what they had tried before with the character.

    I think I remember reading something on a Ryan's Hope website or board years ago that Rosalinda Guerra (Ramona) got married and decided to quit.

    And Catherine Hicks wound up being my favorite Faith, because to me she just came across as really natural and likable and sensible and grounded...which, you're right, was definitely not how Faith had been written. That must have been some therapy she got in that month or two offscreen!

  6. On 3/17/2024 at 9:01 AM, John said:

    What was the reasoning for replacing Dane Witherspoon with Mark Arnold?

    From what I understand, TPTB felt like Dane's acting wasn't up to snuff. Mark Arnold was coming off a 3-year run at The Edge of Night, so I can see where they felt he brought more acting experience and possibly a following to the table. But to me, it's an example of this paradox I've noticed in soaps where you can sense that the recast is a more experienced actor than the person they replaced, yet at the same time, the choices they make with the character make it less likable. Like I feel like Mark Arnold was frequently overanimated and yapping in people's faces about something or other, so to me the character became more obnoxious and Shouty McYellerson. And the fact that they killed Joe off less than six months later when in the beginning he was one of THE major characters would indicate they felt this new take wasn't working either.

    It's other soaps too. Another example that comes to mind is when Chrystee Pharris took over Simone on Passions. She was clearly a more experienced actress than Lena Cardwell, but Simone went from being sympathetic to a self-righteous harpy. I have similar thoughts about Gina Gallego as Santana on here. Definitely a more experienced actress than Ava Lazar and Margaret Michaels, but whether it was the writing or her choices or both, her Santana to me frequently came across as annoying and an argument waiting to happen. And even though she was probably the greenest as an actress, to me the character never popped off the screen again as a major character the way she did when Ava Lazar played her.

    In hindsight, maybe they'd have best been served to get a strong acting coach for Dane and Ava first before jumping to recasting!

  7. 14 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    They aired. I think almost all if not fully all of the first six and a half years aired on Soapnet.

    I think there were two very early episodes--like before Episode 50 or so--that were either missing or so deteriorated they couldn't be aired, so SoapNet just had summaries posted on their site. (Possibly only one, but I'm pretty sure two.) But other than that, everything aired up until whichever point in December 1981 they chose to stop at that round.

  8. Speaking of YouTube uploads, in case it helps any of you, I wound up creating a public 1994 playlist that has everything I could find as of last May in chronological order. For whatever reason, that particular year had a lot of duplicate postings of episodes, episodes without actual dates, etc., so it took me awhile to sort through all of it when I rewatched the Marland era to mid-1997, and I figured I may as well share my findings in case it helped anyone else! Here's the link:



  9. 13 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    There were a couple of other daughters for Rosa and Rueben. He mentions them in one very early episode. I want to say that one daughter was name Gabriella, and Rueben complained that she was always talking on the phone with her friends.

    I remember they also mentioned a daughter named Olivia. Years later when they had a character named Olivia around late 1987-early 1988 I briefly wondered if it would turn out to be her.

    On a random note, speaking of names, I wonder what the fascination was with the name Lisa? They had three different characters (sort of) with that name--Lisa DiNapoli, Eden's split personality Lisa, and Lisa Fenimore.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Jdee43 said:

     Julie Ronnie as Laken has done the opposite for me. She's terrible and seems to get worse. Episodes 103 and 104 are examples; she's so hyper and shrill, and is mispronouncing words like "circumstantial." What was she on? It's so embarrassing. It's hard to believe Ronnie outlasted Ava Lazar and Melissa Reeves on this show.

    There were times where it seemed like her dialogue was just endless variations on her whining "Teeedddd!" or "Motherrrrrrr!" 

  11. So from what I remember, Samantha Eggar was cast as Pamela but got cold feet about the pace of shooting a soap and backed out, so they then cast Shirley Anne Field. Then Marj Dusay took over a couple of months later.

    I also remember that the concept of Pamela was to be the Alexis Carrington of Santa Barbara...the ex-wife who would be stirring up a lot of trouble. I don't think any of the parties involved pictured her poisoning margaritas several months later! 

    But what I forget is...what was the Dobsons' position on her? Was it that they were wanting Marj to play her all along?

  12. I could see where, on paper at least, Robin Mattson might have seemed to make sense as Delia because she does specialize in playing manipulative pot-stirrers, which you could say Delia can be. And back in the day I actually went through Robin Mattson taking over a part on the soap I watched back then, Santa Barbara. Seeing her as Gina was jarring as hell at first because she was NOTHING like Linda Gibboney...but in that case, at least, the character went from getting on my last nerve to one of my favorites within a month or so. But I agree that she didn't work as Delia in practice, and I feel like it kind of comes down to a matter of basic essence. Robin just seems to bring this sort of innate confidence and surety to a character that, as it turns out, doesn't work for Delia. Delia can certainly be convinced she's right about something, or go after something she wants like gangbusters, but at the same time, there's always at least some level and history of being neurotic, needy, and insecure underneath it all. I feel like Ilene Kristen had more of an in-your-face desperation to her Delia than Randall Edwards, but I think they both got this quality quite well and I really liked them both. But with Robin...as much as I loved her on Santa Barbara, from what I've seen of her here, I just couldn't see or buy her being desperate to be a part of the Ryans or to have Maeve's approval, for example. I don't know if that makes any sense or not, but that's the best way I can think of to describe it.

