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Posts posted by MagicHappens

  1. Tracy & Scott were a breath of frsh air yesterday. I'm FF-ing through most days.

    I agree, they act a little more comfortable & flirty with each other when Luke is not around. I think it's just a kind of "you can't b.s. me, I've been there with you" attitude that ex-lovers can have with each other.

  2. Thanks for the article TracyLuv!

    Hope your son's eyes are ok, Hooked.

    Yes, we was robbed - no Tracy & Scott scene as spoiled for today - guess we have to wait til tomorrow. I'm sure they had to make room for many important mobular scenes instead.

    I saw Harry Potter Sun night. It was kind of "scenes from Book 5", nothing in depth (still good, though). I think they went through the first 2 chapters in 10 seconds. Guess as the books get longer they have no choice or the movies would be 4 hours long.

    BTW, I would not recommend this one for young children. They will be scared or bored.

    The books age with Harry, so this one, when he's 15, is more apporpriate for teens.

  3. From SoapZone:

    **** Next week: Scott and Tracy run into the unexpected bombshell.

    Me: maybe all these spoilers are just that they find Logan & Lulu together? I can't figure out what they could find that would change lives, as wubs spoiled. ****

  4. For those without SoapNet, here's a transcript from GHH2 for the missing scenes on Friday:

    Tracy: You really are a vile excuse for a human being.

    Scott: Have you ever heard the expression "you catch more flies with honey"?

    Tracy: Doesn't apply to snakes.

    Scott: Listen to me, Tracy, if you want me to drop these charges against you, you better stop insulting me and tell me where Luke took Laura.

    Tracy: You know, I don't like Laura very much, but I would never willingly subject her to the likes of you.

    Scott: Better me than the guy that raped her. Luke has no respect for Laura, otherwise he wouldn't have dragged her out of the hospital and taken her on the lam!

    Tracy: You have been calling Luke a deadbeat for years because you think he can't be bothered to take care of his wife and his children. But all along, you were the one avoiding your responsibilities, and I have proof.

    Scott: Oh --

    Tracy: So, either you drop the charges against me and have the doctors release me immediately, or the whole world is going to find out about your long-lost -- check that -- your long-abandoned son.

    Lulu: You know Scott Baldwin is your father, don't you? That's why you helped Maxie blackmail him. And it wasn't about the money, it was about getting even with him for bailing on you and your mom.

    Tracy: My private investigator was beyond thorough. In here are phone records, credit card receipts, even a lease agreement -- all of which places you in Hollingsbeck, Texas, in 1984.

    Scott: Those records are about as real as your brother's will, which you forged. And don't even try and deny that, Tracy. I know how -- how Spencer's mind works. He saw this opportunity to cash in on your brother's death and he took it, and he used you to do it -- just like he used you to kidnap Laura.

    Tracy: Luke has some flaws. However, to the best of my knowledge, he has never walked out on a pregnant woman. And the pregnant woman you walked out on, by the way -- her name was, um, Jaclyn -- Jaclyn Hayes.

    Scott: How many times has Luke taken off in your marriage without so much as a goodbye? You know why? Because he can't be tied down to a wife, to kids, to a job! He is truly a deadbeat, where me, on the other hand -- I've embraced fatherhood all my life. You know, when I found out that Karen was my daughter, my biggest regret was I didn't find out earlier. And when she was taken from me in that car accident, a piece of me was taken. But thank God, you know, I got Serena. She is the apple of my eye, Tracy.

    Tracy: Mm-hmm. And the heir to a sizable fortune, which goes a long way to explaining your devotion.

    Scott: Don't you ever question my love for Serena, never!

    Tracy: Ok, well, if you love being a pop so much, why'd you turn your back on your only son?

    Scott: This blackmail is not going to work. I do not have a son!

    Lulu: Does Scott even know about you?

    Logan: Baldwin knew my mother was pregnant. That didn't stop him from skipping town on us.

    Lulu: So you -- you haven't told him that you're his son?

