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WICKED: Episode 1




Episode #1

Late Night - at the safehouse cabin --

The rain pounded hard against the windows and the thunder rolled across the midnight sky as Zander sat in the wooden rocker just rocking himself back and forth. It had seemed to become routine for him to be restless at night, not being able to sleep, he had guessed because he had alot on his mind. He had yet to come to peace about his father's death, the only father he had ever known, and his killer still walked free from the responsibility of taking the life of another. His mind still wondering about the what ifs and where he would be at that moment if had known his real father, how would his life be different. His mother, would she still be running looking over her shoulder or would he have had the chance to live his life with her in a loving home the way a child should. His mind took him to an off distant place and it startled him back to the here and now as the lightening cracked outside. The storm raged on outside as well as inside him as he sat and rocked himself hoping to find some sleep tonight, and hoping that he would be able to come to terms with all that had transpired.

As he rested his head back against the wooden rocker, he closed his eyes in the hopes of some peaceful rest, but he knew that wouldn't come to him, not with all the memories of his past still haunting him. His past still very much lingering around him, and he wished like every night before that he could just rid himself of the demons. As he sat there resting his eyes, not keeping them closed for very long because of the images that flashed before him of Sonny and what he had done to his mother. Whether he liked it or not, Sonny was his father, he was the bastard child of rape, there was no denying it, it was staring him in the face every night since he remembered what had happened that night.

Zander had sworn when his son, Devon, was born that he would never become neglectful of him or never raise his hand to his child, he would always show Devon love and understanding, respect and honesty and he would never tell a lie to his child. He would never leave him, like his father had done. He figured what his mother had said to be true ..... any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy to a child. Zander had that with Frank. Frank was his father in every respect of the word. Frank was there to guide him, to listen to him, to give him all the love and support he needed growing up. Frank was the only father he had known and Sonny took all that away from him. Frank was dead and Sonny killed him, those were the facts, yet Sonny was not behind bars, he had not suffered as he had for the past 15 years, Sonny took no responsibility for what happened that night and it was time he did.

Zander sat and watched as the storm raged on outside the window, lightening flashed across the darkened sky and he could hear the thunder rolling above him. He wondered to himself why his mother seemed to recognize Emily's family, she hadn't mentioned the name Quartermaine as he was growing up, it intrigued him that his mother would have some connection to the most influential family in Port Charles. He was sure she wasn't about to explain it to him, he would have to find out on his own, what he wanted to know .. if he wanted to know. He wondered what deep dark secret his mother might be carrying around with her for all these years. It didn't make him feel any better to know that someone else besides himself, carried their own demons within them, he just hoped he could rid himself of his one day.


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