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WICKED: Episode 4





Ric's Office --

Ric conceded and after Mac left the office, Ric picked up the phone and called Zander.

It rang a few times before Zander picked up. "Yeah!" Zander shouted into the phone sounding very angry with something or someone.

"Bad day?" Ric joked.

"Yeah you could say that." Zander replied calmly realizing it was Ric.

"We need to talk."

"About what this time?" by Ric's tone it was police business again.

"I need to know what you know about Morales, Zander."

"Ric, I already told you what I know about Sal .. I don't know what you want else you want from me."

"Zander we know Morales was in town to do business ... the trail has led us to you..." Ric's words drifted off.

"You have got to be kidding! Ric, I swear I had no idea Morales was in town!" Zander got defensive realizing that once again the police would do anything to get him behind bars. "It's a set up, Ric!"

"Look, I just had a talk with Mac, he's giving you one more chance to tell me, or he's going to haul you in here for questioning!"

"You gotta do what you have to do, Ric." Zander said before hanging up on his brother.

"Dammit!!" Ric shouted as he heard the line go dead.

Ric got up from his chair and grabbed his suit jacket from the chair. He slipped it on and buttoned it before storming out of his office, heading to the squad room. As he made his way down the hallway towards the squad room, he ran into Alexis, literally.

"Woah, what's your hurry?" Alexis said as she bent down to pick up the papers that scattered all over the floor when Ric bumped into her.

"Zander's making me do my job!" he replied as he bent down to help her.

"Come again?"

"He's not telling me everything about Morales and now Mac's going to have to go pick him up." Ric explained.

"I thought you had a talk with Zander about that?" she asked as she stood up with the files in her arms.

"I did, but ... there's evidence stacking up against him this time and Mac is on my butt to get Zander to talk. And well, Zander's not helping."

"I see .... I guess I should expect a phone call then." she hinting that Zander would call her for her legal services.

"Yeah, I guess you should." Ric smirked before walking off.

The Squadroom---

Ric walked into the squad room looking for the commissioner. He noticed Mac in conversation across the room, with a few patrolmen, and he approached.

Mac turned around and saw Ric approaching.

"I had a talk with Zander. He says he's being set up." Ric offered.

"Well, let's see what he has to back it up." Mac said implying that he'd have Zander picked up and brought in.

Ric sighed knowing that Mac had intentions of bringing Zander in for questioning about the shooting and Morales. He wasn't sure how much longer he could protect his brother from being arrested for 2 counts of murder.

Mac stood in the middle of the squad room and bellowed the order ...."Carson, Spencer, and Williams .. go find Zander Smith!" .... Mac turned towards Ric ... "Care to tell me where I can find him and make our job a whole lot easier?"


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