    Logan: What difference would that make? Baldwin knows he's got a kid walking around the world somewhere. But the loser never bothered to pick up the phone, or take two seconds to -- to just answer one of my mother's letters. The bottom line is he -- he just didn't want the hassle, so he pretended like we didn't exist. What I can't figure out is how did -- how did you put this together?

    Lulu: Scott is threatening to charge my stepmother with kidnapping charges unless she, um, tells him where my mom is. So -- so she hired a private investigator to get some dirt on him and -- and use it as leverage. So that's what --

    Logan: You want me to be the leverage? That's what this is about? You can for-- you can forget that.

    [Lulu sighs]

    Lulu: Logan, Logan, wait, wait, wait --

    Spinelli: Halt, simian! What -- what have you done to upset the fair Lulu?

    Lulu: He didn't do anything. I was just an insensitive jerk and I am sorry.

    Spinelli: Please tell me that what just happened in the hallway was a figment of my imagination, or that my alarmingly low blood sugar caused my ears to deceive me, because there was no way that the simian one deserves an apology from you. In fact, he is so far beneath you on the evolutionary scale that you guys aren't even in the same species.

    Lulu: Ok, I appreciate that, but I don't need to be protected. Logan didn't do anything wrong, I should've been more sensitive.

    Spinelli: Ok, I guess it would be dismaying to learn that the earthworm, Baldwin, is anyone's parental unit. But in the case of the unworthy one, the crabby apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

    Logan: You know what? I've had just about enough of your crap.

    Lulu: Stop it, stop it, both of you. That was uncalled for. Yes, Logan has an attitude, but even at his worst, he is nothing like his father. Scott Baldwin killed Rick Webber and let my mom take the blame. He drove her to a breakdown, and has filed for custody so that my dad will never see her again. Scott Baldwin is a liar and a coward, so to say Logan is anything like his father is just cruel.

    Logan: Baldwin's not my father. He's just some guy who got my mother pregnant and bailed.

    Lulu: Yes, and you've been taking it out on the world ever since. How is that working out for you? That's what I thought. So the way that I see it is you have two choices, ok? You can either let the anger continue to build up inside of you, or you can do something about it. So what's it going to be?

    Scott: Well, Tracy, you certainly have done your research.

    Tracy: Isn't it amazing what you can dig up with a little incentive and a whole lot of money?

    Scott: Well, you know what? You wasted a whole lot of money and a lot of time. Because all this proves is that I was in Hollingsbeck, Texas, in the 1980s. I certainly would know if I had fathered a son down there.

    Tracy: You do, which is why you're working so hard to cover your butt.

    Scott: I -- I do not have a son!

    Tracy: Ok, well, you can tell that to the press, and while you're at it, I'm sure they'll be amused to find out that you left him in a trailer park in Hollingsbeck, Texas.

    Scott: Ok, ok, ok, enough of this nonsense here. Now, if you want to spend your golden years playing checkers and eating chipped beef on toast in cellblock c, you better tell me where Luke took Laura!

    Tracy: I have no idea.

    Scott: Now, let me remind you again -- I am your only way out of this nut house, Tracy!

    Tracy: And I am your only way of keeping your job. So, either you drop the charges against me, or you're going to be chasing ambulances again.

    Scott: Ah -- come on. Who is going to believe the ramblings of some crazy woman?

    Lulu: I will.

    [scott groans]

    Scott: What's he doing here? Wait a second, is -- is that the loser that you hired to impersonate my son?

  5. MagicHappens, thanks for the link. I'll try it when I get home, because the firewall at work is blocking it.

    As for Scott and Tracy, that ship sailed years ago, imho. They're too much alike, and not enough alike, to work. I'm sorry, but at the bottom of it all, I just don't think Scott likes Tracy all that much. He might lust after her, use her, have fun with her, toy with her--but he really doesn't like her...

