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The Storm - Episode 31



In the limo--

"You didn't come here to hurt him, did you?" Emily asked now afraid for her husband's life.

"Of course not. I came to help him, Mrs. Smith. It's Emily isn't it?" Damien replied as he leaned forward and laid his hand on her knee.

She pulled herself from his hand quickly. "Yes it is, and I wish you didn't do that." just the thought of being in the car with him made her nervous and afraid. He may have been Zander's uncle but it didn't give him the permission to make advances like he did.

"I'm sorry, it isn't my intention to make you afraid, Emily. I just wanted for you to take me to see Zander. I had exhausted all my avenues to find him, so when I saw you come to town ... well, I thought you'd be able to help me." he explained as she heard the driver's side door open and Marcus slip in the driver's seat.

"Marcus are you okay?" she called to him keeping her eyes focused on the man who sat before her.

"Yes, maam, I'm fine. Are you okay?" he asked genuinely concerned for her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. We can go home now." she replied and instructed Marcus to drive back to the cabin.

"But ... " Marcus hesitated and began to question her instructions.

"It's okay Marcus, I'll call Zander once we're out of the parking garage, I'm getting no service whatsoever right now."

Marcus started the car, and drove out into the traffic of main street, and Emily pulled her cell phone from her bag. She hadn't realized that she left the phone on and it quickly dialed the last number she had called, Zander was already on the other end listening and knew about Damien before she realized he was there.

"Don't talk, just listen." Zander instructed. "Tell Marcus to take you the warehouse, he'll know which one and tell him that I am there waiting for him to pick me up." he continued.

At the cabin--

Zander had already set a plan into motion to rid him of his uncle and the problems that were about to arise. He had men already set at the warehouse, while hanging on with Emily's cell phone, Zander used the phone in the cabin to call who he needed to, for his men to be waiting at the warehouse. He knew his uncle was about to take everything he worked so hard to keep and he wasn't about to let it happen. He couldn't let Damien take everything from him, though worried and afraid for his wife, he made sure his men knew to do what they needed to keep her safe. She was to be safe at all costs.

Emily did what she was told before they got too far towards the end of town. "Marcus ... you are to take us to the warehouse, Zander is there, he had to go in to meet some suppliers. He asked if you could bring his uncle there instead." she lied hoping Marcus understood his instructions correctly from Zander.

"That's good, baby. Now when you get here, I don't want you to get out of the car. When Marcus gets out and opens up the back door, you let Damien out first and Marcus will close the door, leaving you inside. You understand?" Zander instructed her.

"Yeah I do. We'll see you in a few minutes." she flipped closed her phone and knew there were steps being taken at this moment to ensure her safety, but she was still afraid and worried about the ambush they were about to drive into.

Marcus pulled the limo up to the back of the warehouse and stopped the car. He got out and came to the back door and opened it, Damien wasn't suspecting a thing as he climbed from the back seat and Marcus closed the door quickly leaving Emily inside away from harm. When the it closed, the doors locked automatically, a safety feature Zander had installed when he bought it. Marcus heard the doors lock and then walked Damien into the warehouse without questions.

In the limo --

Emily sat inside the limo, and she jumped in her seat startled when the shots rang out. A few seconds later the back door opened and a few of her husband's men got in. Marcus climbed in the driver's seat and started the limo. "Let's go Marcus .... now!" one of the men ordered from the back seat as Emily sat frozen in her seat but filled with worry and concern about Zander. "We have to get Mrs. Smith back to the safe house!" he added as the limo pulled away in a hurry, leaving tar from the tires on the pavement.

"Where's Zander? Please tell me he's back at the cabin!" she yelled in a panic worried about her husband.

"He's fine .... we're taking you too him now." Gregory said as he put his weapon back in it the holster he was wearing.

"And Damien?" she not sure she wanted to know what happened to him but asked.

Neither of the men answered her and she figured it was for the best, she already knew what had happened to the man, the look on their faces was enough.

Gregory's cell phone rang as the limo raced through the city streets. He flipped it open and answered it. "Yes sir, all taken care of. Yes sir, she's right here." he said and handed the cell phone to Emily.


"Emily, are you alright?" he asked concerned for her.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was worried about you ..." her words drifted off as the night of the shooting months prior flashed in her mind.

"I'm fine, sweetheart. The boys are going to take good care of you." he said calmingly.

"Oh my God, Zander, I was so scared. Damien just came out of nowhere, he was in the car, Zander! I didn't know what else to do but to do what he said." she replied frantic, tears began to fill her eyes as she told her husband about what had happened.

Emily sniffled back the tears and tried to calm herself down, she wanted to be the strong wife who could handle such situations, but her fear got the better of her.

"I know but your safe now, and the boys are going to bring you back to the cabin."

Emily wiped the tears from her eyes and an "I love you" passed across her lips before she handed the phone back to Gregory. She sank deep into the back seat of the limo, still shaken from what had happened.

"Gregory, I want you to take good care of her till you get here, you got that! She's upset and scared .... I want you to do all you can to make the ride up here comfortable for her." Zander instructed him.

"Yes sir, don't worry, we'll take good care of her." Gregory replied before closing his phone and slipping it back into his jacket pocket. He wasn't quite sure what he could do to curb Emily's fears but he would do what he was told.

The limo turned onto the dirt road that led back to the cabin, the hour drive seemed like an eternity for Emily. Marcus pulled the limo up in front of the house and Gregory opened the door and stepped out. He helped Emily from the back seat as Zander came out onto the front porch. Emily's eyes locked on him standing there and she ran towards him thankful they both were alright and she was back with him again.

At the cabin--

Zander came down the steps of the cabin and met her with an embrace. She fell into him and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. Tears filled her eyes once more as she held onto him, not wanting to let him go. His hands caressed her back as he held her against him, trying to comfort her and letting her know she was safe now. Gregory, Thomas and Marcus stood and watched the tearful reunion and waited for their orders from Zander.

"Shhhh .. it's okay, baby." his voice soothing to her as he whispered the words to her.

He pulled away from her for a brief moment to give the boys instructions, but she lingered beside him not wanting him to leave her.

"I want you to go back to town and make sure there is nothing left to find of my uncle! You got that?!" Zander barked with Emily still with him.

The three men nodded in acknowledgement of their orders and got back into the limo. They headed back to town like they were told as Zander and Emily walked back to the cabin, she still shaken. His arm wrapped around her, and helped her up the steps and into the house.

Zander's cell phone rang as he helped his wife to the couch. "Dammit, now what?" he replied as he flipped open the phone and answered it.

"Sir ... It's Cory at the warehouse .. we have a problem."


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