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Posts posted by knh

  1. so i rarely get to stop by anymore but with the mess that's been going on i feel the need to chime in. I very much don't want this to be a luke is under some kind of control story. I much rather think it's going to be bill. Here's why: (sorry if some of this has been said b/c I have only skimmed)

    1) "luke" is turning his back on everyone who has meant anything to him- sonny has been his best friend for decades, alexis is a dear friend and he couldn't care less what happens with her family, doesn't seem to actually care much about his nephew lucas, and clearly tracy is not high on his list

    2) they are completely rewritting history. they are already saying he has been controlling things for a long time running so it can't be since luke's capture. this means he has been playing tracy for years and he has always been trying to take down sonny. As far as tracy goes, cmpletely aside from the romance part of their story, the one thing she has always had is that she is the best business woman of the bunch, since she joined the show. She has always tracked down, through PIs or not, everything luke has done with her money. We are now supposed to believe that all the years he would have been ripping her off and trying to get control of ELQ and she wouldn't have found out where the money was going or that it was funding the mob again?

    I guess I kind of condenced my reasons into those 2 but it basically covers it. Plus Bill coming back will give TG a chance to play something totally different without messing with a story like L&T that really works and they both love doing. and they get an easy out for him for the vacay and a story of how to get him back. While that has been done for his disappearences I think the focus woudln't really be on that, rather Bill's reappearence in town. they can always easily bring ned back with a real story to be involved in with the ELQ angle. they have been doing a lot of bringing the old characters and the classics out for well over a year now. i know the last bits of this aren't new to the posts but they all still support my view

    that's my 2 cents....

  2. ^^^ Oh ok. I think that's Dawn's wedding shower you are talking about. I will try and get those clips uploaded for you later tonight.





    *Once you click the above link, click on the blue lettered link that says, "click here to start download from sendspace"*

    *The clip where they arrive at Monica's with a gift is at the very end of the 1-11-91 clip. There's a bunch of Q living room stuff with TrAsh, Lucy, Scotty, Alan, and Lila etc., beforehand.

    thanks so much for those!!!!!

    hooked- sorely disappointed with that news but not surprised

  3. Yes I have them, if you can play MOV files. I'm not in the business of converting to WMV files for people anymore. Could you be more specific about the Monica/Dawn clip? What is she wearing or where in the above clip is it. I can't really watch the whole huge clip right now to figure it out.

    yeah!!! i had lost all my clips a while back when i had replaced my computer after it crashed. I have spent forever getting all these clips back but i can't find any of these. so much for things staying on the internet forever, huh?! no worries about what type of file, i will find a way to make them work. I feel like i am forgetting a few clips but i won't make you go nuts. The clip when they go see monica may be hard b/c i don't know how much detail i can give you. monice is in a purple suit and she asnwers the door to ashton and tracy. they brought a gift and said they are looking to see dawn, with a fake "what a shame me missed her" kind of thing in ther. that's all i know, sorry. but thank you so so much!!

  4. Hooked- i actually just saw that video the other day, i like that one:)

    Aw, that makes me want to take out all my old TrAsh clips and watch them. I guess I know what I'll be doing during the Tracy draught.

    I love TrAsh!!! wub.png

    Halee- it looks like you may have been the person i was looking for:) i knew someone here must still have a stash of those old TrAsh clips! any shot you have the ones i was looking for? the one after the elq tracy explosion when she is dancing around drunk with ashton at the gatehouse, and the one when he makes tracy breakfast. also if you have it, the one when they go to monica's to see dawn. it's in the video above. thanks so much

    i love what we have had so far but i can't believe we are going to have a draught already!! also i need some tracy lovin going on. As much as the old writters annoyoed us, when they did have the scenes that were worth it it was almost always somehow tracy and luke lovin or expressing it in some way. now tha they are back together we can't just get clips that might as well be friend scenes. i'm sure we will have something good but really? already with the draught? they just hooked them up

  5. What operating system are you on. I am on Windows 7 & it works fine for me.

    i was on windows 7 but i think when i had a virus it may have been switched to a different windows when it was fixed. i found a different system so at least i got that video uo. thanks anyway though:)