    ETA: Wow, I just reread that last paragraph. I'm not trying to be mean--I like Scott, especially when they're not writing him as Jerk du Jour. But I never saw the chemistry between him and Tracy. Perhaps I just haven't seen enough of them together.... With Ashton and Luke, at least, there was always a strong sense of affection under the vitriol--like fighting was a form of foreplay, or at least, heavy petting. With Scott, even when they were making out, it felt aggressive, like one was always trying to roll the other one. I never got the feeling that either of them would have been friends with the other had circumstance not thrown them into bed together. Fey keeps telling me I have to see him with the love of his life (I can't remember the character's name, but I think they had a daughter together.) I really like Kin Shriner, and I like Scott Baldwin in theory. I just don't like the way he treats people--especially the women he sleeps with.

    You're not being mean - like Tracy, he's a complicated character who isn't everyone's cup of tea (and the present writing sucks). Admitedly, I wasn't watching in the 90's so I missed Tracy & Scott. From the clips I saw thanks to the posters here, he was pretty awful to her. Maybe I would just like to see either of these two get some action - together would be nice. IMO, Luke deserves a "surprise" when he's done worshiping at Laura's feet and crawls back to Tracy.

    I tend to like Scott most as a bad boy with a secret heart of gold. (Audio aid: listen to The Who's "Behind Blue Eyes" which GH used for him once when he was arrested for Susan Moore's murder.)

    I also missed him with Dominique, but there's a lot of it on YouTube so I am trying to catch up.

    The best was PC - he was a great single father to Serena, who they never let him mention.

  6. Oh, lawd, I know I'm going to catch hell for this--but can anybody help me find a screen cap of Hunky!Jason from yesterday's episode? (In the tank top with the steam coming at him?) My coworker wants a .jpg of it to use on her cell phone, and I told her I'd find one. Of course, I have no idea where to look for images of beefy straight men barely dressed.....

    Try this site - it may take her a day or two, but she usually does daily caps.


    ETA: I just love Tracy & Scott's scenes. I wish all that energy would lead something else!

  7. Wait, wait, wait...back that up. Genie came up with this whole Logan is Scott's son and will fall for Lulu thing? Where did you hear that? I'm so confused. Everything I've read points to them not yet even calling Genie to invite her back again as Laura, so why are they getting story ideas from her? More back story please! (If you have it). :)

    When Kin came back in January, a few of the more reliable sites, GHFF, wubs, and I think Carol at SoapZone reported that when Genie was on in Nov, she suggested the storyline that they pitched to Kin to get him back. I remember that she was always raving about Julie Marie/Lulu, so it seems to me that the story she sugested was probably Lulu & Scott's son.

    I doubt it was anything we have seen so far, because Kin said in an early interview that we will see a better side of Scott this time, redeeming him. They didn't tell him that Scott had killed Rick Webber til after he was back and filming. He had just given an interview saying Scott would never kill anyone, so that wasn't it. (TIIC shafted you again, Shriner!)

    And you are correct, they haven't called Genie to come back at all because they are complete SOB's. As she says, why should they pay her when they can use the wig? I'm sure her original idea had Laura involved in some way.

  8. Oh, no, he DI-IN'T!

    Puhlease tell me I read that wrong in the SZ Live post.

    Scott Baldwin did not just

    refer to these as Tracy's "Golden Years."

    The inevitable follow-up question is, of course, can he still walk???


    Ok, now you see how this could have (should have) been Dillon instead of Logan?

    Dillon was involved with Lulu, as Logan will be, setting up the classic Romeo & Juliet storyline.

    Tracy is the one who has this tidbit about Scott. If Scott had been Dillon's father, Tracy would have been the one who knew.

    Dillon was supposed to solve the attic mystery according to all the spoilers, which would have set up the same conflicts for him with Scott as Logan has had. Dillon got yanked off the attic storyline around the same time SC started to renegotiate his contract.

    Suddenly, Logan appears out of nowhere, looking for his absentee father. But first, he was described as Logan DRAKE - allegedy an unknown brother for Patrick (the Drake s/l is still being spoiled for the future).

