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Posts posted by Gemini730

  1. One thing I noticed in the last two days with Steve`s interaction with Karen. I love the way David O`Brien conveys tenderness(notice the way he strokes karen`s cheek or touches her face) and gentleness in his portrayal of Steve.

  2. Steve was reformed by the time I started watching in the summer of 1970, so it is also jarring for me to see him as a heel. I too did not llike to see Matt and Maggie split up in the later years. Watchng the shows from 1968, I can feel the chemistry between Steve and Carolee.I guess it takes Steve going through the relationship with the neurotic Karen to appreciate Carolee.

  3. i just started watching The Doctors via the private link sent to me by a friend. I watched the show during the early/mid 1970`s when I was in my middle late teens. I watched during summer, Christmas, Spring vacations with my Mother. During the school year she kept me informed on what was going on with the various storylines. I became more interested in Ryan`s Hope when it debuted on ABC in 1975 and only watched The Doctors now and then. My favorite characters were Steve and Carolee.SPOILERS-It was fascinating to watch Dr. "Playboy Steve" mature from a cad to an honorable man redeemed by his love for sweet, compassionte nurse Carolee Simpson. I don`t have Retro tv on Suddenlink cable and so I`m thankful Retro Tv showing airing the The Doctors and the kindness of the person posting the shows which I watch on my laptop. I look forward to reading and discussing The Doctors with other fans. i love the show`s theme- I downloaded it from Amazon via the link which was posted on this discussion board. God Bless. Lorraine C.

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