  13. 11 hours ago, JAS0N47 said:

    Santa Barbara: Top 50 Highest-Rated Weeks: 1984-1989


    1/4/88-1/8/88    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.4    16    198    98                        
    12/28/87-1/1/88    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.4    15    198    98    Preempted Friday- Fiesta Bowl                    
    1/18/88-1/22/88    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.3    16    198    98    Preempted Monday- Soap Opera Awards                    
    12/14/87-12/18/87    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.2    N/A    N/A    N/A    5 telecasts confirmed                    
    11/30/87-12/4/87    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.2    17    198    98                        
    1/25/88-1/29/88    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.2    16    198    98                        
    12/29/86-1/2/87    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.2    15    192    96    Preempted Thursday- New Year's Day Movie                    
    11/16/87-11/20/87    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.1    17    198    98                        
    11/9/87-11/13/87    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.1    17    198    98                        
    12/7/87-12/11/87    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.1    17    198    98                        
    1/11/88-1/15/88    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.1    16    198    98                        
    11/23/87-11/27/87    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.1    16    198    98    Preempted Thursday- NFL Single                    
    2/1/88-2/5/88    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.1    16    198    98                        
    2/8/88-2/12/88    Santa Barbara    NBC    5.1    16    198    98                        
    11/2/87-11/6/87    Santa Barbara    NBC    5    17    198    98                        
    7/27/87-7/31/87    Santa Barbara    NBC    5    17    196    98    Preempted Tue/Thu/Fri- Hearings                    
    12/21/87-12/25/87    Santa Barbara    NBC    5    16    197    98                        
    7/28/86-8/1/86    Santa Barbara    NBC    5    16    197    97                        
    2/15/88-2/19/88    Santa Barbara    NBC    5    15    198    98                        
    12/26/88-12/30/88    Santa Barbara    NBC    5    14    202    97                        
    2/10/86-2/14/86    Santa Barbara    NBC    5    14    194    97                                             

    This was really interesting to see laid out like this! Awhile back, I posted that I remembered reading an article back in the day where someone involved with the show said that the ratings were on a roll until Mary got killed off in mid-July 1986 and then they dropped and never recovered. But it looks like in actuality, when you look at its weeks rated 5 and above, the show got its best ratings ever from November 1987-February 1988. (Only three of those 5+ weeks occurred outside of that time period--one in February 1986, one in late July/early August 1986, and one in July 1987.)

    In terms of what was going on then: Cruz is on trial for Elena’s murder which leads to him going on the run with Eden (who regains use of her legs) and Kirk Cranston’s return, Pamela has just returned to town (and is recast with Marj Dusay at the end of 1987), Kelly and Jeffrey get married, Mason and Julia get together, Gina is temporarily blind, Sophia hires someone to blow up Pamela’s oil rig, Hayley is killed by a drunk driver, and the plots of Hal Clark’s murder years ago in the Capwell boathouse and the assassin known as the Fox (who seems to be newcomer Andrea) begin.

  14. I live in LA now as well (I'm from Chicago and lived there when the series aired) and I love any excuse to get to Santa Barbara for the day! Every detail of the town is picturesque...like the court records office looks like you're going to get handed your documents by a Disney character or something and even the 99 Cent Store is about the quaintest-looking one you could imagine! It was so cool to finally get to see the actual place.



  15. 5 hours ago, Jdee43 said:

    The episode gives Nicholas Coster an additional credit as "underwater consultant." Was that one of his hobbys? 

    He was a scuba instructor and maintained a foundation that made scuba diving accessible for the disabled. I also seem to remember reading an article years ago that he taught John Allen Nelson how to dive.

  16. You're welcome! And what was interesting for me too is that I just vaguely remembered that it was sometime in the summer of 1985 because that's when I started saving episodes on tape (we didn't even get a VCR until March 1985 so most of that first year was lost to me as soon as I went back to school) and I knew I'd seen it, but until I saw the summaries laid out like that, I'd forgotten that it was the one-two-three punch all within the span of a few days of finding out that Channing was gay AND Lionel's son and then finally Gina yanking the revised will and divorce papers away from him that he was desperately trying to sign that made his aneurysm burst and caused the long coma that Jed Allan woke up from in January!

  17. 10 hours ago, j swift said:

    Sophia was still in her drag king era, and hadn't emerged when Mason outed Channing.


