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Posts posted by NiqueAlexis2020

  1. On 5/23/2024 at 1:44 PM, carolineg said:

    Isn't Georgie already a teen too?  I know they changed actress, but the one that was around during the Charlotte story wasn't exactly a child.  She looked at least 13 or 14 to me.

    Yes I don't know why that poster is saying that. Lily Fisher is 14 & Georgie is the same age. Lily came on/1st appearance was at My Naxie wedding😭💔& she was clearly 6 yrs old. She was only aged like 2, 3 years like Maxie was. Though this shitty show, shows her so infrequently most probably wouldn't know what age she is. That poster watches enough that they should know she is a teenager.

    I wish GH would give me Maxie raising a hellraiser teen who is a perfect mix of Maxie and her namesake Georgie without her shitty ass dad in my face.

  2. 19 hours ago, Vee said:

    I thought the Liason ONS was very hot in part bc the intimacy with Steve and Becky/Jason and Liz had always been there, been rebuilding for a long time and the scenes were overall very well done and scripted. But I'll submit that it was less explicit than the full-on grinding with Steve and KT. And all that is even with me also having had zero time for Jason for over 20 years, lol.

    Yes😂I will admit my view of present day Jason, Cottage Hell & the unholy trinity clouds my ability to see anything remotely good about any pairing of his. 

  3. 1 hour ago, titan1978 said:

    Also- Part of it was Steve decided he was a serious actor so no more shirtless scenes, even though he clearly had the body for them. But we had others to take up the slack- GV’s Lucky, for one. Plus Maurice had zero problem with a sex scene.

    Can you imagine a soap hunk in the 1980’s refusing to play love scenes? Hell Kristian Alfonso and Peter Reckell hated each other at times during their original run. The show kept them together anyway!

    Steve Burton saying that he is a serious actor now so he can't take his shirt off anymore is hilarious. Steve got jokes & needs to stop playing. Like Ric Hearst was a very serious actor & he took his shirt off and did love scenes. God forgive me for invoking Tony Geary but he was a very serious actor & took his shirt off. Does SBu really think only non serious actors take their shirt off🤔🤭 

  4. 40 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Anyone who has a long enough memory knows it was truly nuts to watch Jason hit it twice in a year with two different women. Steve had not gotten down like that onscreen in years. I'm not sure even the Liason ONS in the mid-2000s was that explicit (though it might have been), and there it was a woman Jason had a long history with.

    It wasn't at all we saw was Liz take his shirt off, Liz strap tank top pulled down on her arms without it being off(she might have 2 shirts on)& them making out then cuddly on the coach. It was all implied. I remember Rebecca Herbst talking about that scene I think at a fan event last yr or earlier this year. Some of her fans particularly of the Liason variety had met her & asked about Liason. It was on Twitter. 

    Anyways lots of people found that particular scene hot. Myself I can't make a judgment rather it was cause I'm incapable of seeing St. Jase as anything other than a human trash bag. It's why as a Robin FF I could never get into the boy with no past girl with no future epic iconic romance J&R.


  5. 1 hour ago, John said:

    Actually love scenes on Daytime soaps are considered simulated sexuality. How come no one is yelling at Steve Burton for not doing love scenes or even getting shirtless but AS & JS have to be fired for the same? 

    Production at GH seems to have no issues with AS & JS request so I do not see it as a big deal. 

    Here you go showing us you've no idea wtf you're talking about. Steve Burton has gotten tons of smoke from fans especially on message boards and Twitter over his don't take his shirt off policy & not doing love scenes. He has been roasting by fans & non fans over it. In his defense which I feel dirty doing he has done love scenes despite that stupid stance. See Britt & Sexcio as Jasam fans call it. It's why his shirt coming off for Britt wasssss such a big deal. 

    You know what they say about assuming😏 

  6. 8 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Uh, Sami would like a word with you about your list. 

    And Belle. My girl was mouthy as hell as a teen not in the same vain as Sami & Holly where Marlena & Nicole are justified in knocking them into next week but she had mouth.

    But you know who didn't play that [!@#$%^&*]? Bo. I remember him grabbing Shawn up a couple times especially in the church during the JT/Issac story. He grabbed him up by the collar of his shirt like I raised your ass the last thing you're going to do is disrespect me & your mamma.

    I always thought Marlena had the Black mamma vibe in her based on that scene with Sami after she was exposed at her almost wedding to The Human dumb bell that was Austin. Sami was salty and jealous of Carrie marrying Austin and Marlena being supportive of them. She finally pushed Marlena to far that was the 2nd crack in the jaw Sami deserved. Mar Mar always came across as I brought you into this world and I will take your ass out to. I got to credit to Dee Hall cause she has this firey commanding force onscreen that makes me believe she is that type of mamma.

  7. 5 hours ago, Lye-C said:

    The reason why they fell out matters. Hopefully it’ll make people look at Rogers in a different light.

    I long for the days when Maggie only appeared once every couple of months and when Julie was on one of her many cruises. 

    Sandy hasn’t been heard from in 40+ years.

    Days is not trying to appeal to senior citizens who still remember long-ago characters. It would make much more sense to use this actress as an Allie recast or Sydney or a Claire recast. 

    Why in the [!@#$%^&*] would we care what a bunch of old people do in their real life that has nothing to do with what goes on onscreen?

    Why would anyone look at Roger's differently cause she slept with a single man some damn 30 yrs ago just cause he happened to be Dee ex husband? I promise you don't know one give a damn about that old pot belly bat. I promise this an'it the hill too die on.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Well if you count the wife it's 3.😂

    Agree on all. I was thinking the same.

    Ron was there but I didn't want to post pics of him or Greg Rikaart.

