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Posts posted by passionsfan

  1. That whole thing was oddly planned. I wonder if it was a scheduling thing with Dana Sparks or the cancellation announcement (that was around that time I think) that caused them to drop the story of the reveal, etc. If the show were still around, I could almost guarantee that Grace would be back.

    I wish JER was still around to explain what he would of done had the show not been cancelled. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't he heading back to do a 3rd stint on DAYS as headwriter before he died? Funny how his script writers managed to fill that position just years later. I wonder is Lisa deCazotte will ever speak about it.

  2. If anyone keeps up with the PassionsTV on youtube, they've just posted the episodes of Ivy crashing Ethan/Theresa and Luis/Sheridan's double wedding. LOVE IT! Ivy was such a strong character. It's a shame that she fell to the backburner for the last four or five years of the show.

    At the point she's at now, I was completely hooked into the show. Never missed a moment. I'm not sure what year this is (I'm thinking 2001), but it's my favorite. Never a dull moment with these episodes.

  3. I know that JER was head writer of Passions, but does that mean he was in complete control over all the storylines, or was input given from the other writers as well? I only ask because 2 of the writers will soon be head writing DAYS, I'm curious if they came up with any of the stuff we saw on the show.

  4. @Chris B- If you started watching after Eve's reveal then you'll definitely enjoy the first few years. I loved the entire run of the show, but I must admit that the beginning was when the show was the best for me. I can't describe it, but it seems like the tone of the show shifted somewhere mid way (probably around the time Josh Ryan Evans died.) Was Timmy around when you started watching? You have many great stories to look forward to, so enjoy! I loved this show.

  5. I LOVED the original Simone, I hated the second one even before I knew she was a recast.

    I really liked the first Simone too. Lena Cardwell was the actress, and the last thing I ever saw her in was Jeepers Creepers 2. Come to think of it, Simone was the only member of the Russell family that was ever recast.

    I also think Eve was the only one with a past that legitimately ended up with the right person because of it. I came to like the "Evian" relationship.

  6. No one's posted in this thread since last month, so I thought I'd just stop in and show my love for the show. This was the daytime drama that got me hooked at such a young age. Now older, I can see why people either really loved it or really hated it because it was so different. I find the other soaps to be so boring and tame in comparison today, but I often tune into OLTL since it seems to be the most entertaining (and fills my 2PM void left by Passions.

    Since I don't live in Canada where the reruns are being shown, I've been reliving the series on Youtubeas they're posted from day 1.

  7. When Passions started in 1999, they originally considered John Reilly, Charles Keating, Roy Thinnes, John Forsythe, Dennis Parlato and Jed Allan for the role of Alistair Crane. I think the best one they ended up with was David Baily before his death. Once they finally nabbed John Reilly towards the end, the character became too cartoonish.

    McKenzie Westmore originally auditioned for the role of Gwen and Liza Huber auditioned for Sheridan.

  8. OK. If I have them I will post what I have. I will try to put some Passions stuff up soon.

    That's great, thanks.

    While viewing some old episodes on Youtube I came across this video. I never knew they made a music video for the theme song:

  9. I never knew that John Reilly, Charles Keating, Roy Thinnes, John Forsythe, Dennis Parlato and Jed Allan where originally considered for the role of Alistair Crane in 1999. Funny how after all that time they ended up getting John for the final years.

    CarlD2, thanks for the articles. If you happen to have the 6-29-99 issues of either SOD or SOW I'd love to see those, or the 7-6-99 issue of SOW. These articles covered the premiere of the show according to SoapOperaWorld.com.

  10. Deanna Wright was amazing. I can't stand the overrated Heidi Mueller.

    Natalie Zea was great as Gwen too. I was a die hard Team Theresa fan until Zea came on. She made me a Team Gwen fan until she left. Liza was just awful IMO.

    Thanks for the article Carl. Molly was never a good actress but she seemed really nice. Zombie Charity was great!

    I really liked Deanna too. I didn't like Heidi so much when she started but I grew to like her over time.

    Here's an article from The Vindicator on the morning before its debut: This article is attached to Google News. After reading this I believe that Dana was acting out the first scene of Faith (Grace's twin) when she's running through the woods, but I wonder who Paul was? This makes me wonder what James E. Reilly originally had cooked up that didn't air in the beginning.

  11. I'm not sure why Dalton left but I was glad to have him gone. At the time he was just slowing down the Shuis storyline and causing trouble for everyone because of his "past." Once he was replaced with Ryan, they ignoed his backstory and he was more likeable, at least to me. His character wasn't that much involved, but the last time I remember seeing him he was about to get ran over on his bike by Mrs. Wallace and Nurse Precious (the orangutan) when Beth's house was set to detinate and explode lol.

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