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WICKED: Episode 12




At the hospital --

"She can't be in labor yet, Alan .. it's too early!" Zander said as he held onto Emily's hand for comfort and reassurance.

"I don't think it's labor pains .. this is something else." Alan replied with worry.

Tears began to well in Emily's eyes as the pain she was feeling became stronger, too much to bear. She cried out in pain again and squeezed Zander's hand with all that was inside her.

"You have to do something!" Zander yelled at Alan as he felt Emily squeeze his hand.

Monica returned with Dr. Meadows and she did an examination of Emily and the baby.

"I can't lose this baby, Dr. Meadows! Please save our baby!" Emily cried, the tears warm as they rolled down her cheeks.

"Just try to calm down, Emily ....I'm going to do all I can."

Dr. Meadows asked for Monica and Alan to leave the room so she could do a thorough examine of Emily and the baby, Zander would of been asked to leave as well, but Emily wasn't about to let go of him.

As Dr. Meadows did the examine, Emily could feel the pain subside and she became more relaxed. "Is the pain diminishing, Emily?" Dr. Meadows asked as she noticed Emily didn't seem to be in much discomfort.

"Yeah it is ...." Emily sniffled back the tears.

"Good. Now I'm seriously keeping you here longer the 48 hours. Stress caused this episode and we can't be having it happen again." Dr. Meadows explained hoping her patient would understand.

"The baby? How's the baby? He's okay, right?" Emily concerned, she looked at Zander then at Dr. Meadows for reassurance.

Dr. Meadows hesitated and all went silent, it was deafening and the pause from the doctor, gave Zander the overwhelming feeling there was more that she wasn't telling them.

"Dr. Meadows ... what about the baby?!" Emily's tears began to well in her eyes again as she noticed the doctor's somber look.

"The baby seems to be feeling some discomfort but that can be expected after the ordeal Emily's been through." the doctor replied as she pulled back from Emily's bed and stood up from her swivel stool.

"What can we do for him?" Emily asked worried about the welfare of her unborn baby.

"Right now all we can do is wait and see. There isn't anything medically we can do, you just need to relax and sustain no stress, which was the case the last time. And again I'm prescribing complete bed rest. Which means, I'm not releasing you just yet. I'd like to keep an eye on the baby tonight and then do an ultrasound tomorrow to see what's going on in there."

Zander reached down and caressed Emily's head with his hand as a reassurance to her he was there with and not to be afraid. But it would take more then Zander's touch to keep her from feeling afraid, she was afraid she was going to lose this baby, something she wasn't going to be able to handle. She couldn't lose this baby.


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