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WICKED: Episode 3





At the cabin ---

Emily laid her arm across the bed and felt the coldness of empty space. Her eyes flew open and she realized her husband wasn't laying next to her. She slid out from underneath the blankets and shivered as the cold morning air surrounded her. She reached for her robe and slipped it on to dampen the chill before searching for her missing husband.

Emily made a quick check on Devon, he was sound asleep in his crib and she closed the door quietly. She made her way to the stairs and took a few steps towards the landing. As she came down the steps, a smile came across her face. She stood and watched for a few moments, Zander so peaceful and relaxed as he slept on the couch in the living room. She bit her bottom lip and held her hand against her stomach as she walked down the steps wondering if she should wake him. She left him sleep a little longer as she went into the kitchen and brewed a fresh pot of coffee.

She turned on the small television that sat on the counter as she walked in and turned on the local network, hoping to catch the news. She went about getting the mugs from the cupboard and making fresh coffee, not really paying attention to the broadcast but listening to what the reporter had to say.

"Organized crime in Port Charles is once again under the watchful eye of the Port Charles Police Department and the District Attorney's office, after last night's fatal attack on the waterfront. As we reported last night 2 men associated with organized crime are dead, and at last count 4 others are in serious condition at General Hospital. Police are still investigating the attack last night, but sources say it all started in the warehouse on Pier 52 and escalated from there. According to reports, the two men who were killed in last night's incident, were new to Port Charles and had just arrived a few days prior. Police were unaware of their presence in Port Charles and are looking into the reasons why. The names of the deceased are Sal Morales and his son Miguel. The others who were injured in last night's attack have not been named as of yet. As more information becomes available we will be sure to pass it along."

Emily stood in shock at the turn of events that she was listening to as she held her hand to her mouth and the other one on her stomach. She wondered if Zander knew about what had happened on the waterfront last night. She rushed to the living room and found him sitting up on the couch rubbing the sleep from his eyes trying to revive himself from his night's sleep.

"Zander? Did you hear about last night?" Emily asked as she came into the room.

"Yeah I heard. Thomas called and told me." he replied knowing she was talking about the shooting on the docks.

She came and sat down beside him and reached for his hand as she laid her head against his arm. "I'm just glad it wasn't you ...." her words drifted off as she felt his arm wrap around her and held her against him.

"But it could of been." he said realizing that it was him a few months ago lying in the hospital of a gunshot wound, it wasn't the first time and he didn't think it would be the last.

"Yes but it wasn't this time, and for that I'm grateful." she replied as she looked up at him. "I remember that night you were shot, my mom called from the hospital and she didn't have to say anything, I knew you were hurt. I knew it, Zander. I felt it, I felt something was terribly wrong. It was the worst night of my life, I thought I lost you that night, Zander....." her words became sniffles as her eyes filled with tears and she leaned into him. His arms wrapped around her tighter as he tried to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry, Em ...." was all he could say as he held her in his arms.

Their moment together was interrupted by a knock on the door of the cabin. Emily wiped her tears as Zander rose from his seat to answer it, but not before reaching behind his back and pulling his weapon from his waist band. After the phone call last night from Thomas, he thought it best to be prepared for the unexpected.

He peered out the window to see who was the door, and saw Ric standing on the porch waiting for him. He put the gun back in his waist band and opened the door and then stepped out onto the porch with Ric. Ric turned to see his brother walk out onto the porch, and Zander noticed a change in Ric on this visit. It wasn't a social call this time, this was business .... police business.

"I guess you heard about last night?" Ric asked as Zander closed the front door and approached him.

"Yeah I did. I take it this is not a social call." Zander replied as he leaned up against the railing and eyed his brother.

"Not this time, little brother. I need to ask you a few questions about the two who were killed last night."

"What do you want to know, Ric?" Zander got defensive.

"I need to know how well you knew Sal Morales and his son Miguel?"

Memories flashed in Zander's mind about the man he knew only as Uncle Sal. His father had many dealings with the man from Puerto Rico and Sal was a frequent visitor in their home in Miami. Zander never really knew his father's business associates, but Uncle Sal was one he knew quite well. Sal's son Miguel had been raised in the family business, like Zander and it was obvious that he would take over the organization when Sal thought it was time. Miguel was a rough character, though wore the finest of clothes and had an excellent education from the finest schools, his business ways were deadly.

Ric saw Zander had drifted from the conversation. "How well did you know Sal and his son, Miguel?" Ric asked again.

Zander looked at his brother, not knowing if he should tell him that he grew up knowing Sal Morales as his Uncle Sal. It wouldn't be the first time that Zander lied to his brother, but he had thought he was beyond the childish games of lying and having Ric cover for him. But telling Ric the truth could drudge up a whole lot more then he was ready for.

"I knew them, Sal was a business associate of my father's. Do you think Sal being in Port Charles has something to do with Frank?"

"No, I think it had something to do with you."


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