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WICKED: Episode 13




At the hospital --

"Thank you Dr. Meadows. I can promise you Emily will get all the bed rest she needs." Alan spoke up and he glanced at Zander from across the bed.

"I'm sure you will, Dr. Quartermaine. I'll check on Emily later on tonight." Dr. Meadows replied and then left the family in the room with Emily.

Dr. Meadows closed the door of Emily's room before Alan spoke and tried to keep his anger contained so not to upset Emily. "I don't think we should stay too much longer, Emily needs her rest."

"Right, doctor's orders." Zander replied smuggly, knowing that Alan was trying to keep him from his wife.

Alan turned on his heel and brushed passed Monica as he headed out the door of his daughter's room. Monica apologized for Alan's reaction and then kissed Emily on her cheek goodnight. "I'm sure you are in very capable hands ...." Monica said as she glanced at Zander.

"Yeah I am .." Emily smiled. "See you tomorrow though, right?"

Monica nodded that she would be back to visit. Monica left the room, leaving Emily and Zander alone together.

"Do I even want to know what is up with you and dad?" Emily replied as Zander took a seat on the swivel stool.

"No, you don't. It's not good for you to know, it will just bring more worry, and it's the last thing you need right now. He'll get over it soon enough. He always does." Zander remarked and then leaned in towards her, she leaning in to him and their lips meeting for a sweet kiss.

Emily noticed the guard that now stood outside her room and Zander noticed him as well. "The guard is just an extra precaution, nothing to worry about. I asked Thomas to have someone outside round the clock. While you're here in the hospital, I want you and the baby to be safe."

"As long as you're here, I am." Emily replied as she latched onto Zander's hand.

"I'm not going anywhere, I will be right here by your side .... there is no getting rid of me." he cracked a smile and brushed back a few strands of her hair that caressed her cheek.

She felt more secure knowing her husband wasn't leaving her side, she didn't know what she'd do without him. She just didn't want him to feel like all this was his fault, because it wasn't. Emily knew that her father was blaming Zander for this, he always had blamed Zander for everything, since the first day she and Zander had met, it was nothing new. Zander didn't need the extra pressure from her father, he had enough to deal with, he certainly didn't need to have the guilt of this on his shoulders too.

Emily slowly drifted off to sleep with Zander holding her hand in his, he watched her drift off. "Sweet dreams, sweetheart ...." he whispered and kissed her softly on her forehead as he stood up from his seat.

He left her side and went out into the corridor and had a look around, the hallway was empty and he acknowledged the guard who stood at his post as he was ordered to. Zander walked back into Emily's room and sat on the chair once more. He watched her sleeping peacefully and soon he too had drifted off to sleep.

The morning sun had woke him as his eyes opened and adjusted to the sunshine that filtered in through the blinds that hung in front of the windows. He stretched and twisted his tired body and stood from the chair. He walked towards the bed quietly, Emily still a sleep, he looked down at her and said a little prayer for her and the baby to be alright. He was startled by a knock on the door and quickly went to see who it was visiting so early in the morning.

He was greeted with a huge bouquet of flowers carried by one of the duty nurse's and she stepped into the room, then walked towards the table and set down the vase. "These are for your wife ... beautiful aren't they?" the nurse remarked as she took a sniff at the flowers before leaving the room.

Zander went to check for a card and he found one buried amongst the baby's breath. He pulled it from the bouquet and opened up the envelope, thinking it probably was from Ric or his mother. He certainly wasn't expecting what he found.

Emily's name written across the front of the envelope and inside a small note card, harmless enough. He opened the card and began to read the message that was inside.

"For Emily,

I am sorry to hear that you and your baby are not well. My well wishes to the both of you.

Best Regards

Lorenzo Alcazar"

Zander took the note and envelope from the flowers and stuff it in his jacket pocket, he had heard of Lorenzo Alcazar and nothing good. He was a major arms dealer among other things. Zander wondered why Lorenzo Alcazar would be sending Emily well wishes and how did he know Emily was in the hospital unless he was the one who who had sent the assailant to the cabin.


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