    Just IMO, but I think they hired this actor as a failsafe in case SC didn't renew his contract. Then he did such a good Kin imitation that they "went for it" and SC got bupkis.

    They never would have gotten Kin back with this lame Laura storyline. Supposedly, Genie Francis came up with the storyline that brought Kin back. That had to be Laura's daughter & Scott's son.

  9. Tracy should be on today according to GHH2's spoiler page:


    6/27 Jason learns from Diane that he has been granted bail.

    Jason gets an urgent call from Carly and leaves right in the middle of his discussion with Sam,

    much to Sam's fury.

    Tracy's step daughter is there for her once more. :)

    Lulu talks Nik into keeping quiet about Jake's paternity.

    Alexis runs into Jerry and learns that he doesn't trust Carly and that he intends

    to prove to Jax why he shouldn't either.

    Scott pays Tracy a visit. :D

    True feelings are revealed in a dream.

  10. Speculation on what MagicHappens said.

    I think they will find a way to strike a deal with Scott, so that he drops the charges. They'll probably find evidence of the murder, which they can use as leverage. Of course, it will come out that Tracy knew and didn't tell Luke, which certainly can cast a shadow on their reunion. My speculation is that Luke will return, Laura still catatonic & hidden, when he finds out that Scott killed Rick. He will work with somebody (maybe Nik?) to find proof, and when he does, he blackmails Scott into dropping the charges, releasing guardianship to Nikolas, and helping to spring Tracy from Shadybrook. This way, Scott doesn't leave the show, Luke returns, Laura is still up in the air, and LuNacy have serious marital issues to deal with.....

    Good theory - I like it!

  11. Finally got a chance to check in. Thanks for the recaps, I'm a day behind in my GH DVR watching. Love all the attention Tracy is getting.

    Speculation: I hate to bring this up so early in TG's vacation, but I've been thinking: how is Luke going to be able to come back? If he shows up alone, or with Laura still catatonic, he will be arrested. The only way to avoid that would be if Laura is recovered and she won't press charges. Scott could still press charges of course, but Laura would probably let him know she remembers that he killed Ric to keep him from having Luke arrested. Maybe that's why GF is doing the Medifast spokesperson thing - to lose weight before she returns to GH?

    So where does that leave Tracy? Maybe Scott & Tracy would team up to keep L&L apart after all. Anyway, I read an interview with Guza where he said that Scott will be amajor player this summer, so I figure we will have Logan turn out to be Scott's son, and Scott & Tracy involved in the budding L&L3 romance.

    I just hope they humanize Scott more. Everyone is written like a stereotype on this show.

  12. I just wanted to let you all know that I was on Soaps in Depth webpage, doing my daily vote of Luke and Tracy as best actors and couple, when I noticed that the instant poll to the left of my page was about "our" couple. It went something like this:

    Should Luke settle down with Tracy and forget Laura?

    *no! Laura is the love of his life!

    *you betcha! get over it already, Luke!

    So as of today the later answer is ahead, :D so I am posting the link to the webpage. Its not a direct link, but the question will eventually come up as you click to each page. (does that makes sense??) trust me you will evenually come upon it!


    OMG! It's 65 - 35 in favor of LuNacy! I can't believe it. :lol:











    I'm so p-o'ed that Dillon will probably be written off. Between that and TG being off screen June - October, what is going to happen to Tracy? If they would keep Logan being Scott's son, we could still have some scenes with Scott & Tracy and L&L3. But I think Logan is now going to be Sonny's spawn. <_<

    GHH2 says that the Laura guradianship courtroom scenes were pushed back to early June because they had to add a lot of Craig/Jerry scenes once they signed him. I swear they write this show on the way to work everyday.

