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The Storm - Episode 30



Jason's Penthouse --

Even though Jason had been laid up from the shooting for weeks now, he was still on top of things that were going on in Port Charles, and what was happening with Zander and Emily. He wasn't happy at all about Sonny going to the county jail for 3 weeks till the trial and had his own plan ready to go into motion on his order. The only problem Jason had with his plans, was his sister getting caught in the crossfire.

Elizabeth had gone shopping, like every Friday before. While she was out, he would take the first step in his plan, and that was finding where Zander had taken his family. Jason called a few of his contacts to see what he could find out about Zander's whereabouts, and he finally got a hit amongst a few of the misses.

"I don't want you do to anything to him, you understand me? My sister is with him and I don't want her hurt. Just follow him and his driver Marcus. I want to know where Zander goes on a daily basis, if anywhere." Jason flipped closed his cell phone wondering if he should pay his sister a visit.

He grabbed his jacket and his keys before heading for the door to leave. As he opened up the penthouse door, he found Emily on the other side ready to knock.

"Hi." she said as his momentum almost pushed him into her.

"Hi." he replied as he invited her inside.

"I know I shouldn't be here, Jase. But I had to see you. Is Elizabeth home?"

"No, she went on her regular Friday shopping ritual."

"Oh, good. I came to see you about Zander."

Jason wondered what she had swirling around in her mind. He closed the door and walked towards her. "What about?" he asked as he showed her a seat on the sofa.

"I want you to promise me, Jason, that you won't come after Zander."

Jason taken back by her request. "You know I can't promise you something like, Em." he replied, her eyes filled with disappointment.

"Look, I know things between you and Zander are to say the least .. strained. But can't you do this for me, Jase. At least till this trial mess is over with."

"Em, your husband sent my best friend and partner to prison and he's going to testify at Sonny's trial! How can I not retaliate?" Jason stood up and walked away from her.

"I know, but Sonny is Zander's father, how would Sonny feel if you hurt his child, Jason?!" she threw the only card she had left at him, hoping for some sympathy.

"Don't you dare use that with me Em! Zander is not the victim here!" he snapped back.

"How can you say that, Jason .. of course he is! He's spent years of his life trying to forget all the hurt and pain that Sonny and Frank caused him, and now that the secrets are out, he's still living the nightmare! Zander is so the victim here!" she shouted back at her brother.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Em. I'm not that unfeeling for Zander's pain and hurt but he's putting Carly and her children through their own nightmare, they have lost Sonny for God knows how long! How are they suppose to deal with this situation?" Jason asked as Emily got up from her seat and went to him.

"I know this is a bad situation for everyone involved. And I am sorry that Carly and her boys have to endure it as well, but dammit Jason, can't you just see passed it and let it go. Stop it before it gets way out of hand and someone else gets hurt!" Emily replied hoping she was making some sense to Jason.

"Look, I can't guarantee anything ... our lives don't come with guarantees or promises." he replied as she cracked a smile.

"Thank you." she replied as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"You be sure to tell your husband, that after this is all over, it's back to business and then those promises are null and void." he threatened.

Emily walked towards the door, feeling a little better then when she had arrived. "I'll tell him." she smiled as he opened the door for her and she stepped out into the hallway.

"I'll tell Elizabeth you stopped by." he said before saying goodbye to Emily and closing the door.

Elevator Leading to the Parking Garage --

Emily stepped onto the elevator and pushed the button to go down, Marcus was waiting for her in the parking garage to take her back to the cabin. But she thought before she'd go back, she do a little shopping while she was in town. She quickly called Zander and left him know that she was going to shop for a little while and that she'd be back before dark.

The elevator came to a stop on the parking garage floor, and the doors opened up for her. She stepped out and noticed the limo was parked there waiting, but she didn't see Marcus. She called for him a few times, but he didn't answer. As she walked around the car she got the uneasy feeling she was being watched and it scared her considerably. She quickly became aware of her surroundings and reached inside her bag for her cell phone. When she flipped it open she realized she had no service inside the garage and it did her no good to call Zander.

She reached the back end of the limo and the back door flew open. It startled her so, she jumped back and heard a voice from inside demanding her to get in the car. Her heart began to race faster and faster and she froze where she stood, her feet firmly planted to the cement floor. Her eyes widened when the person the voice was attached to emerged from the back seat of the limo.

"I think it would be in your best interest to get inside the car, Mrs. Smith." the tall and distinguished man said as he held the door open for her.

"I'm not going anywhere till you tell me who you are and what this is all about?!" she demanded as the man scowled at her.

The man pulled a 9mm from the back of his waistband and pointed it at her discreetly. "Now, I don't think you would like what your other option is." he replied with no emotion.

She slowly walked around the door and got in as she was told. "What did you too Marcus?" she asked as she sat down in the back seat with the stranger.

The stranger ignored her question as he closed the door, still holding on to his gun and pointing directly at Emily. "All I want to do is talk with you, Mrs. Smith. There's no reason to be alarmed."

"No reason to be alarmed? You are pointing a loaded weapon in my direction and forced me inside this car with you, and I don't even know who you are or what you want!"

The stranger sat back against the cushion of the seat and laid the gun on the seat beside him. Her eyes watched as he carefully laid his hand on top of the weapon, though not in his hand anymore, it still was very much threatening.

"So who are you and what do you want from me?" she asked again as the stranger stared at her, he was like studying her every feature making sure he remembered every inch.

"My name is Damien Smith and I want you to take me to see my nephew."


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