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Friday May 1 2009



All the Days of Our Lives

Shawn Sr. and Carrie are in the vestibule of St. Luke’s.

Shawn: Are you ready?

Carrie: Yes.

She kisses him on the cheek. She puts her arm around his, and the music comes on. Everyone gets up. They start walking down the aisle.

Brady: She is so beautiful.

They get to the altar, and Shawn kisses Carrie on the cheek. Carrie and Brady join hands.

Father Matt: We are gathered here today to join this lovely couple in holy matrimony.

Brady and Carrie smile at each other.

Stefano is in the living room of the DiMera mansion.

Stefano: Stupid ingrates.

Carly walks into the living room.

Carly: What’s wrong?

Stefano: It doesn’t matter. I am going to destroy Elvis!

Carly: What did he do?

Stefano: He doesn’t want any part of this family, he doesn’t want to be a DiMera, then I will ruin him!

Belle is in her and Shawn’s apartment. She is ready for the wedding.

Belle: I can’t miss it.

She leaves the apartment, and goes to the parking lot. She gets in her car, and starts driving.

Father Matt, Brady, and Carrie are at the altar.

Father Matt: At this time I ask that if anyone has any reason why these two shouldn’t be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Brady looks at Rebecca. Nicole looks at Rebecca, and she doesn’t say anything.

Father Matt: Ok, at this time I ask the bride and groom to exchange any vows they may have written. Brady, you first?

Brady: Ok.

He smiles.

Brady: Carrie, words can’t express how much I love you. For a long time I felt like something was missing from my life, and when I fell in love with you I never got that feeling again. You are the one and only person that I have loved, and will ever love.

Rebecca rolls her eyes. Carrie wipes her tears.

Father Matt: Carrie, is there anything that you would like to say?

Carrie: Yes.

She smiles at Brady.

Stefano is on the pier, on his phone.

Stefano: I don’t care, doctor. I want to know the results of my sister’s test.

He pauses.

Stefano: Do you not realize who I am! Give me the results! And don’t give me that medical crap! I want it in English!

Doctor: Your sister has a tumor. She has left it untreated for too long, and if she continues like this, it is more than likely that she will die from it.

Stefano: How much time would you give her?

The phone starts cutting out.

Stefano: Hello! Hello! Damn it!

He hangs up.

Belle is driving in her car. She flashes back to having sex with Philip.

Belle: I need Philip.

She starts to get dizzy, and holds her head.

Belle: I can’t miss the wedding!

She speeds up. A truck starts honking, and she yells! She looses control of the car, and crashes into the truck.

Carrie begins to say her vows in St. Luke’s.

Carrie: Brady, you helped me through so much when I lost Austin, and when I lost my father. And through it all, I fell in love with a loving, caring, sensitive, gentle man. Brady, I can’t even imagine how my life would be if I didn’t have you. You have shown me such a strong love that I thought I would never feel again. I love you so much, Brady.

Father Matt: Do you Carrie; take Brady to be your husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, till death do your part?

Carrie: I do.

Father Matt. Do you Brady; take Carrie to be your wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, till death do your part?

Rebecca coughs, and Brady looks at her.

Stefano knocks on the door of Yolanda’s mansion. Valerie answers it.

Stefano: I still can’t believe your living here.

Valerie: I’m helping her settle in. My God!

He looks at her stomach.

Stefano: You’re getting bigger every day.

Valerie: I know, it’s a little surreal, to have someone growing inside of you.

Stefano: And it gets even more surreal when you blink your eyes, and their all grown up.

Valerie: Wow, did we actually have a normal conversation?

Stefano: I think we did.

Valerie: Are you looking for Yolanda?

Stefano: Yes, it’s important.

Valerie: Well, she’s at a wedding today.

Stefano: Brady and Carrie’s?

Valerie: Yes, she went with Victor.

Stefano: I see. Why didn’t you go with Eric, not that I’m supporting the relationship.

Valerie: I wasn’t feeling that good.

Stefano: Oh, are you ok?

Valerie: Ya, ya, I’m fine.

Belle is rushed into the ER of University hospital on a stretcher. Mike goes to her.

Mike: What happened?

Paramedic: Head-on collision with a pickup truck.

Mike: Get her into a room!

He goes to the nurse’s station, and dials Marleana’s number.

Marleana’s cell phone vibrates in the bride’s room of St. Luke’s.

In the church, Brady and Carrie are standing at the altar, with Father Matt.

Brady: I do.

Father Matt: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Those who God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Brady you may now kiss your bride.

They smile, and Brady is about to kiss her. The church doors open, and everybody looks back. They all gasp in shock. Brady and Carrie look.

Carrie: What?

Yolanda smiles. Austin Reed is standing at the front of the church.

Carrie almost faints, and Brady holds her.

Kate: Austin?

Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

Brady, Carrie, Kate, Victor, Yolanda, Sami, and all the rest of the guests are standing in the church, with Austin.

Austin: I am not Austin.

Mike is in the hospital, talking with another doctor.

Mike: I can’t get a hold of anybody, but we need to start surgery!


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