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WICKED: Episode 2



He was startled by the cell phone ringing in his jacket pocket and went quietly to answer it. He slipped out of the bedroom so he not disturb Emily who was sleeping peacefully, and he walked down the stairs before flipping the phone open and saying hello.

"Do you have any idea of what time it is?" he said to caller.

"I'm sorry sir but this can't wait." the voice replied.

"What can't wait Thomas?" Zander asked when he recognized the voice belonged to his foreman at the warehouse.

"Turn on the television, sir."

Zander walked into the living room and turned on the television and turned it to the local news station to see what was so important. As he stood and watched the news broadcast, his body tensed up and anger began to fill him up. He listened to the reporter at the scene and clinched his fist as the story unfolded in front of him.

"The criminal activity here on the Port Charles docks came to a head tonight, once again. Shots rang out on the docks earlier this evening and two men are dead, a few others were taken to the local hospital and are said to be in critical condition tonight. The Port Charles police are investigating this latest war, but are not releasing the names of those victims of tonight's attack. We will know more as it becomes available to us."

Zander turned off the television and focused his attention back on Thomas who was still hanging on the other end of the call.

"I need details and I need them now, Thomas! This war has got to stop, there has been too much bloodshed already." Zander demanding to know what happened.

"I'll see what I can find out." Thomas replied.

"Yeah you do that and report back to me as soon as you know anything." Zander flipped closed his phone and then ran his hands through his hair in anger.

He rubbed his hands along his face and sighed deeply. The latest attack was sure to bring more focus on him, something he didn't need after all that had happened over the past few months. More security was indeed the next step, he wasn't going to take the risk of losing his family and all of what he worked so hard to keep.

The rain still pounding hard against the windows, and the thunder rolled across the sky, it seemed the storm had been letting up just a bit, he thought, until a crack of lightening lit up the sky surrounding the cabin and the lights flickered. The storm had not let up at all, it just became more wicked.


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