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WICKED: Episode 19




At the hospital --

"Look, the deal was straightforward and it was done between my brother and I. I didn't want to drag you into this Alexis."

"Drag ... me into this? Zander, I'm your attorney of record, don't you think you should of consulted with me first before going and making deals with the DA?"

"Alexis I didn't have time to consult with you."

She sighed heavily. "Okay, so what kind of deal did you make that you shouldn't of ."

"Full immunity ...."

"Really ... for what? I mean, there has to be a catch?"

"In exchange for the information on the man whose been behind all that's been happening around here for the past 6 months."

"And Ric was okay with this?"

"Well, not at first .. it took a little convincing, but he went with it."

"I don't like the sound of that, Zander." Alexis replied.

"Ric and I have an understanding ... let's leave it at that."

Alexis sighed. "Well, let's just hope this deal of yours don't come back and bite us in the ass."

Ric's Office --

Ric returned the PCPD and headed straight to his office. Zander might have gotten immunity from the case about Sal and Miguel but he surely didn't have any deals about exporting and importing illegal product. Ric had no other choice but to write out an arrest warrant for his brother. Ric had seen too much and confiscated too much evidence from the warehouse to look the other way.

Ric walked into his office and he was startled to see someone sitting in the chair waiting for him.

"Mom?! What are you doing here?" Ric said as he realized it was his mother waiting for him.

"I came to visit with you, can't a mother visit her son?"

"Yeah you can, but I'm ... quite busy with work at the moment." Ric answered not wanting to write out the arrest warrant in front of their mother, but he had no other choice, he had to act now.

Ric sat down at his desk and opened a file drawer. He pulled out the proper paperwork for the warrant and began filling out what he needed to. Elenore sat and watched as Ric made a phone call to the courthouse and she listened as Ric asked for the judge to sign a warrant for Zander.

"You can't do this Ric!" his mother blurted out as she rose from the chair.

"I can mom and I am. I have evidence on Zander, I can't turn my back on it!"

"He's your brother! How can you do this to him?!"

"Do this to him? Mom, he's been conducting illegal activities in Port Charles for the last 5 years now, and I've always looked the other way, it's time I stopped and did my job!"

Ric grabbed his coat and stormed out of his office, leaving his mother alone worried about what was happening with her two sons. Ric hurried down to the squad room and grabbed a few officers to go with him.

The PCPD Squad Room --

"Let's go, pick up Zander." Ric ordered.

"Ric ..." Commissioner Scorpio called.

Ric turned around to see Mac standing only a few feet from him with a stack of files in his arms.

"You're doing the right thing." Mac said.

"I'm just doing my job." Ric turned on his heel and he and the officers walked out of the squad room on their way to serve the arrest warrant on Zander for the illegal product and shipments they had found in the warehouse.

With Emily asleep still, Alexis and Zander talked for a while in the lounge just outside her room when Zander's cell phone rang.

"I'm sorry, I have to take this." he said to Alexis as he pulled out his phone and flipped it open.

"What's going on, Thomas?"

"I need you here at the warehouse on Pier 53.....right away."

"Okay, I'm on my way." Zander flipped closed the cell phone and said goodbye to Alexis, who became concerned something was going down that needed Zander's attention.

Zander's Warehouse --

Ric had the officers positioned out of sight, but he had a clear view of the alley behind the warehouse on Pier 53. He had hoped that Zander was still tending to business as usual, and soon enough, Zander would show to check on the shipments that had come in the night before. He looked down at the warrants he held in his hand, they covered all of Zander's warehouses and the vehicles in Zander's fleet. Ric had covered all his bases this time, there was no way Zander was going to wiggle out this time.

Thomas was inside the warehouse uncrating the recent shipment when Zander arrived. Ric held back the officers till Zander was inside and then gave him another few minutes just to be sure.

"Okay ... let's go." Ric ordered into the walkie talkie he held in his hand.

Zander and Thomas were discussing the manifest as Ric and the officers busted through the back door of the warehouse. It had all happened so fast, there was no time to run and Zander was surprised to see Ric with 4 officers approach him.

Ric saw Thomas reaching for his 9mm he kept in a shoulder holster. "Don't even think about it." Ric said as one of the officer approached Thomas with caution and took the gun from his side.

"Alright Ric, what's this all about?" Zander asked.

"This is an arrest warrant and this is a search warrant." Ric handed his brother two folded documents. "Now turn around, I believe you know the drill."

Zander rolled his eyes, he couldn't believe this was happening. "How could you do this to me Ric?!"

"Why is everyone asking me that! This is my job, Zander. I am here arresting a criminal ... that is you, right?" Ric said as he turned his brother around to face him.

"I thought we had a deal?!"

"We have a deal on the murders of Sal and Miguel ... we have no deal for illegal product distribution and possession." Ric smirked.

"You have got to be kidding!"

"Does it look like I'm kidding, Zander? I have enough evidence on you, I can't turn a blind eye on this one. I'm sorry, Zander, not this time."


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