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WICKED: Episode 17




Backseat of Zander's limo --

A short time had passed and Zander sat waiting for Ric in the back seat of his limo. He didn't want to give up Lorenzo but if it meant staying out of prison, he'd hand Lorenzo over on a silver platter to Ric.

"Thomas ...."

"It's 10 minutes since the last time you asked, Sir."

"Where the hell is he, Ric should of been here by now."

"Maybe he's not going to show, Sir?"

"Oh he'll show, he wants answers. This has been going on far too long. If anything, I know Ric and he's desperate to punish someone. He'll be here."

Thomas looked in the rearview mirror and saw an unmarked police car pull up behind the limo.

"I think your guest has arrived, Sir."

Zander turned around to see the unmarked car parked behind them. Ric emerged from the driver's seat and walked towards Zander's car. The back door opened and Ric climbed in.

"This better be good." Ric said as he closed the door.

"It is but I want some assurances before I give you anything." Zander replied wanting some promises first.

"Zander ... " Ric shook his head side to side.

"Look, I'm not going down for something I had nothing to do with and if you want the person responsible for it, you'll give me what I want, Ric."

Ric sighed knowing Zander knew exactly what buttons to push to get what he wanted. "Okay, what do want?"

"I want is full immunity from this case, Ric. No questions asked."

"So you are in over your head again, huh?" Ric replied, thinking on Zander's offer.

"Do you want this man or not?"

"Yes I do want him, but .. full immunity?" Ric contemplated what he should do, he really needed the information Zander had to stop the violence that had been happening over the past few months.

"You are the DA, Ric .. you make deals all the time. Now I'm asking for a deal for me. What's the problem?"

"The problem is, is that you are my brother, Zander. I don't want to be compromised for giving you a deal of full immunity!" Ric replied laying out for Zander the situation he could be in.

"Then I guess you have a choice to make, now don't you? You either give me, your brother the deal of full immunity or no dice. I will go after this man myself and there will be more violence and more killing, Ric. I can guarantee you that!"

"Alright! I'll take the heat for this if it comes back on me ..... you have your full immunity."

Zander grinned. "Thank you."

"Now .... tell me .... who is this person? Who are we up against?"

Zander reached in the back pocket of the seat in front of him and pulled out a manilla file folder, at least an inch thick. He handed it to Ric.

"This is all the information you need to put a stop to the man. I've done all the leg work for you Ric, all you need to do is prosecute him." Zander said as Ric looked down at the file folder he was handed.

Ric opened up the folder and began looking through all the paperwork inside. A picture of the man was attached to the reports Zander's men had compiled.

"I don't know what to say, Zander."

"A thank you might suffice. And tell me that I will not have to worry about this man again. He has hurt my family, our family, Ric .. I want him punished!" Zander replied reminding Ric that it wasn't only Zander's family but Ric's family as well.

Ric looked up from the folder and looked at Zander .... "Oh you don't have to worry about that, Mr. Alcazar will be punished for all he has done, trust me."


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