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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. There's always more than meets the eye, always.

    Anyway, DD is saying more Q's and more Tracy, Dillon definitely being recast and Bobbie coming back too. Unfortunately it's also saying TG is being given the engraved watch and a golden handshake. All these years thinking Tracy/JE was going to be the casualty in the LuNacy story, but it looks like Luke might just be. But as always - it's DD so GOS.

    And my rage towards the hooker is dying because of the happiness I feel towards Dillon returning

  2. that drop also said that JJ is out in September too.

    The other thing in that drop that the person did not know anything about is defintely happening so who knows.

    Truthfully, I don't care if Luke is gone as long as Tracy remains on the canvas for the last hurrah! Lunacy is great, but I'm a TracyFF, so if Luke leaves I'll be happy if Alan and Dillon are back.

    I would like to third that opinion - I will still watch Tracy even if there is no Luke

    She was pretty awsome during 2004 before they were married

  3. OMFG, I am so pissed.

    Just watched the hooker scenes. How could GH do that to Tracy and to all the LuNacy fans. I don’t even know why they bother giving us the wedding if they are just going to poo-poo it every chance they get. I can’t decide what is worse, the fact that he was cheating on Tracy in front of his son or that he was WEARING HIS WEDDING RING while doing it. I mean really, who thought of this story line. Luke could have just been drinking alone, but noooooooooo they had to ruin the on awesome couple on GH.

    And they just kissed – ewwww. That was sick and demeaning. I hate this show. I hate the writers, I hate the costume department and who ever told Jane to cut her hair short should be shot.

    I am literally yelling at the screen telling that bitch to take her hands off Luke. Stupid ass prostitute.

    Is he really lying on her lap, really? God this is ridiculous I would have rather him shoot himself than do that.

    Why GH? Why?

    That hooker just ruined my first day of holidays.

    And I think that is the end of my rant on Luke and the Hooker

    Stupid GH

  4. Hey there....I need a favor....I've been watching the storyline where Helena kidnapped Tracy and Luke and threw them into the dungeon on youtube - but I can't seem to get the episodes together....Just wondering if anyone has the edited clips of just that storyline? I went back on the board but didn't find any clips posted....thanks for your help.

    Yeah I do - I will upload them now and post in a few :D

  5. TQ, I've missed you. I wanted to see how you would express your anger over the whole Luke cheating with a prostitute garbage. I was so vehemently pissed. To top it all off, he was wearing his wedding ring in the scenes! :mad::mad: I was so livid. Did you skip it?

    I have been sooooooo busy studying that I haven't watched it yet

    BUT I am soo pissed that Luke cheated - Actually think that I popped a vein on my forehead when I read that.

    When I watch it I will give you my opinion - just have to wait until the 21st

    AND that fact that he had on his wedding ring just made me even madder.

    I fell a rant coming on

  6. More this morning about someone "reappearing" who we never thought we'd see, and suggestion of a history redo. Immediately I thought of Alan.

    Who knows what will come. The only way to counter the heavy hand of the mob is to expand the Q's again. Maya wasn't going to do it, so that means bringing real Q's that we know are out there or possibly ones we "think" are dead. That's the only real way at this point to pull in lapsed viewers, strengthen the hospital and acknowledge the past. Everything started going wrong in 2007 with the death of Alan.

    Duelling insiders is part of the game. ALL of it has to be taken GOS, but some of it is right.

    Awwww I miss ghost Alan - he was awsome (But I hated that tracksuit with a passion)

    Maybe he could come back - and Lulu says Tracy should get an MRI donw that reveals a brain tumor

    Then Ned, Dillon and Luke could all come back to get Tracy back to health

    I think Jane could ROCK that storyline

    Oh well

    A girl can dream

  7. Good news for our side - arguably with GOS but DD is reporting Ingo is set to return, Nic might be too, AND…. drum roll please…. they are casting a 20something white male who is suspected to be Dillon AND BL is set to return to Granny's.

    Loved that in GW's interview the Spencer family was the only one he named as core. Perhaps we will have the Spencermaines as a whole back together sooner rather than later.


    *Happy Dance*

  8. Are there any Lulu/Tracy scenes coming? Trace hasn't sold her the HS yet, and I think Lulu owes her an apology for treating her like crap the other day. She has already apologized to Lucky for her behavior on yesterday's episode. I'd like to see consistency. Thanks, hooked.

    Hell yeah Lulu owes her an apology - she was a little bitch the other day

    TraLu need to make up

    What is going to happen to Luke? When is he coming back?

  9. TracyQuartermaine- I love your new banner :) I never seen Jane Elliot when she was young

    You guys make me feel so much better because now I know that Im not the only one who watches old clips of Lunacy :)

    Wish she had more of a story with luke :D

    Miss them already :(

    Oh I am obsessed with watching Old LuNacy

    I watched the entire Black and White Ball and the after math last week

    I have all My LuNacy on DVD's now so I can just pop hem in and remember when GH was good

  10. There is a spoiler that Tracy warns Ethan about Sonny/Kristina for sometime this month. I think it is probably more like the week of the 20th ish.

    Naw <_< - I want more Tracy

    This is just depressing that is like 14 days away, two weeks, a fortnight

    Grrrrrr <_<

  11. He is an American politician who ran for president in '08 and was a vice presidential candidate in '04. He had an affair while his wife was terminally ill and fathered a child with his mistress. He was indicted Friday for illegally using campaign funds to financially support the mistress and keep her quiet. Anyway, there was a special report about his indictment that interrupted GH for a few minutes on Friday's episode here in the States.

    Nah - Well i did ge the Tracy Dante Scenes

    I don't think it made a difference

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