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#42 Tuesday, May 29




As the walls close in, Michael may have to step back from his family

At the Newman ranch, Victor is hanging up the phone, when Nikki walks into the archway of his study. Victor immediately tells Nikki that they have some celebrating to do. Nikki, still not on the up and up with their strained relationship, tells Victor that he might have to celebrate solo.

Once Kevin has left the athletic club, JT notices Amanda’s frustration. She tells him that she can’t believe Kevin’s gall in approaching her about his mother. He immediately suggests that the two of them have a quiet dinner back at his loft; an offer that Amanda is more than happy to agree to.

Devon, jotting down an address, looks up to see Amber at the door. Holding up a finger, he tells her to wait a second after he’d done talking to his friend. When he gets off the phone, he lets her in. He tells her that he may have the opportunity of a lifetime for her.

Sharon confronts Jack on what he’s said. She wants to know if he had any faith in their relationship. Not holding back, Jack tells Sharon that their marriage was nothing more than a way to help his campaign. Now that he’s lost, what is the purpose of even staying together.


Michael and Gloria are in deep discussion about what tactics to take in hopes of winning her case, when Kevin storms in, letting the door slam behind him. Michael asks what his deal is; to which Kevin admits to getting into a heat confrontation with Amada Gibson. An angry Michael tells Kevin that because of his confrontation, Amanda can make it look like he harassed her. He tells both Gloria and Kevin that maybe it’s time that he steps away from the case and hire on someone else. Neither one wants to hear that news.

Victor asks Nikki how she could be so cool towards him, especially after all that he’s done for her in the recent weeks. Nikki stresses that while she appreciates the work Victor put in by getting NVP back for her, things are still not worked out between them. Not giving up on her, Victor tells Nikki that she will want to celebrate after she learns of the fall of Jack Abbott. Smiling a little, she agrees to have dinner with him.

At the loft, JT, who picked up Italian food, places Amanda’s meal before her. As he sits down, Amanda tells him that since being in Genoa City, she has had a mixture of sadness, anger and curiosity. He asks her to explain; she tells him that when she came to Genoa City it was specifically to pay Jack Abbott back for tearing her family apart. Then when she realized he was an innocent victim as she, she was more than determined to set things right for her mother and father. JT tells Amanda that he understands about wanting revenge; and explains briefly his situation with Colleen and Adrian. When Amanda sheds tears, JT embraces her.


Amber asks Devon what opportunity he’s preparing for her. Devon tells her that he set up a meeting with Owen Smith, one of the hottest recording producers based in Los Angeles. Amber looks stunned, but asks how they can possibly go to California so soon. Devon tells her that Owen was one of the producers he saw at his seminar, and is still in Genoa City. The doorbell rings, and Devon opens the door, introducing Amber immediately to her possible future.

Jack tells Sharon that since he’s been humiliated before all of Genoa City, there is no chance in his winning the election; and since he won’t win, there is no longer the need to continue the charade of a happy marriage. Sharon is furious of Jack’s callous behavior and demands to know why he stayed with her even after admitting his distaste for her. He tells her that the one thing that kept him with her was the sex. Jack says that if Brad can be with someone else and sleep with her, then why can’t he be in a marriage for sex only. Having heard enough, Sharon slaps him before stalking away.

Gloria and Kevin are not amused by Michael’s suggestion to have someone else representing her in her case. Michael tells them that if it comes down to it, and if William continues to dig into everything regarding them, he could find himself not only out of a job, but be publically humiliated for representing the very person he helped cover up a crime. He tells them that the best option is to hire a new lawyer; Christine Blaire. Kevin tells Gloria that it might work out if they did that; Gloria, however, refuses to let Michael step down as her lawyer.


Nikki and Victor are clinking their glasses, toasting to a wonderful victory of bringing down Jack. Nikki is stunned to learn as how far Jack went to get control of Jabot. As the two of them are talking, they are unaware that a very intoxicated Jack has emerged. Several patron whisper as he passes by them. Nikki looks up and nods in Jack’s direction, warning Victor that trouble was on his way.

Owen Smith, after hearing Amber sing, tells Devon that he has truly found his calling. He informs Amber that she is the voice that he is looking for. An excited Amber asks what all of it means. He tells her that he wants her to come out to Los Angeles to meet some of his team that would be quite impressed with her. Devon looks on, smiling that Lily’s wish for Amber to leave may be coming true.

Before Victor even realizes what’s going on, Jack is at their table, blasting them for ruining his life. Victor booms that Jack’s life was ruined because of his greed and manipulations within his own family. Jack tries to take a swing at Victor but stumbles. Victor glares at him, and says that John Abbott would be disgusted at the sight of his son.


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