    I did remember for sure that it was the summer of 1985, so she was long past that period. I looked it up here and it was episode 276 on August 26th that I'm thinking of:


    Mason tells CC Channing was gay & Santana confirms it, Lionel sends CC Sophia's old audition tape, Gina learns from Augusta that Channing is Lionel's son, Steve & Mary look for Christie, Sophia convinces CC it doesn't matter if Channing was gay, Frank reads Lionel's eulogy, Christie warns Ted her rapist may be after him

  18. 6 hours ago, j swift said:

    It would have been odd because as I recall the reveal, CC got angry at Mason for outing Channing.  Correct me if I am wrong, but I think he yelled at Mason for thinking that he was humiliating Channing, but he affirmed that nothing could destroy the love that he felt for his son.  It was one of the few times that I enjoyed that version of CC because his response was so unexpected. 

    If I remember right, that was where both he and the confrontation with Mason ended up, but for him to get there, Sophia had to talk him out of his initially more homophobic reaction. I think he was on the verge of having Channing's belongings burned in disgust and she talked him out of it.

  19. 3 hours ago, dc11786 said:

    I know it probably would have been a very bleak story, but I know NBC wanted "Santa Barbara" to do an AIDS plot. I would have had Lindsay Smith diagnosed with the disease and come to stay with the Capwells while he was living out his final days. I'm thinking a sort of "In the Gloaming" style story. Sophia would have liked to get to know the boy she raised as her own despite Minx 's deception and Lindsay would have given her insight into a part of her son she never knew. I think it would have also been a painful reminder that C.C.'s vision of Channing, Jr., was not the reality. In the aftermath, maybe even have Sophia become involved with an AIDS charity with possibly Sophia's involvement infuriating C.C. over Sophia wanting to share her connection to the disease through Lindsay which would make very public Lindsay and Channing, Jr.'s relationship. Maybe have Mason handle the legal end of the charity work with Mason siding with Sophia. 

    I do remember something around the fall of 1988 where there was a patient in the hospital with AIDS and Tori helped him reconcile with his father. It was super backburner and around the time where she was also super-backburneredly seeing Heather & Michael's father Arthur Donnelly.

  20. 12 hours ago, soapfave06 said:

    I know what it was always low rated but what year did Santa Barbara get into its groove? Was that closer to 1988 with their claiming the Emmy’s? 

    I remember reading in an article at the time that someone from the show said that the ratings were on a roll until they killed off Mary Duvall (Harley Jane Kozak) and then they never recovered. Creatively, the show was definitely firing on all cylinders for that first half of 1986, so to me at least on that level it seems plausible. She died in the July 14, 1986 episode so it'll be interesting to see soon if this winds up being true or not!

  21. 8 hours ago, j swift said:

    Today I learned - that Gina Gallego (Santana) has been married since 1983 to Joel Bailey, who played Channing's boyfriend, Lindsay Smith.  Not many couples can say that they both acted as the lover of a dead soap character.


    What's also interesting is that unless I'm forgetting any one-off appearances later on, I think he only interacted with Margaret Michaels as Santana!

  22. 11 hours ago, j swift said:

    I was looking at a picture of Kerry Sherman (Amy Perkins) on a Facebook post about SB, and it struck me that the baby she had during the show would be around 37 today!


    Yep! And Samantha and Chip would be 36, Adriana coming up on 35, and Brandon would be 44! I feel like Brandon was a rarity for children on soaps in that he was on the show for just about the entire run and while he was recast several times, he never got prematurely aged; he didn't suddenly come back from summer camp or boarding school a senior in high school or anything!

  23. 5 hours ago, Carlos Abad said:

    But the fake polo field green screen with C.C., Kelly and Peter is just too much. It looks so fake and cheap. It’s difficult to take those scenes seriously with those “special effects”.

    Similarly, the driving scenes on Santa Barbara always looked super low-budget to me. There was such an obvious border outline between the actors in the car and the alleged moving "background"! 😃

  24. 2 hours ago, antmunoz said:

    I remember MM one day, GG the next. But I don’t recall GG being off for a month after her first appearance. I recall her appearing a lot to cement the recast. 

    GG’s weaker, more desperate, later addict Santana was not my favorite.

    It was actually even more extreme, believe it or not. I had read that she debuted in episode 304, which aired October 3, 1985, and didn't appear again until episode 341, which as it turned out aired November 29th! And I just went back and double checked it myself and that is indeed accurate. But when I did I also saw that there was a LOT going on in that time period...Gina plotted and executed the plot to frame Eden for pulling the plug on CC, Brick and Amy got married, Dylan and Mark came to town, Angel held the clinic hostage...so it may have just been simply that Santana wasn't necessarily that involved in those things.

    And I agree with you about Gina Gallego; she was probably my least favorite, but I'm not sure whether it was her or the writing. For most of her tenure I felt like Santana was an Argument Waiting To Happen and for months it seemed like her dialogue was just endless variations of "You don't LOVE me, Cruz; you love EDEN!" It got to the point where I'd see her and think "Oh great; what's she going to bitch and moan about NOW?" But then years later I enjoyed her on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend!

    It also goes to show the difference recasts can make. When it was Ava Lazar and Linda Gibboney in the beginning, I was rooting for Santana. By the time it was Gina Gallego and Robin Mattson, while I didn't necessarily *condone* the whole allergy pill/crack switcheroo, I was pretty solidly Team Gina.

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