  6. Hey Knh I am about to be in your shoes in about a month. Try not to get discouraged. I am a theatre major, working an internship at a theatre, I am in a play right now and I have research project due in less than a month. I am tired and overwhelmed sometimes. I am doing administrative work at the theatre. I have been exposed to people in the business, sponsors and patrons. I want to act, but. the exposure I am getting is valuable. Whomever you talk to; get a business card from them and give them one. When appropriate, tell them what you want to do. They may have connections. Try not to feel desperate, even though you are. People smell fear and desperation. Find something you enjoy doing in your spare time and devote a little time to it. You have to take time to have something to balance you. You probably feel guilty enjoying yourself; when you need a job. All work and no play...you know the rest. Go to gallery openings, wine tastings, events at the library, etc; just find a place where people are mingling. Be willing to take something field related that can get you in the door. Talk to local high schools and universities, churches, radio stations; just talk!

    I found this website last year, that was made by a writer/director of soaps. Her name is Susan Dansby. She wrote and directed for ATWT and writes for Y&R. Read it and really listen to what she is saying. She has 4 daytime Emmys! It is very insightful and encouraging. Here is her site: http://yougetthatjob.com/ How Did You Get That Job

    Here is an audio interview


    I do not have a concrete plan for you right now. Think it, feel it, and be it; it will find you. When I find out more; I will let you know.

    thanks so much, just kind of needed to vent about all that but a little encouragement was nice:)

    part of my problem is that i don't currently live in the city. i am in CT so i am trying to get any job right now to at least be in the right location for all this. i still need my health insurance with diabetes so it's hard to leave what i have when there isn't something lined up. Oh well- just going to have to wait and do what i can from where i can for the time being. i hear ya, and again, thanks so much for the support and the encouragement- it just gets a little frustrating when im 29 and have now had a few years of this. just frustrating. as far as those link I am definately going to take a look. i hope they'll be helpful but they seem like a good resource!

    as for the potential stories- i am completely in love with the story of tracy having a long lost daughter but i don't want it to be ellie or someone on the show now. I am all for bringing a newbie for this. I kind of invision something replacing the abortion story, but not in a tracy lied kind of way b/c that was such a big deal thing and a bonding moment for her and lulu that a lie would be horrible at this point. i want t]giving the baby up to have been so traumatic for her that she sort of replaced the memories with an imagined reality. this way she thought the baby was just gone entirely and not potentially walking around somewhere she didn't know about. i don't know why that's the story i have in mind but it is. also- i just really can't stand ellie. i liked her in the beginning but now she is just a meddling know it all and she gets annoying very fast. plus i don't think she pulls off the geek talk with the same comedic flair that spinelli does. and i want grandma tracy. i would feel bad for maxie but i i would like the other story too. what's funny to me is that i don't particularly care if lulu gets the baby from the mothering standpoint, i just want the grandma tracy and grandpa luke part of it.

    one more favor to ask everyone. i have definately asked for these episodes before but since new people come to this site and, like me, old ones come back i figured i'd check again. does anyone have old school tracy and ashton epis? i am looking for the one after the elq tracy explodes and tracy has the party at the gate house. I have that one but i'm looking for the day after. she and ashton are getting super drunk after they find out it sunk and she dances around the gatehouse like a goof.

    also the episode where he makes her breakfast. I don't remember anything else about that one so i can't be more specific. really anything old tracy and ashton, i guess:)

    thanks as always guys!!

    night all!

