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The Storm - Episode 32



The Cabin --

"I don't want to hear that Cory .. what's the problem?" Zander asked as he walked into the other room to talk business.

"Those containers that came in this morning are not filled with all of the product, some is missing." Cory replied.

"How much is missing, this time?!" Zander replied sternly.

"Enough not to make the quota and certainly enough to cause concern, sir." This was not what Zander wanted to hear, his mind filling with ideas of who would steal from his warehouse and be bold enough to do so.

"Dammit .. this is the third shipment in 6 months that we've had problems with!" Anger consumed him as he began to pace the floor of the kitchen.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Cory asked waiting for more instructions

"I'll take care of this, Cory. Just let it sit for now. Gregory, Thomas and Marcus are on their way back to the warehouse on Pier 12 to clean up a mess that was made earlier, I want you to go meet them and assist them with that. Keep me posted." Zander ordered and flipped closed the phone in disgust with the situation.

He walked back into the living with purpose and noticed Emily had laid down and fallen asleep while waiting for him. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs to the bedroom. As he laid her down on the bed, she sighed. Sleep was probably the best thing for her, right now. He covered her with the blanket that laid on the edge of the bed and kissed her cheek softly. He walked towards the door and turned off the light. He closed the door quietly and walked down the hall to check on Devon. His naps in the afternoon were usually a few hours and he had just put him down before all hell had broken loose at the warehouse. Devon slept peacefully in his crib and Zander closed the door, leaving it ajar slightly. He walked quietly down the hall and then down the stairs. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone once more. He needed to find out who was stealing from him, though he had an idea, but he had hoped he was wrong for Emily's sake.

Zander made a few phone calls to some of his contacts. The shooting that had almost taken his life a few months ago was still being investigated, though the police didn't have any new leads, the trail was going cold and it was becoming more and more clear that he and Jason would soon find themselves in alot more trouble then either of them bargained for, he suspected. His thoughts went immediately to Jason as the culprit of his missing product. Jason would certainly be bold enough to come into the his warehouse and he would have the means to make the product disappear into the streets and not be found again.

Zander deep in thought was startled back as his cell phone rang again. He flipped it open and answered it hoping it was better news this time.

"Sir, it's Thomas. It's been taken care of." Zander heard from the other end of the line.

"Good. Now I want you and Gregory to find out what the hell happened to the rest of that shipment that came in this morning! You can start with Jason Morgan!" Zander instructed his men before closing his phone.

Thomas flipped closed his cell phone and told Gregory what he had been instructed to do. The two of them left the warehouse knowing what needed to be done to get the answers their boss was looking for. As they walked down the docks on a mission, the person they were looking for was standing a short a distance from them. The two men stayed back and just watched as Jason held a conversation with someone else he was with.

On the docks --

Jason handed an envelope to the stranger and the stranger took it. He shoved the overly stuffed envelope in the pocket of his leather jacket and walked off. Jason left standing alone on the docks, Thomas and Gregory approached him.

"So now, Zander sends his goons ... where's the boss man himself?" Jason asked as the two men walked up on him.

"The boss man is none of your concern Morgan." Gregory snapped back.

Jason didn't waste his time on pleasantries and pulled his 9mm from the back of his waist band as the two men came closer.

"There is no need for the weapon, Morgan. We didn't come here to hurt you. Just to talk." Thomas replied as Jason held the gun in his hand, steady.

Jason's glared at the two men, not yet ready to put his weapon away, held it tight in his hand. His finger laid gently against the trigger, ready to shot if he needed to. The two men were calm, not showing fear at any time while standing in front of Jason with his gun pointed at them.

"What does your boss want to know?" Jason asked as Thomas walked around him to the other side.

"The boss wants to know where his shipments have gone to, Morgan." Gregory stated as he didn't back down, like Jason expected him to.

"Oh so Zander thinks I took them? And he sent the two of you to make me confess?" Jason laughed at Zander's intentions.

Thomas and Gregory stood their ground with Jason, they weren't going anywhere till they had the answers they had come for. Jason wasn't about to confess to Zander's men, he had no intention to give them what they had come for. He put his piece back in his waistband and began to walk away from the two men.

"We aren't finished with you yet, Morgan." Thomas said as he stepped towards Jason.

"Yes, I believe we are." Jason replied as he quickly pulled his piece again on the two men. "I have nothing left to say. And you can go back and tell your boss whatever you like, but I am not the one who took his product." Jason added as he backed away from the men, his gun still pointed in their direction.

Jason disappeared into the darkness and Zander's men stood on the docks alone. Thomas flipped open his cell phone and called Zander to give him a report as to what just happened.

At the cabin--

"Sir, Morgan's not cooperating. He's not giving us anything." Thomas said as he reached his boss.

Zander sighed. He knew it would come down to this, he was just avoiding the inevitable. "You know what to do to Morgan, he's stolen from me for the last time."

Emily was hidden in the shadows of the stairs as she heard Zander's orders and she cried out .... "Zander, noooo!"


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