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The Storm - Episode 34



At the cabin --

The hard rain pounded against the glass windows as the thunder rolled amidst the dark storm clouds, and Emily sat in the wooden rocker, rocking Devon back to sleep. The storm had kept him up and his cries could be heard throughout the house. She had tried everything with him to get him to go back to sleep, from bouncing to walking to singing and now rocking, nothing seemed to work, he was still crying and he was very sleepy. She heard footsteps upstairs and knew Devon had now waken up Zander. She sighed heavily as she saw him appear on the stairs.

"Is he okay? He's crying an awful lot, isn't he?" Zander asked as he came into the living room.

"He's just scared of the storm I guess. Nothing is working to get him back to sleep. Here maybe you have better luck then I did." she said as she handed Zander the scared and still screaming child.

This was the only part of parenthood Zander hated the most, a screaming child. And between he and Emily, Devon had a good set of lungs on him and he was using them to their fullest potential tonight. He started walking him around the room, bouncing Devon in his arms as he walked.

"I tried that already ...." Emily said as she watched Zander walk around the room. "It didn't work for me either." she added and got a smirk in return from Zander.

Every loud roll of thunder sparked another screaming episode from Devon. Zander pressed his soft lips to Devon's forehead to feel if the child had a fever, perhaps he was sick rather then just scared from the storm. Devon did feel a little warm, but he didn't think it was anything to be concerned about, the child had been crying and screaming for the last hour, he was bound to be perspired and warm. As Zander carried Devon around the room, Emily noticed that her son was rubbing his small hand against his left ear alot, it was a sure sign of ear infection.

She walked up to Zander and stopped him from walking. She pressed her lips against Devon's forehead and felt he was warm to the touch, she also noticed that his ear was cherry red. She became more alarmed that her child was sick after noticing the two main symptoms of an infection. She hadn't been a mother very long, but she knew the important things like when her child would be sick.

She took Devon from Zander and tried to calm him against her. "We have to get him to a doctor, Zander ... he's running a fever." she said as Zander checked Devon again.

Zander quickly turned and ran up the stairs to get Devon's blanket and Emily went to get her coat. Zander came down the stairs with a blanket in his arms and took Devon from Emily so she could put on her jacket. He handed Devon back to her and the blanket he covered his son up with. He grabbed his jacket and opened the door for them, turning off the lights as he closed the door. Marcus sat waiting in the driveway and pulled the car up to the front porch. Emily and Zander hurried to the car in the down pouring rain, she covering Devon the best she could as she raced to the limo. Zander opened up the door for her and she climbed in, Devon still wrapped in her arms. Zander climbed in behind her and closed the door.

"Get us to the ER at General Hospital as fast as you can, Marcus!" Zander instructed and Marcus nodded as he turned the car around quickly and drove out the long drive to the main highway.

It was about an hour drive from town, and Zander hoped they would get there in time. He didn't know much about child illnesses, but he knew enough to know that every second counts when dealing with child fevers.

As they sat in the back of the car with Devon, a little more calmer now then before, but still tugging at his ear, Zander called Monica and Alan to meet them at the hospital.

The Quartermaine Mansion --

"Quartermaine residence .." the voice said as someone picked up the phone at the mansion.

"Alice .. It's Zander ... are Emily's parents there? It's an emergency..." he replied very much concerned about his child and hoping the only two doctors he trusted with his son were home.

"Yes they are .... hold on, let me go get them." Alice replied and set down the phone. She went to look for Drs. Quartermaine, and she hurried when she realized something must be terribly wrong for Zander to call so late.

She found Monica in the study working on some paperwork.

"Monica ... Zander's on the phone and he sounds really panicked. He says it's an emergency." Alice said as she entered the study and hurried towards Monica.

Monica picked up the phone that sat on the desk beside her. "Zander .. what's wrong? Is it Emily?" she asked now concerned for her daughter.

"No, it's Devon .... Emily thinks he has an ear infection and he's running a low fever. We are about 25 minutes from the hospital .. will you meet us there?" Zander replied as Monica heard Devon's cries the background.

"Alan and I will be right there .. we're on our way." Monica didn't even say goodbye, she hung up the phone and called out for Alan.

He came running from the other room and rushed into the study. "What's wrong?" he asked as she rushed passed him and latched onto his arm as she did.

"We have to get to the hospital, Emily and Zander are bringing in Devon, he's sick." Alan didn't ask questions but he did tell her he'd drive them there.


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