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The Storm - Episode 49



At the cabin --

"So ... are we pregnant?" she asked anxiously.

He still giving her a blank stare. "Well, I don't really know .. all I saw were lines." he cracked a smile.

"Lines? Lines as in two of them?!" she asked as she was starting to get excited. She couldn't stand it anymore and pulled the cap off of the stick to see for herself.

He stood there and watched her look down at the results, a smile came across her face and then his. He was waiting for her reaction to the results as she just stared at them.

Her one hand went to her mouth and the other went to her stomach as she looked up at him, he smiling in return. He nodded to her and she nodded in return as she confirmed what he had already suspected from reading the stick.

"We're pregnant!!!" she squealed as she ran into his arms almost knocking them both to the floor.

He wrapped his arms around her and spun her around, lifting her up off the floor, her feet dangling against him. Both of them were overjoyed with the results of the home test. It was about time to bring some happiness to the family and Emily being pregnant again was just what the doctor ordered.

He set her down and pulled back from her. He reached up with both hands, cupping her face in them. "Congratulations, mommy." he whispered just before his lips pressed softly against hers. She fell into him and wrapped her arms around his neck, the stick that held the positive results still wrapped tightly in her hand.

At the courthouse -- Ric's office

After collecting his messages, Ric walked into his office and set down his briefcase by the door to remove his jacket. He picked up his briefcase once again and carried to his desk, setting it down on top of the paperwork that had piled up. He not noticing the front page of the morning Port Charles Herald, he sat down and opened up the case. He took out more files and added them to the pile he had started on last night. As he removed the briefcase from the desk, he glanced over at the framed picture that sat on the edge, just beyond the pile of files.

He and Alexis had grown quite fond of each other over the past few months, he not sure of what to think of their budding relationship, they were like oil and water, but for some reason they clicked together. She understood him and knew where he was coming from most of the time. She was beginning to know him better then himself and though it scared him to get so close to her, enjoyed her company and was intrigued by her.

He was brought back as Alexis knocked on his office door and he noticed her standing there. "Hey ... what can I do for you, Alexis?" he said as he reached for a file folder from the pile.

"I came to find out what your plans were for tonight. I have this dinner thing to go to and well ...."

"And you wanted to know if I was free tonight to go with you ..." he finished her thought.

"Yeah something like that." she replied as approached his desk.

"If I don't drown in paperwork, I'll be happy to go with you tonight." he chuckled at the mounds of files that lay scattered covering his mahogany desk.

"Need some help?" she offered

"No, most of these just need signatures. I'm just signing off on some cases. What I need is an assistant."

"Well, I can't help you there, I'm in need of my own." she laughed.

"Have you talked with Zander lately? He hasn't called and I can't seem to get a hold of him." Ric asked as he laid the file on top of the morning paper, not noticing the headline.

"I think with the baby coming, he and Emily are finding themselves a bit busy for everything else." she excused the absence of Zander and Emily.

"Yeah I'm sure that's it. I'm thrilled for those two, it's about time they have some happiness in their lives." Ric replied as he got up to file the paperwork he had been signing.

As he removed the file from the desk, Alexis noticed the headlines on the newspaper that laid underneath and picked it up off the desk.

"Ric ... did you see this morning's paper?"

"No, I haven't had the chance to, why?" he replied as he turned back towards her noticing she was reading the headlines of the newspaper.

"Because I think you should read the front page." she said as she turned the paper to him, holding it in her hands so he could see the headlines that read .... "No Charges for Corinthos".

As she read the headlines he walked towards her and grabbed the paper from her hands. Reading the article that was underneath the picture of Sonny, his mouth dropped. The federal case had been dropped due to lack of evidence.

"I wonder if Zander's seen this ...." Ric said as he looked up from the paper.


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