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CUFFS - Episode 9



Between the time the help from Miami would arrive, Zander would try to get close once more to Carly. They had been close before, it wouldn't take much to re-connect with her. He sat at a table in the corner of Kelly's just waiting, he knew she'd be in, it seemed to be her daily routine to come and visit with her mother. The waitress had re-filled his coffee cup a few times before Carly made an appearance at the diner. He didn't make an effort to approach her, he just sat reading the newspaper and sipping his coffee. As she walked passed, she took a second look to be sure it was him before she said anything.

"Zander? Oh my God, it is you!"

Zander looked up from his paper and smiled. "Carly! How have you been?" He stood up from his chair and gave her a hug.

"I'm doing fine, what are you doing back in town? When did you get back?" She was just full of questions and he invited her to sit with him. "Please, sit and I'll fill you in."

They talked for a while, just catching up on things, it had been a long time since he was in Port Charles, alot had changed. "All I want to know is are you happy?" he asked as she sipped the coffee that the waitress had brought her.

"Yeah, Zander. I'm very happy. Lorenzo and I have a wonderful marriage."

Zander noticed the look on her face when she talked about her husband, he could tell she wasn't telling him everything. He didn't push though, she'd tell him in her own way, and in time.

"Hi Carly, so sorry I'm late." Bobbie approached from the direction of the kitchen.

"That's okay mom, Zander and I have just been catching up." Carly stood and embraced her mother.

"Well, you two look like you have things to do, so I'm going to go. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again." Zander excused him self from the table and gave Carly a quick hug and kiss on the cheek goodbye. She smiled warmly as she watched Zander walk out the door.

Bobbie noticed and raised an eyebrow. "You still love him don't you." she asked her daughter as they took seats at the table.

"Zander? Nah .. just fondness. He's really pulled his life together since leaving Port Charles, I'm quite proud of him."

Bobbie didn't buy her daughter's answer, she saw more then that in Carly's face as she talked about her former love. Zander and Carly never really explored their feelings for one another, but it was apparent to many people that they shared a bond, and cared deeply for one another. Bobbie always thought Carly had felt more for Zander then she had cared to admit, and from the look on her daughter's face, those feelings were brought to the surface.

"So, what do you want to do today, mom? I got all afternoon. Lorenzo is away on business till tonight, so you have me all to yourself." Carly felt the urge to shop and she knew her mom couldn't pass up going shopping all afternoon.

"Well I don't have to be back here till tomorrow, and I have the night off from the hospital, so ...." Bobbie's words drifted off leaving it up to Carly to decide.

"How bout some shopping? I could always use a new outfit." Carly smiled and giggled. "Shopping it is."

Zander sat outside Kelly's waiting for Jack to show up, he had called Jack to meet him there. He looked down at his watch checking the time when Jack strolled up. "Where have you been? I thought you were right around the corner." Zander asked as Jack took a seat at the table.

"I was nearby, it didn't take me that long to walk here, did it?" Zander apologized for barking at his partner.

"I'm sorry Jack, it's this case." he tucked his cell phone back into his jacket pocket before he heard Carly and Bobbie exit the diner. They were enjoying each other's company to much to realize he and Jack were sitting at the table. Jack's eyes focused on Carly as she walked away, and Zander noticed.

"Ow! What'd do that for?" Jack yelped as Zander kicked him in the shin.

"Hands off ... she's mine!" Zander joked.

"That wedding ring on her finger says she's Lorenzo's. How do you suppose he's gonna feel about you invading his territory?" Jack asked as Zander cleared his throat.

"I hope he becomes the jealous husband that I think he is and does something stupid. Stupid enough for him to slip up and then we got 'em!"

Zander and Jack weren't sitting there long before Zander's cell phone rang. He answered it and talked for a few minutes to the caller. "That was the Lt. Our guys should arrive here tomorrow morning." Zander stood up and put his cell phone back in his pocket.

"Where we going?" Jack asked as Zander started walking away.

"We're going fishing." Zander offered as Jack caught up to him.



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