  14. Just a random observation, since I don't think we got any Q's today:

    What I love about the Q's is that they were all fighting amongst themselves about Luke trying to get Laura, but the second Scott walked in they all united against him. Monica told him he has no business getting custody, and Edward even offered to pay him off :blink:

    I do believe they are starting to accept Tracy's husband as one of the family. ;)

  15. Love this from Karen at Wubs in her WubTub Blog:

    Oh, Tracy so loves Luke, doesn't she? This is about the only perfect relationship that Guza's gotten right. Tracy and Luke are just so right for the circumstances. We know the whole "Luke and Laura" thing, but the Tracy and Luke thing FITS!

  16. <Rolling aside the rock from the cave I've been hibernating in all through the last 5 episodes>

    Did someone say Tracy??? And Scott??? Luke? Bobbie? Q's???!!!

    OMG a reason to watch the DVR tomorrow!

    Thanks for such detailed recaps, Ms Q. You are the best!!!!

    Scotty tells Bobbie that her heart's in the right place, but she's wrong.

    If only Boobie had whipped open her blouse and reminded him what that heart is sitting under, maybe she could have made him forget all about Laura (again).

  17. Now did we have any old Scott/Tracy clips here besides the "desk" one?

    I'd love to see them if we do.

    Jane looked lovely today. :)

    I loved seeing her. :)

    Me, too. :) Unfortunately, the sendspace clips expire after a week. I was searching through YouTube yesterday, but can't find any. I did find Live To Tell by Ms Q and it's just beautiful!

    I loved the scenes in the MetroCourt. TG & JE are just such great actors. LMAO at Tracy saying, "Gee you're hot when your whiney."

    And Luke finally said it. Marrying Tracy was the smartest thing he ever did (and the writers, too)! He didn't say "since I lost Laura". He said "ever".

    Could it be the writers are finally ready to let L&L move on with their lives?

  18. Breakdowns, anyone? For those of us who are not supposed to be here? :D

    I'm so beside myself at this point. Please tell me they go all the way.

    Here's all I got from SOC (thanks to recaps by MyMommaSaid) - I think the scene continues tomorrow:








    Tracy and Luke are at the MC and its soooooo gooooooood.




    Tracy and Luke have a verbal spar.

    Tracy admits she is in love with Luke.




    Tracy and Luke are drinking at the bar, he says he will never apologize for marrying her. Tracy and Luke are really cool together, I think they are going to get drunk and do it.Luke says Tracy changed his life and marrying her was the smartest thing he ever did.




    And in response to my post about LuNacy, she said, "You will be very happy with the scenes today!!"

  19. So, on two conditions, I think I may want Tracy/SCott from here on out. *runs from Lainey*

    Provided that:

    Number one, that he did not kill RW after all, or that he did it in self defense.

    Number two, that he forget his obsession with Laura. (which makes no sense, anyway).

    Oh yes...and he needs to be on contract.

    With those criteria fulfilled....I think Stacy could be HAWT.

    (me...just finished rewatching the Scott/Tracy scenes from last week.

    HELLO ! I still see something there.

    Yeah...I can't sleep.

    I definitely see it, too. But I think it's just the way Scott interacts with women he's slept with.

    I see it with Scott & Bobbie, too.

    That quadrangle sounds interesting. Scott always used to flirt with Skye back when he was DA.

    And it might feed some LuNacy jealousy considering Luke/Skye & Tracy/Scott's past.

    IMO, Luke doesn't know about Tracy & Scott, or he would have thrown it up to her during the who's scamming who argument.

    So I've read all the spoilers and I see no Scott or Tracy for next week at all, and a small mention of Luke with Sonny (who cares?) :angry:

    Of course, if we get our Metrocourt scene on Monday, maybe it wouldn't be in the new spoilers because it was already in last week's spoilers?

  20. I'm so damn busy at work I can't say much, other than how much I loved the outcome of yesterday's scenes. Luke looked like a panicked child who had crossed the line once too often and suddenly realized he is about to blow the best thing he's had in decades.

    I felt like I could see Tracy carrying the weight of every crappy relationship she's suffered through, from Mitch to Paul, on her back and finally shaking it all off and standing up for herself.

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