    They had Greg and Peter at the same table for signing autographs.🙄

    🤣😂You ain't never letting that go. The 20+ age gap is suspect. Like baby girl is young and he near middle age. But whatever makes him happy do you, we will see how long it lasts 

  9. 5 hours ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    It's ridiculous, right??  Lol.  However, it's when they're at their best it seems . . . even way back in the day with JC & KS, their first Jan breakup and makeup was really good.  Since their 2015 returns, they've been pretty boring, but they've also been so periphery.  But every time they make up (like I'm really thinking about the JPLPhilip and EJ/Jan stuff), it does feel so right.  I wish they could figure out how to effectively use them and keep them  interesting together and apart, but manage to keep them endgame.

    I find Tripp totally fine.  That's all.  

    The Jan breakup was so good, esp the acting. Kirsten & Jason ate, especially KS, and while I liked the reunion at the last blast, I believe she took him back too quickly. Days just through them back together like nothing. It seems to be a theme with Shelle. Jan, Phil2x, EJ.

    It's weird how the tables have turned with Shawn and Belle. Shawn used to take Belle for granted, like a motherfùcker in the OG days. The Jan [!@#$%^&*], the Cassie [!@#$%^&*], I wanted Belle to jaw him in his [!@#$%^&*].  Now Belle takes him for granted cheats on him like it's the most normal thing in the world. I did like the affair wth JKJ Phil it is MM best chemistry

  10. 41 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I think it's clear KS has gained weight.  That's a fact-she needed to gain some.  She looked almost skeletal about 10 years ago.  I obviously can't speak for her and have no knowledge of what's going on, but I think KS thinks covering up makes it less noticeable instead of just wearing clothing that is flattering to her completely normal figure.   I think being an actress since she was young and an actress that was extremely thin most of her career affects her comfortability being in clothes and the choices she makes when deciding what to wear.  But I am just a person on a soap board speculating so take that for what it is.  

    That is an interesting take might be on to something. Well said 

  11. 53 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Because I think it's Kirsten Storms making the decision, which is not what should be happening. She shouldn't be dressing as herself but as the character she plays. Maxie was not an all-black wearing person, either. Maxie wore colour.

    I feel like it's a re-decorated set that we've seen multiple times. But Frank Valentini is known for really making budget work.

    I never seen anything to indicate that she dresses like that in RL which is why I blame wardrobe 


    50 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    She looked really nice in it and I hope she keeps going in that direction.  I don't think it's all wardrobe but also on KS as well as far as her choices.  Not her about her weight which is fine, but it seems she feels the need to wear baggy outfits or overly cover up.

    I know she has skin issues but that has been going on for a good 6 yrs. If it is her doing I don't know why she feels the need to do it. All I know is her wardrobe has been terrible since Paxie.

  12. 5 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Maxie actually wore a nice and flattering dress as well.  I don't understand why KS doesn't always dress like that.

    They dress her so terrible because "her weight". It's insulting actually she's not fat, she is curvy there is a nice way to dress folks who are not a size 2 or thin. She don't dress like that in RL.

    Look at how they do Genie since she came back in 93 way unflattering.

  13. No one in the 20/30 set is any fun. Nobody goes to the club or bar and hang out, drink and party. Ani't noone being messy, scheming. It's just all babies all the time it's like all they can write. My fav it's stuck with one kid too many & they don't bother to show them unless it's some plot point [!@#$%^&*]. I wish she can go back to scheming and messiness 

    It's like they decided everyone needed babies and couldn't do [!@#$%^&*] anymore but birth children. It's really insulting that they just see them as anchors to pop out babies.

  14. Did it ever occur to Brooklyn that maybe Chase is hanging around Sasha cause she is supportive of him & his career as a cop? Where else Brook is a unsupportive childish [!@#$%^&*] who only cares about her ridiculous ass music career. This story is trash.

    Chase needs to [!@#$%^&*] or get off the pot. If she won't support you wanting to be a cop and not a musician then leave her for good.

  15. 1 hour ago, j swift said:

    Forgive me for harping on the same issue repeatedly, but when I look at the Barash's wedding photos the first thing I see is my pet peeve of an aging actor with a receding hairline, still coloring his hair with a single process dye.  My tip is that if you're going to publish photos of your marriage to someone a generation younger than you, ditch the dye, it's not fooling anyone.

    Damn 🤣😅

  16. 10 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Well, it was very Nicole like lol. She was always insecure to the point that she would sometimes come off as selfish or kinda stupid.

    But I didn’t mind it. It’s gives the storyline a different and interesting dynamic.

    Do you think Nicole putting on a brave front & not being her own worst enemy for once would be different? Like she genuinely supports Eric/Jada while fighting those insecurities deep down inside her.


  17. 14 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Was Gabi going hooking today? That dress was crazyyy short. And in November, no less. Poor girl must be freezing 😂😂

    I did really like all the relationships on display in today's show. Eric/Brady, EJ/Johnny, Nicole/Chloe. Jada could really use a friend or family member right now. 

    Lol why do they dress her like that? She stay looking like she hooking if she don't do nothing else.

    Speaking of Chloe/Nicole I now she pushed back on what Nicole was saying but next time I need her to drag her ratched ass for filth. Deep down Nicole ani't nothing but a insecure backstabbing ratched ho ass woman child who so damn selfish she makes Sami look good. She claims to love Eric but can't accept his child with anyone else to the point of trying to drive his baby mother to have an abortion & wish it never existed. That ani't love she cares more about keeping him then actually caring about him & loving his child he had when he wasn't with her.

    Eric has never had a issue accepting Holly as his own while dating Nicole and Married to her. He considered as we know Holly his daughter his child DNA be damned. While he screwed that up and abandoned them with his Africa trip, it doesn't negate his love for Holly. So when he blast Nicole for sticking her nose where it didn't belong I hope he brings this rightfully up

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