  7. Knh, I use Realplayer, which is now called Real Player Cloud http://www.real.com/. You can use it in the cloud and also download the cloud player to your computer. You can watch vids on your phone, tablet, pc, or Roku. If you use it and don't understand something, let me know. I like it a lot.

    this isn't letting me download it either. or i guess it downloads but it won't open. I keep getting amessage that says it's not compatible with winds so run it agains the original play, whatever that means since i haven't had it before. so confused, I hate this stuff

    so i had applied for a bunch of theater jobs b/c until i can get over the crippling stage fright i'd like to be in the art departments/set design. as some of you know i've been applying for a good few years. i knwo what should be the right people, I have a few cousins on both coasts that do this on TV and movies, actors, producers, ect. it goes back and forth with some telling me it should be a problem at all to get ajob and i don't need to be part of the union (that costs 3500.00 to get into btw, craziness) and saying i do need to join. That's bad enough b/c it's never right no matter who i speak to and no one seems to be able to help get me into anything. i have applied everywhere on my own, aside from what they were trying to help with. I keep getting replies with "we appreciate your interest but your experience does not fit blah blah blah" there in lies my problem. I can't get hired without it but I can't even get volunteering jobs without the experience. this is getting just plain ridiculous. I don't know what i'm supposed to do now. CALLING ALL THEATER PEEPS....... what the hell is my next step???

  8. argh!!! so i'm trying to save a video to my computer... I know i know- i shouldn't be taking a vid from youtube, but there it is so that's what i'm doing. I couldn't do it for some reason b/c something was blocking it so I can't figure out what to do:( also in trying to get the vid i went to a site to rip videos and tried to downloan a thing to do it. Not only did i not actually complete the downloan b/c it wasn't compatible but it loaded a bunch of extra crap that messed with my setup and home page and now I can't even delete what was downloaded so far.... i hate computers.

    not to stay entirely off subject, i'll switch gears- LOVING tracy and the baby in a big way. super cute

    now just in case anyone does have this video can someone give me a hint how to fix this mess and get it?

  9. I am in rehearsal for a play at school, interning at the local theatre, and have an audition coming up at said theatre. I do not have a job yet. I will call be w9rkiñg on that. Yes, school drives me mad! Grad school? My brain is on overload!!

    Waves to *knh, remos, hookedongh*

    waving back!!! i hope i actually have time to stick around for a bit now:) Still looking for a job so not very likely but i'll see how much time I have.

    I don't remember who asked but i've been loving AHS. jane would be fantastic on it but i'mloving what we have now. also i love when i see my patti lupone on anything so i can't wait for more of that, but yes- it's been very entertaining.

    as for GH- i am just a happy happy girl, as anyone can imagine b/c they are BACK!!! :)

    if anyone is able to do me a favor PLEASE tweet or share or whatever you want to do with my facebook page for my art. I need to get some kind of exposure and I don't have enough people on with that to get anything out. i need some extra dollars.


  10. hi everyone!!! i've been gone for quite a while but i'm finally catching up on the last few weeks of episode.

    so who had faith that my faves would be back together?!?! anybody? SUCH a happy girl right now. so so psyched over luke and tracy and I think they did it very nicely. there has been more than enough time between luke and any other match he's had that tracy is not the second place afterthought, or at least looking like one. i'll have to see where they take this but couldn't be happier, i KNEW they'd get them back

  11. I have always loved these two together - hope we get more of them (and of course, Luke's reaction to Robert spending time with his Spanky. Turn about is fair play.)

    Same here. U have no idea how much I'd love these two to get together, however temporarily, and have to it get at Luke, not that they get together TO get at him. They have always had some chemistry so I think it'd be a lot of fun

  12. I don't know much, but Tracy was on today and I beleive she shared scenes with Robert! :)

    Can't wait to watch later!!

    Ill be getting all my glasses and things together for the sale tomorrow so ill be busy for a bit. Hope they actually do well tomorrow. Could definitely use the income

  13. Thanks partyperson, hooked, and halee for the birthday wishes. :)

    halee, it did get better, thank goodness. I think I had pulled a muscle in my forearm, and that's what was causing the pain.

    I think Tracy is in the day by day spoilers for tomorrow, so she should be on. :)

    It's a few posts back but I don't want u to think I forgot about you!! Happy belated birthday ms. Q!!

  14. knh, fingers crossed. smile.png

    partyperson, you are totally fine with your obsessing. This is the Tracy thread. We have over 1400 pages of obsessing, and it would be more had the forum hadn't crashed in the past. But if you're worried, just pick a random page in this thread, and find one of my posts. Chances are I'll be writing about Tracy's wardrobe and listing the other dates she last wore it - haha... I was really obsessed with that in the past.

    Actually, I was obsessed with a lot of things Tracy-related. I used to have episode dates memorized. I could tell you the date, what Tracy was doing, what she was wearing, and what her hair looked like. I'm unable to do that now though. I've lost my touch. laugh.png

    Same here. I had to ween myself off which is why I ably came back a little while ago!

  15. knh, your work is amazing! biggrin.png

    Loved Tracy/Ned yesterday. So sweet. wub.png I want Wally back on GH.

    Tracy was mentioned today. Michael said she was pretty decent to him, and said they kind of got along until she started pushing for AJ to go to prison. IMO, it always seemed like Tracy was rude to Michael except when she apologized to him about Abby's death... Not that I'm complaining... If Michael wants to support Tracy for CEO, then go for it. smile.png

    Also, here are 2 screencaps from today that show Tracy's picture as CEO of ELQ Industries (and the drawings that AJ added - his hand takes up most of the 2nd screencap). I. Miss. The. Long. Hair.

    I'm trying to figure out when that pic was taken... They usually use something we've seen before, but this is a new pic, but with a jacket she hasn't worn in awhile, and with a hair length that we haven't seen since since late 2007 (if I'm not mistaken). This specific style, though, she had before then...


    LOVED THIS sooo much. thought it was histerical.. don't really know why though... plus it did have the hair in it. Like you said, Ms Q- it is earlier than the cut we all seem to like but still pretty!! i was saying to my mom that i think it's hilerious that everytime they flash a picture or tracy, even on the mantel, it's an older picture with a ton of pretty hair! maybe theyr are trying to subliminal message her to death- when will she get it?!

    everyone keep their fingers crossed for me. don't know if it will get me anywhere but i sent my resume and the link for my full portfolio (as well as an embarrassingly personaly letter about the lack of luck and help i need) to a director of a theater program in NYC. i had her personal email through a friend of my cousin's and i have spoken to her in the past. When i say I spoke to her really it means she wasn't nasty and just blew me off. hasn't been helpful yet but she is at least super nice about it so hopefully she'll answer and at the very least point me in the right direction.

    also 1 week lefty till this freakin holiday sale for those glasses and ornaments. hopefully i can sell some of them. the other one i did everyone walked in, loved them, and then said in front of me as the walked out "i should try that at home" ????! huh.png what now?!?! so i did a rediculous ton of them and literally i sold 3, 2 of which went to my incle for his wife..... and then i had to claim taxes on $30!! i need to make some freakin money so lets all collectively cross some fingers... pretty please with sugar on top?!

  16. Holy crap!!! You're awesome! I love the glasses btw! How can someone not accept you?!

    Bc they don't even take the time to look at a portfolio. It's a job that they have no reason to take anyone in particular so they Just take anyone. No one even sees my pics

    Thanks though to both if you!

  17. YEAHHH!!!!!! figured it out!!!

    this is what i did so far. i have a ton of celebration and birthday things like this in different colors (all of those basic things have a variety... i was bored with it) and i have a lot of holiday or seasonal things. those tulip glasses I have around 80 of so if anyone wants some let me know.

    just fyi in case anyone does actually ask it's $15 for all glasses but the holiday and wedding party (those are my sister's wedding and bride'smaids dresses)

    holiday are 20-25, wedding are 25-30 depending on how many dresses if anyone does something like that as a gift

    ornaments are $5 a piece


    don't know if anyone can actually get in to see it b/c i can't email the link to this page but IF you can see them it's the ton of glasses on the top of the page

  18. Pp- the plan is to definitely move to la or NYC. More NYC at the moment I think. My problem with just going as some or the others on here know is that in diabetic so I need a job and insurance so I can't just move out there. Unfortunately

    MsQ- thanks for the sites! The middle one does look good. Ill have to try it out when I get home! As far as the jobs I know no one on here can really help with much. I just had to rant for a minute. Thanks though. If that site works ill try Ana get those pics up here with that and try it out on u guys

    Hooked- never heard of it but ill have to try it out

  19. unfortunately i am pretty sure that sendspace has a shelf-life that sin't very long so if these people don't get them right away it's been wasted.... also- sadly, my connections are wasted too. I know art dirctors on both coasts and my cousin is one in NYC. supposed to have been a shoe-in for a job with anderson cooper and THAT fell through so i'm finding her less and less helpful as the time goes on. then again, i guess it's not her job to find me a job

    my cousin had suggested dropbox but that is saving everything in another folder on my computer!!! why do i want it in a second spot?! i'm looking to move it OFF my computer and be able to share it, not to just hide it in a million folders...

    ARRRGHHH...... angry.png more than fed up today

  20. knh Sendspace always works for me

    And I can see why you're so fed up. Always follow your dreams! I have a couple suggestions..Try a talent website,start small in your career and make your way up,find connections,use social media sites (Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Tumblr,Flickr,Myspace,etc) to advertise or promote yourself,ask for help,occasionally pick up business cards...I can get you specifics if needed. I'm glad to help because I used to use a talent website and gave me all kinds of auditions,experiences and gigs.

    i am trying to get into set design/ art department for theater so i think it may work a little differently for the talent website but otherwise they're good suggestions. I have done all of the above. i joined twitter for that exact reason and it's been suggested to me to try to contact people directly via their website or something to see about doing cover art or anything they might need. the trouble is no one runs their own site and for something like twitter they have to friend me before i can send a message. i do have it all set up though. I have done local sales and things like that for my actual "art" but i live in CT so nothing around here helps me be known in NYC and nothing i do around here ahas anything to do with what i am trying to get into. I think i'll just need to bite the bullet and pay the freakin' money but i don't have that much extra to just throw at a union and not even have the jobs yet!!

    anything specific you can give me would be great though!!!

  21. anyone know any good fileshare sites I can use? I need to start loading my resume and portfolio on that to send apps b/c the pics are making the files too big to send in emails

    if there were ever a group who used them I'd figure it was you guys:)

    hooked- i know you suggested one to me a while back but i can't remember it and also i don't know if it was a fileshare or if it was like an external harddrive on a website


    i don't know if these pics will show up but i hope so... otherwise i'll have to find another way to get them on here

    now for my complaints if no one minds reading them.... still on the job search troubles.

    - so after about 3 years of applying to theaters in nyc (all of them, opera, broadway, off broadway.... every damned theater) i finally had one person from Evita call me back but of course I got the 'clearly you're talented but..." speech. though his was a nice "but" speech. he said I need to get in touch with the union who does the hiring. I tried to CALL every theater i could b/c i thought maybe hat was just how that show worked, though i called the union anyway. Evidently they have doctors hours b/c they are closed when i get out of work and i have yet to be able to get in touch with them on a lunch break. theaters don't give their numbers so I tried a back way and get telecharge and see if i can get the number from them. all they could give me was the number for the shubert org. I called THEM and the woman kept saying "well you can't call the theater they won't hire you (i know that that's why I'm calling you) you have to be a member of the union to get a job (again, i know that, how do i join the union?) you have to join the union!!! (.... wtf?) you have to get in touch with someone in the field to get the info (k- let me get patti lupone and i'll figure that out.... cricket... dumb a$$- if i could do that i wouldn't be calling you!).... hang up the phone. so now I have FINALLY gotten in touch with someone at the union and what i was told is to go to the website and it'll tell me what to do to join- they GAVE me the site b/c there are about 500,000 different sections to go to and fields to search. What it told me is that I need how ever much experience and the start up membership fee is $3500!!!!!!!

    WTF- this is such a "you can't get there from here" situation.... what the hell do i do now? I can't get experience ANYWHERE without being in the union and I can't join the union without having it. I want to just call theaters and see if they will take on any volunteer stage hands so I can get my feet wet and learn the biz and get my name on some work.... but I think they frown upon storming the backstage....

    my career choice sucks in a big way!!

    and of course the pics didn't show up. does anyone know how i can just cut and paste them on here? it isn't allowing it it just shows those numbers up top...

    i'll try again soon

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